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Wkd BO 06•23-25•17 - Transformers snore than meets the eye, Woman keeps up with Cars


Oh yeah. I think it's going to be a lot of people's favorite of his; it's so well-directed, easily Edgar Wright's most accomplished film and some of the best action sequences I've seen this year. My only gripe with the film was I didn't quite buy into the romantic as much as I hoped, but they have such great chemistry together that I was just about swept up in it anyway.

I probably won't get to see it for 3-4 weeks. I really hope it's still in theatres then (the theatres I'll be around at least)
That seems low. Good low, nice to see a blockbuster with a reigned in budget and helps prevent it from being the Summer's biggest bomb assuming it's bad (hopefully not).

How's the budget compared to The Emoji Movie?

No budget released for the The Emoji Movie yet, but SPA's film budgets as of the first 2012's Hotel Transylvania have consistently been around the $80-$85M range. (Not counting the live-action/CG Smurfs 2 and Goosebumps. SPA didn't even produce the latter film, it was just released under their label.)

With that said, Smurfs: The Lost Village, which SPA released earlier this year, was budgeted at $60M. This actually makes it the studio's cheapest fully-animated theatrical film to date (and the film flopping domestically in spite of this must had been adding insult to injury).

Watch it still bomb.

Life finds a way.
Life already bombed this year. Sorry.

I don't think Disney takes the risk with the finale of their sequel trilogy, no matter how many "friends" this guy has.

I think they'll try to get JJ back, honestly. Pay him whatever he wants.

Lord and Miller didn't get fired because they were bad directors, they got fired because they clashed with Kennedy/Kasdan. There's no way Trevorrow is going to clash with Kennedy especially, partially because his voice as a filmmaker isn't that distinctive, and partially because he has a good prior relationship with her husband from directing Jurassic World. Even Trank got removed from doing a spinoff not because FF was bad, but because he was apparently out of control during filming and proceeded to shit on "his own movie" before it even came out.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
$775-800M is my best guess at the moment. Somewhere over $750M at the lowest end.
Wait a sec.... Kswis actually giving WW an outside chance of hitting 800m? Hell yeah! I asked you if it had a chance a few weeks ago and you basically said not a chance in hell. At least I think you did if my recollection is correct.


Wait a sec.... Kswis actually giving WW an outside chance of hitting 800m? Hell yeah! I asked you if it had a chance a few weeks ago and you basically said not a chance in hell. At least I think you did if my recollection is correct.

The domestic run is having the best superhero legs since Batman 89 (not counting some low budget stuff), so you can't blame me for undershooting reality :p

I still think that overseas will miss $400M. Unless this does better than typical in Japan. Legs have been a bit better than expected in certain regions though.

Two weeks ago, I was thinking $330-350M domestic. That is looking $50M too low.

Past data is great for predicting most runs, but it can be a blinder for extraordinary runs.


Lord and Miller didn't get fired because they were bad directors, they got fired because they clashed with Kennedy/Kasdan. There's no way Trevorrow is going to clash with Kennedy especially, partially because his voice as a filmmaker isn't that distinctive, and partially because he has a good prior relationship with her husband from directing Jurassic World. Even Trank got removed from doing a spinoff not because FF was bad, but because he was apparently out of control during filming and proceeded to shit on "his own movie" before it even came out.

And Trevorrow won't get fired because he's a bad director, he'll get fired because:

The Book of Henry (2017)

Box office $3.1 million
RT: 23%

If the movie looks like dog shit, that's going to clash with Kennedy. They aren't dumb.
Trevorrow got Jurassic World to the finish line, he knows what needs to be done and that's the main thing that matters.

Y'all are in wish fulfillment mode


Trevorrow got Jurassic World to the finish line, he knows what needs to be done and that's the main thing that matters.

Y'all are in wish fulfillment mode

I am surprised that Disney let Joss Whedon direct Age of Ultron after seeing that $4.3M gross for Much Ado About Nothing.
He's not gonna get fired for Book of Henry.

They knew what a piece of shit it was before Force Awakens opened.

Lucasfilm execs saw a cut of it back in 2015

They knew what it was.
And Trevorrow won't get fired because he's a bad director, he'll get fired because:

The Book of Henry (2017)

Box office $3.1 million
RT: 23%

If the movie looks like dog shit, that's going to clash with Kennedy. They aren't dumb.

If Disney were going to fire someone from one of their high profile releases because their most recent release was bad/bombed, Trevorrow wouldn't even be first on that list. They'd move Guy Ritchie off Aladdin before they'd move Trevorrow off of Episode IX. And they aren't going to do either one of those things, at least not for that reason.


Star Wars is dead.

Turned from one auteur's vision into a corporate wasteland with all risk, personality, and heart sapped out of it entirely. One of the greatest franchises cinema had ever seen now reduced to endless ANH remakes and micro-managed spinoffs no one asked for, all led by whatever scab directors Kathleen Kennedy can assert her dominatrix authority over.

God, I miss Lucas. That crazy bastard really sell out to those mouse-eared white slavers. But it's never too late. You can still come back, George. Come back and carry us to the promised land, George. Come back and give us the Boss Nass origin story we've been begging for, George.
I remember seeing a tweet saying someone had heard Kathleen was far more worried about Han Solo/Lord and Miller than Episode 9/Trevorrow so what can you do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Star Wars is dead.

Turned from one auteur's vision into a corporate wasteland with all risk, personality, and heart sapped out of it entirely. One of the greatest franchises cinema had ever seen now reduced to endless ANH remakes and micro-managed spinoffs no one asked for, all led by whatever scab directors Kathleen Kennedy can assert her dominatrix authority over.

God, I miss Lucas. That crazy bastard really sell out to those mouse-eared white slavers. But it's never too late. You can still come back, George. Come back and carry us to the promised land, George. Come back and give us the Boss Nass origin story we've been begging for, George.

I'm going to assume you're not serious.

Star Wars was a blatant cash grab taking from various serials he enjoyed that worked out for Lucas. This weird upsell after the fact from folks is interesting.

THX-1138? Sure. American Graffiti? Yeah. Star Wars? It has always been the vessel of the commercial juggernaut that people say they hate about it now.
I'm going to assume you're not serious.

Star Wars was a blatant cash grab taking from various serials he enjoyed that worked out for Lucas. This weird upsell after the fact from folks is interesting.

THX-1138? Sure. American Graffiti? Yeah. Star Wars? It has always been the vessel of the commercial juggernaut that people say they hate about it now.

Wasn't the merchandise rights one of the few things Lucas insisted on keeping when he signed the initial deal with Fox? That sort of speaks for where he saw the movies going.


Wasn't the merchandise rights one of the few things Lucas insisted on keeping when he signed the initial deal with Fox? That sort of speaks for where he saw the movies going.

That's one of those "only in hindsight" kind of moments that amazes me to this very day. I can't even conceive of a Hollywood industry in which the executives, BUSINESS executives, obsessed with FINANCE and PROFIT would say to themselves, "Merchandise? That's a sucker's game. No money in that."

Man, Star Wars changed everything.


I'm going to assume you're not serious.

Star Wars was a blatant cash grab taking from various serials he enjoyed that worked out for Lucas. This weird upsell after the fact from folks is interesting.

THX-1138? Sure. American Graffiti? Yeah. Star Wars? It has always been the vessel of the commercial juggernaut that people say they hate about it now.



the prequels biggest sin was not releasing in the 70s, if they had they would be up on a pedestal
To some segment of the fanbase, the prequels are on a pedestal.

Those people are crazy.

The big problem was that they didn't have anyone with any kind of artistic vision of their own like Marcia, Kasden or Kirschner. It was Lucas left to his own devices of prioritizing merchandise and stealing other people's ideas without any understanding of their meaning.
The Prequels did release in the 70s.

Logan's Run
The Black Hole
Battle Beyond the Stars

There are no pedestals for any of those three films.

(bonus: Only one prequel is better than any of those movies. Can you name which one?)


The Prequels did release in the 70s.

Logan's Run
The Black Hole
Battle Beyond the Stars

There are no pedestals for any of those three films.

(bonus: Only one prequel is better than any of those movies. Can you name which one?)

What no Ice Pirates? And I thought you were a student of the craft


I never said I wasn't old either

(was about to try and cheat and say they made it in 1979 but it's a Corman flick so you know they started production like 3 weeks before the release date)

In my rebellious youth I was team Carnosaur over Jurassic Park, for some reason. Man I wish the internet was around for that
You'd be surprised to learn what types of reviews Star Wars 3 got in 200..whenever it came out. Attack of the Clones also reviewed decently.

If those 3D releases had come out as planned both those movies would have taken a big hit like TPM did.

Attack of the Clones would have dropped like a fuckin' rock.


I got old man friends comin over for old man movie night tomorrow and I'm not shitting you Carnosaur is on the docket as a possible pick

(It's probably gonna win)

(Unless everyone votes for Enemy Territory, starring Ray Parker Jr. & Jan Michael Vincent)

I never seen Enemy Territory, I must correct that. You old Bobby, do you remember Cynthia Rothrock? I try to mention her to people and they look at me crazy
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