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Will discussion of certain games be banned on Neogaf from here on out?

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Not being Lionel Mandrake my thread summary was always going to be visual:



Is this satire?

You think that the pedophilia is bad, but you can appreciate it because of the lines, shading, and composition found in the material. You also equate it to Picasso's artworks that criticize and detest war and violence.

Oh boy... I think I might have to abandon.
I can't tell if you are an elaborate troll or just mentally ill.

Eitherway, well done.
Is this a joke?

it has been months if not years since he made a serious post on this forum


I've been a reporter for five years myself. Won some SPJ awards on stories about domestic violence and other social issues, etc. You're absolutely right every reporter has an opinion. Sometimes wildly disparate from how they present the story, but like you said, it's all a dance. Jintor is right that no story is truly objective, insofar as judgment calls naturally occur as to what should and should not be omitted.

Wow, which country? I'd never have figured you for a reporter, haha.


Really? Go tell that to Robert Fisk and 00s of other campaigning, overtly political journalists that they aren't true to their craft.

It's ideal journalism, I'm not saying it's what journalism everywhere looks like. It would be imprudent of me to not acknowledge left, right, or other biases in news, given that's the reality of journalism.


Of course you do, because whatever makes you uncomfortable should be swept away, never should be seen. Let's burn Lolita, too. That sexualizes children too.
In the realm of art, it's the assassination of ideas. There is nothing worse than the assassination of an idea. Should works like Communist Manifesto be censored because it was radical? I'm not calling this game deep or revolutionary in any way, but censoring the small is a good way to get to bigger ideas. Don't like it? Vote with your wallet instead. Pass it up on the Gamestop shelf. No one ever forced you to buy it. And stop bringing up children. They have nothing to do with this. The developers are adults, the voice actors are adults, the artists are adults. Kids have nothing to do with it.
GAF restricting the parameters of discussion allowed isn't going to lead to book burnings. Neither is the developers of the game self-censoring.

Even the ESRB labeling a game AO and thus preventing it from sitting on store shelves isn't "real" censorship either. It's a choice by retailers of what they want on their shelves.

Freedom of speech doesn't impose a duty on others to grant you a platform nor listen.
I don't know about that, don't a lot of young girls basically get roped into the entertainment industry in Japan by being forced into doing really creepy shit? I wouldn't be surprised if there's some poor minors involved in the voice-acting who basically have to do this in order to further their careers.

I think that is a way different beast than Voice Acting. Gross stuff in the idol industry but not necessarily automatic related to anime and video game stuff.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Of course you do, because whatever makes you uncomfortable should be swept away, never should be seen. Let's burn Lolita, too. That sexualizes children too.

I brought this up earlier, but this is EXACTLY what happened when TVTropes had to cut down on creepy loli anime. People were worried it'd mean Lolita would be banned, because they can't tell the difference between smut and a classic novel.
And I would love to play it, if I could bring myself to ignore the frankly offensive visual aspects.

What's weird is that the sex stuff is actually such a minor aspect of that game, it's unrelated to the story and characters, the gameplay only has small thumbnail versions of it with their field representations being chibi depictions of the card type and there's just very little sexualization anywhere in the game except for the rubbing game, which when you're playing you don't even have to time to pay attention to, because it's so short and you're just rubbing the screen looking for stars so you know where to rub.

If they wanted to make a really weird perverted game, they really did not succeed as much as people think they did.

What's also weird is that I care so little for or about the sexual stuff, but if it wasn't there then I probably would never have heard of the game in the first place. "What's this creepy rubbing game?" Followed by "Oh, it's actually a cool cardgame, I might pick this up." Criminal Girls is similar in that the sex stuff is less interesting to me than just the art style and gameplay systems, but without it nobody would even know it exists.


Wow, which country? I'd never have figured you for a reporter, haha.
I'm a reporter for one of the largest publications in a state in the U.S., and I generally don't talk about this here because I really want to keep my professional life separate from the place where I go to be silly and have fun.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
What's weird is that the sex stuff is actually such a minor aspect of that game, it's unrelated to the story and characters, the gameplay only has small thumbnail versions of it with their field representations being chibi depictions of the card type and there's just very little sexualization anywhere in the game except for the rubbing game, which when you're playing you don't even have to time to pay attention to, because it's so short and you're just rubbing the screen looking for stars so you know where to rub.

The fact that its there at all kills it for me. I have a zero tolerance policy for this kind of stuff


well if she agreed to the punishment i don't see the big deal tbh

line, shading, composition, etc. I find picasso's guernica fairly upsetting in its depiction of violence and war, but I can still appreciate the aesthetics behind the piece. similar situation for these games.


Not even, this is like those times where you are like literally scared reading shit off the internet.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Yo wtf, why would you even bring that up.

I just don't get why one topic (that I think is a horrible crime) seemingly presented in a vague enough way that it doesn't qualify as child porn legally disqualifies a game from discussion, while another, even more serious crime (torture + murder) - both legally, at least in my country, and from my personal perspective - is OK. For reference: I'd rather have neither in my games and I would never buy GTA 5 nor Criminal Girls, but I think that's not fair.


I brought this up earlier, but this is EXACTLY what happened when TVTropes had to cut down on creepy loli anime. People were worried it'd mean Lolita would be banned, because they can't tell the difference between smut and a classic novel.

Lolita should be required reading before you try and use it in censorship arguments.

Legitimately one of the creepiest things I've ever read, probably because at some point I was like "Wait, I'm beginning to empathise with the narrator" and then I was like "NOPE"

I'm a reporter for one of the largest publications in a state in the U.S., and I generally don't talk about this here because I really want to keep my professional life separate from the place where I go to be silly and have fun.

Well you certainly succeed at the silly and fun bit, haha


I honestly thought the guy was being sarcastic until I read his other replies in this topic :-\

I really hope he/she is being sarcastic, because I dont remember the last time I felt such a visceral reaction for a post, seriously, I feel like im reading some new Cormac Mcarthy shit.
The fact that its there at all kills it for me. I have a zero tolerance policy for this kind of stuff

That's what I'm saying, it's a shame it's there at all because most people won't want to touch that type of game, for good reason, mind you, but taking it out means those same people would probably never hear about it.
I don't know about that, don't a lot of young girls basically get roped into the entertainment industry in Japan by being forced into doing really creepy shit? I wouldn't be surprised if there's some poor minors involved in the voice-acting who basically have to do this in order to further their careers.

Voice acting is extremely tough to get into, with both official and unofficial unions.

You don't know much about Japan, yet feel compelled to postulate

Won't deny that many other sections of the entertainment industry are extremely creepy tho
Tell me then, what do you see? I wish to be enlightened.

I see something that looks only partially human, for starters (note the ears). Secondly, anime characters in general just look young to me, even if it's obvious through plot elements that they are much older. So perhaps I've just been conditioned to not associate an age with anime characters, unless that character's age is specifically called out through the story. For example, if I saw this character walk into a 5th grade class room and attend class, and then that same character was used in one of the images depicted in the images of this game that has been going around, I would indeed be disgusted. As it stands, I just see, for lack of a better term, an "ageless something".

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I think that is a way different beast than Voice Acting. Gross stuff in the idol industry but not necessarily automatic related to anime and video game stuff.

I don't know, like for example I'm into Kamen Rider, and pretty much every female actress in that show pretty much already had a "Gravure Shoot" or whatever out there regardless of their age it seems. One of the actresses I recall basically got written out because she was being harassed and they settled it behind the scenes (and replaced with a younger actress which is perhaps even more troublesome), although it was never straight-out confirmed that's what happened.

I just wouldn't be surprised if these games have aspiring actresses forced to moan and say creepy shit if they wanna have a chance in the industry.


Since this apparently needs to be said, I made comments on journalism regarding the article because it appears to be a work focused on presenting trends and drawing conclusions based on said trends and other quantifiable data, and the author unnecessarily drags his opinion in to the work at several points, which, like any opinionated piece of work should, does make me want to double check the verity of a piece of work. I am not hating on the article, and my comments on journalism were, yes, pertaining to idealistic journalism. Please take any and all other comments you have to PM or twitter, which is conveniently located in my profile so we can keep the thread on topic.

Thank you.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I just don't get why one topic (that I think is a horrible crime) seemingly presented in a vague enough way that it doesn't qualify as child porn legally disqualifies a game from discussion, while another, even more serious crime (torture + murder) - both legally, at least in my country, and from my personal perspective - is OK. For reference: I'd rather have neither in my games and I would never buy GTA 5 nor Criminal Girls, but I think that's not fair.

I mentioned it earlier but most games and most media in general attempts to contextualize violence in various ways, usually by having it be against "bad people" who are trying to actively harm the protagonist as well. And even in something like GTA where you can kill civilians its not really emphasized and there are still limits (you can't kill kids and there's a shocking lack of homeless veterans in their cities)

Whereas there's really basically no way to contextualize sexual assault in any way that makes the perpetrator look heroic. There just isn't. You can't frame it as a consequence of conflict between equals, there's intrinsically the victimhood of the person being assaulted. And even if its not explicitly pornographic yes, the stuff depicted in the Criminal Girls minigames qualifies wholeheartedly as sexual assault.

Jim Sterling had an awesome ep on this: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/jimquisition/5972-Rape-vs-Murder


Ya'll are hilarious. I was not a good mod because I argued with everyone and couldn't keep my opinions to myself, and frequently derailed topics. But my actual -moderation- was fine. You guys don't know what goes on behind the scenes, I was extremely resolute in following most of the rules of moderation - cataloging bans, banning only for specific infractions of TOS, not banning people part of arguments with me unless they flung insults. I feel like I have to defend myself because you guys only see one side of the picture, and don't actually know who is handing down bans or locking threads when people get it.

I was not abusing my actual moderation powers until I edited my post. My problem as a mod came from my big mouth. It's hilarious that you even think I'm the poster child for this - we had a mod who literally let her boyfriend secretly use and ban people from the account, ban anyone in discussions about feminism. I'm not even the fourth most abusive mod we've ever had.
Baiting posters and then banning them...was pretty abusive, Amir0x.
well if she agreed to the punishment i don't see the big deal tbh

this cannot be serious, and this post coupled with that icon, oh goodness

how can anyone not see the big deal with very very clearly under aged child being sexually punished, how can someone read that and think "meh, not a big deal".


The point of true journalism is to retain a neutral standpoint while presenting factual information, and any deviation from that sets of automatic alarms in my head, because, believe it or not, sometimes people just do go on the internet and tell lies.

I dunno... I'd say being completely neutral is impossible. I think it is the job of the journalist to understand where your bias viewpoints lie and make it a point to be open and honest about them and making sure you highlight the divergence of facts and opinions. The problem isnt the biases, the problem is when people lie to others and themselves about not having any biases.


I just don't get why one topic (that I think is a horrible crime) seemingly presented in a vague enough way that it doesn't qualify as child porn legally disqualifies a game from discussion, while another, even more serious crime (torture + murder) - both legally, at least in my country, and from my personal perspective - is OK. For reference: I'd rather have neither in my games and I would never buy GTA 5 nor Criminal Girls, but I think that's not fair.

What I was getting at was that your preference on which heinous crime you'd rather happen to you is irrelevant to the discussion. And for your point, without getting into the moral battle all I'll say is that if most of a community doesn't want to see this, and the mod team don't want to deal with it, it's perfectly fine to ban it. It ain't about legal battles, its about how the owners don't want it in their forum and the members mostly don't want it either.
Obviously this genre/fanservice/game type needs a special segment done by Anita.

Hey, since you're back, I'm curious to what you think of Fire Emblem and Etrian Odessy.

*I have no interest in Criminal Girls
**No, I'm not comparing those games to Criminal Girls
***And yes I feel I have to put these disclaimers because otherwise people might start assuming things or making accusations.

Sure rule 34 exists, but the discussion is about the content of the game itself, not what the fanbase chooses to create. And we've already had the discussion on the varied reactions between violence and sexualization, so no need to repeat that.

OT: I never understood how "rule 34" was defined. Is there a list of the other 33 rules that came before it or is it just some made up term to define the "sexualization of everything" phenomenon?

Praying this is sarcasm. At worst, BioWare has PG-13 summer movie sexuality. Common sense says why their games don't get the same reception as Japanese sexualization here.

Ah, that reminds me of the whole "SEX"box bit Fox News did years ago after the original Mass Effect launched on 360. Remember that?


I just don't get why one topic (that I think is a horrible crime) seemingly presented in a vague enough way that it doesn't qualify as child porn legally disqualifies a game from discussion, while another, even more serious crime (torture + murder) - both legally, at least in my country, and from my personal perspective - is OK. For reference: I'd rather have neither in my games and I would never buy GTA 5 nor Criminal Girls, but I think that's not fair.

That's because loli threads always go to shit and mods don't want to deal with that anymore.

That's it.
kinda off topic but I recently made a introduction thread basically praising gaf and letting the community know who I am and the thread was closed with no explanation. I carefully went over the sites tos before making my first thread and it got shut down super fast. Was kinda baffled especially since I have seen and commented in some pretty off the wall threads that are still going.


Reading that locked thread, outside of the heavy-hitting offenders, necro bumps, personal journals, or duplicate threads, I have no idea what would make a thread locked if the discussion was pertinent and the threads were properly moderated to keep them on topic.

If anything, i'm kind of just confused on what the policy for making threads is if anything could be closed for any reason that really isn't explained under an anonymous account that locks it.

I guess Shinovi Versus, Dekamori, and this game won't be allowed to have an OT.


I see something that looks only partially human, for starters (note the ears). Secondly, anime characters in general just look young to me, even if it's obvious through plot elements that they are much older. So perhaps I've just been conditioned to not associate an age with anime characters, unless that character's age is specifically called out through the story. For example, if I saw this character walk into a 5th grade class room and attend class, and then that same character was used in one of the images depicted in the images of this game that has been going around, I would indeed be disgusted. As it stands, I just see, for lack of a better term, an "ageless something".
I mean, this reasoning is nothing but a list of ways you intentionally keep yourself from seeing what's in front of you. "It doesn't look human, hence I can't empithize with it like a human" and "I choose to not consider its age."

I guess I can't fault you, since what you said was that you personally didn't agree. But, again, welcome to the minority. Most people tend to anthropomorphize the things they watch.
kinda off topic but I recently made a introduction thread basically praising gaf and letting the community know who I am and the thread was closed with no explanation. I carefully went over the sites tos before making my first thread and it got shut down super fast. Was kinda baffled especially since I have seen and commented in some pretty off the wall threads that are still going.

Holy shit. You're lucky you weren't banned
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