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Witcher 3 downgrade arguments in here and nowhere else

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Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
The PS4 version looks damned close to the PC version. Which is what I initially predicted. Aside from hairworks, HBAO+, resolution/FPS, it would look largely the same. And it does.

Oh well, hopefully the SLI 970s I got for this game will manage 4K Ultra with some good frames. Tooling around with an overclock right now, but really, how much more powerful is a 970 FTW SLI setup than a PS4. I feel like I shouldn't need the overclock considering the difference is visuals.


Sorry to info you, none of what you mentioned are voodoo magics

Lol what? Did I mention magic somewhere in my post? Weird.

"decidedly superiority "

60 FPS better IQ, Hairworks and HBAO+ = objectively superior experience. Sorry to hurt your feelings man. You can't argue with facts.

most casual gamers

You can stop right there. I don't give a shit what "most casual" ANYTHING think or do or like. They don't affect anything about me or what I like. Don't see why it should affect anyone in particular, actually. Almost no one on GAF is a "Casual" gamer, not that that it matters much - all that matters is that I'm not one.

Plus, you seem to forget, only 5% PC gamers around the world able to have the luxury for "higher resolution" and "60fps" on their PC

HAHAHA... ok, now I know you're just being all sarcastic. No one makes up percentages like this and is serious about what they're talking about.

Good one!
PC and PS4 footage look pretty much the same. Crazy really considering the recommended specs for PC.

Should of just got it on PS4 lol. Oh well aha

I wouldn't expect there to be drastic differences at 1080p outside of maybe draw distance, distant LOD, AO and AA implementations, and all the Nvidia gameworks stuff.

But if anyone thinks the game is going to look anywhere near as good on PS4 as, say, on my 3440x1440 monitor at 60 fps, well...god bless 'em.


Okay...there is no MSAA option. Fuck them.
Seriously, this is a game with tons of foliage, it literally screams for a good AA solution. Even GTA has it, Assassin's Creed has it too ( and thats from Ubisoft!).
I am stunned really. Thats not what i would call good PC support. Like some shiny hair is more important than image quality.

Seriously? How does that happen in 2015?


This is good work on their part.

You can see that, on PS4 with the reduced draw distance, the scene still looks good on its own.

Yet, with more power on the PC, you can expand the distance and increase the density further enhancing the visuals.

That's a huge difference - and exactly the sort of improved LOD I was hoping for. Can't wait to see if this extends to the cities as well - some of the PS4 shots have obvious detail culling going on not too far from the character.


Thank you, it's going great so far. But you are right. I forgot to mention that I'm using FXAA instead in more recent titles. At higher resolutions you mostly can't even tell that it's more blurry.
I am sorry, i didnt mean to offend you. I am just quite enraged about the whole thing :/


It's not in the control panel. You have to inject it yourself, e.g. via SweetFX or RadeonPro (latter one for Radeon users ofc)

But 900 series cards are able to enable it straight from the control panel right? Or am I think of a different AA tech.


After seeing all this 4k footage, downgrade or not, I don't give a damn anymore to be honest. What they delivered is incredible in my eyes. (Though I still am curios what viveks can achieve with his comparison :p)


Eh figured PS4 and PC would be pretty close aside from the Nvidia features. Not really what I hoped from CDPR but it still is an amazing looking game.


I'd be in the dick
After seeing all this 4k footage, downgrade or not, I don't give a damn anymore to be honest. What they delivered is incredible in my eyes. (Though I still am curios what viveks can achieve with his comparison :p)

I think the point most people are at is that a downgrade did take place, the game still looks quite good, and just want CDPR to properly acknowledge it instead of constantly denying it.


Eh figured PS4 and PC would be pretty close aside from the Nvidia features. Not really what I hoped from CDPR but it still is an amazing looking game.

Yeah me neither. I guess that's what happens when Microsoft pays for your advertising. Can't blame them on a certain level.


Do the 5K shots have HBAO+ enabled? Or any AO for that matter?


Like one other poster already said I can't see the image.

Though the article where the shots are from said "maximum detalis"... so I guess it is turned on? At least the standard HBAO in the in game settings.
Interesting. This was the game I was going to use as an excuse to upgrade my 680, but I am still at 1080p and nothing coming out is really screaming at me to upgrade. It is a little sad but at least my wallet is happy that I can still play newer titles pretty close to max settings. At this point in time it seems more logical to spend most of my budget on a new 1440p G-sync monitor before I even think about upgrading my card.

How do you guys think a 760 (OC'd) with 2gb of VRAM would do at 1080p? I am worried that the PS4 version may run better textures due to the better pool of memory.


I am sorry, i didnt mean to offend you. I am just quite enraged about the whole thing :/

No harm done, really. MSAA is just a relic of the past these days. Huge performance hit (heck, downsampling is less taxing and I don't know why) and often producing graphical glitches, most recently in GTA.

Personally I'll take a slight blur over huge (and I'm talking 20-40% these days) performance hits with even 2xMSAA. And with downsampling from 1440p the blur is really barely noticeable, but is very effective at easing out the moving image.
Of course, if you have a 1440p monitor, downsampling will be more taxing. One of the reasons I'm sticking with my current monitor for now.
When people talk about "decidedly graphic superiority", BF3 PC max setting vs 360 version being the one of the few titles to deliver , none of the next gen games I experienced on PC and PS4 so far offered any significant difference. And some of the most graphically impressive games to the date happen to be console exclusive.

Huh. Everyone that's seen DA:I, Titanfall, and GTAV running on my 21:9 3440x1440 monitor in person has noticed what amounts to a generational leap over what they had seen on their PS4/XB1's at home.


Oh crap I was thinking of MFAA. I'm an idiot confirmed.

Yeah that's the one, I'm on a 780ti too. It can add about like 10% performance drop for little benefit with some games, sometimes it works out though (smaa with sweetfx).

TBH from the videos anyway, it doesn't look like this has tonnes of aliasing even at 1080p. I reckon AA will be okay, bump up the res to 1440p, maybe some sweetfx. At the most I can see myself capping this to like 45fps with RTSS and enjoying it like I've been with GTAV. Unless I go wild and dig a deep pit with the ini files -.- which is a risk.


How do you guys think a 760 (OC'd) with 2gb of VRAM would do at 1080p? I am worried that the PS4 version may run better textures due to the better pool of memory.

Not according to these guy's benchmarks so far apparently. They said 2 gigs is enough for max textures. In terms of performance your 760 >> PS4.


Yeah me neither. I guess that's what happens when Microsoft pays for your advertising. Can't blame them on a certain level.

I'm really, really hoping that the mod tools are good. I'm not expecting anything that will change the shaders drastically (would need an ENB for that) but at least something to improve foliage and water textures.
it's in cases like this where i see no difference between the 2 that i understtand I'm not and will never be a "graphics" guy

It is a youtube comparison, it basically destroys finer details that are especially important in multiplatform titles such as this.


It required a hell of a lot, quite clearly, nothing close to what a 980 could do. Is it not only Sony and MS's fault for not making the consoles they wanted, but also nvidia for not making insane strides in gpus performance and affordability in the next year or two?

It should be obvious that it was held back by consoles, they showed it all off. But why would it look worse? Is PBR console exclusive?

How do you know what it required? I'm not aware they've said what system it ran on in earlier demonstration videos. That's before even considering engine improvements and drivers.
Lately though, we're hearing from people that the game as it is now doesn't really require what people thought it would and the game has marginally better graphics (lighting, shadows, geometry and model assets, textures, vegetation) on PC than its console counterparts outside of things like IQ. There's clearly a lot of room on PC beyond what they've got currently, especially when taking into account the constantly advancing nature of the platform.

I don't know what you meant by 'is PBR console exclusive?'
it's in cases like this where i see no difference between the 2 that i understtand I'm not and will never be a "graphics" guy

Look at the grass in the bottom left corner. You'll see better ambient occlusion in the PC version.
FPS and resolution differences obviously aren't visible in low res screen comparisons.

Edit: Bottom right corner.


PCGH (German) are doing a gradual tech-review. http://www.pcgameshardware.de/The-Witcher-3-PC-237266/Specials/Technik-Test-1158845/

Some bullet points:
  • Performance is "very good", regardless if you're using Radeon-GPUs or Nvidia-GPUs.
  • GTX 770 or R9 280X are sufficient for Ultra Settings @ FullHD
  • 2 GiByte VRAM is enough for the (still very good and diverse) Max Textures.
  • Config File lets you tweak the game extensively, like Distance Scaling (I know some of you were worried) and higher res shadows.
  • Every thread is getting some love. So get your 6 cores out ;). Still, the game is playable with just 4 cores @ 2GHz.

There are some nice comparison shots, so I recommend checking out the site even if you can't read German.

I'm at a loss here. Haven't they stated that the LOD is sort of hard coded and not tweakable?


Yeah that's the one, I'm on a 780ti too. It can add about like 10% performance drop for little benefit with some games, sometimes it works out though.

TBH from the videos anyway, it doesn't look like this has tonnes of aliasing even at 1080p. I reckon AA will be okay, bump up the res to 1440p, maybe some sweetfx. At the most I can see myself capping this to like 45fps with RTSS and enjoying it like I've been with GTAV. Unless I go wild and dig a deep pit with the ini files -.- which is a risk.
I can see myself tweaking settings for days on end. I did it with GTA 5 and I swear it's going to be worse this time lol. I love it though for some reason though. It's part of the fun of PC gaming for me, because you get to customise the game to your preference. There's so much choice.

For mine I don't know what I'll do, because I'm still not sure on what framerates I'll be seeing. For example GTA 5 was letting me 4k 30fps with everything maxed (except advanced settings and mssa), I don't know about this game though. I think 4k 30fps is hoping for too much on a 780 Ti in this game, especially since I want HairWorks and HBAO+. I might do the same as you and settle for 1440p at a frame rate between 30-60 just for the extra IQ. Only issue is 1440p on a 4k monitor doesn't scale perfectly. Oh well, I guess.


I'm at a loss here. Haven't they stated that the LOD is sort of hard coded and not tweakable?

As far as I understand the levels are bound to the different objects, but I think it is still possible to load the different levels at different distances.
I'm at a loss here. Haven't they stated that the LOD is sort of hard coded and not tweakable?

Yeah, this whole "there is very little difference between platforms/certain things you used to be able to tweak are now set in stone" + not enabling every graphics option for PC is getting pretty strange.


How do you know what it required? I'm not aware they've said what system it ran on in earlier demonstration videos. That's before even considering engine improvements and drivers.
Lately though, we're hearing from people that the game as it is now doesn't really require what people thought it would and the game has marginally better graphics (lighting, shadows, geometry and model assets, textures, vegetation) on PC than its console counterparts outside of things like IQ. There's clearly a lot of room on PC beyond what they've got currently, especially when taking into account the constantly advancing nature of the platform.

I don't know what you meant by 'is PBR console exclusive?'

Because my 780ti isn't far off from a 980 and it can't do that, not even close. Unless they are wizards, which we can see they're not.

About PBR - You were saying it would have looked worse if it hadn't come to consoles too.

I can see myself tweaking settings for days on end. I did it with GTA 5 and I swear it's going to be worse this time lol. I love it though for some reason though. It's part of the fun of PC gaming for me, because you get to customise the game to your preference. There's so much choice.

For mine I don't know what I'll do, because I'm still not sure on what framerates I'll be seeing. For example GTA 5 was letting me 4k 30fps with everything maxed (except advanced settings and mssa), I don't know about this game though. I think 4k 30fps is hoping for too much on a 780 Ti in this game, especially since I want HairWorks and HBAO+. I might do the same as you and settle for 1440p at a frame rate between 30-60 just for the extra IQ. Only issue is 1440p on a 4k monitor doesn't scale perfectly. Oh well, I guess.

It's going to be worse since the settings can't just be accessed from the start menu, and we don't know the acceptable inputs in the config file. It's going to take ages to get it optimised.

With GTAV I ended up on 1440p and MSAA and capped to about 45fps, to help with the aiming which I found quite hard at 30. I could get 60fps with lower settings but the graphics weren't as nice and there were some hotspots in GTAV that brought the framerate down to low 40s anyway, and stay fairly close at those spots with my settings now.

Tweaking GTA V for me took ages. This is going to be insane if I go through with the day1 purchase.


PC Games Hardware made a good PC/PS4 comparison video. The console versions really turned out better than I expected and I'm hearing people with early versions of the game report improvements between the unpatched and patched performance. CDPR did a good job porting it. I figured this vid would be most relevant to people in this thread.


I'm really surprised with the end of the video, pretty decent LOD on PS4 version.


Yeah, this whole "there is very little difference between platforms/certain things you used to be able to tweak are now set in stone" + not enabling every graphics option for PC is getting pretty strange.
I wonder if "parity" has something to do with it? Perhaps their marketing deal with MS has some influence over the way they showcase PC screens? I don't know honestly.


I'm at a loss here. Haven't they stated that the LOD is sort of hard coded and not tweakable?

Yeah, this whole "there is very little difference between platforms/certain things you used to be able to tweak are now set in stone" + not enabling every graphics option for PC is getting pretty strange.

I feel like this was just a classic misunderstanding, maybe he articulated himself not well enough. They are Polish, you know xD


I feel like this was just a classic misunderstanding, maybe he articulated himself not well enough. They are Polish, you know xD

I'm more and more sure that CDPR is trolling us as we get closer to release. Still a possibility that the true "ultra" settings will be revealed on release day /w the day 1 patch.


Because my 780ti isn't far off from a 980 and it can't do that, not even close. Unless they are wizards, which we can see they're not.

About PBR - You were saying it would have looked worse if it hadn't come to consoles too.

How do you know what the game ran like on a 780 Ti? You don't. You don't even know what it ran on at all before. Are you just guessing based on other games?

I said the game on consoles would look worse than it does on consoles now, had they developed Witcher 3, a PC game, then ported that game to consoles. The reason being, they'd have less leg room because they'd still be using those higher assets and would have to find other areas for optimisation. Otherwise, reduce asset detail like they have done with the game as it is now.
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