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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Yowamushi Pedal 27

I just got done watching a drama filled episode between two boyfriends and their broken promise to each other.

There was crying, there was yelling, there was emotional flashbacks of their first encounter, and the heart shattering conclusion as they had to separate from one another knowing that the damage between them had been done.

And I loved every second of it.



This episode actually raised a lot of alarm in my head...
Unless there is a twist that the MC will have powers i dunno how this is not going toward
suffering for everyone
I mean : the author killed the "3moles" subplot fairly quickly despite how strong and effective it could have been and they made no hints that they could stand a chance against their ennemies.
More than that what the
other girl sees are death flag like events
The goofy parts are the only moments when the animes tries to be normal but the contrast with the rest is so .... big that it doesnt work.

Had it be any other writter i would have hope but.....

I've never actually seen Elfen Lied, though of course I know it by reputation. But yeah, I can't see many ways that this scenario could play out positively. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing; suffering can be good entertainment too. But I'm fully expecting one or both of the two girls we just met to
get ejected
by the time this season is over ~.~

Isshuukan Friends 2


Can I just write that as my impression for every episode of this show? Because I mean, the first episode was wonderful enough to instantly cement it as my favourite show of the season, and now this episode was even better.

I recall in one of my Mushishi episode impressions I talked about that show redefining bittersweet by replacing all the sweet with more bitter - well, this is basically the opposite. It's bittersweet through and through, no doubt about it, but somehow even the bitter just makes it more sweet. So sweet. And I'm not talking sickly sweet or saccharine sweet or anything like that, this is nothing but the purest and most delicious kind of sweet.

So far the show has done an amazing job of getting across the most "positive" aspect of Fujimiya's unusual condition, which is that everything is always fresh and new in some way. There's something honestly incredible about being able to watch these hugely emotional scenes of the two of them making friends, the kind of deeply moving scene that would ordinarily be a one-off thing that then fades into status quo, play out again and again in all these different ways, every one as nerve-wracking and awkward and filled with uncertainty but ultimately rewarding as the last.

And I have to commend the characters as well as the writers for being able to deliver these levels of honesty and upfront-ness. It's really refreshing to see, and at the same time very justified because this situation really demands that level of communication. It's really touching how the pressure of knowing that they only have a week to make each friendship work and then it's back to a blank slate actually forces them to not waste any of that time, to take the friendship more seriously than most friendships would ever become.

tl;dr this show is amazing and if anyone is not watching it this season then they're doing it wrong.
Death Note is one of those shows I think the manga does better, although I only saw bits and pieces of the anime (but they were pretty important pieces).

I don't like how the anime handles
L's death. In the manga, L looks up at the smirking Light as he realizes his assumptions were right all along and he can't believe that he actually lost. In the anime you just see the two staring at each other while some slide show (I'll assume is L's life) flashes quickly by.

Also the ending is handled differently in the manga too, IIRC.
In the manga, Light sees Ryuk write his name into the Death Note, and begins to despair and beg for his life while knowing that his fate is sealed. The anime (again, IIRC) just shows him dead on the stairs. Good symbolism, but I think the catharsis is done better in the manga.

I'd have to watch the entire anime to be 100% sure though.

I just thought both were great. In anime or manga, very rarely do you follow the antagonist and do you rarely route for him. The cat and mouse game was played out wonderfully. Almost like a game of chess.
L sacrificed himself to ultimately win the "game"


Heh. And gaf is just as notorious as certain other communities. Not that I agree with that perception.

I'm interested in both how other communities as well as the anime community at large respond to and interact with anime, just as I am live action film.

Same. I dont think every other forum is a cesspit. Animenfo for example is ok and Sekai no hajimari is small but exactly the sort of place Jexhius might enjoy. But a lot of anime forums are overrun with teenagers and people who havent even seen classic anims to appreciate it. Theyre kind of difficult to identify with.

Anohana 2

I don't think I can rationally explain it but the show is really sad. Every time there's a happy moment or a split second of joy
is right there to remind you how tragic the situation is. I may watch the entire show today. I am pretty invested at this point.

Oh and the OP is great. I really like it. I would argue it gets you in the mood for the show the same way Little Busters + Refrain did.

animegaf is very mixed on this show. It was somewhat agreed upon to be decent but flawed with the excess melodrama.

Yep I hate feelings. That's why my list of favorite anime includes Bunny Drop, Wolf Children, Haibane Renmei, Grave of the Fireflies, and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.

all of these are excellent. I dont agree with you all the time but you do have good taste.

kill me baby has a memorable ED. Great dance too.

Humanity Has Declined 7

Wow, that was a mindfuck. A beautiful, pleasurable mindfuck.

That show is the most comforting mindfuck ever. It should be so disturbing but instead you just smile.
I feel like that's standard practice for them.

What do you mean? I know NISA has separated standard editions into Blu-ray and DVD formats before, but this is the first time I have seen NISA release a series with more than one season like this. Since they decided to make separate Blu-ray and DVD releases for season one why keep season two as a combo pack?


You know being fairly unfamiliar with Mirai (I think all I've seen is this and Little Witch), I'd kind of like to hear about which ones are worth seeking out where possible.

Another one from last year that you might find interesting is the one called Death Billiards. From the year before there's Wasurenagumo which is pretty good. Another really good one is Ojii-san no Lamp.

Buta I thought was a fun one where these animal type characters have a little bit of an adventure. Kizuna Ichigeki is a fun one where this little kid gets into a few fights with some characters and it's nice to watch for its more "sakuga" type animation in the fights.

Those are some of the better ones and probably ones people will more recommend but overall I think most of them are good. Such as Dudu the Floatie being another cute one.

I think the only ones I can recall people more telling you to stay away from are Aruvu Rezuru and Ryo. The first has that incest thing that people don't like and the second sort of deals with more historical characters. Things can be confusing if you're not aware since they don't really explain anything and I think people just didn't think it was good overall anyway.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Love Live! Second Season - 02


Nico x Maki OTP

I thought it was pretty awesome that the organizers decided to switch things up this time around by
preventing the competing groups from performing songs that were already known, forcing them to become creative and create their own original work instead of using the works done by others.
Which in Mu's case works out in their favor as they're rolling with 9 members, some (if not all) of which have their own unique talent/ability that can contribute to meeting this requirement, this episode being a prime example of that. Looking forward to what they come up with!


Subete no aware
What do you mean? I know NISA has separated standard editions into Blu-ray and DVD formats before, but this is the first time I have seen NISA release a series with more than one season like this. Since they decided to make separate Blu-ray and DVD releases for season one why keep season two as a combo pack?
Oh weird, I assumed the S2 link was to the premium edition. Maybe they just have too many copies of it. lol


You know being fairly unfamiliar with Mirai (I think all I've seen is this and Little Witch), I'd kind of like to hear about which ones are worth seeking out where possible.

From last year, both LWA and Death Billiards were great. From the years before that I think pretty much everything is worth at least checking out. Nothing super offensive.


Though the Japanese leads and their chemistry is Joyous. And the english has US accents anyway.
This reminds me why Baccano! is very enjoyable with dubs. While the anime took place in USA, the characters have various accent
especially the immortals came from Europe
Isshuukan Friends 2

I recall in one of my Mushishi episode impressions I talked about that show redefining bittersweet by replacing all the sweet with more bitter - well, this is basically the opposite. It's bittersweet through and through, no doubt about it, but somehow even the bitter just makes it more sweet. So sweet. And I'm not talking sickly sweet or saccharine sweet or anything like that, this is nothing but the purest and most delicious kind of sweet.

Since you mention Mushishi here, somehow I just found strange connection between the premise of One Week Friends and the certain episode of Mushishi where a housewife inflicted by mushi that eats her everyday memory. While the focus is different, they have similarity and it's true that Mushishi have more bitter part of bittersweet, since while she able to live on by making more memories as a waitress and forget them all next day,
she just can't completely forget her cheating husband
Oh weird, I assumed the S2 link was to the premium edition. Maybe they just have too many copies of it. lol

Pretty sure the Season 2 Premium Edition is now, or soon will be, OOP. Now I wish I had purchased the premium edition to the first season so the two sets matched on my shelf. It bugs me enough that FUNimation didn't make Heaven's Lost Property: Forte into a combo-pack at the start, or at least make the slipcase for the BD in a DVD-sized holder so it could fit in with the LE DVD like they did for first season re-releases of Strike Witches and Sekirei.


If any of the bad recent Miyukichi shows were as entertaining as BRS TV I wouldn't be so desperate.

Hehee. Ill suffer with you for Miyukichi and short blue haired girls.

Don't forget people, the From the New World Collection 1 comes out tomorrow!

its in my cart. Thanks for reminder!

To put it another way:

Black Rock Shooter OVA is a gentle story about friendship and the emotional confusion of adolescence with some goofy vocaloid fan-thing used as a well-animated framing device.

Black Rock Shooter TV is the story of how yo I wanted to make some friends in my new school but I went to my new friend's house and then her other creepy friend who's in a WHEELCHAIR passive-aggressively bullied me using dolls and MACAROONS and then she
FELL DOWN THE STAIRS and everyone blamed my friend because they're all insane but wheelchair yandere GOT BETTER so then my friend went CRAZY because suddenly the manipulative half of her codependent relationship just forgot about her so she decides that LOPPING OFF HER HAIR IN CLASS is a good way to deal with this problem so I decide to talk with the school counselor about this and she starts CHOKING ME TO DEATH like wtf but I didn't tell anyone because idk and then I find out that my other friend WAS NEVER REAL well except she was but only in the other world and this one is a fake from the other world who switched places with the real one from this world who I never met but she actually was friends with the school counselor who choked me in the past but they stopped being friends because HER HOUSE BURNED DOWN
and also I suddenly realized I had never actually finished reading my favorite picture book and so I just found out it was actually an insane broken aesop by Franz Bonaparta but it's okay because I discovered the power of cognitive dissonancefan fiction and then lots of crazy nonsensical Freudian BS regurgitated from EVANGELION and dozens of other derivative anime happens in the other world and then everything is OKAY because we all realized that life is an unending parade of melodramatic trauma so LET'S BE IN PAIN TOGETHER.

thats why BRS TV is so great!

Humanity Has Declined 8

This really is a beautiful show. I mean, just look at this screenshot:


But it's not above pandering, it seems.



Otherwise, this was a rather interesting episode, with a surprising conclusion. Really creative.

The Assistant speaks! And utters the amazing punchline to these two episodes!

If you enjoy the art in this check out Tsuritama if you havent!

How do you guys feel about Death Note, I've only seen 1 episode should I finish it because it was a long time ago.

i like it quite a bit. The second half less so but still acceptable. Its great cat n mouse game and unintentionally comedic.

There's a bird in monopoly?

Theres a monopoly related item for everything. Even my city has a Monopoly game.


Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara 2

The harem, it is multiplying!

Until such time as evidence arises to prove otherwise, I'm going to choose to believe that Megumu is a girl with some kind of delusions about being male, because no way in a thousand hells is it possible for a boy to be that cute. She has a HanaKana Kansai-ben voice for godssakes. That caught me off-guard, I thought I'd heard the last of that voice for a while once Nourin ended.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Love Live! S2 02
Everything about this season so far has felt really forced and lame, and it's moved beyond far beyond just the premise. The episodes themselves feel like a weird facsimile of stuff from the first season. They really need to hurry up and push things forward to a place where this season can have an identity of its own. None of this is very promising with the music that's been in the show so far, which just feels overly familiar.

Also, get these Mickey Mania sequences out of my idol shows. The physical comedy is worse than Nico.


Yowapedal 27

That backstory was simpler than I expected. Not sure that warranted a full episode.
Ugh, I was really waiting for the comeback for Onoda. And now... another week.


DTL how can I trust your recommendations when I'm always wary there's yaoi and that's why you like it?

WHAT CAN I BELIEVE IN ANYMORE. I'm starting to think that HxH or Mahouka will develop yaoi.

there no yaoi in Death Note..

So, NISA has solicited the Standard Edition for Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge coming April 29th. Great! ... Except for the fact that the Standard Edition of the first season was separated into BD and DVD releases.

S1 Blu-ray: http://www.rightstuf.com/1-800-338-6827/catalogmgr/KAdkQgbz-QqA9Ut9cD/browse/item/97369/4/7327/0
S1 DVD: http://www.rightstuf.com/1-800-338-6827/catalogmgr/KAdkQgbz-QqA9Ut9cD/browse/item/97368/4/6294/0
S2 combo: http://www.rightstuf.com/1-800-338-6827/catalogmgr/KAdkQgbz-QqA9Ut9cD/browse/item/102291/4/7327/0

Why would you do this NISA?

Thats odd. But NISA always experiments with releases.
Pushimas 05 & 06
i love how they make the transition between each story ..very well done.

Puchimas - 05

Well that was kinda mean
That was a high quality radio corner.

Puchimas - 06

+ rapidfire !
Cockroaches need to die. And i say that as someone who was forced to kill douzen of them last week.


And Yet The Town Moves 4

First off, nobody show Moriaki-sensei Cardcaptor Sakura.

Second off, his equation there seemed...off. Equation was (Teacher + Student)/Morals = 0. Problem with this equation is that if this is true, morals do not factor in at all. Because only 0/x = 0, so in order for this to work, (Teacher + Student) needs to be 0. So morals don't even matter in the equation he presents.

As far as his "natural enemies" go, what seems to be in common between Hotori and his second grade teacher is that they make him look at the world in ways his straight-arrow self cannot comprehend and is heavily resistant to. Was funny how enraged he seemed to get at Hotori doing that math problem, but instead of actually answering the question, said "They couldn't have moved that sphere inside the house; they had to have built the house around it". They really are such polar opposites. And whether or not Moriaki-sensei wants to admit it, there is attraction and a whole lot of sexual tension between them. (Edt: or not, hell if I know)

Gotta say, other than occasional moments of dragging on a joke/internal monologue way too long/exaggerating it too much (though not nearly as bad as many moments in Nichijou which could be incredibly obnoxious if not nearly unbearable), I'm kinda digging this show.
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