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Wii U Speculation Thread of Brains Beware: Wii U Re-Unveiling At E3 2012

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As I understand, WiiU might or might not support 3D.
Question, what is required for WiiU to support it, and
would it be worth it for a console with a 5 to 6 year life cycle?

As I understand, WiiU might or might not support 3D.
Question, what is required for WiiU to support it, and
would it be worth it for a console with a 5 to 6 year life cycle?


I'd imagine it would need enough processing power to basically render whatever is displayed twice at full speed.


Street Fighter X Tekken will be at launch I bet.
And 2 exclusive guest characters for the Wii U.

Either Captain Falcon, Zero suit samus or Link.

Samus and Link were so very almost in Marvel ultimate alliance so anything is possible.
That still pains me to this day...

Samus, Iron man, Link and Deadpool together on my screen...glorious...

EDIT: That reminds me. We are so due a new marvel ultimate alliance game anytime now. I can feel it. Get Samus and Link (maybe even pikachu and mario while we are at it to have a nintendo themed team) in there.

Could even be a launch title if announced in time!


I think Nintendo may slack off a bit with the amount of launch games since it has several current-gen ports headed to it.
Didn't Iwata say they realized after the 3DS launch that a Nintendo system needs to launch with strong first party software?


He explained: "The company was unable to launch much-anticipated first-party titles for the Wii nor for the Nintendo 3DS in a timely fashion in the first half of the term. In the game platform business, creating momentum is very important, but the momentum was once lost, and it has had a large negative effect on our sales and profits."

They'll have to create that momentum with strong first party games that will foster a healthy userbase for third party endeavors.


Didn't Iwata say they realized after the 3DS launch that a Nintendo system needs to launch with strong first party software?

I think so. I remember Reggie saying one of the lessons of the 3ds launch is that Nintendo needs to launch with strong 1st party software to grow the install base for 3rd parties to leverage later on. Pretty sure Iwata said something similar.
Regarding the next 3D Mario game: I totally agree that returning to 64/Sunshine-style worlds would be great, but I don't see it happening right now. Maybe once the linear, Galaxy-type games start to feel stagnant three or four years from now.

New Super Mario Bros. Mii is a no-brainer for launch, but Wikipedia claims that the NSMB team and the Pikmin team are one and the same. There's no source given so it could be completely false, but if it's true that rules out NSMB.

I think Donkey Kong Country Returns 2 (hopefully under a different title) is the most likely big launch title. As much as I've loved to fool myself into thinking that Retro is developing F-Zero, this makes so much more sense from a sales perspective.

Is Nintendo going to have any sort of presence at GDC this year? I know that there won't be any big focus on the system until E3, but they could announce a game there to get chatter going about the system again.


Iwata may have acknowledged the importance of next-gen hardware needing a solid launch lineup. However, actually getting enough development teams positioned to release games in a specific time frame obviously isn't an easy task. Also, it doesn't make much sense for Nintendo and the other console manufactures to intentionally delay the release of next-gen hardware because the next big Mario, God of War, or Halo aren't ready in time for a launch release. Nintendo generally offers 2 first-party launch titles with 1-2 second-party games. Having at least one killer-app title would make for an adequate launch lineup. Nintendo will likely not let those Mii tech demos go to waste so they'll probably include those as freebies with the system. Naturally, the Wii U is going to have a good amount of current-gen ports released within the launch window and third-parties like Ubisoft will be ready to push out at least one new IP with Killer Freaks.
How possible is it that many of those ports will be total garbage in comparison to the 360 version?

It's possible, but from what we've heard the system is very easy to code for unlike the PS3. It's supposedly very similar to the 360 in that regard, so while there may be a few bad eggs it won't be like the early years of the PS3, I'd think.
I think there's a decent chance of not having feature parity.

Like if it doesn't launch with a similar online system or without codes so publishers can't do online passes (and thus just leave the content out as a whole).


How do people feel about

New Super Mario Bros Mii
I feel nauseous about it. I have no love for Super Mario Bros, nor brawl so personally I really don't want resources wasted on then, but if they want a massive seller, NSMB it will be :( other than Metroid Nintendo doesn't really have anything dark and gritty and "adult" so if they haven't got Retro doing one of those, it will be a new IP. Of course they could always line up 3rd parties to come with the grit Nd concentrate on their forte.

A lot of people did end up working on Mario 3D Land. They finished it in a year and a half which was great.

But New Super Mario Bros. Mii is definitely the Wii U showcase title for launch. Thats from EAD Kyoto.
I don't think NSMBMii is a Showcase of much really. It didn't make great use of the tablet. Chase Mii ands Battle Mii on the other hand did and I think Nintendo will bundle those in in order to sell the concepts and have them playing in malls and shops. I think once you've played those you "get it"
Iwata may have acknowledged the importance of next-gen hardware needing a solid launch lineup. However, actually getting enough development teams positioned to release games in a specific time frame obviously isn't an easy task. Also, it doesn't make much sense for Nintendo and the other console manufactures to intentionally delay the release of next-gen hardware because the next big Mario, God of War, or Halo aren't ready in time for a launch release.
Doesn't make much sense? Did you see what happened with the 3DS??? The system launched with three first-party titles, but none of them were AAA franchises, so sales were horrible. Nintendo saw what happened, and after that only a fool would release a game system with no truly killer first-party apps. And yes that means delaying the system launch if it can't be done. There's no way Nintendo will risk another 3DS launch, especially since the competition isn't going to be ready any time soon, so there's time (note: going by past performance, the first system released in a generation isn't guaranteed the best sales of that generation).


Considering how powerful this machine is, I would love a 2D Mario game look like goddamn Toy Story. That isn't going to happen of course, we'll get something like that Mii demo.


Doesn't make much sense? Did you see what happened with the 3DS??? The system launched with three first-party titles, but none of them were AAA franchises, so sales were horrible. Nintendo saw what happened, and after that only a fool would release a game system with no truly killer first-party apps. And yes that means delaying the system launch if it can't be done. There's no way Nintendo will risk another 3DS launch, especially since the competition isn't going to be ready any time soon, so there's time (note: going by past performance, the first system released in a generation isn't guaranteed the best sales of that generation).

I meant to specifically point out the potential lack of big launch games like a 3D Super Mario for Wii U because Nintendo may already have Pikmin 3. It may not be much, but it would still be a step above the software during the 3DS launch. While Pikmin 3 isn't a top-tier franchise, it could still be worthwhile if proves to not only a fun game, but showcases the console's capabilities too. For all we know, Nintendo may have plans to collaborate with a third-party developer to offer an original and mature IP. Nintendo doesn't make those type of titles, but that doesn't mean it can't publish them. Besides, Nintendo has to know by now that if it wants to get back the core gamer market, it has to work with third-parties and acknowledge the popualrity of dudebro games and other mature IPs. Of course, we don't know when exactly the Wii U will be launching. If it is indeed closer to Q4 2012, then it will naturally give Nintendo and third-parties a bit more time to get their shit together. I wasn't concerned with Nintendo feeling like it has to get the Wii U out first even though Microsoft and Sony won't likely release their respective next-gen consoles until a year or two later.

I imagine Iwata will be more careful with handling the Wii U's launch, which includes the company's marketing strategy and price point. However, we may still have to wait a few months to get some of the more highly anticipated games. There could still be a software drought but it may not be as bad as the 3DS's. Fortunately, unlike with the 3DS, the Wii U seems like it will be able to rely a bit more on third-party support, even though much of it will likely be a mix of new and late current-gen ports.


No additional functions
I wonder if and who Konami will ask for a port of Rising?

I'm curious if Platinum has dev kits. Kamaya made Viewtiful Joe for GC so he's made games for Nintendo systems in the past. It would be nice to play MGR on Wii U, but if it's 360/PS3, so be it.


We know Retro is working on something for the Wii U. That mature launch title could come from them.
How big is FZero? I have never played it but people here seem to drool over the possibility of an HD version. With Iwata and Reggie both saying that it's the enthusiast gamer that buys first and helps spread the word, would a Retro developed FZero on glorious HD, 1080, 60fps be enough to have units pouring off the shelves?

I realize that the launch would need more than that, something for the casual gamers more, or the mass market Nintendo gamers (NSMBMii) but could something like FZero HD be a killer app?
How big is FZero? I have never played it but people here seem to drool over the possibility of an HD version. With Iwata and Reggie both saying that it's the enthusiast gamer that buys first and helps spread the word, would a Retro developed FZero on glorious HD, 1080, 60fps be enough to have units pouring off the shelves?

I realize that the launch would need more than that, something for the casual gamers more, or the mass market Nintendo gamers (NSMBMii) but could something like FZero HD be a killer app?

An F-Zero HD from Retro (or not, someone good) for Wii U is porn to a lot of people on Neogaf, but not a system seller. It could benefit from positive buzz, being an early launch title, and if Nintendo puts their marketing machine to work in the best way, after a few entries they could make it a seller on the level of Forza or something.

But at this point, it's an awesome but niche futuristic racing series. I'd expect an HD F-Zero to sell 1 million, 2 tops.
How big is FZero? I have never played it but people here seem to drool over the possibility of an HD version. With Iwata and Reggie both saying that it's the enthusiast gamer that buys first and helps spread the word, would a Retro developed FZero on glorious HD, 1080, 60fps be enough to have units pouring off the shelves?

I realize that the launch would need more than that, something for the casual gamers more, or the mass market Nintendo gamers (NSMBMii) but could something like FZero HD be a killer app?

F-Zero is the most "core" franchise Nintendo has. Core gamers want core shit from Nintendo. F-Zero GX (the last console entry), is the best racing game of all time. You can figure it out from there.


In terms of popularity and overall sales, F-Zero is probably on par with Starfox. The series consists of 8 games (plus four expansion versions) but only 6 titles were released overseas and one of them was for the Arcade. I don't think any F-Zero game has sold more than 600k copies unless the first game did.

F-Zero Gx was developed for the GameCube by Sega. It apparently sold at least 250k copies each in the U.S. and Europe with 100k in Japan. Miyamoto said Nintendo was disappointed by the quality of the series ever since development had been outsourced. Ironically, GX is the highest rated title in the franchise. Even the games on the GBA were rated highly.

Back in May 2011, Firebrand Games said that it would be interested in making a new F-Zero title if Nintendo allowed it. Although, the developer's track record is good with the Grid and Dirt 2 titles but quite bad with the Need for Speed games. Nintendo is probably better off either letting Monster Games or Retro Studios handle the potential return of F-Zero.
In terms of popularity and overall sales, F-Zero is probably on par with Starfox. The series consists of 8 games (plus three expansion versions) but only 6 titles were released overseas and one of them was for the Arcade. I don't think any F-Zero game has sold more than 600k copies unless the first game did.

F-Zero Gx was developed for the GameCube by Sega. It apparently sold at least 250k copies in the U.S. and Europe with 100k in Japan. Miyamoto said Nintendo was disappointed by the quality of the series ever since development had been outsourced. Ironically, GX is the highest rated title in the franchise. One of the key members of the development team responded not too long ago about wanting to make another title if Nintendo allowed it but the development team was already disbanded.

It's pretty clear that Miyamoto was talking about F-Zero GP Legend and F-Zero Climax when he said that, which were developed by Suzak and were also complete garbage!


It'll support 3D, but it won't be necessary or even a selling point for the system.

Iwata also mentioned that the Wii's successor might be 3D-compatible but concluded that the adoption rates of 3D televisions should increase to at least 30% first

On July 5, 2011, when asked about whether or not the Wii U was going to support 3D, Iwata told Mercury News, "If you are going to connect Wii U with a home TV capable of displaying 3-D images, technologically, yes, it is going to be possible, but that's not the area we are focusing on"

I'm assuming people are basing their conclusion on this comment, but Im wondering if there was something lost in translation. It sounds like the WiiU technically should be capable of 3D, but they wont focus on implementing it. And what Im also wondering, if Nintendo is making a distinction between glasses free 3D vs using glasses as a selling point for a future console.

Nintendo's aversion to glasses could also rule out 3-D coming to its home console systems. On television screens, 3-D is difficult to achieve without glasses because people watch from many different angles.

"Glasses-free is a big deal," Fils-Aime said. "We've not said publicly what the next thing for us will be in the home console space, but based on what we've learned on 3-D, likely, that won't be it."

As for the WiiU:

AMD HD3D is a technology designed to enable stereoscopic 3D support in games, movies and/or photos. Additional hardware (e.g. 3D enabled panels, 3D-enabled glasses/emitter, Blu-ray 3D drive) and/or software (e.g. Blu-ray 3D discs, 3D middleware, games) are required for the enablement of stereoscopic 3D.

AMD HD3D technology is enabled on ATI Radeon HD 5000 Series GPUs and above using Catalyst 10.10 or later, however Blu-ray 3D playback is only supported on AMD Radeon HD 6000 series GPUs and above.

If rumors are correct, and Nintendo is using a GPU based on the 4000 series, then what are they implementing to support stereoscopic 3D? And why would they if they dont seem so keen on the whole thing? Can a simple firmware upgrade enable stereoscopic 3D ala PS3 whenever Nintendo is ready down the line?


F-Zero is the most "core" franchise Nintendo has. Core gamers want core shit from Nintendo. F-Zero GX (the last console entry), is the best racing game of all time. You can figure it out from there.

If anyone has a Wii or GC and hasn't played it, they need to buy it. And also listen to this. I would buy a Wii U for an HD F-Zero.
Hiltz said:
Nintendo could very well surprise us or it could slack off again like it did with the launch titles for Wii, DS, and 3DS. Pikmin 3 would be a significant improvement even though it would not likely be a system seller.
It's hard to find systems that had more successful launch titles than the combination of Wii Sports, Wii Play, and Twilight Princess. Plus stuff like WarioWare or Excite Truck depending on region.
MDX said:
If rumors are correct, and Nintendo is using a GPU based on the 4000 series, then what are they implementing to support stereoscopic 3D? And why would they if they dont seem so keen on the whole thing? Can a simple firmware upgrade enable stereoscopic 3D ala PS3 whenever Nintendo is ready down the line?
You don't need some special 3D hardware--it's just a matter of rendering two views and formatting the output as such. Any necessary hardware would be on the user's end, just like the TV and speakers.
If anyone has a Wii or GC and hasn't played it, they need to buy it. And also listen to this. I would buy a Wii U for an HD F-Zero.

This is way better!

Oooh, would you look at that, I have the second top comment...

ANYWAY, you're right, Nintendo's core franchises are the likes of Metroid and F-Zero, both of which will see a great revival in HD on the new system.
These are two games that I like to call the "bridge" for non-Nintendo gamers.
They're the first party titles that will convince a person that's never had a Nintendo console before to purchase the WiiU.
It's imperative that nintendo really works hard to make these great games that appeal to the more core audience, alongside 3rd party exclusives from well-known publishers/studios.


I thought the rumors were that Nintendo was going to use a different GPU than the 4000 series?

Also, I could care less about F-Zero. I usually buy it, but play it all of 10 minutes and never play it again. I'd much rather have a Metroid Prime or Zelda.


I also think Pikmin 3 will be at or near launch, along with maybe F-Zero or Star Fox as an attempt to show off the graphical capabilities of the system.

Pikmin will also be a graphical showcase of the WiiU if they sell it in the system launch window


This is way better!

Oooh, would you look at that, I have the second top comment...

ANYWAY, you're right, Nintendo's core franchises are the likes of Metroid and F-Zero, both of which will see a great revival in HD on the new system.
These are two games that I like to call the "bridge" for non-Nintendo gamers.
They're the first party titles that will convince a person that's never had a Nintendo console before to purchase the WiiU.
It's imperative that nintendo really works hard to make these great games that appeal to the more core audience, alongside 3rd party exclusives from well-known publishers/studios.

........nostalgia. Also loved lightning.
About to start playing this game now, lol.


I thought the rumors were that Nintendo was going to use a different GPU than the 4000 series?

Also, I could care less about F-Zero. I usually buy it, but play it all of 10 minutes and never play it again. I'd much rather have a Metroid Prime or Zelda.


I've never gotten the crazy hype over F-Zero. Then again, I'm not big on racers, period.
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