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Would you date a stripper/cam model?


What do the other ones do? Read classic novels out loud? I'm sure that makes a lot of money.
Actually, a lot of them do sit and talk with their viewers, and play non-nude fun and games. They do, of course, do some sexual stuff but it’s not just all tits all the time. It’s people like you who give sex workers a bad rep.


lol yeah I think the idea is that when people donate, it makes the wifi dildo vibrate. The more tokens, the harder the vibration.

So the chick just lays there and pretends that big donations are getting her off, and the pathetic loser who pays for it thinks he just got a woman off for the first time. What a story to tell the grandkids!
For someone calling people pathetic losers you sure seem to know a lot about how all of this works.

(I watch cam girl porn and had no idea about any of this.)


Actually, a lot of them do sit and talk with their viewers, and play non-nude fun and games. They do, of course, do some sexual stuff but it’s not just all tits all the time. It’s people like you who give sex workers a bad rep.

lol yeah, it's me giving sex workers a bad rep

For someone calling people pathetic losers you sure seem to know a lot about how all of this works.

(I watch cam girl porn and had no idea about any of this.)
It sounds like you're proud of your complete lack of observational skills. If you watch cam girl porn yet still don't know how it works, maybe take notes next time. Just don't ever lend me the pen that you used.


lol yeah, it's me giving sex workers a bad rep
Care to elaborate how you’re not[/] giving them a bad rep? You’re just assuming all cam girls sit on cam with a remote dildo for hours on end, when the truth is far from that. How do I know this? Because I know girls who cam for a living. Yes, they do strip shows and do have sessions where the viewers control the vibrator, but they actually spend time talking and getting to know their regulars.


It sounds like you're proud of your complete lack of observational skills. If you watch cam girl porn yet still don't know how it works, maybe take notes next time. Just don't ever lend me the pen that you used.
Oh don’t get me wrong, they masturbate on camera for money and probably fake 90% of their orgasms because it gets more hits, I’m not an idiot. It’s all an act to get more money, that’s pretty obvious.

But for someone calling the audience (of which you are clearly an avid part of) pathetic losers, yet you’re the one who knows that their dildos are often linked directly via WIFI to the donations is kind of funny.

Funny and very telling...




i have and would again. But honestly most of them are crazy as all get out. (which is half the fun.)


Care to elaborate how you’re not[/] giving them a bad rep? You’re just assuming all cam girls sit on cam with a remote dildo for hours on end, when the truth is far from that. How do I know this? Because I know girls who cam for a living. Yes, they do strip shows and do have sessions where the viewers control the vibrator, but they actually spend time talking and getting to know their regulars.

"They do do that, but I know some in real life and they also spend some of their time not doing that."

Ok, great. Next time I'll spend 4 months watching 1000 of these streams to create real stats about how much time is spent not doing that before making a throwaway post on the internet about cam girls. I'm so sorry I didn't include valid percentages lol. Do you think maybe you're being overly sensitive about the topic?

Oh don’t get me wrong, they masturbate on camera for money and probably fake 90% of their orgasms because it gets more hits, I’m not an idiot. It’s all an act to get more money, that’s pretty obvious.

But for someone calling the audience (of which you are clearly an avid part of) pathetic losers, yet you’re the one who knows that their dildos are often linked directly via WIFI to the donations is kind of funny.

Funny and very telling...

Another, "Yeah that's what's going on but I saw it as an attack somehow so I'll pretend you've said something wrong " post. If you don't think the guys throwing money at camgirls are pahetic, then that's fine. What I won't be doing is trying to change your mind. We're all allowed to think what we think. I'm guessing you are one of those guys who sends the tokens out?

fart town usa

Gold Member
No but I'd be open to it to an extent.

Definitely not wife material in my eyes or something that is a long term career, unless she invests wisely with her earnings.
"They do do that, but I know some in real life and they also spend some of their time not doing that."

Ok, great. Next time I'll spend 4 months watching 1000 of these streams to create real stats about how much time is spent not doing that before making a throwaway post on the internet about cam girls. I'm so sorry I didn't include valid percentages lol. Do you think maybe you're being overly sensitive about the topic?

Another, "Yeah that's what's going on but I saw it as an attack somehow so I'll pretend you've said something wrong " post. If you don't think the guys throwing money at camgirls are pahetic, then that's fine. What I won't be doing is trying to change your mind. We're all allowed to think what we think. I'm guessing you are one of those guys who sends the tokens out?

No, but I'm a person with loved ones in the sex industry, and I don't think a world filled with people like you would be very good for them.


Neo Member
Are you that insecure?

How is this insecure? It's a legit question given her trade and in no means does it hint any less insecurities. She gets paid to parade her naked body to the highest payer, hell some dudes pay for a whole afternoon in the VIP section.

Hence why should she settle for average 20K Joe when she is regularly netting old guys with 6 figures. OP never stated how secure his future is with her.

Question is do you even KNOW how stripper in a strip club works?


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
No. I prefer partners who respect themselves and their bodies.

Hi, if you have an opinion such as this one its best to say why you think such actions are not respecting themselves. Instead of making a blanket statement like this. There has already been one person banned in this thread so if you want to keep the discussion going we would suggest to refrain from such type of posts.


Another, "Yeah that's what's going on but I saw it as an attack somehow so I'll pretend you've said something wrong " post. If you don't think the guys throwing money at camgirls are pahetic, then that's fine. What I won't be doing is trying to change your mind. We're all allowed to think what we think. I'm guessing you are one of those guys who sends the tokens out?
I don’t even know what tokens are bro, I thought they just donated money. Straight up, you know a hell of a lot more than I do about this.

Sometimes when I watch porn I’ll watch solo stuff.

Sometimes that’s (a video of) a cam girl.

All that other stuff? Fuck knows.


Hence why should she settle for average 20K Joe when she is regularly netting old guys with 6 figures. OP never stated how secure his future is with her

Why do pretty people date ugly people? Why date a cop or army member who could die any day when they could date someone who's job isn't dangerour? Why date someone with a kid when you can get someone without the baggage?

Why does anyone do anything? They want to.

My past is one night of drinks, so it's safe to "What, future?" at this point; The question was a hypothetical about how I'd feel.
Some want kids and I don't anymore, some would share their partners intimately but I wouldnt, some would date someone in a wheelchair and some wouldnt.... Where in my morals do I find my lover being a cam model? I still don't know


No. Not passing judgment on her or anything (to each their own), but knowing myself, I wouldn't be able to deal with that beyond anything casual.


I believe a girl I dated a bit over a decade ago was like a.. Budding cam girl of sorts. A lot of her pictures had a watermark to a now defunct site, but it was all non nude stuff. She was a fun hook up and I don't know the extent of what she did prior or, after our brief relationship, so I don't entirely know how i'd feel about it today. Being 32 now, I don't think i'd be open to dating anyone who shares their bodies with others, part of the fun of dating is having exclusive perks to that investment of time and energy, so if others get to see all for a bit of cash it kind of devalues an aspect i'd hope would be exclusive. That being said, every relationship is different, if she was just the most amazing person in every other way i'd try to be open minded, but I do think it would bother me in time.

It's hard to imagine having a mom sending her kids off to school then going up stairs while masturbating to her fans on video while her husband is at work. Even more so hard to imagine the impact that could have on her family if/when the dots connected. You can blame that on society more than the person, but I imagine it would present a lot of challenges that would be difficult to overcome. With that said, I have no disrespect to them and would try to at least see if I could overcome it, can't really know until you try. I say when thinking of this topic, you should be thinking of both the now and the future, and ask yourself how likely this is to work out in your 30s, 40s and beyond. Will she just stop if she out ages her field? Will that impact her on some meaningful level?

It's a complex issue, would be nice if people here would take a look at these people, as people, and not amusement toys that 'don't belong in the front seat'. I personally find being open and outgoing with your sexuality very appealing, it just would be coming at a cost in this instance.


A woman feeling confident with her body to go on cam is now objectifying them? Jesus Christ, the morons are out in force today.
It's more so that the woman is setting herself up for being objectified.

You can't just call someone a moron for not understanding their viewpoint.


It's more so that the woman is setting herself up for being objectified.

You can't just call someone a moron for not understanding their viewpoint.
It is moronic to not understand that some women are confident with their body and their sexuality, and want to publicly display it.


It is moronic to not understand that some women are confident with their body and their sexuality, and want to publicly display it.

This. Some - men included - Are fine selling their body, who are we to judge what they enjoy as long as they're safe and don't effect us? We use the tools we are given. You and those around you may not want to do it but who's to say they cant or shouldnt?
Nah, I wouldn't with a stripper because I would be jealous. A cam girl is different, but I prefer it if we did it together.


Yeah I would. That said ive been adjacent to that type of relationship and its not all sex and fun: hours are shitty, its emotionally draining, etc.

I look at it less about ‘Eww, she gets naked’ but how much harder its dealing than with than someone in a traditional occupation. Same issues with a musician/actress who travels alot, etc.

Gotta figure those after work bitch sessions gotta suck to deal with; kinda hard to come with comforting words after a bad day making cash on the cam or arguments with other strippers, lol. “Honey, Sorry Lexus tried to slide your dollars into her pile, I made you your favorite dinner tho!” lol.


Nope. Not looking for an open relationship and wouldn't trust someone who treats sex as a commodity to keep a closed one. Just seems like a bad way to get burned.

Also I have PTSD (don't mean to offend with that term, don't know a better more general term) from finding out my best friend/girl that I loved was a sugar dater (selective prostitute). Which killed me inside. Not trusting sex workers no thanks.

That said it could definitely work out fine in some cases. Just not a risk I'm taking.


if she's comfortable with her body to do that, and is happy with her job, then I have no problem with it.

I find it fascinating that people from a country (America) that is practically the birthplace of the sex industry (stripping, sex work, porn etc) suddenly turn into Mary Whitehouse at the mere mention of the S word.

Sex (consensual, of course) is nothing to be ashamed of. And, by the way, it's also entirely possible to find the opposite sex physically attractive and still have respect for them.


It is moronic to not understand that some women are confident with their body and their sexuality, and want to publicly display it.
Some people don't find it morally right to become a stripper or cam model, so why would they want a partner that's interested in it?

It doesn't make them a moron because of it.

Super Mario

Absolutely not on strippers. Probably not on cam girl.

I have been around enough strippers and my good friend works with them. It is just not a good idea. I could care less about others seeing my girl naked. It is the toxic culture they are around. While not all strippers are bad people, you are naive to think that there aren't plenty of scummy ones within an ears reach. Between all of the drugs, prostitution, and men they encounter, the temptation is everywhere.

Cam girls are less corrupted. They don't encounter as much as strippers. Their job is mostly a tease in a safe, remote, location. Either way, they are too concerned with money. Some have great control, some don't. What is the end result? Do they do it for 30 years? Do they avoid all temptation surrounding it during that time?


I dated a stripper once. She didn’t tell me up front and by the time I found out I was already emotionally committed. I tried to make it work but the thing with her was, she was so used to the easy money she had no concept of saving, hard work, or the value of money in general. She was super hot and fun but eventually that becomes less important. I’m 38 I want a partner in life not some hot thing I have to carry through life because she’s too lazy to get a real job.

The end game for dating a stripper isn’t fun. I’ve only known one to actually be responsible with her money and save it.


A woman feeling confident with her body to go on cam is now objectifying them? Jesus Christ, the morons are out in force today.
Can you explain to me how come is correct for women to sexualize their bodies for money but its wrong to sexualize video game female characters?


Can you explain to me how come is correct for women to sexualize their bodies for money but its wrong to sexualize video game female characters?
I'm going to assume this is a joke post, so I'm not going to even bother giving you a practical and reasonable explanation why a real-life woman being confident with her body is entirely different to a developer giving a character large breasts purely to make the game appeal to horny teenagers. If, in fact, you are being serious about your question - well, you need help.


I'm going to assume this is a joke post, so I'm not going to even bother giving you a practical and reasonable explanation why a real-life woman being confident with her body is entirely different to a developer giving a character large breasts purely to make the game appeal to horny teenagers. If, in fact, you are being serious about your question - well, you need help.

Given the average age of gamers is around 35 it seems rather asinine to throw out statements that don't hold up to a modicum of scrutiny.

These increasing lazy generalisations of yours are starting to become rather wearing tbh. Don't like what people say? They're clearly Alt-Right, misogynists or morons who need help it seems. Mayhap instead of blanket attacking or labelling people with broad sweeps (as if that ever achieves anything beyond generating eye-rolling derision), you might want to try making some compelling arguments to convince people to your viewpoint going forward without the name calling. No one comes here for that and it's not wanted.


Hold up, you’re accusing ME of lazy generalisations? Read the fucking thread. All I’ve seen is people make asinine comments about strippers and cam girls being ‘whores’ with a plethora of daddy issues. I appear to be the only one actively defending a woman’s right and choice to show off her body and be proud of her sexuality, so do one with your accusations.


Hold up, you’re accusing ME of lazy generalisations? Read the fucking thread. All I’ve seen is people make asinine comments about strippers and cam girls being ‘whores’ with a plethora of daddy issues. I appear to be the only one actively defending a woman’s right and choice to show off her body and be proud of her sexuality, so do one with your accusations.

I'm not accusing you. I'm stating a fact. (your posts are there for all to see) regardless of where people may stand on the subject, it doesn't entitle you to be boorish to them or throw generalizations around about the community which you have been doing with abandon.

Mr. Grumpy

Grumpy see, Grumpy do.
It's getting far too personal in here, people are more than welcome to make their feelings known but it's in no way acceptable to call people names or to personally attack other community members. I do get the feeling that this thread may well have run it's course anyway as people just seem to be posting about each other rather than about the topic now.

Due to that and the previous moderation team intervention I'm now temporarily locking this thread for 24 hours to give people a chance to calm down and have a think about what they want to say on the listed topic.

Once I open it again, if this continues to happen it will then be locked permanently without any warning. If that does happen then we may also be forced to deal with the members that caused it to be locked.

Thank you.
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