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Wii U Speculation Thread of Brains Beware: Wii U Re-Unveiling At E3 2012

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I can't say I'd be too pleased if origin was the exclusive choice for wiiu but I would have no problem if it was a unified login with multiple publisher storefronts etc.

On a separate note, what would the chances of a football manager appearing on wiiu be? I was just thinking back when I was hooked on it a couple of years ago and how perfect the controller lends itself to be used in this manner.


Thunder Monkey said:
Burnt calm yo ass down.

I went from beloved gaf starlet to "Do I have to listen to this guy?"

Deal with it pork. It ain't gonna get better.
The woes of being a GAF character.


Blech. I'm starting to get to the point where I say "fuck it" and just not think about this new system until we actually get some news about it.

It seems that unlike most gaffers, I have a general amount of faith in nintendo and their products. I'll almost certainly enjoy whatever they decide to put to market.

But this waiting and speculating....AGH! I'm sick of rumors and tidbits and "he said she said" vague 2nd hand comments. I want a dev or nintendo to come forward and say "this is what you should expect."

Until then....HARRUMPH!
guek said:
Blech. I'm starting to get to the point where I say "fuck it" and just not think about this new system until we actually get some news about it.

It seems that unlike most gaffers, I have a general amount of faith in nintendo and their products. I'll almost certainly enjoy whatever they decide to put to market.

But this waiting and speculating....AGH! I'm sick of rumors and tidbits and "he said she said" vague 2nd hand comments. I want a dev or nintendo to come forward and say "this is what you should expect."

Until then....HARRUMPH!
I'm not a dev or a Nintendo, but I expect it to be anywhere from more powerful than a PS3 to a lot more powerful.

Can I get a kiss now?
Thunder Monkey said:
I'm not a dev or a Nintendo, but I expect it to be anywhere from more powerful than a PS3 to a lot more powerful.

Can I get a kiss now?

Pucker up.


guek said:
Blech. I'm starting to get to the point where I say "fuck it" and just not think about this new system until we actually get some news about it.

It seems that unlike most gaffers, I have a general amount of faith in nintendo and their products. I'll almost certainly enjoy whatever they decide to put to market.

But this waiting and speculating....AGH! I'm sick of rumors and tidbits and "he said she said" vague 2nd hand comments. I want a dev or nintendo to come forward and say "this is what you should expect."

Until then....HARRUMPH!

That's exactly how I feel.


Thunder Monkey said:
That's actually the odd thing.

I never considered myself a GAF character.

I'd say stupid jokes in response to stupid posts and arguments. If I was serious? You could tell.
I dont think its a case not being able to tell when you are being serious, but everyone knows/knew you more for a particular persona thanks to the jokes.

...well that and the avatar :lol.


guek said:
Blech. I'm starting to get to the point where I say "fuck it" and just not think about this new system until we actually get some news about it.

It seems that unlike most gaffers, I have a general amount of faith in nintendo and their products. I'll almost certainly enjoy whatever they decide to put to market.

But this waiting and speculating....AGH! I'm sick of rumors and tidbits and "he said she said" vague 2nd hand comments. I want a dev or nintendo to come forward and say "this is what you should expect."

Until then....HARRUMPH!

I totally sympathize with you. I'm desperate for SOME news ANY news. I'm incredibly bitter about the lack of Wii U news that is rock solid. I'm frustrated about the TOTAL lack of ANY new media for it, and not seeing ANY launch Nintendo software for it.

Still is fun to see some of the speculation on GAF though.
Instro said:
I dont think its a case not being able to tell when you are being serious, but everyone knows/knew you more for a particular persona thanks to the jokes.

...well that and the avatar :lol.
Yeah, I get that.

Which is why I still throw bones out for those that remember the days of the zooming nipple.


guek said:
Blech. I'm starting to get to the point where I say "fuck it" and just not think about this new system until we actually get some news about it.

You're actually thinking about it?

The thing is like a year away, I'm not wasting limited processing power on it.
Grampa Simpson said:
The zooming nipple was mesmerizing. I still have night terrors.

I think I pooped myself.
Funny thing?

That was a two second throw away from a much larger animation project I did in college.

The background had mountain versions of Darth Vader and Tony Montana screaming things at the monkey in the foreground. I got a very good score on it, but got docked because Tony couldn't stop from screaming profanities.
Thunder Monkey said:
Funny thing?

That was a two second throw away from a much larger animation project I did in college.

The background had mountain versions of Darth Vader and Tony Montana screaming things at the monkey in the foreground. I got a very good score on it, but got docked because Tony couldn't stop from screaming profanities.

And that's your fault? I mean, we all know Tony Montana had a filthy mouth.
Why are fan designs always so much better than what we actually get?

Actually, I'm wondering...
Later this month the eShop gets an overhaul. We'll probably get some clues as to how the Wii U will be set up from that.
bgassassin said:
A poster by the name of Alistair Roo made this thanks today's experience. Thought it was worth sharing.


Thats pretty sexy. Exactly how I'd love to see it.

And yeah no way in hell Nintendo wont have iron clad control over the network regardless of who they get to manage it, If Origin is exclusive id say EA would be giving some surprising financial and control concessions to Nintendo to get it, Concessions valve probably wouldn't make :(

Then again i can see Nintendo going the opposite direction and give too many concessions to EA, And i wouldn't put it past them as some have suggested to use this to weaken Nintendo in hopes of a buyout or other market incentives, I also realize how batshit crazy armchair analyst this all sounds.

Exciting times :D
I just... really don't think EA has the funds to buyout Nintendo...
And besides that, no way Nintendo will let them take all the profits from digital sales.
No way in fucking hell.


AceBandage said:
Why are fan designs always so much better than what we actually get?
Because photoshopped mock-ups don't need to be fully functional programs.

AceBandage said:
I just... really don't think EA has the funds to buyout Nintendo...
They absolutely do not.

Nintendo's market cap is about 20.7 billion USD.
EA has about 1.6 Billion USD in cash/cash equivelent.

You do the maths.


Luigiv said:
Because photoshopped mock-ups don't need to be fully functional programs.

There's nothing impossible (or even difficult) about that design mockup.

In fact, on second look it's a bit too simple. I'd scratch the excessive embossing on the buttons and get rid of the 1999 table border.

Still probably better than what we'll actually get, though. :(
AceBandage said:
I just... really don't think EA has the funds to buyout Nintendo...
And besides that.......

I really meant that as a more long term thing under certain conditions and its all conpiracy bullshit anyways :p

AceBandage said:
...... no way Nintendo will let them take all the profits from digital sales.
No way in fucking hell.

Exactly, But i I'd say the same of EA so who's giving and who's taking?


I ran the numbers half a dozen times luigiv always equaled DOOMED ;)


royalan said:
There's nothing impossible (or even difficult) about that design mockup.

In fact, on second look it's a bit too simple. I'd scratch the excessive embossing on the buttons and get rid of the 1999 table border.

Still probably better than what we'll actually get, though. :(
I never said it was "impossible (or even difficult)", I'm just saying the effort that goes into creating a static photoshop image can not even begin to be compared to the effort that goes into making a real program with functionality, usability, ergonomics, speed, network infrastructure, licencing concerns, business politics, technical limitations and so on in the background where you can't see it. It makes a pretty big difference in what the final product will look like.
Luigiv said:
I never said it was "impossible (or even difficult)", I'm just saying the effort that goes into creating a static photoshop image can not even begin to be compared to the effort that goes into making a real program with functionality, usability, ergonomics, speed, network infrastructure, licencing concerns, business politics, technical limitations and so on in the background where you can't see it. It makes a pretty big difference in what the final product will look like.

Why so serious?


bgassassin said:
Why so serious?
I'm not. I'm just offering a legitimate reason as to why fan mockups often look "better" then the real thing and explaining it in some detail to help those who don't have any experience in engineering or practical design understand a little easier.

Essentially between your initial design (that may look equivalent to a fan mockup) and a marketable product, something is going to go wrong or prove to be a bad idea or the team will run out of time and things are going to change or be compromised along the way.


the fan mock-up looks alright. the back, refresh, home and settings buttons don't look like they belong there though.
Luigiv said:
Essentially between your initial design (that may look equivalent to a fan mockup) and a marketable product, something is going to go wrong or prove to be a bad idea or the team will run out of time and things are going to change or be compromised along the way.

Not my design. :)

Jzero15 said:
the fan mock-up looks alright. the back, refresh, home and settings buttons don't look like they belong there though.

I noticed that about 10 seconds before seeing your post.


Luigiv said:
I'm not. I'm just offering a legitimate reason as to why fan mockups often look "better" then the real thing and explaining it in some detail to help those who don't have any experience in engineering or practical design understand a little easier.

Essentially between your initial design (that may look equivalent to a fan mockup) and a marketable product, something is going to go wrong or prove to be a bad idea or the team will run out of time and things are going to change or be compromised along the way.

Yeah but when it comes down to it a few buttons ain't hard to code and the graphic effort is the same.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Chopper said:
Nothing to do with this thread. Technically, nothing to do with Ace either, but he indirectly brought it on himself by hotlinking. Moral of the story - always mind your hotlinks, kids.


blu said:
Nothing to do with this thread. Technically, nothing to do with Ace either, but he indirectly brought it on himself by hotlinking. Moral of the story - always mind your hotlinks, kids.
was it one of those images that changes to nasty shit when you hotlink?


blu said:
Nothing to do with this thread. Technically, nothing to do with Ace either, but he indirectly brought it on himself by hotlinking. Moral of the story - always mind your hotlinks, kids.
Hotlinking? Really?


bgassassin said:
A poster by the name of Alistair Roo made this thanks to today's experience. Thought it was worth sharing.


What do you mean with that and who is Alistair Roo? Just asking, because that "today's experience" sounds a bit like "he saw how the WiiU interface is and just tried to copy it with photoshop".

Anyway, the thing is that Nintendo doesn't look like doing something similar to that.
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