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Would you buy a diskless PS4?


sure I would go for that. I haven't bought a disc game in many years. the disc drive is just an unneeded expense as far as I'm concerned.


Gold Member
Initially I was against going all digital. Lately all my games have been digital, because I get annoyed when I go to shops only to find out the game that I want is out of stock, or unavailable.


I went all digital at first opportunity back in the day, I was so done with the stacks of boxes and spindles of cd's etc, not to mention the physical noise of playing off a CD/DVD

There'd be a ton of moaning and groaning but if both the next Xbox and PS would release digital only they'd probably still sell almost as well (excluding the part of the population who really has no manageable options internetwise)

If onlyone of them decides to do it it'd probably kill their sales.
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Nope, never.

To what benefit? lol

Less features is better or something? I buy digital games, but I buy MOST of my games physical as I own them.

HDD dies, who cares I have the disk
Stolen PS4, who cares I have the disk
Developer removes the game from PSN, who cares I have the disk
Online is down from my ISP, who cares I have the disk
Online is down from PSN, who cares I have the disk

THIS is why I buy physical. When something happens to my HDD, ok.....I have some games to download, no biggie, but the vast majority of my collection is physical so it means nothing if my HDD dies as I'll be up and gaming in mere minutes vs hours of downloading games.


is the internet really so uncommon? aren't all websites like neogaf.com part of the internet? isn't social media in general part of the internet?


Neo Member
I stick to physical as long as possible. When you buy digital games you don't own them anymore, they are only linked to your account. If for whatever reason your account gets locked you lose all your purchases. There is almost nothing you can do about it.


When this gen started I would say no. But after the disc drive of my Ps4 became possessed by Satan 3 years ago (even after removing the eject button the console will spit discs, or suddenly turn itself off after playing from a disc, and refuse to turn on except on safe mode) , and I discovered the joy of psn sales, psprices.com and multiple accounts of different regions, I converted to full digital. Buying a new release from US PSN is cheaper than buying physical in EU even with trade in and pre order discounts.
I can't resell, sure, but as I grow older, I also grow lazier. I can't be bothered to list games online and go out to meet someone just to sell a game!

The price difference would be minimal, a disc drive is what? 10$ or less for Sony? But they would save if they managed to make the console smaller, taking less space in store and storage for retailers and cheaper distribution.


If digital games were a fraction of the price of a disc-based game -- which they SHOULD be -- then I'd consider it.

you are paying for 2 licences so you can game share with digital games. with disc games you lend it out and can't play it while its lents out
you got to figure SONY could save a pretty penny removing the drive and including a larger HD for downloads. Would you buy a 10TB PS4 Pro Lite? (No disk drive)

No I wouldn't. I like physical media. And I really doubt deleting the drive would save much on costs.
At the wholesale level, Sony is probably paying $20-30 at most for them.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
If backwards compatibility is announced than yes.

If not I will stick to physical so I can sell my games later to recoup some of the costs.


I wouldn't mind if PS4 (and PS5) would not include disk drive. My PS4 is the first model that had (and still has) issues with disks, namely it splits out disks while playing games and beeps intermittently while in rest mode. I did purchase Drive Club on disk, but once I realized how bad the issue is I never considered to purchase games on disks again.


What if they created a digital ecosystem to resell games?

You mean one in which they can remove at will? Or publishers can alter the price ie the used price must be some base price of something?

I'll stick to physically legally owning the game and being able to trade or sell it myself please.


No, but I do feel that their should be diskless version for the PS5 later on it's lifespan.

edit: I swear everytime I see diskless I read dickless.
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I spend majority of my time as a PC Gamer , so one thing i appreciate is Silent machines i cant be dealing with load noises from my system that's a deal breaker for me . I have also been 95% digital for the last five years. Blu Rays are nice but i stream most of what i watch from the internet anyway. so a 100% yes from me.

Also if a publisher pulls there game from PS Store front , you guys realize the game doesn't get removed from the servers right ? so if you owned said game before it gets pulled from the store front you can still download it when you like.
If I remember correct, ps4 was originally planned diskless, I'm pretty sure ps5 or ps6 is coming diskless, due to the large game sizes, the bd50 is store only 48gb, uhd disk and uhd player would be too much cost for Sony.Optical disk, is dead sadly, streaming, and downloading is the future, everybody knows that.
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I would but I wouldn't be happy about it lol. I'm all digital but still use the drive for Blu-Rays.

It would never happen though for two big reasons. 1: It would be giving a big advantage to the XB1. 2: They would lose ALOT of retail support and mind share.
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Neo Member
Nah! I like collecting mostly anything. Plus I don't trust my ISP to provide internet all the time, power cuts can be tolerated but internet nope!!!

Iced Arcade

I'm all digital now so if the diskless console was a chunk cheaper sure BUT I'm not paying the same price to have less options
I would only own a diskless PS4 if Sony got off their ass and offered a subscription based model like Origin Premiere. Otherwise buying physical will always be the better option overall.


Thinking about it a bit more.... I think I'll change my answer to no.

Right now I buy 90% digital because physical game prices are inflated in my country so digital is just cheaper. But it's only like that because places like PSN and the Eshop let me buy from the US store. And you just never know when that will change, maybe console makers start locking you into the store of your region, or my government gets bitchy and demands them to block access (since buying on the US store generates no taxes they can steal) , or Amazon stops selling digital PSN/Eshop cards , etc

So I like having physical as backup
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I think both next gen systems from MS and Sony will offer a choice of with or without. If bc is included in next gen, they almost have to include a DVD/Blu Ray drive for your last gen games.

If they do go all digital, I hope they sell games at the local store in DVD cases still. Even though I'm 100% digital now I still like looking through the games section at the store. Also would be nice to be able to gift games we own digitally once we're done playing them.


Gold Member
No,I don't think so. I might consider one if it had like a 5 TB drive and was significantly cheaper. The size doesn't bother me.


Gold Member
I would buy one. I never buy physical any more because I find it inconvenient. I quit collecting games and long time ago. Less clutter and instant access to my games is exactly what I want.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Not a chance. Servers will eventually shut down and I will be left with a box that is completely useless. Physical for life.


I would strongly NOT wish to support that kind of games industry. I like the used game market.

It saddens me to see so many people throw physical out the window, for ridiculous reasons IMO (I don't want to get up to put the disc in, we're saving the environment by not making discs and boxes!) meanwhile the game companies have you by the balls in that scenario because with no physical, your digital discount will no longer exist (that price will slowly increase as they continue to make the product leaner), you will no longer have the option of lending or borrowing games to friends, and the used game market will disappear completely.

I played so many fucking games when I was younger from like 64/PS1 - Dreamcast/PS2 era, because a used game market existed and I was able to trade games in at a local game shop. These places simply won't exist anymore, and you'll be forced to buy brand new.
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My computer hasn't had a disc drive since 2010 (I play 99 % PC), so yes, I would definitely get a smaller Ps4 with more storage if it only meant the disc drive was omitted.


No, because it is very rare I buy stuff on Steam, but quite often do it on gog.com.
I like owning things.


I'd like the option to buy used disks for cheap and/or share with friends. Even thought that's incredibly rare it's nice to have that option, so no i wouldn't be interested in a diskless console...


No.... physical all the way. My internet were i live sucks, you cannot lend the game to a friend, no resell value.
Yes, I would if games could be bought on USB sticks/SD cards.

I actually hate Discs. Discs are prone to scratching, the drives are prone to failing prematurely, they are loud and slow. A game on flash memory would solve all those issues.
It would increase game prices by 10-20 bucks, though.
My PS4Pro is essentially discless as it is. Not once has a disc been put in it. Been digital for a very long time on all my platforms.
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