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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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Yuri Kama Arashi 2

I'm a bear.
You're a bear.
We're all bears.

So if pretty much everybody/literally everybody except Kureha/literally everybody is a bear, what the hell does that Wall of Severence even do, other than make the bears think they're the only bears in there?

Assuming Kureha isn't a bear herself (which I'm willing to do for now), all these bears are probably going to be fighting each other for the right to eat her, since she's not only a human which now seems to actually be pretty rare in itself, but also because she's special. Tastes like pomegranate and honey. Hmm.
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid - 1

Man, that was awesome. KyoAni should do more mecha shows.

As for the episode itself, it was a good start for what is apparently going to be a serious arc.

I like that I don't know exactly who the enemy is yet. I only know that they gave a strong weapon to some random nobodies.

It does a good job to build up some mystery rather than just outright state who the next bad guy is.

A great first episode to a second season. It set things up really good and I'm definitely interested to see comes next in this show.

Can't tell which was funnier.

Shizuo scaring the group that just realized what a terrible mistake they just made.

Or the guy with a head fetish giving out love advice to Mikado.

Oh and Kida?

In the immortal words of Mr. Torgue.

I have only one thing to say.



World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Yuri Kuma Arashi (LESBIAN BEAR STORM) - 02

Hoooooly shit those plot twists! So there's a couple things we can take away from this episode that I feel could be fairly important down the line:

There seems to be a correlation with a character's yuri level and their state of being. Both in the first episode and the current one characters were introduced with their name followed by "(yuri)" in subtitles. Maybe these are indicators for those who are bears or will soon become one due to their love for their fellow classmate? For Kureha and Subaki their relationship was light on the yuri, basic hand holding/fingersex. Ginko, Lulu, as well as Konomi and Mitsuko have already far progressed from those stages of affection and have advanced into skinship territory. My guess is once you've gone off that deep end (or shall I say go :sdburton) you become a bear who's main purpose is eating people (both literally and sexually).

Wall of Severance does jack shit, as these were made by humans and bears are not bound by their rules. Considering how everyone seems to be a goddamn bear at the school, we might begin to wonder which side of the wall are we standing in? Are we on the human side or the bears? Sure you have students talking about how the bears are terrible and stuff, but honestly they could just be saying that to keep their own cover. :lol

"Girls who don't follow the mood of the herd get excluded." Mitsuko's comment is very interesting as it can interpreted as girls who don't back down on their love for another become a danger to themselves and everyone else around them. Which holds true as we later find out from her herself that 'invisible girls' simply don't taste like anything at all. Those are the girls who follow the herd. Mitsuko's objective (and maybe to an extent even Ginko and Lulu's as well) is to isolate Kureha from said herd so her love continues to grow to acceptable level before eating her. The question now remains whether Ginko and Lulu's definition of eating is that of sustenance of the body or that of a sexual nature.

Anyway, can't wait for the next episode! gao~
Hey, so after looking up some of KyoAni's past works I've read that they've made this anime-original show called Munto.

Is it any good? I thought it looked kind of interesting. And given that KyoAni is often a subject talked about a lot around here, I'm surprised that this show very rarely even gets mentioned.
Stiens;Gate 8

So Ruka
is now (maybe) a girl because of time travel, somehow. How exactly can one use time travel to change and only change another individuals gender without altering anything else?

Still a good episode though. I am interested to see where they go with
Ruka's character and how no one remembers Moeka

On a side note, at what point should I start putting spoiler tags when discussing Steins;Gate?


Hey, so after looking up some of KyoAni's past works I've read that they've made this anime-original show called Munto.

Is it any good? I thought it looked kind of interesting. And given that KyoAni is often a subject talked about a lot around here, I'm surprised that this show very rarely even gets mentioned.

The worst work they've ever done.

So bad that I forget it exists most of the time.
Mobile Fighter G Gundam 38

Where Graham realizes he's been a moron for like, 10 years.
Wong has gone full mustache twirl villain, and Master Asia is somewhat of a good guy now, and the next episode he teams up with Domon? That part always kind of bothered me since he was just evil during the end of the Guyana Highlands arc.

I find it funny how the Sailor Moon Gundam is the one with the Rage powerup, and that it seems to having flowing locks of hair.

Argo is the best.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I did? Crap, I'll edit it now.

Yea, Steins;Gate is one of those shows that just has ridiculous twists and turns and a lot of people still haven't seen it yet (heathens). Best to start spoiler tagging from episode 1 if it's a relevant plot point imo.
Yurikuma Arashi 2:
The sound is really excellent in this show.

I've seen a lot of people saying that this is moving too fast, and while it's certainly moving pretty quickly (I think in a two cour version this could have easily been two episodes, cut roughly in half), I don't think it's going at a ridiculous speed. A lot happened in this episode, but it was all explained fairly well, and it never really felt like we were missing any crucial scenes. The repeated trial scene was the only thing that didn't work. I loved it in the first episode, but here it was pretty much pointless.

There's a lot with this episode, and what we've seen so far in general, that I don't think I can really judge yet. Particularly with the way this episode ended. I think it might take a few episodes for some of the themes to really become clear, and so a lot of scenes might need to be reinterpreted depending on how everything plays out.

It seems like bears are a lot less rare than the first episode made things seem. Even if there aren't any other bears present, four (minimum) is still a lot. Perhaps this could even wind up tying into the need to repeat the trial bits. The Wall of Severance probably has a completely different purpose than what we're being lead to believe right now (either that or we're actually on the other side of the Wall all along).

I'm intrigued, for sure.

Allenby > Rain

Rain/Domon > Allenby/Domon

Allenby>Rain is something that doesn't even need to be said. It's simply a fact of life.

My main concern is not the concentration of twists per se as much as the question of does this twist serve a larger point in the story or is it a twist for the sake of a twist, aka "the LOST effect". I felt that quite a few twists in Penguindrum (which certainly spaced them out more) were of the latter variety, and I remain unconvinced that the twists in Yuri Kuma are not the same.

Penguindrum's twists all definitely served a larger point in the story, and they also generally tied in quite well with the show's themes. I haven't finished my rewatch of it, but even just looking at the first half, there are a lot of scenes that make more sense on the rewatch and where I can see them setting up the twists, both with the family stuff, as well as even things like Tabuki and Yuri's motivations, etc. Most of Penguindrum's twists also generally dealt with things which came back to the major themes of the show, such as the ties of family (both genetic families and created families), the way in which the sins of the previous generation lurked over the new generation, child abandonment and its effect (a lot of the child broiler stuff really actually mirrors both Ringo and Yuri's story in some meaningful ways), and more.

I think Ikuhara pretty clearly had this stuff planned out from the start, so they weren't just twists in there for the sake of it (like in Lost, for example). Maybe they would have been better paced if the show had an extra thirteen episodes to work with, but I think they all clearly worked in service to a greater goal.

It's difficult to say where Yurikuma will go, but it hasn't really been twisty so far.
There's really just been one twist so far (although it was used twice in the same episode).
There could be more later on, but right now I think it's difficult to really have any idea in what way twists will be used.


It has finally happened, SDBurton has been overyuried.

I heard that happened once when-

Already happened with Yami to Bōshi to Hon no Tabibito which was so yuri he had to retire from watching anime for a period of 8-12 months.

In fairness Yami was so yuri I wanted to quit life itself for 8-12 months. It killed my progress through The List, for certain.

Mobile Fighter G Gundam 38

Where Graham realizes he's been a moron for like, 10 years.
Wong has gone full mustache twirl villain, and Master Asia is somewhat of a good guy now, and the next episode he teams up with Domon? That part always kind of bothered me since he was just evil during the end of the Guyana Highlands arc.

I find it funny how the Sailor Moon Gundam is the one with the Rage powerup, and that it seems to having flowing locks of hair.

Argo is the best.

Master Asia is on whatever side he damn well pleases. Cuz he's TOHOU FUHAI UAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

John Blade


Just finish the show just now and do wish I watch this after the second raid than before. Well...at least I leave the 2nd half to watch and now I am finish, I can make a very brief opinion of it. To my opinion, this is a fun comedic slap-stick side stories show which I like and it's very easy to get into the mood even if you're not a fan or familiar with the series.

Unlike the 1st show (Full Metal Panic!) which is more story driven with both serious and comedic undertone, Fumoffu is basically what will happened if you take the serious tone out and make it like a comedy high school everyday life with tons of anime stereotypes sprinkle in the show. Nothing wrong with that I have to say but I guess if you want sometime like the 1st show, you might be disappointed a bit. Even with this loss, the show is a blast of fun as you just keep watching to see what Sousuke will do for every incident of the day. Most likely getting beat up by Chidori.

For the character development, most of the development will come down toward the two main character really and even then, it's just more of the same when you think about it (Sousuke did something stupid, Chidori beat him up, Chidori feel sad, angry, etc of her feeling and Sousuke try to help her a bit during the minor trouble time. The reality is, because this is a slap stick comedy, character development is put on the back seat and what you get is basically come down to if you love the character in the 1st show. If you do, then you will love them even more in this show with more wacky things happened to them.

For plot or story development, it's really almost zero here. The whole plot is basically a high school life with Chidori and Sousuke and how Sousuke have no clue of how to solve an issue without using his military tactics. They're isn't really any continuous story for each episodes (except for the few) so, you can watch any episodes in the series in any order. This isn't a bad thing as its more target into the funny side of the show which shine quite well with the lack the story (beside, why do you need any story development here except for the basic).

Overall, this is a fun show to watch. I guess, this show is for people who love FMP but like the funny side of it. Whether this show is the better of the three that is your opinion really. For me, as a side story, it's really fun to watch and don't mind going back to it once a while. As for the series, it stood up quite well against the 1st and much better than the 2nd show.

My Final Though of the FMP Saga

Overall, Full Metal Panic have full potential which I have to say is very interest me quite a bit. The 1st show set up the story arch, the characters you will be with for a while, and the plot development of what is happening to the world in the show and how they're trying to solve the issue.

The 2nd show change the tone and make it comedic which hit quite well if you like the characters in the previous show. It didn't really help expand the story but it make up with it by putting slap stick comedy onto the main characters which did quite well.

The 3rd show try to go back to the serious drama route which did loose a bit of the charm. Even with this issue, it did try to continue the story of what happened to the team after the incident. It have quite a bit of potential here with quite of bit of new villains to go through, new characters allies, an interesting new story arch, and Sousuke emotional struggle.

What hurt it (and it's kinda a big one) is trying to squeeze all of this new stuff in with a smaller size show (13 over 24 from the 1st show). Because of this, they;re so much waste potential in the 2nd show. I don't want to go over it as I did explain in my previous opinion. I know they is a graphics novel and a light novel for this show which (from what I see here) explain what happened after the 2nd show but here is a catch.

As someone who is coming into the show for the 1st time watching this without any other people opinion, why do I need to read the novel to found out about this. Isn't the whole idea is the show trying to get the audience attention to the point where when it end, the audience want to found out more of the series by going into the novel. Doing this, you need to make the show shine so the audience will want to found out by explain the situation a bit and make it clearer. Also, don't like the idea to have too many characters in the show if you can't develop them well.

What I am saying is you shouldn't just jump into the novel (whether it's graphics or written) after watching the show if they is tons of problems which the director of the show didn't fix. Guess it's just me.....

Still, the franchise of the show is good and would let other people to go watch it if they can. Just be prepared for the 2nd show as they're flaw which you will start to questions quite a bit as you process. They is the manga you can read which explain all of this issue from what other gaffer say. I might go there one day but for now, I think I will end here and start my next anime show in my collection which will be Iria: Zeiram the Animation.


Absolute Duo 2 - kind of refreshing to see a school anime where if a girl trips and falls onto a guy, she doesn't then proceed to beat the crap out of him, screaming ecchi.

Also slightly surprised there's no hyper violent tsundere in the show.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Already happened with Yami to Bōshi to Hon no Tabibito which was so yuri he had to retire from watching anime for a period of 8-12 months.

There's certain shows that can fuck with your heart and will leave you upset for a couple days, maybe even a few weeks. Yami fucked with my soul, to this day I still loathe it with every fiber of my being. No show has ever hurt me the way Yami did.


So is the dub non-awful or hilariously awful?

The dub takes a few...liberties. But it is all the better for it.

EDIT: Oh hey...no longer a junior, totally didn't notice. New avatar to celebrate. Open up a random file, and it looks like Johnny is our winner.


There's certain shows that can fuck with your heart and will leave you upset for a couple days, maybe even a few weeks. Yami fucked with my soul, to this day I still loathe it with every fiber of my being. No show has ever hurt me the way Yami did.

I can still sell people on it with the words "Too yuri for SDBurton."

It's like they can't help themselves!
A thought on Yurikuma Arashi.

Maybe everyone, including Kureha and Sumika, are bears, but they don't actually remember it until certain feelings are triggered. That would be an explanation for why Yurizono was shocked by seeing Lulu/Ginko last episode, but is revealed as actually being a bear here. Perhaps her desire for Kureha awoke her bear side, and Lulu/Ginko had those feelings all along, so they never forgot they were bears. Kureha doesn't remember being a bear because her feelings for Sumika were strictly pure, rather than having a desire to eat her.

It's just one possibility right now.
Still better than the trash adaptation Chaos;Head got. I will forever be mad.
Let's be mad together !

Absolute Duo 2 - kind of refreshing to see a school anime where if a girl trips and falls onto a guy, she doesn't then proceed to beat the crap out of him, screaming ecchi.

Also slightly surprised there's no hyper violent tsundere in the show.
Indeed , go to see shows that don't fall into this.
Still predictable for those 2 eps.

There's certain shows that can fuck with your heart and will leave you upset for a couple days, maybe even a few weeks. Yami fucked with my soul, to this day I still loathe it with every fiber of my being. No show has ever hurt me the way Yami did.

I was about to watch it few months ago , and then i didn't.thanks for the warning back then !


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Death Parade - 01

How can a show with such a stellar OP be so twisted?! This episode had me going back in forth between rooting for the husband and wife, only to find out that
the wife is actually a cheating, gold digging, piece of shit. Hope you have better luck in the next life Takashi, Machicko you can rot in hell for all I care.

I can still sell people on it with the words "Too yuri for SDBurton."

It's like they can't help themselves!

Like moths to a flame!

I was about to watch it few months ago , and then i didn't.thanks for the warning back then !

No problem!
A Certain Scientific Railgun - 1

Starting this over from the beginning due to my watchbet with Link Man. And I gotta say, I'm glad I switched over to the sub instead of the dub, which I remember watching last time and sort of ended up dropping it.

But watching it subbed, I'm finding it to be much more enjoyable than what I remembered of it. I hope it keeps it up.


Yuri Bears 02

Yeah...this is one of those shows I'll probably wait for webms for instead of watching the actual show...for reasons.


So I pretty much just finished watching the first episodes for all the series I plan on picking up this season and so far the notable stand outs are Death Parade, Junketsu no Maria, Rolling Girls, Yoru no Yatterman, and Yuri Kuma Arashi and I have to say that among those I absolutely loved Yoru no Yatterman the most.

The series had style, a charming cast of characters, the single best opening that I've seen in a very long while, and blended humor with grittiness well. This series also had one of the best opening episodes that I've seen in a while as it looked great with a lot of screen cap-worthy shots and had a cast that I instantly came to adore. The grittiness of it never felt overblown and only amplified my emotional investment in the cast's circumstances. So yeah what really got me that no other series has was that to me, it was pretty emotionally evoking and this will be the series that I'll be anticipating most this season. This was me when I finished the episode by the way:



Tragic victim of fan death
Your Lie in April 7

Heavens bless us all, this anime has saved everyone. If this doesn't win AotY 2014 I'll be so sad.
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