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Will discussion of certain games be banned on Neogaf from here on out?

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Never take your family on your first trip to Akihabara when you keep billing it as 'this really cool district in Tokyo filled with games and electronics!' without knowing which shops to avoid
like I did


To take this thread back to it's original topic, much of this would be solved if the mods were willing to warn/ban individuals under the "No drive by into threads and calling their games/players trash" rules.

Still, to the best of my knowledge this just doesn't happen for some reason. It worries me that anime games don't enjoy "Equal protection under Neogaf Law"

L Thammy

Never take your family on your first trip to Akihabara when you keep billing it as 'this really cool district in Tokyo filled with games and electronics!' without knowing which shops to avoid
like I did

Is that where your username comes from?


I've always heard the "Japanese are open sexually!" thing is a big myth, and people who like these games are mocked over there just as much as they are here...if not more so, since it's out in the open.


The "Japan is a bonkers paradise where weird stuff is appreciated greatly" has always been a wrong viewpoint.


Well, first off as, I implied in my other post, fanservice does not always equate to sexually charged content. Lots of people think of that and it can be true but it's not always the case. Nods and homages to older works or injokes etc are fanservice too, for example.

Second, just because it looks like a sexually charged situation, doesn't mean it is. So like a beach episode may count as fanservice but it may not actually be a sexually charged situation. Swimsuits are basic attire when you go to the beach or go swimming. When you add groping or glistening oiled bodies with long panning shots, then that's sexually charged. To use another example, just because you see a couple in a bedroom and in bed doesn't mean it's going to lead to sex. They can be sleeping.

Ok. But the mod post I was quoting, saying that a consensus had been reached, just stated underage girl fanservice. Nothing about whether it was sexually charged or not (and obviously I'm sure they didn't mean homages or injokes). Which is why I was asking. A game like Senran Kagura Versus, you can have the girls wear bandaids over their nipples for example I believe. While you don't rub them down or anything I don't think, that is still underage fanservice as far as I understand. So is stuff like that NG too?


that might of been your point, but you definitely did not imply that at all in your post. Learn to write out your thoughts. We aren't mind readers here. If you need help there are places that can help you.

I assumed people would understand, since this is pretty much the main topic in this thread.

Then I misunderstood and I apologize to Seik.

It's all good. :)

Underage cartoon character = deviant sex symbol.

Good to know!

You just don't know how to read, do you?


Certain types of icecream games have always been off-limits, but my impression was that it's because of the images being posted.

I don't know what went on in the thread, but it is surprising to me though that the thread got locked so fast considering the discussion was entirely safe-for-work, even though there was some shitposting. There's been the same kinds of discussion on OT before, so I don't know what the deal is here.
What? I'm sorry because, honestly you're post is written a bit confusing.

But are you comparing sexuality and power as themes in fiction to a mindless pandering of sexually touching to drawn underage kids being sexually molested in which you are rewarded with audio and visual cues? Are you really?

I think you missed my entire point, but whatever, I really doubt you want to discuss it as you keep making snarky accusations.

And having sexually drawn and real young girls touched as being one in the same, (as in US law,) is some sort of logical fallacy?

In some States. Not mention that comic book artists and writers (US citizens that are probably more disconnected from Japanese pop culture and fetishes) has defended people that were in prison because doujinshi stuff (and only having that against them).
No,no... it's fine this is a discussion board in which this is the topic that I entered...

But to say it's a good outlet is just plain wrong.

I mean, do you think pedos using such material and creating a market for those deprived in liking sexually abused childeren really bettering themseves? Are they really outletting themselves?


They're just succumbing to those same vile desires in a way that is barely legal. Regardless, they still are thinking of punishing little girls sexually as they play the game.

I guess I can't possibly see the logical view point in which someone finds this "good", "helping", or "therapeutic"

Actual therapy is good and proven to help. Creating a market in which pedos use other material to fantasize about those same little girls sexually in a form that is "animated" is only worsening their mental state and letting them act out on those thoughts.

Did you see my post on the last page?

Your argument seems to be more geared toward the individual than the greater societal effect as a whole. It's an interesting discussion, but outlets definitely have their place whether it be for aggression or arousal.

That being said, I do think therapy for pedophiles should be a lot more widely available than it is. Some psychiatrists are obligated to inform people that really shouldn't be informed if one were to "come out".

That being said again, comparing this to real world pedophiles may not be the best way to pin someone down. There are arguments and studies that seem to suggest it's an extension of pictophilia as well as pedophilia, but not necessarily both. Basically, not all loli/shotacons are pedophiles.


Rolling Girl
Yes, that shit is disgusting. I wanted to give the chat a chance this year, but I eventually realized that twitch chat is going to be the way it is forever, and no one will put their foot down about it.

You should join the Quake channel! It's actually moderated during the events and the reason the twitch chat goes on the wayside is because of numerous ban evasions and such that you can't really stop.


To take this thread back to it's original topic, much of this would be solved if the mods were willing to warn/ban individuals under the "No drive by into threads and calling their games/players trash" rules.

Still, to the best of my knowledge this just doesn't happen for some reason. It worries me that anime games don't enjoy "Equal protection under Neogaf Law"

Did you read the first few pages of the thread? Because I don't think you did.
No,no... it's fine this is a discussion board in which this is the topic that I entered...

But to say it's a good outlet is just plain wrong.

I mean, do you think pedos using such material and creating a market for those deprived in liking sexually abused childeren really bettering themseves? Are they really outletting themselves?


They're just succumbing to those same vile desires in a way that is barely legal. Regardless, they still are thinking of punishing little girls sexually as they play the game.

I guess I can't possibly see the logical view point in which someone finds this "good", "helping", or "therapeutic"

Actual therapy is good and proven to help. Creating a market in which pedos use other material to fantasize about those same little girls sexually in a form that is "animated" is only worsening their mental state and letting them act out on those thoughts.
I'm not saying there's a good or bad way to deal with it.

Degrees of bad. Those that fully succumb to their phila. Practically become defined by it and those that live with it. We know complete repression leads to bad. And I very well admitted in the post you quoted that there is a legit argument to be made about normalizing behavior. This would be exacerbated in children exposed to it. Points for Devo on that one.

Again not clear cut, but I'd still much rather they focus their attentions on fictional characters.


*Searching for a random google pic.*



She looks young, doesn't she? Fear not, she's from an ancient race of alien and she actually have 700 years old at this point.

Ironically, it's exactly the point in this race's lifetime where they reach their reproductive phase. So she's waiting for you to rub tons of shit on her and spank her with it as well.

It's okay guys, she's 700.

What the hell are you talking about



The "Japan is a bonkers paradise where weird stuff is appreciated greatly" has always been a wrong viewpoint.
I have to wonder, though, if Japan is so intolerant of this shit, how are shopkeepers able to reliably put it on shelves in plain sight and expect it to sell?

EDIT: RE: the post above: How are people STILL not getting Seik's satire? It's not rocket science, people


I made the mistake of clicking the link into that thread.
What an awful, awful thing.
GAF bans whole websites for making up stories, data, or otherwise being of extremely low quality. I see absolutely no reason not to do the same for this kind of thing, regardless of the weak "censorship!" arguments being thrown around.

By all means, censor away. I'd rather fall down the proverbial slippery slope than err on the side of *non*-caution and be associated with this.

Censor away.


Why do Japanese games gotta be underage anyway? You never hear about French or American games using 8 year old girls and sexualizing them. It's all 18 year old women or older.
To take this thread back to it's original topic, much of this would be solved if the mods were willing to warn/ban individuals under the "No drive by into threads and calling their games/players trash" rules.

Still, to the best of my knowledge this just doesn't happen for some reason. It worries me that anime games don't enjoy "Equal protection under Neogaf Law"

There are too many otherwise valued posters who would fall prey

Besides, they say they would rather not even look at threads like that and honestly, I can't blame them. There are a LOT of threads and being a mod isn't a paying job.
I have to wonder, though, if Japan is so intolerant of this shit, how are shopkeepers able to reliably put it on shelves in plain sight and expect it to sell?

Culture of silence and looking the other way.

Not because you're choosing not to judge, but because you don't want to get involved.


What the hell are you talking about

It was to make a point that the defense that people use for Nevi from FE:A is hollow the second you make something similar sounding up.

EDIT: RE: the post above: How are people STILL not getting Seik's satire? It's not rocket science, people

Because people care more about their entitlement and gut reactions than context, something this thread shows a good bit of between the oft intelligent conversation.


I don't think the answer is to make every outlet illegal. I'd rather they sate their desires on fictional characters that don't actually exist rather than focus their attentions on real children. Same for those sexually aroused by depictions of rape or bestiality.

I've read that a minority of pedophiles commit sexual acts against real children.

So the existence of this kind of material isn't going to do much to deter them.


Banstick Emeritus
The moral ambiguity of the game is the entire point of this thread.
Edit: OK let's stop. We're not going to agree and it only shits up the thread.
There's no moral ambiguity here.

Games that fetishize children being punished with tools in a sexual manner aren't welcome here.




You can dance along the lines of digital photography vs illustrative depiction all you like. It won't wash. So either make your peace with it or find a place that caters to that shit. Preferably as far from here as possible.
To take this thread back to it's original topic, much of this would be solved if the mods were willing to warn/ban individuals under the "No drive by into threads and calling their games/players trash" rules.

Still, to the best of my knowledge this just doesn't happen for some reason. It worries me that anime games don't enjoy "Equal protection under Neogaf Law"

Oh, there you are.

What are the numbers you're always posting comparing child sexual abuse cases in Japan and the rest of the world?
EDIT: RE: the post above: How are people STILL not getting Seik's satire? It's not rocket science, people

Because is bad satire and people are not thrilled that a show directed to teen girls about a teenager being a parent to his little cousin is associated with a moe pandering show designed to sell lewd figurines

L Thammy

Culture of silence and looking the other way.

Not because you're choosing not to judge, but because you don't want to get involved.

If I'm not mistaken, this is a big part of the hikikomori phenomena as well. You know your son should get a job and get out of the house, but you'd rather silently encourage him than force them into the open.


Culture of silence and looking the other way.

Not because you're choosing not to judge, but because you don't want to get involved.
Yeah, but if that's the culture, the people buying that stuff would still feel like others are judging them behind their backs. I guess what I'm trying to say is, if the stigma were so strong, I don't see how that stuff could sell in plain sight, since there'd still be the fear of association.

Don't you have Salvation Army stores over there?


I have to wonder, though, if Japan is so intolerant of this shit, how are shopkeepers able to reliably put it on shelves in plain sight and expect it to sell?

EDIT: RE: the post above: How are people STILL not getting Seik's satire? It's not rocket science, people

Hmm, it could just be that the production and manufacturing costs for games like Criminal Girls is so low that shopkeepers only get a few copies.
I have to wonder, though, if Japan is so intolerant of this shit, how are shopkeepers able to reliably put it on shelves in plain sight and expect it to sell?

EDIT: RE: the post above: How are people STILL not getting Seik's satire? It's not rocket science, people

From my understanding, its a niche market that PAYS very well. Not sure how common it is in stores but in hobby shops (anime) you can find it easily.

I actually came from AX (Anime Expo) and I saw things that were either just as bad or worse. But that was only like a very small minority of AX. I was even scratching my head at this games localization.

Seik's satire was bad. I understood it but the way he made it was bad. There are things called bad satire and this was one of them.
Yeah, I don't know why your satire is completely flying over their heads. People, Seik just needed a picture of a young girl for his made-up scenario satirizing h-games. He wasn't suggesting the source material was inappropriate.

It was to make a point that the defense that people use for Nevi from FE:A is hollow the second you make something similar sounding up.

While I'm aware of what Seik tried to do, he pretty much exposed yet another problem, in where you can make up a fictional scenario, which would be enough to throw a shit fit in a thread.

Quite frankly, when there's a fine line to deal with, you should be careful in how you craft your jokes.


Aren't paraphilias developed in childhood. What would you say if a younger individual was exposed to this?

If they DID become a pedophile later I would like to see someone look at the rest of their environment. Pedophilia has been around for a lonnnnnng time. I can honestly say I don't see a game like Criminal Girls single-handidly creating Pedophiles. And if you go down that road then you are opening up debate that politicians have a point about violent games creating these mass shooters. And like I said, I would also like to see someone actually try to do some research and see if these type of outlets help to curb tendencies.

i remember reading an article about relapse rate and how its treated like a sexual orientation and the treatments are mainly just to curb the tendency to act upon the impulses, not to cure people. If thats the case, and its not something that can be cured, and people aren't willing to lock pedophiles up and throw away the key then it might be prudent to look at alternatives.


There's no moral ambiguity here.

Games that fetishize children being punished with tools in a sexual manner aren't welcome here.




You can dance along the lines of digital photography vs illustrative depiction all you like. It won't wash. So either make your peace with it or find a place that caters to that shit. Preferably as far from here as possible.
But what about the Equal Protection of Games Clause in NeoGAF Law?
Yeah, but if that's the culture, the people buying that stuff would still feel like others are judging them behind their backs. I guess what I'm trying to say is, if the stigma were so strong, I don't see how that stuff could sell in plain sight, since there'd still be the fear of association.

I imagine if you're already an outcast, you probably find solace among other outcasts. That's the sort of thing that's pretty universal and crosses cultural barriers. In this case, it might be all you know or care to know.


Seek victory, not fairness
From what I've read about the TVTropes Forums, I'm not surprised there's a page for that. :(

Oh, that page isn't all like that - the trope is just about the general concept of characters who have lived superhuman life spans but don't look ridiculously old. It also includes stuff like young-adult-looking ancient vampires, elves, etc.
Why do Japanese games gotta be underage anyway? You never hear about French or American games using 8 year old girls and sexualizing them. It's all 18 year old women or older.

Different market.

Different laws.

Different values.

Different views on sex in some cases, though the U.S. tried its best to change that.

The important thing is to not think of yourself as the norm, and then things in other places make more sense.

Personally, I find porn that advertises their actresses as barely 18 to be pedophilic. "Got them as young as they come", etc.


Yeah, but if that's the culture, the people buying that stuff would still feel like others are judging them behind their backs. I guess what I'm trying to say is, if the stigma were so strong, I don't see how that stuff could sell in plain sight, since there'd still be the fear of association.

The way I kind of see it is is that the silent stigma isn't enough to shame anymore and, what with the internet, now individuals who indulge *know* there are other people out there like them so they can sort into 'us' and 'the other' (normals, etc) and act as if they're just fighting an unjust world that can't tolerate their freedom or something. Maybe?


Damn, shame that this PC society has lead us to ban on watching cartoon teenager girls being molested, Doctor King's dream of equality has died a little tonite.
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