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Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

Cut me some of the profits man, don't be like Zuckerberg :(


Black Rock Shooter 3: So they begin to tackle Yomi's loneliness at not being Mato's bestest best friend forevers that was present in the ova already and it wasn't all that bad. The shoe horned senpai love letter into mind break from Saya-sensei~ (Oh god she's going to protect us all) was ugh. I would of thought they'd continue the whole Yuu is now lonely after the Yomi being lonely like in the ova but now this whole basketball senpai thing is here too. The teacher is also just what. With only 8 episodes, I hope they get some focus soon. The other world is still cool but the real world just doesn't compliment it much at all.There was also ZERO macaroons in this episode. Terrible.

BRS: Have some~


Nise 4: Ah I see. There certainly was a lot of service this time. Dat long bath. There wasn't too much going on with relation to Kaiki but I did very much enjoy Hanekawa's screen time. Horie~ Anyway, bathing vampires aside, it was good to have Shinobu be an active speaker finally. This show is pretty much all banter anyway so it was good to have someone new in the mix. It did make me a bit more curious about the going ons of Kizu. Not a particularly great episode though that bathroom was interesting to say the least (as well as Tsukihi getting a little violent).
What the shit. Rie Kugimiya is voicing Miu in the Kenichi OVA's? Well, she has done non-tsun roles....

what the shit, they are doing ovas?

I guess it's the only way for the later chapters with boobs and some nips.

I do hope they get a higher budget than the show. A lot of grand fights later.

Also... loli pirates.

Not too sure what's gonna go down, but loli princess!


Nisemonogatari 08

As someone who was 100000000000000000% anticipating this material to get animated since the project was first announced, this is the greatest episode of anything i've ever watched, and it completely delivered on the source material 100%

SHAFT really go above and beyond your wildest expectations when it comes to fanservice, right?


Subete no aware
The ending sequence at the festival was one of my favorite moments in the entire show, both seasons.
Using a lovely metaphor of Azu-nyan being dragged by Yui as they rush to see the fireworks, only to be separated by the crowd really drove home visually how she's soon going to be separated from her senpais against her will. Made me get a little pre-tear at the corner of my eye. ;_; Poor poor Azu-nyan.

The courage to keep on going.

Yeah, I'm getting a little teary-eyed just dwelling on it. ;_;
Yep, I really liked the ending way back when. It was a nice reminder of the Azu-angst from the first couple of episodes.


what the shit, they are doing ovas?

I guess it's the only way for the later chapters with boobs and some nips.

I do hope they get a higher budget than the show. A lot of grand fights later.

It's a direct continuation of the story from the where the TV series left off, apparently. I guess this was always on the cards, given how the TV series ended. So refreshing to see this approach. I believe Hitman Reborn is doing this as well.


The Light of El Cantare
Do you have fetishes rated on a scale? Is NTR the worst? What about maid outfits? Have you thought this whole thing through?

It's probably best not to delve deeper into anyone's thought processes concerning these matters.

Everyone has a scale, though; the fetishes just occupy differing locations on the continuum from arousing to repulsive.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Funny you should mention this, because I was just talking about how many points each fetish counts for in a doujin.

You could probably create an RPG system out of this, with fetishes that have synergy together and fetishes that don't.


The Light of El Cantare
Funny you should mention this, because I was just talking about how many points each fetish counts for in a doujin.

You could probably create an RPG system out of this, with fetishes that have synergy together and fetishes that don't.

I think that Idea Factory would like to speak with you concerning the battle system in Neptunia 3.

I am too interested in this subject for my own good.



Cut me some of the profits man, don't be like Zuckerberg :(

Don't worry, even when I jack an idea, my bros always get a piece of the pie.

Do you have fetishes rated on a scale? Is NTR the worst? What about maid outfits? Have you thought this whole thing through?

NTR is on a level of its own if only for its raw comedic potential. The brushing of teeth has another 10-11 years of mining before it can subvert that crown.


I disagree. Diebuster>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gunbuster in all aspects.
Yes there is, and it's far better than the original. :)
You're clearly in the wrong here.
Gunbuster is an ok show overall with some neat application of relativity.

The Buster, The... falls short of it.
Right, it's not like Gunbuster was ever a great show. GAINAX were just looking for a way to make some cash with a sure-fire hit but because they're sci-fi nerds they through in some neat stuff about relativity which makes it more interesting than just a straight robot show.


As far as the toothbrush scene goes, I think the music helped a lot there.

Well certainly, but it's really the link between the editing of certain, striking visuals combined with that particular piece of music that really helped to sell that sequence.


Nisemono 8 was fucking hilarious in a bizarre sort of way.

Shame it hasn't lived up to the drama of Bakemonogatari, despite how entertaining it is.


Space Battleship Yamato 1

This is a product of its time, and not in a good way. It's corny, the editing is awkward, the battle scenes lack any sort of tension or energy, and the tone was off due to out-of-place attempts at humor and a problematic soundtrack. Beyond laying out the basic premise of the imminent extinction of humanity, it doesn't too much to get me invested in the story. On the plus side, there's some nice ship animation, the design of the main female character is attractive, and the sunken Yamato is an iconic image:


Just wait till you've sat through the whole series, it's quite a chore. I can't put myself into the mindset of a kid in the late 70's, for obvious reasons, so the best I can do is read up on how people reacted to it a the time. Still, I sat through the whole thing just because it's one of those classics whose influence stretches far and wide - all the way to Battlestar Galacticca.


Yes there is, and it's far better than the original. :)

Gunbuster has one of my favorite endings in anything ever, so if there's a chance that Diebuster is better, I guess I'd better watch and find out ASAP.

I really liked Gunbuster. The first half is a little slow, but there's this nuanced sort of optimism and admiration for both space and mankind's ability to overcome the odds. I felt a similar kind of emotion in Honneamise. That film is a more complex achievement, but Gunbuster's genre sincerity is heartwarming in a different way.

Looking forward to the future.


That's the definition of Round Table songs.

At least it's the good kind of earworm.


I want another Diebuster. Or at least another mech show with a character like Nono. Madoka is close, but she's still eh.

I disagree. Diebuster>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gunbuster in all aspects.



Yes there is, and it's far better than the original. :)

Gunbuster has awkward 80s anime story tropes

Diebuster has moeshit and awful yukari fukui VA garbage trash of the ass

Both have their faults, but a work without Yukari Fukui will always win out over something with her

Gunbuster is an ok show overall with some neat application of relativity.

The Buster, The... falls short of it.

diebuster >>> gunbuster

You're clearly in the wrong here.

Right, it's not like Gunbuster was ever a great show. GAINAX were just looking for a way to make some cash with a sure-fire hit but because they're sci-fi nerds they through in some neat stuff about relativity which makes it more interesting than just a straight robot show.

Gunbuster has one of my favorite endings in anything ever, so if there's a chance that Diebuster is better, I guess I'd better watch and find out ASAP.

I really liked Gunbuster. The first half is a little slow, but there's this nuanced sort of optimism and admiration for both space and mankind's ability to overcome the odds. I felt a similar kind of emotion in Honneamise. That film is a more complex achievement, but Gunbuster's genre sincerity is heartwarming in a different way.

Looking forward to the future.

Both are flawed works which still have entertainment value
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai 04
I think her dedication to her cosplay is quite endearing.
So, instead of the normal introduce a new character every episode, we get formally introduced to three new girls. The loli nun which has quite a squeaky voice. The Totally Not a Girl! guy who dresses up as a maid and has pains in Not Her but his heart at the end of the episode. And, the genius who likes robotic BL. Despite how quickly they were introduced, the episode was still pretty enjoyable, and if their new thing is to spend some time each episode to read outloud eroge scenes, I'm all for it.


Black Rock Shooter 3: So they begin to tackle Yomi's loneliness at not being Mato's bestest best friend forevers that was present in the ova already and it wasn't all that bad. The shoe horned senpai love letter into mind break from Saya-sensei~ (Oh god she's going to protect us all) was ugh. I would of thought they'd continue the whole Yuu is now lonely after the Yomi being lonely like in the ova but now this whole basketball senpai thing is here too. The teacher is also just what. With only 8 episodes, I hope they get some focus soon. The other world is still cool but the real world just doesn't compliment it much at all.There was also ZERO macaroons in this episode. Terrible.

BRS: Have some~




They were 11!

Watched this on a whim because of earlier impressions in this thread (which were positive).

The problem I typically have with older anime titles is that the writing is overemphatic or exaggerated. This isn't always a problem, depending on the genre of anime that you watch but if i'm watching something fairly serious, I expect a fairly realistic script.

So I held my expectations low because I can be sensitive to that sort of issue, but thankfully this movie's script was well done for an older title.

And so, while I enjoyed the movie, there were still a few aspects that I couldn't help but be disappointed at. The mystery that the entire plot revolved around for example, fell flat at the conclusion.
while I was expecting it, I was really hoping it wouldn't be something as generic as there being a planted officer all along.

The characters were pretty well done, though, and I especially enjoyed Frohl's character.
I didn't expect the movie to tackle an exciting plot device like transgender-ism, and i'm glad they did it because I enjoyed the romance between Tada and Frohl. I wish there was more development between them before they fell in love with each other, but it's a movie so it's forgiven.

I'd recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys a decent romance. I enjoyed it and now feel the need to track down more anime films because I haven't watched many.


Nise 8

Araragi's actually an incestuous pedo, who woulda thought. That was incredibly awkward.

Well it's actually a logical continuation of his character up till now. It's been proven time and time again that Araragi is sexually interested by every female that he's ever met. Well, we can't say that for sure because we never see any non-main characters, but his track record so far seems to suggest his desires know no limit, he must collect them all.

Plus, it's not really awkward because
Karen wants his toothbrush back in her mouth. She's cleary into it too.
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