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Would you agree that remakes have become a bit of an annoying fad?


Resident evil 2 was amazing. What I find in a lot of cases is my nostalgia glasses always beat the touched up graphics of a remaster.


Nah, not at all. As long as they look like they're doing their job, then that's all that matters to me. The bigger the gap between the games, the better IMO. Because then you can REALLY see the difference in a variety of ways. I feel like all the remakes we've seen have been fitting, except TLOU Part 1 (IMO, chill, lol), and Horizon, if that's actually happening.

Honestly, I'd rather see remakes of previously beloved titles than some new BR or Tarkov-like.


To me, it depends on how well they're done really. There are quite a few things to take into consideration. How did the graphics and controls age? How difficult is it to play on a modern PC or console? Is it really a necessary thing to do when a remaster would suffice?

Would a Bloodborne remake be necessary? Probably not, but it could absolutely use an up-res and boost to frame rate (remaster). If they hadn't remastered TLOU1 for PS4, then a full-on remake would have been welcomed.

One game that I wish would receive a remaster/remake is 3D Dot Game Heroes. It has a stupid name, but the game is an awesome homage to The Legend of Zelda. Unfortunately, it's locked to PS3 (or PC emulation, which is a pain in the ass).


RE4R really makes the case for remakes. Game looks fucking amazing. And I’ll play through TLOU again. Might not buy it again for full price but the last time I did that was uh EIGHT years ago. That’s a sufficiently long time for plenty of people to want to dive in. Younger people that were simply too young back then or new interest brought in from the TV show will have a perfect opportunity to dive in.

And hey if you don’t like it, don’t buy it. VoTe wItH uR WaLlEt. The fact of the matter is that as long as they sell, and turn a profit, it’s going to keep happening. Remaking popular games is a pretty safe bet for most publishers I imagine. Nostalgia is a powerful drug and you can bottle it and sell it in a shiny new package. Just look at brilliant Diamond and shining pearl. They took games that were great for their time, gave them to the shit ass B team and turned them into absolute crap. The definition of low effort, and they STILL sold tons.

I would argue that TLOUP1 is still a great game. The writing, animation, acting, and production value are all stellar and there’s no arguing that. Whether you personally enjoyed it or not is another story all together.

TL;DR: Bring on the remakes. I’ll take your love, your anger, and all of your sorrow.


Gold Member
There's certainly a case to be made about certain remakes not really being needed or not having enough changes to be considered remakes, but I generally like them and want to see more.


Worse than new games but better than half asked remasters like GTA Trilogy

Some games I'm just going to eat up a remake like KOTOR. I'd be there day one for Bioshock too.

And if they want to remake the MGS games faithfully I'm there day one too


lol actually i left out re2, re3, and ff7 part 1 because they released last gen even though they were released in 2019- 2020
Ehhhh I don’t know what to say.
It’s still not much.
Resident evil and ff7 are only real true remakes. Other stuff is only graphics.


I don’t full agree with that, my problem with TLOU and Horizon remakes are that these games still can be played on PS5 but not with Dead Space.
They could just re-release it on modern systems, then. The original is still cool as shit and plays nicely and this remake doesn't really seem to be doing anything new or interesting. The small changes that can be seen on those gameplay videos look token at best but the basic gameplay loop is literally the same. That shit ain't RE2 remake, that's for sure.

I even have my doubts whether it will be an improvement over the original, to be honest.


Watch the latest re4 remake trailers.
That's why people love remakes.
Resident evil 2 was amazing. What I find in a lot of cases is my nostalgia glasses always beat the touched up graphics of a remaster.
To me, it depends on how well they're done really. There are quite a few things to take into consideration. How did the graphics and controls age? How difficult is it to play on a modern PC or console? Is it really a necessary thing to do when a remaster would suffice?

Would a Bloodborne remake be necessary? Probably not, but it could absolutely use an up-res and boost to frame rate (remaster). If they hadn't remastered TLOU1 for PS4, then a full-on remake would have been welcomed.

One game that I wish would receive a remaster/remake is 3D Dot Game Heroes. It has a stupid name, but the game is an awesome homage to The Legend of Zelda. Unfortunately, it's locked to PS3 (or PC emulation, which is a pain in the ass).
Yes and No, I think most games that are remembered fondly deserve remakes, they're a good way to make a great game accessible to a modern audience. The main issue I have with remakes is when they are way too soon. I think at least 2 gens need to be between a game and it's remake (so currently that would mean early 360/PS3 games or earlier). Remasters are generally fine any time as long as they're advertised as such and are mostly upresses and maybe some QOL tweaks and meant to bring games from inaccessible consoles to modern consoles, but otherwise the same game (i.e. doesn't take a ton of development resources away from other games).

Video games should be accessible via modern consoles, and some games have aged terribly and would massively benefit from a remake. I really only have a problem with things like Last of Us being remastered/remade twice in 9 years (especially when they could've put that effort into a high quality remake/remaster of the Uncharted trilogy or Jak and Daxter games), or the plethora of One/PS4 to SX/PS5 "remasters"
Yeah, and I would agree that a remake is also a-ok in my book - as long as it's a transformative work that builds upon the original in a significant way. Resident Evil games are like the gold standard here (well, except for RE3 remake) but other good examples of a good (or at least justified) remake would be Mafia: Definitive Edition, Final Fantasy VII Remake, or MGS: The Twin Snakes. You can debate whether those games are an improvement over the original, but you can't deny that their makers actually put some legit effort into creating a new kind of experience in a familiar setting.

That's what a remake should be, really. When you look at movies, specifically examples of good remakes, they're not only a vast improvement over the original but also great movies in their own right. Most importantly, the original versions are still preserved and you can go back and watch them if you like.

What I hate about this trend in gaming is how often we see a "remake" of a game that doesn't remake shit except for graphics, and it's even worse when the originals are buried in a ditch by the IP owners, never to be experienced by anyone again. At least not legally.

No. Remakes are great entry points for 1st timers, and for fans of the game that wish to replay it with visual improvements. Ppl that dont find them necessary can just ignore them and look for something new to play.


If people stop buying them then they will go away i guess. I didnt mind Demon Souls Remake because it was my first time playing it. 🤷‍♂️

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
Something old like RE2 makes sense, or Goldeneye.....where the controls, graphics, frame rate were iffy....makes sense
But the cash grab of games like Last of Us and Horizon are unnecessary. Anything under 15 years old does not need to be remastered. Give them a patch and make them playable on current consoles. Don't repackage it and charge $70 (looking at you Sony!).
Do you like Sony's "remakes" of Demon's Souls?

We have no idea what is going on with Horizon other than rumor. So we have 1 game that wasn't a remake.

Remaking LOU1 makes more sense given the proximity of time to LOU2 and the upcoming HBO show.

The same with Uncharted 4 porting to PS5/PC makes sense with the movie's release.

Would have taken more time to fully remake Uncharted 1 to the point it needs to be

Well, in the case of Demon Souls, if it is a 100% Remake, because it has new animations and the stage was recreated from the beginning.

Honestly the "Remake" of The last of us 1, it seems like PC games....

PS3 is the low version, PS4 the medium version and PS5 High Version.

It seems that Sony only thinks that Remake is to have the game in Ultra.


Gold Member
I don’t mind. Then again, my backlog is 50+ games. 100+, if you count game pass stuff I’m sort of interested in.


yea that doesn't really make any sense as you could argue the very same thing about SotC or Demon Souls or Dead Space (which ever you might be referencing)

To say The Last Of Us 1 is too soon and its about to be decade old is as silly as saying its too soo for Dead Space or Demon Souls or something.

SoTC made on PS2, remade on PS4
Demon Souls made on PS3, remade on PS5
Dead Space made on PS3, remade on PS5
The Last Of Us made on PS3, remade on PS5

You are merely looking at the same generational gap from original release, to remake. So this "too soon" thing imho has little merit as the fucking PS5 isn't just magically getting stronger by the year or something, its a set thing and any remake coming this year or next year or next year after that...if its on PS5, its the same fucking system, using this weird ass logic, you might as well not play it and then wait 4 years and then buy it on PS5 and be like "ahhh yes, enough TIME has passed" lol

It would be like saying, the community would be ok with it, if it released on PS4 instead, oh but in 2025, but shit enough time passed though right? Thats the main point, time? Thats the key factor? Are some of you 100% sure about that or? Is it not new hardware to rebuild the game on? So we've seen remakes made in less time from those originals to remakes.

Resident Evil 2002
Metal Gear Solid 1

I'm 99.9% sure many will be able to live knowing that at almost 10 years, a remake was made several generations apart
I was referencing Demon's Souls. I think TLoU felt different because it was already remastered in 2014 for the PS4 and it was in a pretty good state. Regarding your other questions, while you are right that the PS5 wont get magically stronger, the devs will, games by the end of the generation always look much better than the games from the first couple of years running on the same hardware.


I'm a resident evil fan and found no visual issues with classical re up to 3 and cv , basically I like them the way they're , however , I loved re4 as it is but I always find it hard to accept a game where not every 3d object created equally, you saw it when you go near an object or even in the scenes , visual differences between Leon's body and level designs are vast and it's just not acceptable , this issue has been solved with the seventh gen consoles but it's still bothering me when I look back on older games , It's a gray period for me and needs to be addressed.


Gold Member
I've got nothing against repackaging old games to make them run on modern systems and with some things refurbished (resolution, framerate, controls) so that you could comfortably replay or experience those classics for the first time.

You know, kinda like what Night Dive or Beamdog are doing.

But publishers really need to pack that remake shit in. It's a waste of resources that would be better spent making something new and it's rarely even worth the hassle.

I get why publishers are doing it. To them, playing to our naive nostalgia is

But for someone such as myself, who is just bored of seeing the same shit over and over, it's annoying as hell. I think I preferred when they were making clones of whatever watershed title was popular at the time (COD4, Gears, God of War, GTA, etc.) It was at least SOMETHING. And now they don't even bother with that. They just put fresh makeup on some old corpse of a game and put it out again because they know we're idiots and we'll buy it again.
The game industry caught up with the movie industry way too fast...
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No, keep 'em coming.

In an average non-covid year I play around 10-15 games a year, meaning that I miss out on tons of good stuff. There's hundreds of games I've meant to play at one point but just never got around to and now I can't be bothered to mess around with old systems.

Gimme a Kid Icarus Uprising remake, Pikmin 2, Drakengard 3, Baten Kaitos, I could easily list another 100 games but you get the point.


I like the idea of remakes of very old games that used to be restrained by past hardware.

I don't like the idea of newer devs taking artistic liberties and changing the overall art style and atmosphere though.


I have no problem with remakes as long as they are old games but now we are getting remakes of 5 or 6 year old games.


Remakes can be great. They need to be a lot more selective about what gets remade though and if the original can be played on modern hardware
I'm not against the occasional opportunity to revisit an old game that's been brought up to date in one way or another.

What I do despise though is Sony's recent blantant abuse of the tactic. I can't think of a single reason for yet another TLOU release other than to drain the pockets of their most loyal customers.
I do wish studios spent more time making new games but hey money talks and it seems people are more than happy to buy remakes/remasters. It's the same thing with DLC/battle passes, etc. On here we all might like to complain about them but it's making money. We must be the minority. If most people are happy to buy remakes/dlc/battlepasses then that's where businesses like Sony/Microsoft/Epic/Blizzard etc are all gonna go.


Depends on what’s being remade. Like Nightdive Studios remaking classic shooters that generally aren’t easily attainable to most players.

But remaking something like The Last of Us…eh. It was a smart money making move on their part so I get that. But it didn’t need a remake at all.

I also don’t see there being a remake fad. Remasters however are a fad, as it’s easy money to be made on console players - especially Switch users who never had access to this stuff.
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Iced Arcade

should at least be a gen or 2 before a remake comes but BUT people keep buying them so obviously they are going to keep making.

easy money for developers even if a full remake. the story and ground work is already there.


Not having played the original means that I've skipped it on purpose at the time.
If I've played the original, then no thanks. There are too many games (or other things) to do instead


OP, what resources are being wasted on with these remakes? We don't have such information to confirm that anything is being wasted.

BTW, I won't complain if there's an LOD Remake :)



Xbox’s backwards compatibility programme was a league ahead for the consumer. Increase resolution and framerate, free of charge.

Demon’s Souls PS3 would have been perfectly serviceable on PS5 at 60fps 4k (if they could sort out the issues with PS3 back compat). Same with all of Naughty Dog’s games, Uncharted 1–3 didn’t need a port IMO.

Not just singling Sony out, it’s everyone that takes part.
Yeah I'm with you on this one, we are getting far too many remakes.

Some of them are great, like the RE ones, but others like TLOU or Dead Space seem unnecessary to me, as those are basically the same games but with better graphics afaik.

The last of us remake is a scam without question.

It seems that they want to give us High versions like PC games.


Gold Member
I think it’s awful timing calling it a bad idea considering we got two highly anticipated remakes of very beloved games coming in 2023. Say this after they remake Chrono Trigger.
Yeah I'm with you on this one, we are getting far too many remakes.

Some of them are great, like the RE ones, but others like TLOU or Dead Space seem unnecessary to me, as those are basically the same games but with better graphics afaik.
Ehh I'd argue there is not enough of them. There are plenty of titles I'd like too see being Remade or Remastered.

Soul Reaver needs to be remade. That's not even a question.
Half Life 1 and 2 could use an official Remake in Source 2 in VR
Bloodborne Remake or PS5 Remaster
Legend of Dragoon from PS1 needs a Remake
Banjo Kazooie needs a Remake or some sort of a reboot
RE1 modern Remake would be nice but it kind of already was remade for Gamecube

I believe a FF9 Remake is already in the works according Nvidia steam leak. Same way Dragon's Dogma 2 got leaked along with Kingdom Heart 4.

There are ton of others games I'd love too see being remade but I don't think they ever will - MDK, Sacrifice, Black & White and I can prolly find a ton more. But don't think they will due to them not being so popular.
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I think it’s awful timing calling it a bad idea considering we got two highly anticipated remakes of very beloved games coming in 2023. Say this after they remake Chrono Trigger.

Too soon, we just got a remaster a few years ago of it, THUS TOO SOON! /s

Elder Legend Elder Legend Agreed. We literally have more new games coming next month, then we will remakes thru the whole next generation as a whole combined.

Not only could we use more, I doubt it would impact what many feel would be new development anyway. So I feel any publisher should have 1 or 2 teams dedicated to that to bring in new audiences and correct features on older titles.

Like I'd love a remake on Banjo series (both N64 games anyway). The renewed interest could get Rare to want to continue that series as it is to see if a market still exist for that concept.

Black and White, could you imagine that game using some new AI tech for NPCs? No matter how much someone loves an older title, they are bound by tech of their era. So I'll never understand this weird butthurt gatekeeping thing of pretending some title was "perfect" as if nothing else could be or should be done for some remake as if it was fucking 16K ray tracing and brain implants in 1997 and just future proof or something lol

We are talking about a medium where the difference is much more massive from 1 to the next compared to film or music. We'll continue to see remakes, we'll continue to see folks crying about it too.

(Until its time for that hypocrisy to kick in and them to conveniently bring up the fucking game they want remade instead, its always bad, until they demand their own fanfiction title to be made instead, go figure lol)
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Gold Member
Too soon, we just got a remaster a few years ago of it, THUS TOO SOON! /s
Chrono Trigger is one of Square’s most enjoyable JRPG’s. I bet it gets brought up a lot, considering how Square is so in touch with their legacy titles. It’s also an industry that may or may not impress you with its latest hit when it’s all said and done.

If they wanted to make better games wouldn’t they have done that already? We would all love a better entry, but there’s times when revisiting something in the past is a much better experience.


Chrono Trigger is one of Square’s most enjoyable JRPG’s. I bet it gets brought up a lot, considering how Square is so in touch with their legacy titles. It’s also an industry that may or may not impress you with its latest hit when it’s all said and done.

If they wanted to make better games wouldn’t they have done that already? We would all love a better entry, but there’s times when revisiting something in the past is a much better experience.


I think it will get remade in the future and I bet it looks a lot like what ever the new Dragon Quest game is going to look like. Maybe it will be easier on them to use those same assets or something. So I think its inevitable.
Absolutely. These games that haven't been out that long, getting remakes and remasters seem like a bit of a waste of time and effort. I'd love to see remakes of older games like Skies of Arcadia and Chrono Trigger.

K' Dash

Capcom is doing it right, the rest are fucking up, specially Sony selling their asset flip “remakes” for a premium.

I’m a sucker for anything Dead Space, so I’ll be there day 1, but a remake was not needed.


Stuff like RE4, RE2 and Tactics Ogre are amazing. There are also Suikoden and Dragon Quest remakes coming. More of that please.

Final Fantasy 7 and Resident Evil 3 can take a hike though. No thanks on butchered remakes like that.


It sucks but it plays to the strengths of modern development tools which allow for efficient asset creation en masse. So you have all the tools to make something look new and shiny while relying on decisions made by actual talented designers and artists 10+ years ago when those people still existed in the industry.


As long as they are done good, i don’t mind. I wanted remakes of the PS2 GTA games, and then Rockstar takes a huge giant dump on fans heads with gta ”definitive“ edition.
As long as they are done good, i don’t mind. I wanted remakes of the PS2 GTA games, and then Rockstar takes a huge giant dump on fans heads with gta ”definitive“ edition.
They were bad at launch and for a while, but I recently played through them, and a lot of stuff got patched. I had a blast playing them all again, and I like that they preserved the old look and feel while fixing things like blocky hands and old textures and raising the resolution.
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