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Wii will cost less than 25,000 yen / $250


cvxfreak said:
But how does your final point relate to the Wii? That means it'll have to compete with the PS2, but the way I see it, the PS2 isn't the Wii's worst enemy, it's the PS3's worst enemy. And the 360's and PSP's to boot.

EDIT: Well, actually, anything significantly cheaper than the PS3 is its worst enemy. :D
As are most things slightly more expensive--i.e. cheap laptops. >_>
It would be easier to argue over the price of the console if we knew everything. We may get five free VC games on the console in storage at retail. Two wiimotes.

We don't enough to say a $250 price tag isn't justifiable, so lets wait and see.


Though I can see why people would advocate a $99 price...Nintendo know they can sell the Wii at $250...and the market would bare it...atleast initially. Then obviously...a price drop is in order...to help pick up sales if they start to drop off but that's only when sales start to drop off.

Also price drops only happen in the console business when something is failing to impact. X-Box, GCN...etc...etc The PSP had done well enough...but not well enough to keep it's price tag at a level that is suitable to Sony's business plan...it's gone through many incremental adjustments...compared to Sony's console's and the trend they set for price drops the PSP looks like a floundering fish...

Though $250 is not a mainstream price it can be if the "Wii" becomes a hot item...and that's the point...Nintendo is banking on a DS Japan like explosion in interest...they are not counting on people to look at the Wii and think..."Oh look it's only a G3 at 733Mhz."

Price becomes a non-issue if...you really like the product...just like the $600 PS3 tag is but a drop in the oceon to some...


Mrbob said:
The 360 is $300. ;)

Ugh. No.

And the premium pack may be $300 by this xmas.

I hope so!

And let us not put DC online on a pedestal. It was decent but not that great. A far cry from what is offered on xbox live. The two aren't even comparable.

I WASNT COMPARING THEM. I was comparing DREAMCAST to the PREVIOUS GENERATION and how it was a noticeable step up on that generation.

If you don't want to pay 60 bucks for a game wait two months for the price to drop.

I shouldnt have to. No one should. :p


drohne said:
deku, your presumption to tell me why i buy the things i buy and say the things i say would be offensive if it wasn't so damnably curious. if you'd like me to explain my preferences i will -- i'm gracious that way -- but in the meantime, theorize on!

drohne said:
$100 covers the gamecube; the other $150 gets you the turbo

normally aspirated game consoles are for suckers

I really hope you were being sarcastic.


NeonZ said:
Nintendo never released a true pokemon game for their consoles...

Pokemon Colloseum & XD were closer to a replicate of a Pokemon Console the problem is that they were too short and they lacked random battles and you couldn't catch wild pokemon, save for a few in XD.
If Genius Sonority is gonna do a Wii version they need to make it 4 or 5 times longer add random battles, being able to catch wild pokemons & online quests and battles and being able to trade pokemons through the Wii24 connection.
Probably Genius Sonority is working on a Wii project right now , since they finished working on Pokemon Trozei.


Emotions said:
Pokemon Colloseum & XD were closer to a replicate of a Pokemon Console the problem is that they were too short and they lacked random battles and you couldn't catch wild pokemon, save for a few in XD.
If Genius Sonority is gonna do a Wii version they need to make it 4 or 5 times longer add random battles, being able to catch wild pokemons & online quests and battles and being able to trade pokemons through the Wii24 connection.
Probably Genius Sonority is working on a Wii project right now , since they finished working on Pokemon Trozei.

Besides the online stuff, that would still lack many features of real pokemon games.

I don't know why it seems to hard... They should just look at the newest pokemon game and try to make a 3d game based on that. The structure of the GC's games just was too different from a real pokemon game, even though they were rpgs too.
drohne said:
deciding to buy one thing instead of another, similar thing? why the nerve of me! it's almost as if the money i'm willing to spend on videogames is finite! :lol

It's better to need Wii and know it then to need Wii and not know it


hyperbolically metafictive
having somehow talked themselves into wanting gamecube turbos, nintendo fans have decided to talk me into wanting a gamecube turbo. look where a little laxity gets you with these people -- they're like aggressive panhandlers. or encyclopedia salesmen. or fratboys in rut. NO MEANS NO


drohne said:
having somehow talked themselves into wanting gamecube turbos, nintendo fans have decided to talk me into wanting a gamecube turbo. look where a little laxity gets you with these people -- they're like aggressive panhandlers. or encyclopedia salesmen. or fratboys in rut. NO MEANS NO

Good thing I took my finals already, because I just lost a couple of brain cells.


hyperbolically metafictive
guy, if you've reached a point where you can honestly care whether "genius sonority" is developing kenshin dragon quest on wii, i fail to see how you'll miss another couple brain cells.

this is the most loathsome part of a long gaf thread. the post-argument cuddling. it all started so innocently!


drohne said:
guy, if you've reached a point where you can honestly care whether "genius sonority" is developing kenshin dragon quest on wii, i fail to see how you'll miss another couple brain cells.

this is the most loathsome part of a long gaf thread. the post-argument cuddling. it all started so innocently!

I value brain cells more than a day's worth of semen, if that's any indication.


drohne said:
guy, if you've reached a point where you can honestly care whether "genius sonority" is developing kenshin dragon quest on wii, i fail to see how you'll miss another couple brain cells.

this is the most loathsome part of a long gaf thread. the post-argument cuddling. it all started so innocently!
Nintendo threads always have the best post-argument cuddling.


hyperbolically metafictive
cvxfreak said:
I value brain cells more than a day's worth of semen, if that's any indication.

that...isn't any indication. of anything. but it is disgusting and inappropriate! :(


cvxfreak said:
Is Genius Sonority developing that DQ Swords game on Wii?

Square-Enix themselves are making it.
Judging by their press conference, they listed the main DQ people involved in the project.


AniHawk said:
I doubt we'll ever get virtual reality. My thinking is that home consoles will fade away as they become more and more simply multimedia centers while handhelds become the main way to play video games.

I believe that you are very... very wrong. I truly beileve that the Wii controller is one step away from full blown VR. IMO anyway.


Old news? http://www.digitimes.com/bits_chips/a20060526A2006.html

Macronix cuts NOR flash output to ramp production of Mask ROM for Nintendo Wii

Hans Wu, Taipei; Rodney Chan, DigiTimes.com [Friday 26 May 2006]

Although NOR flash prices are climbing, Macronix International has reduced its output of the memory type to devote more capacity for Mask ROM for Nintendo's new game console Wii, according to industry sources.

Macronix has made the adjustment because competition in the NOR flash market is fierce and Mask ROM offers higher profits, the sources indicated. Macronix also wants to make sure that its important client's Wii game consoles can hit the market as scheduled in the fourth quarter, the sources added.

During the first quarter, NOR flash and Mask ROM accounted for 42% and 38%, respectively, of Macronix's capacity but the proportion for Mask ROM has now been raised to more than 50%.

According to research firm iSuppli, Macronix has 4-5% of the NOR flash market. The sources estimated that because of Macronix's adjustment to its product mix, worldwide NOR flash shipments in the second quarter will drop 12 million units.
Emotions said:
Square-Enix themselves are making it.
Judging by their press conference, they listed the main DQ people involved in the project.
But though each main Dragon Quest game has had Horii/Toriyama/Sugiyama group working on it, different developers like Chunsoft and Level 5 have done the lower level stuff.
Putting too much in the box would be a bit too confusing. I definitely don't think the classic controller is necessary, and I'm going back and forth on the two-controllers idea.

That said, a game is probably necessary if they want to attack the mass market: you should be able to buy one box and start playing immediately, no additional purchases required. Wii Sports is the best candidate so far, unless they're putting together a pack-in disc that features all those random mini-games that were shown off at E3.

And it won't be over $199. If it was $249 in the US, it would have to be well over 25,000 yen in Japan.


Kobun Heat said:
Putting too much in the box would be a bit too confusing. I definitely don't think the classic controller is necessary, and I'm going back and forth on the two-controllers idea.

That said, a game is probably necessary if they want to attack the mass market: you should be able to buy one box and start playing immediately, no additional purchases required. Wii Sports is the best candidate so far, unless they're putting together a pack-in disc that features all those random mini-games that were shown off at E3.

And it won't be over $199. If it was $249 in the US, it would have to be well over 25,000 yen in Japan.

so 250, 2 wiimotes + wiisports
and 200, 1 wiimote no games


I don't think they will give you the Classic Shell; probably too confusing for the average consumer (I know it really isn't). Anyways, Nintendo needs more money, they definetely aren't making any off the DS...
neoanarch said:
so 250, 2 wiimotes + wiisports
and 200, 1 wiimote no games
Yeah, no. While I could certainly see Nintendo putting together a value pack later, there's no evidence at all to suggest that they'd go with multiple configurations for launch. That's hardly a money-saving tactic. I'm thinking $199, one controller, some form of game.


Kobun Heat said:
Yeah, no. While I could certainly see Nintendo putting together a value pack later, there's no evidence at all to suggest that they'd go with multiple configurations for launch. That's hardly a money-saving tactic. I'm thinking $199, one controller, some form of game.
One controller and a game for $199 would be nice but I'm hoping for something more along the lines of this:


Kobun Heat said:
I'm thinking $199, one controller, some form of game.

If they're truly trying to attack the mass market, then wouldn't two controllers be smart? It wouldn't make sense to detach the thing from the sort of social experience it needs to become in order to explode. Nobody really wants to sit there watching others play. That seems more important than anything else, as the 'game' could be a tech demo in anticipation that everyone who buys the system will buy one game anyway.


Kobun Heat said:
Yeah, no. While I could certainly see Nintendo putting together a value pack later, there's no evidence at all to suggest that they'd go with multiple configurations for launch. That's hardly a money-saving tactic. I'm thinking $199, one controller, some form of game.

I agree with this, but they should also add some free VC downloads. With all the talk of the Wiimote, it seems that people are forgetting about it. Nintendo showed little to nothing about it at E3.

Amir0x said:
If they're truly trying to attack the mass market, then wouldn't two controllers be smart? It wouldn't make sense to detach the thing from the sort of social experience it needs to become in order to explode. Nobody really wants to sit there watching others play. That seems more important than anything else, as the 'game' could be a tech demo in anticipation that everyone who buys the system will buy one game anyway.

I agree with this too. There are two I's in Wii. :D


The 25000 Yen price point is also AFTER tax (Nintendo no longer differentiates tax like other companies do in Japan hence their even MSRPs). Tax in Japan is 5%.
Amir0x said:
If they're truly trying to attack the mass market, then wouldn't two controllers be smart? It wouldn't make sense to detach the thing from the sort of social experience it needs to become in order to explode. Nobody really wants to sit there watching others play. That seems more important than anything else, as the 'game' could be a tech demo in anticipation that everyone who buys the system will buy one game anyway.
You're thinking of "social experience" in terms of multiplayer games, but from what I can see, Nintendo is putting an equal or greater amount of emphasis on creating social gaming around single-player experiences. There's a reason why you only get a few swings of the bat in Baseball -- they're looking, ideally, at having a group of people gathered around the TV passing off the controller.

Also, a second controller is such a lucrative moneymaker that I am not sure why they'd give them away -- the extra profit margin on a controller purchase is not a throwaway amount of money.


Kobun Heat said:
You're thinking of "social experience" in terms of multiplayer games, but from what I can see, Nintendo is putting an equal or greater amount of emphasis on creating social gaming around single-player experiences. There's a reason why you only get a few swings of the bat in Baseball -- they're looking, ideally, at having a group of people gathered around the TV passing off the controller.

Also, a second controller is such a lucrative moneymaker that I am not sure why they'd give them away -- the extra profit margin on a controller purchase is not a throwaway amount of money.

The word "Wii" loses effect if people ain't playin' together. Anyway, if it's just a bat swinging simulator one controller would work... but I think, over time, it's in there best interest to really expand the idea as best they could. Two controllers working together not only can be used as a game device (i.e., drums), but to expand the multiplayer options many times over. Multiplayer games that are just 'pass off to the next player' tend to not be as enjoyable in my experience.
Amir0x said:
The word "Wii" loses effect if people ain't playin' together.
My contention is that this is just as applicable to a social experience that involves many people trying a single-player game.

Anyway, if it's just a bat swinging simulator one controller would work... but I think, over time, it's in there best interest to really expand the idea as best they could. Two controllers working together not only can be used as a game device (i.e., drums), but to expand the multiplayer options many times over.
Well, yeah -- but it's hardly the case that not including a second controller in the box cuts off all possibility of simultaneous multiplayer gaming. And Tennis already goes up to four players, and Baseball has a pitching-batting mode. So clearly they aren't leaving two-player gaming behind.

Multiplayer games that are just 'pass off to the next player' tend to not be as enjoyable in my experience.
Which is almost entirely irrelevant. I'm not talking about stuff like Wario Ware's pass-the-baton mode. I'm talking about different people standing around waiting to have a go at a single-player challenge and how that can be, and historically has been, as much of a "social experience" as multiplayer games.

At any rate, I'm not saying one is better than the other or that Nintendo somehow doesn't want two people playing on the Wii at the same time or anything you're suggesting. I'm saying that packing in a single controller with the console does not in and of itself do any significant harm to Nintendo's positioning of the Wii as a social entertainment device.


Kobun Heat said:
My contention is that this is just as applicable to a social experience that involves many people trying a single-player game.

I've honestly not seen many games that lend themselves well to this thing. "Nobody" (which is just to say, most people) wants to sit around waiting for their 'turn' to play the next FPS, or the next adventure, or the next quiz game or cooking game or whatever Nintendo has in the mix. It just seems a bit counterproductive to the whole positioning.

Kobun Heat said:
Which is almost entirely irrelevant. I'm not talking about stuff like Wario Ware's pass-the-baton mode. I'm talking about different people standing around waiting to have a go at a single-player challenge and how that can be, and historically has been, as much of a "social experience" as multiplayer games.

At any rate, I'm not saying one is better than the other or that Nintendo somehow doesn't want two people playing on the Wii at the same time or anything you're suggesting. I'm saying that packing in a single controller with the console does not in and of itself do any significant harm to Nintendo's positioning of the Wii as a social entertainment device.

I just gotta disagree. Although I think 'harm' is probably going to be pretty insignificant in any case, I just think it's a better strategy to add the two controllers to keep emphasizing these social aspect to the mainstream. It is far easier to emphasize that then passing a controller around to participate in a single player experience, imo.
drohne said:
having somehow talked themselves into wanting gamecube turbos, nintendo fans have decided to talk me into wanting a gamecube turbo. look where a little laxity gets you with these people -- they're like aggressive panhandlers. or encyclopedia salesmen. or fratboys in rut. NO MEANS NO
Why do you have over 20 stupid posts in a thread about the potential price of a console you have no interest in buying?


I'm going to agree with Amirox on this one, as it strikes the that the Wii-sports package is built with multiplayer as the main focus, it would not make sense for Nintendo to bundle it with the system without a second controller in there as well. While Wii Golf could be played by passing around a single controller, Tennis strikes me as having little depth without a person to play against, ditto with Baseball (read the interview about how multiplayer will work). My guess is that Nintendo will either put out the basic console at €/$199 with one controller or package it at $/€249 with two and Wii Sports.
Amir0x said:
I've honestly not seen many games that lend themselves well to this thing. "Nobody" (which is just to say, most people) wants to sit around waiting for their 'turn' to play the next FPS, or the next adventure, or the next quiz game or cooking game or whatever Nintendo has in the mix.
Which is why a game of Tennis or Baseball takes a few minutes. It's a game design concept very similar to classic 80's arcade stuff -- you'd have people gathering around a Pac-Man machine, switching off every few. I am reasonably sure you are not old enough to remember this, however.

I just gotta disagree.
And yet you have nothing substantial with which to back up your disagreement other than a vague feeling. I'm not saying that Nintendo will definitely not include two controllers with the Wii, I'm just pointing out some very real and verifiable facts that show that the other road is just as possible.


Kobun Heat said:
Which is why a game of Tennis or Baseball takes a few minutes. It's a game design concept very similar to classic 80's arcade stuff -- you'd have people gathering around a Pac-Man machine, switching off every few. I am reasonably sure you are not old enough to remember this, however.

You're reasonably wrong, in this case. I was still pretty young then, but videogames and the arcade scene was never foreign to me even back then.

Kobun Heat said:
And yet you have nothing substantial with which to back up your disagreement other than a vague feeling. I'm not saying that Nintendo will definitely not include two controllers with the Wii, I'm just pointing out some very real and verifiable facts that show that the other road is just as possible.

I don't see how something as obvious as emphasizing the social structure of the system - which is FAR easier to emphasize with two controllers, as opposed to huddling around a TV set with a single controller taking turns - is "nothing substantial." I would think there's absolutely nothing more substantial then the image the system is trying to pass off.

Image now is practically one of Wii's best and newest features, what with the slick design and the 'disruptive' nature of the thing. And in this case, I'd say the image would be helped by constant focus on social multiplayer, which is better and easier to do with two controllers.

Alternatively, they could have only one... which as I said, won't do much if any harm. I just think it's a worse alternative.
I'm quite aware of your contentions, but by "nothing substantial" I mean that you are not really coming forth with any facts or data to support your case. All you have is -- I've said this before, and then all you did was state it again -- your nebulous feeling that two controllers would be better.
Dragona Akehi said:
There is something greatly amiss with the universe.

For once, I agree with amir0x.
Which of my points do you disagree with -- the fact that controllers are such a lucrative source of revenue that Nintendo would be giving away quite a bit by adding it in the box for free (true), or the fact that games like Tennis and Baseball have been specifically designed so as to keep the single-player experience short and conducive to social gatherings (also true)?

I want a free controller, too. I'd rather play two-player Tennis than single-player Tennis, too. I'm pointing to things that are irrefutably true and, from this, drawing a conclusion as to what I think is a likely scenario.
Kobun Heat said:
Which of my points do you disagree with -- the fact that controllers are such a lucrative source of revenue that Nintendo would be giving away quite a bit by adding it in the box for free (true), or the fact that games like Tennis and Baseball have been specifically designed so as to keep the single-player experience short and conducive to social gatherings (also true)?

I'm drawing a conclusion from facts in evidence.

One thing is clear: If you have multiple personalities, Wii is the way to go!
Kobun Heat said:
Which of my points do you disagree with -- the fact that controllers are such a lucrative source of revenue that Nintendo would be giving away quite a bit by adding it in the box for free (true), or the fact that games like Tennis and Baseball have been specifically designed so as to keep the single-player experience short and conducive to social gatherings (also true)?

I want a free controller, too. I'd rather play two-player Tennis than single-player Tennis, too. I'm pointing to things that are irrefutably true and, from this, drawing a conclusion as to what I think is a likely scenario.

That Nintendo better damn well pack in two controllers, because it's more fun playing together than watching. (This coming from someone who is accustomed to playing and someone watch/vice versa). It's much more with what Nintendo is trying to "do".
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