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Would you buy NEO if it featured full PlayStation backwards compatibility?


PSX and PS2 BC out the box would be a very, very nice incentive, and would make me go from "wait and see" to "when's Gamestop doing a trade-in campaign?".

But even in this dream scenario, I wouldn't expect PS3 BC anytime soon, due to the complications involving emulating that console, as it is.
With full physical and digital backwards compatibility? You bet!

But it won't happen. So no NEO for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

* hugs 60GB phat PS3 * "There, there.... Nothing for you to worry about..."
It will never happen.

But yes, I'd maybe buy it for full retro compatibility, from PSX to PS3. They would have to let me keep my digital games though.

That's one reason I got the N3DS, I can run all kinds of emulation there.


PS1/PS2, maybe, but no Cell/PS3 emulation without a majorly beefed up CPU, which we don't think the Neo has at the moment.


Think about it. Wanna play a PS2 game? Pop it in! The PS3 is Sony's worst selling console, with some of the best games of all time. So many people never bought a PS3 and missed out on great games. If NEO had a PS3, a PS2, and a PS1 baked in, that would be a fantastic selling point!

But is it even possible?

I dont even like PS3 games (or the Ps4 games i saw until now) and i would buy that

For me that would be fantastic. PS2 emulation still crawling and... do they sell PS2 games on the PSN?

The bigger question for me is: Would this push forward old games sales, or would people just use its own discs and then sony wouldnt sell a single new copy?

(i think people would be more aware of old games and could buy new copies of em - be it digital or a new print)



People don't give af about the Vita or its games

maybe they killed the PlayStation TV because it is going to be included in the ps4k. could be a decent incentive for people to buy the ps4k alongside increased specs. it should also give them the ability to bring the vita store to the PlayStation store on ps4. i kinda think they might do this actually.

btw ps3 back compatibility is not happening lol. ps3 will always be through psnow.


full BC would be fitting since it's a premium product. it'd inch me towards buying one, which is saying alot because i don't have any intention of doing so
Think about it. Wanna play a PS2 game? Pop it in! The PS3 is Sony's worst selling console, with some of the best games of all time. So many people never bought a PS3 and missed out on great games. If NEO had a PS3, a PS2, and a PS1 baked in, that would be a fantastic selling point!

But is it even possible?

if it's a FULL ps3 and ps2 and possibly psx..
yes, in an heartbeat..
I'm still pissed that console dev are banking on giving us games from older gens "via psn only", thus if you bought the game, you have to buy it again and again and again..
Would turn me from a maybe I'll get one further down the line into a definite day one purchase. Seems pointless to discuss it though, it's not going to happen.


Gold Member
It would make a difference to me if they had all the games available digitally as well (with some emulator enhancements of course). I dont care about the hard copy version of the games as I dont own any now days.


It won't and I shall explain why. It's because of the sharing function. EVERY SINGLE GAME must be screened because of it. If full backwards compatibility were allowed, tons of games that have yet to be screened would be playable on the system. You know how sometimes when you stream a game using the share function certain games might have limitations such as no music in the stream due to legal issues? Unchecked games would not have those legal issues sorted out and people who use the share function with those games could end up getting punished. Sony wants players to be able to play and share stuff from their games without fear of stuff like that happening.


maybe they killed the PlayStation TV because it is going to be included in the ps4k. could be a decent incentive for people to buy the ps4k alongside increased specs. it should also give them the ability to bring the vita store to the PlayStation store on ps4. i kinda think they might do this actually.

btw ps3 back compatibility is not happening lol. ps3 will always be through psnow.

wat. Things get killed when they don't sell. They would sell every last piece of PSTV even after it Vita bc was announced for the PS4Neo.


wat. Things get killed when they don't sell. They would sell every last piece of PSTV even after it Vita bc was announced for the PS4Neo.

yea no doubt they killed it early due to it not selling well but i kinda feel like they never really pushed it either in terms of marketing and it came and went like a damp squib. maybe one of the reasons is they had the plan of including it with the neo. just a guess though


I would change my tune on it if it meant unifying my PS library. Having to keep 3 consoles plugged in to access my legacy software is ridiculous.

But I don't see it happening.
I mean, sure that'd be a deal for me, but only if it's innate BC, not this PS Now shit. I already got the PS3 games I want that I havent played yet. I doubt they'd have that anyways.


I would do it instantly. I would love to have an easier way to play some of my PS1 and PS2 games.

I highly doubt it would happen though.


I prefer to play on the original consoles, so not really a game changer.

But, I wouldn't expect it to offer any PS2 or PS3 BC.


I still have an original 60 GB Playstation 3. My dream is Sony releases a future Playstation with full hardware backwards compatibility. Technology gets cheaper and cheaper, so I don't see it as out of the question. They did it with the Playstation 2 and Playstation 3. Why not the Playstation 4 or future Playstations going forward? Until then, the last Playstation I'll have owned is the Playstation 3 60GB. Luckily my backlog is large enough to get me through retirement.


Not gonna happen, but I don't care too much about BC personally since I don't sell my old consoles when new ones come out. Will likely be buying a NEO at launch regardless.
It'd give me a good excuse to sell my PS3 and standard PS4 so I'd be okay with it.

Unlikely for reasons others have expressed already, so let me dream...

FAKE EDIT: Actually, why not spruce up the fantasy and let it play PSP and Vita games too? :V
I would love PS3 BC, but it's probably not happening. Does anyone know how easy it is to emulate the cell processor? You most likely need a high end cpu for that and even then it would probably not work all that well.

That said, I would buy it immediately if it had PS3 BC, they have so many games from that era that I didn't play (that much). Ratchet and Clank future trilogy and HD collection, Red Dead, Metal Gear collection, the Resistance, Killzone and Motorstorm trilogies, Infamous 1 and 2 and the list just goes on, you even have niche titles like Twisted Metal.
I know PS Now exists, but I have most games on PS+, so it would cost nothing for me if they have PS3 BC and the other games are very cheap on the second hand market.

It would be a massive selling point imo.


I'd be more of a reason to buy one, but it wouldn't convince me completely. I already have a method of playing every Playstation game. However, being in college, it would be much more convenient because I wouldn't have to have a PS2, PS3 and PS4 in my dorm.
It'd give me a good excuse to sell my PS3 and standard PS4 so I'd be okay with it.

Unlikely for reasons others have expressed already, so let me dream...

FAKE EDIT: Actually, why not spruce up the fantasy and let it play PSP and Vita games too? :V

The years of adding the Vita games to my PS+ collection would finally pay out :D
Hell yes. My stance would go from "wait and see" to "instant purchase".

I'd guess there's zero chance of full (PS3) BC tho, so I don't expect to pick up a PS4K for a long while. I simply don't use my PS4s enough to bother upgrading at this point (unless there's a killer upgrade deal right out of the gate, in which case I'd probably sacrifice my launch unit). Realistically, if/when VR eventually has a killer app that's when I'll jump onboard.


Not a very strong selling point for me. Isn't that what Playstation Now is supposed to be for?

PS Now is a train wreck with questionable viability and pricing. It's completely useless to me at my country home due to bandwidth limitations, for example. And not worth the expense at my city home, since I already own most/all of the PS2/PS3 titles I want to play. I'd never in a million years view a service like this as a good deal. Backwards compatibility is a world apart and a much better solution for people like myself. I know I'm not alone in this assessment.


Corporate Apologist
Actually, yeah, that would likely make me buy a Unit. I still don't own a PS4 ether. I don't see it happening, but it would make me buy one.


Eh why not. It's not a major selling point for me as my PS3 is still hooked up. But wouldn't mind replacing the PS3 with the NX when the time comes.
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