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Will discussion of certain games be banned on Neogaf from here on out?

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XSEED Localization Specialist
How have we not been limiting it already?

Sony wouldn't allow their game on the platform if it were outright porn, so there's already something you can't do with fictional creations. The ESRB would rate it AO, which would keep it off store shelves and they want to avoid that happening so they change their "vision" as need be - the thread that birthed this one referred to strategically-placed steam to avoid such a situation.

Why is this the line in the sand of censorship?

It isn't. If I may be perfectly honest (and speak entirely for myself, not representing XSEED in even the remotest way), I'd prefer there exist no ratings board whatsoever, that no platform-holder ever turned down any game for any reason, and that no content was ever denied from existing in any work of art, no matter how reprehensible it may be.

In other words, I hope one day for complete, worldwide artistic anarchy.

I don't believe any art should ever be considered taboo, nor that anyone -- regardless of age or sensitivity -- should ever be restricted from viewing any work of art.

I believe that the mere existence of taboos is what causes most of society's problems -- if we were completely frank and open and exposed everyone to every aspect of the human condition from the very day they could learn to comprehend it all, I firmly believe the world would be a better place. Half of all crime is spawned by those who know they're doing something "naughty" or "forbidden" and get a rush from doing so... but if nothing were naughty or forbidden or taboo, there would be no rush, and therefore -- in my own armchair philosophy, at least -- there would be less inclination to commit crimes.

I know this is entirely impractical, but I am an idealist of sorts, and I will continue to do everything in my power to work toward this ideal of a world in which, quite literally, nothing is sacred.



Well this is kind of a thematic problem with GTA in general, especially in the last couple entries, where they're inconsistent in tone, alternating between "these characters are horrible and we're trying to make you feel bad about the shit they do" and "but isn't speeding over a five lane highway and mowing down a dozen bystanders so much fun!"

The reason why they're sociopaths is because of what the player does/how they play. Its storytelling through gameplay.

People like to shit on Niko or rather GTA IV, but most people didn't even bother to listen to what he said in correlation to how he acts. He wants to change, he knows hes a terrible person, yet he still runs over a crowd of people and goes "OPPSIES, SORRY!" People wanting to change versus actually changing is one of the biggest struggles in life.

I dunno, some complaints thrown at GTA are pretty haphazard. Goodfellas shows how ugly organized crime could be, and yet, the characters usually love the lifestyle they were part of.


I haven't read the thread in full, but it seems to me like there's three separate censorship issues being discussed here:
1. Banning of loli and related stuff by the Government full stop. Hopefully most everyone realizes that this is a fucking terrible idea no matter how objectionable you find the content.

2. NISA censoring the game for the western localization. Obviously, they have an obligation to obey the laws of the territories they're releasing the game in as well as the regulations put in place by console manufacturers, but beyond that I don't really see what good censoring the game does. The people that really care wouldn't have bought the game to begin with and it's not like the fans can't just find the uncensored material on the net anyway. The whole thing kind of reminds me of DRM schemes in that all it does is give a worse product to paying customers.

3. The "censorship" of discussion of games like this on NeoGAF. This isn't really true censorship because GAF is the government and the mods can do whatever the fuck they want. From what I can tell, the problem is that games like Criminal Girls are in a weird position where they have really blatant pandering bordering on straight up porn but they ALSO have regular gameplay elements that aren't based around sex. That coupled with the fact that they're published by actual game publishers on actual game platforms kind of puts them in a situation where people might want to make threads about it while the rest of the forum freaks out. Given that these threads always end up being huge clusterfucks, I'm gonna agree with the mods' decision.

And that's my 2¢

Two Words

Well adjusted people would call you dumb.

Problem with your logical fallacy is that you're purposefully omitting that these crude rape themes as you call them are committed to clearly underage children. There is very little of discussion to be had that would even revolve around the game. The thread would be arguments of people defending the game versus those shunning it and the gamers looking forward to it. That or it would eventually be shut down by page two because most members in there can't contain their sexual excitement (which really makes it hard for anyone to vote FOR this; again I point to the Animal Crossing thread that got locked. If such an innocent game receives some very creepy posts, what hope is there for a Criminal Girls thread exactly?)

I'm sure if there was a game that tackled the subject of rape and there was a purpose behind it outside of "fuck yea, kid rape/punishment! achievement unlocked!" there could be discussion had on it. Chances are ridiculously high if such a game existed; rape/abuse/punishment wouldn't be the central and arguably only theme to the game.

Ultimately people are free to continue to use GTAV to counter the discussion of sexualization and sexual abuse of underage children to GTAV's torture and killing but it really does them no favors nor does it get anyone on their side. Doubly so when you try to compare real life to Criminal Girls and GTA but at the exact same time argue that they're just games when others counter with other real life arguments against Criminal Girls.
Motive is another issue. I think people can empathize with a protagonist that kills and steals for money or whatever. Not that you agree with it, but you can at least say "I understand this person's line of thinking."

Playing a rapist/pedophile that only does what he does to satisfy his sexual desires is entirely different. Similarly, I'd wager a game that was exclusively about entering public areas and trying to shoot as many innocent bystanders for the sole purpose of mass murder would also be highly frowned upon by many many people here.


It's essentialy a porn game and these are the characters:

I mean, c'mon.
Now that I see the entire cast I can see the mods' stance to this subject more clearly.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
and you can do that without sexualizing children for people to oogle over and fulfill some fetish

The Shield, SVU, South Park, etc etc, has dealt the child rape and sexuality and im fine with it, tons of media have children being torturted and killed and so on but with the tact of not fetishizing it to please some group of people, that's where I draw the line.

Its all about depiction and endorsement, about framing and tone, about if the sexualized child figures are being presented as "isn't this awful" or "this is meant to be arousing"
But we're not, we're talking about why you can't make a thread in which you sexually abuse little girls.

Not only do you explore and find those disgusting harmful impurities, but you also indulge yourself in it rather than finding help on what is possibly illegal depending on where you are located.

Hiding != the fact that you get off to sexually abused animu girls being punished for their crimes is wrong and that you should seek help for your problem.

Also... criticizing the horrible/damaging people, which you are infact implicating, getting off to little anime girls getting sexually abused is hiding the realities of existence?

I'm literally shaking.

Hey dude, what I told you about loaded questions and statements?


and you can do that without sexualizing children for people to oogle over and fulfill some fetish

The Shield, SVU, South Park, etc etc, has dealt the child rape and sexuality and im fine with it, tons of media have children being torturted and killed and so on but with the tact of not fetishizing it to please some group of people, that's where I draw the line.
SVU can actually get a little close in my opinion. Similar to how stuff like Saw and others fetishize the gore of the traps/murders.


is a goddamn bear
I guess I actually am in the minority. I'm mostly just intrigued by the fact that I apparently hold the same moral positions as many of the people in this thread, but am completely the opposite on this specific game. Like if anyone is a redditor, and remembers that guy violentacrez, I wanted almost every single subreddit that guy modded to be banned, as well as the user. I still want all that shit on reddit to be banned. And I want child abuse to be illegal and pedophiles to be arrested and/or get treated.

And yet still, when I look at this game, I don't see it.

Oh well, c'est la vie.

Sounds more like denial.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Because they're not real people. They're fictional. They are creations.

And as soon as we start limiting what people can and cannot do with fictional creations, everything begins falling apart. It's policing creativity on moral grounds. But sometimes, it can be healthy and even cathartic to explore the immoral, the unethical, the illegal sides of human nature. And art is a perfectly reasonable way to do so. It's a means of exploring the darkest parts of ourselves with absolute impunity, just to see how they move us, and to find out what it tells us about who we are as human beings.

To hide from that is to hide from the realities of existence.

They are already limited, though. By the ESRB, by retailers choosing which games they want or don't want to stock, by the platform holders themselves (and this has been happening since the 1980s), by the publisher's values or vision, etc. They may be fictional, but they're products you want to sell to consumers. But before you get to the consumer, you have to go through platform holder (if digital) or the retailer. That's why you had companies have presentations or conferences for groups of retailers.

Things are censored in order to be able to sell your product to a wider audience than it would by default. You of all people should know that.


Because they're not real people. They're fictional. They are creations.

And as soon as we start limiting what people can and cannot do with fictional creations, everything begins falling apart. It's policing creativity on moral grounds. But sometimes, it can be healthy and even cathartic to explore the immoral, the unethical, the illegal sides of human nature. And art is a perfectly reasonable way to do so. It's a means of exploring the darkest parts of ourselves with absolute impunity, just to see how they move us, and to find out what it tells us about who we are as human beings.

To hide from that is to hide from the realities of existence.


i would say that there might be some truth to this if video games were art. i mean they're not. they're products of design. they're cars. they serve a single purpose, and it's usually communicated to some sort of audience by that designer. you don't interpret what a video game is. you may be able to interpret or enjoy artistic elements separate of the game, but the entire package is not art. it's made to make the player feel or react in a certain way. it actually diminishes the work of artists and designers alike to consider video games art when the kind of work that goes into each requires different skill sets and backgrounds entirely.

but anyway as such you can't apply the same sort of outrage to video games. adding a wall to your house may change the room, but it doesn't alter the artistic integrity of the house because houses aren't considered art.


Gold Member
Entire countries must also be dumb then. I'm pretty sure child sexualization is illegal in Japan, and yet I don't see this game banned over there, and they have the uncensored version.

Do we not see a certain group of individuals who purchase these products for the wrong reasons as being wrong? Murder, crime, gangster, or sci-fi stories go in different directions with their art, but these games are borderline attracting felons or potential felons to their work. What are you attracting with this type of product? I do not see a need for this type of game in North America or anywhere. I feel as though the topic has not been fully brought to light here. We should ban these types of games. They are making an illegal act legal by drawing it. Violence or quirky crime, whatever you may call it does not try to exploit the innocence of youth. I think some people who post these pictures and games lead others down a path they should not follow, nor should they be available for discussion when we all know that there are better discussions to have.


Because they're not real people. They're fictional. They are creations.

And as soon as we start limiting what people can and cannot do with fictional creations, everything begins falling apart. It's policing creativity on moral grounds. But sometimes, it can be healthy and even cathartic to explore the immoral, the unethical, the illegal sides of human nature. And art is a perfectly reasonable way to do so. It's a means of exploring the darkest parts of ourselves with absolute impunity, just to see how they move us, and to find out what it tells us about who we are as human beings.

To hide from that is to hide from the realities of existence.


I would usually agree with this kind of argument, but there is something different about it with games like this that sell completely on fetishizing the sexual abuse of minors. These games exist as fan service. As an outlet for people who get off on cartoon little girls to sexually abuse them. That's some messed up shit.

This game isn't reality. It doesn't deal with the realities of harming children. It's a game that profits off of fictional child pornography. That's what separates this game from other games that may have one instance of questionable content or deals with sexual interactions involving fictional adults in a poorly constructed way. At least those games aren't designed around lusting after little girls. That is the main selling point of this game.

These games can exist, but I'm okay with discussion of these kinds of games being limited and outright banned in this instance.

this is a good post. if you've never fantasized about punishing a criminal girl you're probably lying to yourself.

I hope you're joking.


Because they're not real people. They're fictional. They are creations.

And as soon as we start limiting what people can and cannot do with fictional creations, everything begins falling apart. It's policing creativity on moral grounds. But sometimes, it can be healthy and even cathartic to explore the immoral, the unethical, the illegal sides of human nature. And art is a perfectly reasonable way to do so. It's a means of exploring the darkest parts of ourselves with absolute impunity, just to see how they move us, and to find out what it tells us about who we are as human beings.

To hide from that is to hide from the realities of existence.

How the hell is Criminal Girls exploring the facets of sexual situations with minors? This is'nt Lolita or something that attempts to explore and not make jerk off material out of the subject.

I'm tired of this art excuse coming up. This is'nt art. This is a product made without thought for such a thing. This is boarder line pornography made to sell character designs and ideas to an audience that eats up this stuff and is looking not for any deeper exploration. Because actually any thing that would look at the deeper aspects of this entire Lolita thing would of course be shunned by this audience. This audience that needs to be cuddled and makes up any excuse to detour you from labeling them creeps.

For Christ sake it's a game that rewards you with being able to subjugate minors in sexual situations.

Where's the art here? Where's the attempt of tackling this subject matter in a way beyond "well the otaku audience buys this stuff, give it to them".

Two Words

i would say that there might be some truth to this if video games were art. i mean they're not. they're products of design. they're cars. they serve a single purpose, and it's usually communicated to some sort of audience by that designer. you don't interpret what a video game is. you may be able to interpret or enjoy artistic elements separate of the game, but the entire package is not art. it's made to make the player feel or react in a certain way. it actually diminishes the work of artists and designers alike to consider video games art when the kind of work that goes into each requires different skill sets and backgrounds entirely.

but anyway as such you can't apply the same sort of outrage to video games. adding a wall to your house may change the room, but it doesn't alter the artistic integrity of the house because houses aren't considered art.
Art is not so easily defined.


XSEED Localization Specialist
They are already limited, though. By the ESRB, by retailers choosing which games they want or don't want to stock, by the platform holders themselves (and this has been happening since the 1980s), by the publisher's values or vision, etc. They may be fictional, but they're products you want to sell to consumers. But before you get to the consumer, you have to go through platform holder (if digital) or the retailer. That's why you had companies have presentations or conferences for groups of retailers.

Things are censored in order to be able to sell your product to a wider audience than it would by default. You of all people should know that.

See my above response.

But even beyond my own ideals, it also seems like the height of hubris to say, "Things are already limited, so what's the harm in limiting them further?"

It's a slippery slope. I mean, you could easily extrapolate from that questions like, "My freedoms are already impeded, so what's the harm in having a few less?", or, "I'm already fat, so what's the harm in eating another 3,000 calories?", or, "My leg's already broken, so what's the harm in walking a little farther?"

i would say that there might be some truth to this if video games were art. i mean they're not. they're products of design. they're cars. they serve a single purpose, and it's usually communicated to some sort of audience by that designer. you don't interpret what a video game is. you may be able to interpret or enjoy artistic elements separate of the game, but the entire package is not art. it's made to make the player feel or react in a certain way. it actually diminishes the work of artists and designers alike to consider video games art when the kind of work that goes into each requires different skill sets and backgrounds entirely.

but anyway as such you can't apply the same sort of outrage to video games. adding a wall to your house may change the room, but it doesn't alter the artistic integrity of the house because houses aren't considered art.

Well, our concept of art as having some sort of integrity is relative new. XVIII century with the romantics, to be prescise. You will be surprised in how manufactured art was in some countries.
It isn't. If I may be perfectly honest (and speak entirely for myself, not representing XSEED in even the remotest way), I'd prefer there exist no ratings board whatsoever, that no platform-holder ever turned down any game for any reason, and that no content was ever denied from existing in any work of art, no matter how reprehensible it may be.

In other words, I hope one day for complete, worldwide artistic anarchy.

I don't believe any art should ever be considered taboo, nor that anyone -- regardless of age or sensitivity -- should ever be restricted from viewing any work of art.

I believe that the mere existence of taboos is what causes most of society's problems -- if we were completely frank and open and exposed everyone to every aspect of the human condition from the very day they could learn to comprehend it all, I firmly believe the world would be a better place. Half of all crime is spawned by those who know they're doing something "naughty" or "forbidden" and get a rush from doing so... but if nothing were naughty or forbidden or taboo, there would be no rush, and therefore -- in my own armchair philosophy, at least -- there would be less inclination to commit crimes.

I know this is entirely impractical, but I am an idealist of sorts, and I will continue to do everything in my power to make this ideal of a world in which nothing is sacred a reality.


What you want is a PC

But each level you narrow down your audience (from "everyone" to "people that might buy a piece of software"), you get introduced to rules and you have to play by them. It's not always for the best (you know Steam recently deigned to no longer allow Nancy Drew games for some reason?), but that's the game you play when you want to sell games for people to play.

But that world you dream of where anything can be made? It totally exists. It's in some back alleys of the internet and often traded on torrents between like-minded people, but that will never change. Not because it's all too nice and neat and organized and unable to satiate anarchistic lust for chaos, but because a lot of that shit is morally repugnant and exists but it doesn't mean we have to like that it exists.

If one wanted to find something like Criminal Girls but not held down by, well, society and good sense, then I'm sure that exists somewhere. I just don't particularly want to find out where.


Ya'll are hilarious. I was not a good mod because I argued with everyone and couldn't keep my opinions to myself, and frequently derailed topics. But my actual -moderation- was fine. You guys don't know what goes on behind the scenes, I was extremely resolute in following most of the rules of moderation - cataloging bans, banning only for specific infractions of TOS, not banning people part of arguments with me unless they flung insults. I feel like I have to defend myself because you guys only see one side of the picture, and don't actually know who is handing down bans or locking threads when people get it.

I was not abusing my actual moderation powers until I edited my post. My problem as a mod came from my big mouth. It's hilarious that you even think I'm the poster child for this - we had a mod who literally let her boyfriend secretly use and ban people from the account, ban anyone in discussions about feminism. I'm not even the fourth most abusive mod we've ever had.

but this guy on youtube said fuck amir0x

who am I supposed to believe


In regards to the banning scenario, I feel that if the content is obviously too NSFW to be discussed in the case of the 'hot topic' being discussed now, then yes those things should be treated as any other erotic video game and not be discussed publically. Things like Senran Kagura, Neptunia, Dead or Alive, etc? These things are fine imo. Because at the very least the TNA isn't the primary focus of said games

Then again I can't really speak for Neptunia because that game is shit sandwiches


It isn't. If I may be perfectly honest (and speak entirely for myself, not representing XSEED in even the remotest way), I'd prefer there exist no ratings board whatsoever, that no platform-holder ever turned down any game for any reason, and that no content was ever denied from existing in any work of art, no matter how reprehensible it may be.

In other words, I hope one day for complete, worldwide artistic anarchy.

I don't believe any art should ever be considered taboo, nor that anyone -- regardless of age or sensitivity -- should ever be restricted from viewing any work of art.

I believe that the mere existence of taboos is what causes most of society's problems -- if we were completely frank and open and exposed everyone to every aspect of the human condition from the very day they could learn to comprehend it all, I firmly believe the world would be a better place. Half of all crime is spawned by those who know they're doing something "naughty" or "forbidden" and get a rush from doing so... but if nothing were naughty or forbidden or taboo, there would be no rush, and therefore -- in my own armchair philosophy, at least -- there would be less inclination to commit crimes.

I know this is entirely impractical, but I am an idealist of sorts, and I will continue to do everything in my power to work toward this ideal of a world in which, quite literally, nothing is sacred.


That's pretty well explained and I respect your point of view.

Have you seen some of the screenshots of this game, though? Don't you think there are limits to apply concerning children and what can be done to them?

I know it's a game, it's art as well and freedom of art is important as well, but is this really the kind of art that should be encouraged and distributed to society?


this is a good post. if you've never fantasized about punishing a criminal girl you're probably lying to yourself.

Man, thank you for making your stance that much clearer, I was terrified waiting for you to say your post a couple of pages ago were serious.

Sadly the Xseed marketing guy is probably not kidding about freeing the words from taboos........such as fetishised depiction of molesting a non-consenting child.
See my above response.

But even beyond my own ideals, it also seems like the height of hubris to say, "Things are already limited, so what's the harm in limiting them further?"

It's a slippery slope. I mean, you could easily extrapolate from that questions like, "My freedoms are already impeded, so what's the harm in having a few less?", or, "I'm already fat, so what's the harm in eating another 3,000 calories?", or, "My leg's already broken, so what's the harm in walking a little farther?"


Because you don't get to talk in absolutes and then freak out about degrees, presumably.


It's a shame about it being so smutty, because I love the character designs to death. Not in a sexual way, you people immediately thinking that, but in a "that's cute" and "that's unique" kind of way.

I like the "instructor" character. She looks confident and not 8 years old. Too bad there's only one of her.


It isn't. If I may be perfectly honest (and speak entirely for myself, not representing XSEED in even the remotest way), I'd prefer there exist no ratings board whatsoever, that no platform-holder ever turned down any game for any reason, and that no content was ever denied from existing in any work of art, no matter how reprehensible it may be.

In other words, I hope one day for complete, worldwide artistic anarchy.

I don't believe any art should ever be considered taboo, nor that anyone -- regardless of age or sensitivity -- should ever be restricted from viewing any work of art.

I believe that the mere existence of taboos is what causes most of society's problems -- if we were completely frank and open and exposed everyone to every aspect of the human condition from the very day they could learn to comprehend it all, I firmly believe the world would be a better place. Half of all crime is spawned by those who know they're doing something "naughty" or "forbidden" and get a rush from doing so... but if nothing were naughty or forbidden or taboo, there would be no rush, and therefore -- in my own armchair philosophy, at least -- there would be less inclination to commit crimes.

I know this is entirely impractical, but I am an idealist of sorts, and I will continue to do everything in my power to work toward this ideal of a world in which, quite literally, nothing is sacred.


Your post is a work of art in itself.


XSEED Localization Specialist
I'm tired of this art excuse coming up. This is'nt art. This is a product made without thought for such a thing. This is boarder line pornography

Are you implying pornography isn't art?

As far as I'm concerned, anything created by an intelligent being -- as in, anything in which the creative process was employed, regardless of the ends the creator set out to achieve -- is art.

If you disagree with this, then we will never see eye to eye, as I consider this a fundamental truth of reality.



It isn't. If I may be perfectly honest (and speak entirely for myself, not representing XSEED in even the remotest way), I'd prefer there exist no ratings board whatsoever, that no platform-holder ever turned down any game for any reason, and that no content was ever denied from existing in any work of art, no matter how reprehensible it may be.

In other words, I hope one day for complete, worldwide artistic anarchy.

I don't believe any art should ever be considered taboo, nor that anyone -- regardless of age or sensitivity -- should ever be restricted from viewing any work of art.

I believe that the mere existence of taboos is what causes most of society's problems -- if we were completely frank and open and exposed everyone to every aspect of the human condition from the very day they could learn to comprehend it all, I firmly believe the world would be a better place. Half of all crime is spawned by those who know they're doing something "naughty" or "forbidden" and get a rush from doing so... but if nothing were naughty or forbidden or taboo, there would be no rush, and therefore -- in my own armchair philosophy, at least -- there would be less inclination to commit crimes.

I know this is entirely impractical, but I am an idealist of sorts, and I will continue to do everything in my power to work toward this ideal of a world in which, quite literally, nothing is sacred.


I will respectfully disagree with your argument.


so "Anime: The Game!" basically
The "Rent a Moe" style used for cheap games is really one of the worst. It's disappointing how little character design varies from the standard soft lines, big circle eyes, line for a nose bridge, and heart-shaped face. If you look at the cast of something like Neptunia, they're all basically the same face with different clothing and hair.
this is a good post. if you've never fantasized about punishing a criminal girl you're probably lying to yourself.
Okay, I laughed.
Entire countries must also be dumb then. I'm pretty sure child sexualization is illegal in Japan, and yet I don't see this game banned over there, and they have the uncensored version.

No, entire countries aren't dumb. Just a segment of people within that country. Much like I wouldn't say the entire US is dumb just because you and a few others are oblivious to the obvious.

Contrary to the weeaboo myths and dreams, much like in this thread; the general populous of Japan looks down and question people who indulge in these types of games. In other countries it's flatout illegal (China, Hong Kong, S.Korea).
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