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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -4| It's not my fault!

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I'd totally contribute to an AnimeGAF Community doujin. It would be a good bonding experience. The only thing I need to know is whether there's a limit to how dirty this could be.


The more I read this thread the more I find myself wanting to check out Vividred and Kotoura-san.

This is a good thing. Two shows worthy of your time.

Well that sucks.

No, it doesn't actually. Kotoura-san is very good so far.

Did we not just have this same fucking discussion last week with Senran Kagura and SAO. Christ.

We did. It wont end here either.

Pretty damn great.


wait... then what have AnimeGAF been posting that's yuri all this time?

Simoun! All the characters start off as girls!

Wait... are you reading every post?

I read every single one. It takes a good while.

firehawk, I take back what I said about SSY having shit sales/ratings because of the timeslot.

Vividred Operation registered an astounding 3.7% rating in its 25:55 (1:55 AM) timeslot. Its the highest rating ever registered on the timelslot and is an incredible number for late night anime.

Wtf is a Vividred?

A vividred is obviously a very successful anime.

Tamako will beat it goddamit.

Doubt it but who knows? KyoAni have plenty of parlor tricks to catch peoples interest.

you also discuss anime sales? o_0
I didn't even now that numbers could be found

Animegaffers are magic. they can even speak the divine language!

This is the anime war thread. Here, I'll start.

Hyouka was the best anime of 2012.

Chihayafuru was the best. Hot blooded Card game > silly mysteries.


Vivid Red Operation 2

Is this show scheduled for a single cour, or will it be two cours?

I haven't heard anything about this and I don't think there has been any announcements. There's only one BD listed on the official site and on Amazon so we can't really speculate based on that either.


Maturity, bitches.
For the character it's textured brushes on subtract with different depth percentages - depends on what I want. Sometimes I use transfer and sweep lightly for softer areas. Sometimes I will use a multiply layer. I usually block my shadows with an opaque tone, pixel lock them, or make them into a channel, and brush over it. It's a variety of things really.

On the background it's the halftone filter and layer mask. I use a spherical gradient to dither the edges. It's okay to use on a flat pattern because you only get one type of effect, but on the character I like to have more control. I'm still experimenting with this ^^
Well saying it was a halftone filter sure was well off the mark.

Angelfire still exists? whoa.
I wonder how many terrible anime fansites still exist to this day with the death of GeoCities. To AniPike to find out!

Inferno Cop Episodes 1-4

This might be one of the worst shows I've seen seen. It's lazy and childish and offensive and I don't know why I didn't feel like I wasted my time watching it. It's bad enough to wrap around itself and starts becoming entertaining. Like a snake eating its' own tail and then pooping into its' mouth. It's vulgar, but this is exactly the description that Inferno Cop deserves.
So you liked it right?

Why is there more moe stuff in animes than in mangas?
Maybe that's not true but it seems like it.
You know what needs to kindle the moe flames? American cop shows. They've gotten so samey I'm bored of them. Make me care about the characters for once.

Your inability to arrive at a unified definition of moe shared by everyone is proof of a coordinated pedophile conspiracy to obfuscate the issue and dodge having to admit to every last one of you secretly having rape dungeons full of little girls.
See the lack of RPJ as an avatar? I like to keep my GAF life and real life separate thank you very much. Please drop this.

It certainly got me to check out the manga, so I guess this is the perfect example as to how anime adaptations are supposed to work. Or at least should work.
I checked out the manga for Yakitate!! Japan after watching the anime and discovered the manga lost the plot even worse and the anime had done its best to fix things up without straying too far.


You know what needs to kindle the moe flames? American cop shows. They've gotten so samey I'm bored of them. Make me care about the characters for once.

Haven't watched a procedural in a year or twor but had seen some try to skew character oriented where the cases were just a means to induce character interaction. Seems like a tricky thing to balance.


Sailor Moon SuperS 164

Didn't catch the significance of the cold open at first nor Nehellenia's mirror. Themes about growing up are coming to a head too and I'm really appreciating SuperS for that.


Does it come with the set, or with S2? I can't seem to find out where I can obtain it or stream it.

Its the very last episode on the second disc of S2. Which is fucking stupid.

I find it especially baffling considering that you can eat chips straight out of a bag just fine without crushing them. When I was younger I went through a phase where I was severely germophobic and didn't like to touch food with my bare hands, so I know these things.

I do a few things with snack food. I like to sort out gardettos and chex mix by the type and size and I arrange doritos in a row on a napkin and eat the broken ones first as a couple examples.

I really should watch this someday. I pretty much stopped reading the manga not long
after L died
and pretty much every clip of the dub looks utterly hilarious.

Death Note anime is amazing. The dub particularly so.

Kotoura-san 2

Nothing too original or crazy, but the ups and downs work quite nicely for this show.

Kotoura is still probably the cutest thing of the season.

Could easily be the best show if the season if they don't fuck up somehow.

Yes Haruka is ADORABLE. Its actually painful watching the bad shit people are doing to her. She deserves none of it.

Guys, why can't really chill shows with great characters like Tsuritama be the trend in modern anime instead of pandering shit like SAO? WHY :(

Because pandering creates sales.
At least it was licensed for the US.

I ended up watching that after season 2, because it was the last thing on the last disc of the complete collection. And it had a To Be Continued at the end of it! I was pretty disappointed when I found out there wasn't actually more. :(

Yeah its stupid to put it there. I read up on it later and it was supposed to be in the middle. what the fuck?

A lot of anime fans at my university love it as well, so at the very least it isn't just kids.

Fuck SAO. I really don't understand its popularity. I understand hows that pander but SAO didnt even pander well. It just sucked.

SAO isn't even so bad its good. Its just Kirito making girls* wet with his videogame "skills"

and Klein from that guy's reactions every time he sees kiroto

if you want something that is in slightly the same vein but is at least entertaining in an inexplicable way, watch accel world

This is a much better idea, aside from crybaby Haru.


I wonder, if someone were to jack off in SAO, would they mess themselves in the real world?

Also another SAO idea: Sugu is cleaning Kirito's excrement in the hospital once again when she noticed he's "stiffened." Antics ensue.
Imagine the followup we could have had if she used it for artificial insemination and had to explain to him he was going to be a father after he woke up.

And the tears she'd have when he explained it'd be his second child.
I say we combine these two ideas and make it so that she demands that Kirito makes "anal babies" with her to make up for it. It's time to get some of that incredibly lucrative scat dollar if you ask me!


Sailor Moon SuperS 165

That's a hell of a way to end the ep.
I hope Nehellenia puts up more of a fight in the next rather than getting killed outright or whatever.
Surprisingly good run leading up to that final ep too. Not that I expected it to be bad but the pacing feels about right. Even S had some weird compression at the end this seems to have avoided.


Maturity, bitches.
Miyazaki hates CGI though... so if it happens while the old man is alive, it might still be hand drawn.
Wasn't the castle in Howl CGI? And the running through the flowers in Spirited Away.

Sword Art Online should have taken a similar approach. It could have been "The glop that shook the world".
But that would require a significant amount of people willing to admit they watch the show.

Idolm@ster Puchimas!

Episode 14

We've gone about 5 episodes now with Yayoi and I don't think I've heard a single "Un Un!" :((
But she's got a flower on her head so what more do you want?

Be still my beating heart.
If the pound gets stronger it'll be 2006 again and I can use PlayAsia again.

It means weebs like us can start importing without losing an arm and a leg.
Don't use derogatory terms.


I say we combine these two ideas and make it so that she demands that Kirito makes "anal babies" with her to make up for it. It's time to get some of that incredibly lucrative scat dollar if you ask me!

So easy it writes itself. Now we just need someone to draw it.


I feel really bad about defending SAO

I really wish I could understand the rage about SAO. I'm not a huge fan, though I did like the first arc. I certain recognise its flaws, but really its like its the worst thing ever thought up. Is it simply due to its popularity?

Reminds me of the k-on rage that other folks have.


Sasami 2

This was boring. Too much exposition for no payoff, and the characters are kind of lifeless.

If at least it had nice wacky action like episode 1 there would have been a redeeming factor, but we didn't even have that. Instead, the animation was put into the most unnecessary and irrelevant places, and the storyboard was pretty weak, creating a jarring product that doesn't flow at all.

I don't think I'll be able to keep watching this one.


I really wish I could understand the rage about SAO. I'm not a huge fan, though I did like the first arc. I certain recognise its flaws, but really its like its the worst thing ever thought up. Is it simply due to its popularity?

Reminds me of the k-on rage that other folks have.

K-On actually deserves its popularity.
But how can someone like Kirito? Kagami, you need to get him to watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, the true essence of masculinity. Where the protagonists are real men who pose and announce their moves like men should and aren't a pathetic pile of shit.


How can someone not like Kirito? or worst claim that there are characters as good as Kirito in JJBA. Id take Kirito even over Ceaser/Joseph.


I really wish I could understand the rage about SAO. I'm not a huge fan, though I did like the first arc. I certain recognise its flaws, but really its like its the worst thing ever thought up. Is it simply due to its popularity?

Reminds me of the k-on rage that other folks have.

It's basically a big bait and switch. You think you're going to get an epic adventure tale, but instead you get harem bullshit loaded to the brim with pandering that stars a boring, douchebag protagonist with gaming skillz that can win over all the ladies. The only part of SAO that i actually enjoyed was Takehito Koyasu as Oberon.


How can someone not like Kirito? or worst claim that there are characters as good as Kirito in JJBA. [B]Id take Kirito even over Ceaser/Joseph.[/B][/QUOTE]

Well now I know you're insane. That's like choosing a bowl of porridge over a gourmet steak. Dull, boring, frustrating porridge.


I really wish I could understand the rage about SAO. I'm not a huge fan, though I did like the first arc. I certain recognise its flaws, but really its like its the worst thing ever thought up. Is it simply due to its popularity?

I think it's because of the setting as well. All sorts of shows have terrible incest vibes and bad characters, but because it's set in a video game world and most of the audience are gamers it's easier to pick flaws in it I think.

Plus, as you say, its enormous popularity makes its flaws all the more irritating to those who are bothered by them.


Heartcatch PreCure! 1

I finally got around to starting this. Not much to say about the first episode, it starts like every magical girl show ever. This is a really weird looking show, I'll probably get used to it but the look of the characters really bother me. That said some of the faces Erika was doing were cute as. The transformation sequence was boring but not the worst ever. These mascots seem like they're going to be annoying as fuck but I guess I'll have to watch more to see. The opening was alright, I assume it'll change a bit as more main characters are introduced. The dance in the ED was bad but in a good way.
He's a Gary Stu minus the tragic backstory.

Also not everyone bases their opinion on fictional characters on how how you think they are. A shocking revelation, I know.

What will you do when you'll have a true gary stu with a tragic backstory?
Because it will happen..i garantee it !
But while i think about it you probably won't see it since it's season 2 material.


Psycho-Pass 13

I'm baffled that this wasn't run last week. Nothing from the previous episode was needed here, this leads out of where things left off, and this ends on a note that I wouldn't mind leaving hanging for an extra week if the flashback had to happen.

This was rather hamfisted, as usual. I can't believe they had Kogami reading "Heart of Darkness" in bed, and the speech given to Ginoza was about as blatant as you can get for a speech about things people aren't supposed to know. I can't say I saw
the revelation about Matsuoka being Ginoza's father
coming, but it also didn't really make me feel anything.

My new random theory is that
Akane has the same disorder that Shougo has, and she will realize this at the end of the series after doing something horrifying.
I'm probably wrong, but it'd be an interesting direction.

Psycho-Pass ep 13

What a shyamalan twist after the ED credits.

My theory :
Touma Kouzaburou and Shougo Makishima are the same person. Because the old lady head knows Shougo the way she address him not to mentions she said that Touma Kouzaburou just disappear.

I don't think that's the case. Her whole speech about
Touma's "disappearance" was stating the myth that society needed to see. Touma had to disappear, because if he were processed through normal channels, they would see that the System is imperfect. She's clearly using "disappear" as a euphemism for a covered-up extrajudicial killing.

It's not absurd to think that
in tracking down Touma, she came across Shougo as well. I doubt they're the same person.
If you guys keep this up I will never be able to return in time.

Edit: can't believe I missed a Hyouka discussion and KyonAni list wars

Nichijou deserves more people to give it love

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Heartcatch PreCure! 1

I finally got around to starting this. Not much to say about the first episode, it starts like every magical girl show ever. This is a really weird looking show, I'll probably get used to it but the look of the characters really bother me. That said some of the faces Erika was doing were cute as. The transformation sequence was boring but not the worst ever. These mascots seem like they're going to be annoying as fuck but I guess I'll have to watch more to see. The opening was alright, I assume it'll change a bit as more main characters are introduced. The dance in the ED was bad but in a good way.
People hating on Umakoshi's transformations makes me sad. :(
Zetsuen no tempest 14
Another 1:1 manga adaptation so far ..and next chapter doesn't seem that much different.


What are you smoking , hakaze ?

i don't expect much of this part of the new arc since they are still folding the new rules out to everyone ( and everyone new status ) but i do hope they won't change what happen afterwards.
Having tons of fan art made by fujoushis =/= good characters.
The JJBA cast and this little guy are not in the same league.
But I didnt say Ceaser/Joseph arent good in their own way, also have lots of good fanarts, just that Id put Kirito as better, well I connected with him more. I dont know he embodies lots of traits that make a character strong, smart, honest, sincere, kind hearted, essentially good character. JJBA characters have faults like Joseph, quick to get jealous, not pure personality, kind of weak thus far, etc. So on that scale, Kirito has more going for him to make him wholly likeable overall character design.
I say we combine these two ideas and make it so that she demands that Kirito makes "anal babies" with her to make up for it. It's time to get some of that incredibly lucrative scat dollar if you ask me!

I can't help but feel that this has all been done before...


But I didnt say Ceaser/Joseph arent good in their own way, also have lots of good fanarts, just that Id put Kirito as better, well I connected with him more. I dont know he embodies lots of traits that make a character strong, smart, honest, sincere, kind hearted, essentially good character. JJBA characters have faults like Joseph, quick to get jealous, not pure personality, kind of weak thus far, etc. So on that scale, Kirito has more going for him to make him wholly likeable overall character design.

But a character isn't a good character just because they're "perfect", that just makes them boring. Characters like Kirito are kind of like the main girl in otome games, boring bricks that people can insert themselves into.
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