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Will you be trolling the GOP this primary sesaon voting for Trump?

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you can't put a price on sparks
isnt voting record public information, anyway?

i wouldnt like someone going through my historical records and attributing me to that vote, why would anyone want that if they didnt actually agree


So why don't you educate yourself on the candidates?

As in, not just the national level, but the local candidates that affect your state/city taxes, your parking spots, your zoning rules, what gets built around your area, pollution, etc.?
Onechanbara isnt going to play itself.


It's getting harder to "ironically" support Trump. I admit I was in his corner when it was all shits-n-giggles at this blowhard making a laughing stock of the election process. It was too funny to pass up. We had to keep the shitshow going purely for the comedic value. It was worth it.

But after the McCarthyism towards Muslims, I can't stump for the Trump anymore. And it's scary how many have supported that platform.

I'm still voting Trump purely because as the GOP strategists have uniformly said, "handing Trump the nomination means handing Hillary the White House." I'm doing it for the Supreme Court nominees. The next president will likely get to appoint two of them. I'm hoping the liberals can regain a 5-4 majority.


I can't vote for anyone since I'm unaffiliated, but even if I could I doubt I would waste my time to go out and vote for Trump.


on a more meta note, it does say something about the state of politics in america that voting for the most popular candidate from one of the two prominent political parties is a "troll vote"

that this candidate is so toxic and his policies so awful that giving him the nomination would guarantee a democratic victory, and yet at the same time a plurality and potentially majority of his party legitimately loves that toxicity and those terrible policies enough to make him the nominee

after this election, conservatives need to look in the mirror and decide if this is the road they want to go down


on a more meta note, it does say something about the state of politics in america that voting for the most popular candidate from one of the two prominent political parties is a "troll vote"

that this candidate is so toxic and his policies so awful that giving him the nomination would guarantee a democratic victory, and yet at the same time a plurality and potentially majority of his party legitimately loves that toxicity and those terrible policies enough to make him the nominee

after this election, conservatives need to look in the mirror and decide if this is the road they want to go down
More like 1/3rd of the party loves him and the rest either hate him or just don't care at this point.


This sort of reminds me of a recent South Park episode where they talk about Stephen Harper getting into office because they were too busy laughing at him.


More like 1/3rd of the party loves him and the rest either hate him or just don't care at this point.

tread carefully or else that number will continue rising

he's up to 57% favorability with republicans in my state (flordia)

time to start speaking out against the essence of his rhetoric as opposed to just against him


It's getting harder to "ironically" support Trump. I admit I was in his corner when it was all shits-n-giggles at this blowhard making a laughing stock of the election process. It was too funny to pass up. We had to keep the shitshow going purely for the comedic value. It was worth it.

But after the McCarthyism towards Muslims, I can't stump for the Trump anymore. And it's scary how many have supported that platform.

I'm still voting Trump purely because as the GOP strategists have uniformly said, "handing Trump the nomination means handing Hillary the White House." I'm doing it for the Supreme Court nominees. The next president will likely get to appoint two of them. I'm hoping the liberals can regain a 5-4 majority.
This is pretty much how I feel. The Dem contest is decided, but the GOP contest might be reeeeallly tight.

If mischievous crossover-voting Dems can bump the vote in a few open states by a few percent, it could tilt the race. Even if Trump doesn't win, if he gets enough support to feel that he's been treated unfairly, thus resulting in a third-party run, it'd be huge.

The next President will be with us for four or eight years. His/her SCOTUS appointees will be there for decades

For perspective: Justice Scalia will be celebrating 30 years on the high court soon.

Voting for Trump in the primaries may be distasteful, but having a few Scalia clones would be disastrous.


It's a fun idea, but if I was even partly responsible for him winning the presidency I would feel bad for years.
I know people who register as an opposing political party to vote for the saner and more reasonable candidate on the off chance they win (i.e., Democrat registers as Republican to vote for the most moderate Republican, and vice versa), but since children can't vote and I'm not friends with idiots, I know of no one who trolls and votes for joke candidates for laughs considering the incredibly stakes at play.


Junior Member
Dear anyone thinking about doing this:

Donald Trump's candidacy for the nomination is a national DISGRACE. Foreign newspapers discuss his antics daily. His domestic support becomes more and more riled up with each horrible statement he makes.

It is NOT a game. If you vote for him as some sort of immature troll, congratulations, you just contributed to making America appear like a nation that would seriously consider a disgraceful, xenophobic liar for its highest executive office, and contributed to ISIS propaganda about how Americans hate Muslims.

Oh yes, real funny, hahaha. No, it's grow up time if that's how you're thinking.


I'm not voting it's not worth my time imo.

As cynical as I have gotten over the years, this gets my vote. I've seen enough elections to know that no true change really happens. For me personally no changes have happened regardless of who is at the helm over the past 40+ years.

Minus the Bush stimulus check which caused a spike in inflation which actually made me lose money.

And most of the states voting doesn't matter anyway, it's all up to a couple of states to decide the outcome.


As cynical as I have gotten over the years, this gets my vote. I've seen enough elections to know that no true change really happens. For me personally no changes have happened regardless of who is at the helm over the past 40+ years.

Minus the Bush stimulus check which caused a spike in inflation which actually made me lose money.

And most of the states voting doesn't matter anyway, it's all up to a couple of states to decide the outcome.

The Ps3 / Xbox 360 check.


If the whole country abstained from voting for candidates no-one wanted to run in the first place, that would be the most powerful message you can send.

It's this bizarre choice between candidates which are either batshit crazy or so political that they can never answer a question yes or no.

In the background corporate america is laughing and popping the champagne while the working class is breaking their back to pay for their party. Large companies hail capitalism, yet have a get out of jail card every time they get in trouble. Paid for by the people. Patents, copyrights, laws are made to benefit a very small portion of the population, yet we are thrown a bone with gay marriage while the trade agreement sneaks under the radar.

The whole tactic is to polarize the country into as many segments as it takes to control them individually. We are fighting each other to their benefit. We are all brothers and sisters.

"For the people, by the people" hasn't happened in many decades.

So, can we get 300+ million to abstain? That would be a fucking nice dilemma for the courts to solve.


I've been a registered republican since I could vote.
Pat Buchanan never wins :(
If the whole country abstained from voting for candidates no-one wanted to run in the first place, that would be the most powerful message you can send.
I've written in: "NO CONFIDENCE" many times as well. Never wins.


I've been a registered republican since I could vote.
Pat Buchanan never wins :(

I've written in: "NO CONFIDENCE" many times as well. Never wins.

Time for a hashtag, and an uprising. The problem is not only with the individual candidates, it's the whole toxic political system.


About a week ago I was seriously considering voting for Trump to put the easier opponent up against Clinton.

After yesterday I'm convinced Trump is a threat to humanity, world security, and American ideals, and I don't want to try playing with fire. I will vote against Trump definitely now, it's just a matter of deciding who is next most likely that is not Cruz.


Thanks all for the feedback.

Personally, I hope Trump doesn't win the Primary. This circus has gone on long enough.

Heck it's almost February. Scary.


Neo Member

This. The joke has run its course. Let it end.


I never understand people who don't vote. Don't want a say in how your country going to be run for years to come? Hiding in your basement playing video games doesn't protect you from a government that is against your interests.

boiled goose

good with gravy
All i can say as a conservative...please don't

Imo. Trump is the least worst option on the Republican side. Even with his hideous flaws.

Carson? CRUZ? also demagogues. Plus religious and corrupt.

Bush? Rubio? Completely bought off and corrupt. More religious than trump. And more or equally hawkish.

I guess the most reasonable choice would be Christie. But his is also a crook and is not winning.

boiled goose

good with gravy
About a week ago I was seriously considering voting for Trump to put the easier opponent up against Clinton.

After yesterday I'm convinced Trump is a threat to humanity, world security, and American ideals, and I don't want to try playing with fire. I will vote against Trump definitely now, it's just a matter of deciding who is next most likely that is not Cruz.

There is noone that can challenge Hillary better than trump.

He is the one Republican that can attack her on her weakest issue.


I never understand people who don't vote. Don't want a say in how your country going to be run for years to come? Hiding in your basement playing video games doesn't protect you from a government that is against your interests.
Neither does voting.
People who vote for Trump are twats.
People who still run around screaming "gaiz he's just trolling! He doesn't really believe what he's saying!" are twats.
Ignoring any finger pointing, candidate policies, who would win anyways, and all that jazz, how is voting across party lines in an attempt to sabotage the other party's election even remotely ethical?
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