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Wrath of the Lich King: Alpha leak compendium; title music suite, abilities, pictures


Are they going to be character specific? or account specific though? If they add in stuff like

Illidan Slayer-Has killed Illidan or something for every raid boss could make recruiting a bit easier since no1 can lie about what raid bosses they have experience on. Hopefully it keeps track beyond the goal as well.... I thought it would be kinda neat back Pre-BC to see just how many times I've killed Rag, or how many times I've killed Nefarian. People already competed just by Hydraxian rep :p


]Casters need something to stop their spells except for the couple spell interrupts.... if a caster could sit there and nuke you in your face it would be incredibly stupid./quote]

Not at all. There is plenty of stuns, interrupts and silences. Hell, unless you're Orc, you spend much of pvp trying to get off a cast between stuns.

Also I'm gonna have to call complete bullshit on your caster story, there's no way you killed anything in the game with your staff because of spell pushback first it diminishes so eventually a spell WOULD go off(not to mention half the casters have some type of shield to prevent spell interuption, and secondly purely instant cast spells would kill you LONG before your staves would kill anyone.

Unfortunately its true. Also, I have never seen diminishing returns on pushback. Is this pvp only? I call bullshit on that, or that it doesn't work. If you don't think pushback has an effect, then I point to the popular healers and casters you see in your beloved Arena. Resto Druids(instant hots), Disc Priests(Protective shield to cast through and hot) and maybe uhh Resto Shaman(full spell pushback resist with earth shield). How about casters? Ice mages with icy veins and quick shatter combo, yet again minimal cast time. Oh and sl/sl locks, which rely on instant dots. Hrmm... seems like people are avoiding casting because of pushback eh?

You know what I do against casters that have to cast? I run around in a circle, hoping back and forth over the, causing spell pushback and making them lose target. Is that skill on my part or me exploiting a poorly thought out gameplay system?

50gold is a negligible amount nowadays I seriously doubt that is keeping anyone but the laziest of people from respecing, and how can armor-sets be freely interchangeable when Pvp comes from Pvp and Pve comes from Pve?

The amount of respeccing in heavy PvP to tweak builds and try new builds is way more than an occasional 50g. On top of that, there is no reason it should cost in the first place. There is plenty of money sinks out there for the economy to work around. It does indeed limit respeccing and very much so limits creativity to have to blow throuhg hundreds of gold.

As for the gear, I am not sure what you are meaning to say. One set of PvP gear is equal to say a token, and you can exchange that set for another set, but not have two of one piece in your inv at the same time.


TheOneGuy said:
You're right.

But calling them "achievements" usually means they have no reward except bragging rights.

Also I'm not overreacting! Just stating facts! WoW is built on senseless grinding! You can't argue with me on that because you know it's true!

If you hate WoW now, and are so into AoC, why do you keep posting in here? :p

Considering how my experience with AoC has been solely about grinding quests and standard launch window world PvP (which will evaporate shortly as time goes on and when Funcom throws in whatever else they can rip off from WoW), while absolutely boggling at how none of the skills, feats, abilities and even fucking STATS work properly, you've still yet to win me over to that unique flower, friend.

All I'm thinking about now is that 50 dollars could've went towards my Warhammer CE or Lich King pre-orders, instead of my retarded ass buying another Funcom MMO after their last train wreck.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to reboot and have a drink. Reboot because my HoX's demon form ended and my character lost all it's hair again. Have a drink because I just spent all of my skill points into three categories of skills that have no working function.

I probably shouldn't have posted so much about AoC here, but I just wanted to respond to you, and it's a topic about Alpha's anyway!


TheOneGuy said:
You're right.

But calling them "achievements" usually means they have no reward except bragging rights.

Also I'm not overreacting! Just stating facts! WoW is built on senseless grinding! You can't argue with me on that because you know it's true!

May be true, just doesnt seem worth mentioning. All of them, Ultima DAoC WoW surely AoC and War as well will have grinding. Its a ingredient of a MMO. Carrot dangling keeps you playing and keeps you paying. Theres always a grind. Some games grinds are more enjoyable than others, but its still a grind in the end.


Puncture said:
May be true, just doesnt seem worth mentioning. All of them, Ultima DAoC WoW surely AoC and War as well will have grinding. Its a ingredient of a MMO. Carrot dangling keeps you playing and keeps you paying. Theres always a grind. Some games grinds are more enjoyable than others, but its still a grind in the end.
I wasn't even trying to start anything! Just stating my opinion about the achievements and then giving facts to support my opinion. I'm not bitter about it or anything.

Alex said:
If you hate WoW now, and are so into AoC, why do you keep posting in here? :p

Considering how my experience with AoC has been solely about grinding quests and standard launch window world PvP (which will evaporate shortly as time goes on and when Funcom throws in whatever else they can rip off from WoW), while absolutely boggling at how none of the skills, feats, abilities and even fucking STATS work properly, you've still yet to win me over to that unique flower, friend.

All I'm thinking about now is that 50 dollars could've went towards my Warhammer CE or Lich King pre-orders, instead of my retarded ass buying another Funcom MMO after their last train wreck.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to reboot and have a drink. Reboot because my HoX's demon form ended and my character lost all it's hair again. Have a drink because I just spent all of my skill points into three categories of skills that have no working function.

I probably shouldn't have posted so much about AoC here, but I just wanted to respond to you, and it's a topic about Alpha's anyway!

I don't hate WoW entirely. I still love Warcraft and Blizzard is still one of my favorite developers, but WoW has gotten kind of stale. Right now AoC is the most fun I've had in a long time because... PvP. WoW has none worth mentioning. Despite all the bugginess everywhere else in the game, the fact is that, for now at least, it actually has world PvP. That's something that's been sorely lacking in WoW for way, way too long.

But like I said above! I wasn't even trying to start anything! I just think putting achievements in a game that's ALL ABOUT ACHIEVEMENTS is a silly and redundant thing to do.


EDIT: However if they use achievements as a way to give random titles to anyone and everyone willy nilly so people can pick something that suits them instead of having to grind for days for one specific thing... that might be neat.


etiolate said:
Unfortunately its true. Also, I have never seen diminishing returns on pushback. Is this pvp only? I call bullshit on that, or that it doesn't work. If you don't think pushback has an effect, then I point to the popular healers and casters you see in your beloved Arena. Resto Druids(instant hots), Disc Priests(Protective shield to cast through and hot) and maybe uhh Resto Shaman(full spell pushback resist with earth shield). How about casters? Ice mages with icy veins and quick shatter combo, yet again minimal cast time. Oh and sl/sl locks, which rely on instant dots. Hrmm... seems like people are avoiding casting because of pushback eh?
Seems like those choices are more due to Light of sight + counterspells more then Spell Pushback, no class is going to do anything more then try to survive with an assist train on them.

The amount of respeccing in heavy PvP to tweak builds and try new builds is way more than an occasional 50g. On top of that, there is no reason it should cost in the first place. There is plenty of money sinks out there for the economy to work around. It does indeed limit respeccing and very much so limits creativity to have to blow throuhg hundreds of gold.

As for the gear, I am not sure what you are meaning to say. One set of PvP gear is equal to say a token, and you can exchange that set for another set, but not have two of one piece in your inv at the same time.
Common even respecing EVERY day it is only 350 gold I make that in 1 day just doing dailies. There's also a very laughable amount of money sinks left in this game.... what really still eats up money? Repairs?

Why even have specs in the first place if you can just walk up and change it freely whenever you want? Why not just give everyone 3 different "stances" that automatically changes their gear and spec at will.

If you hate WoW now, and are so into AoC, why do you keep posting in here? :p
Why does it matter if he plays AoC? Wows been out forever and people get bored and need breaks... that doesn't mean they shouldn't get any input on the game since alot of them end up coming back anyways or have perfectly valid ideas.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Alex said:
If you hate WoW now, and are so into AoC, why do you keep posting in here? :p

Considering how my experience with AoC has been solely about grinding quests and standard launch window world PvP (which will evaporate shortly as time goes on and when Funcom throws in whatever else they can rip off from WoW), while absolutely boggling at how none of the skills, feats, abilities and even fucking STATS work properly, you've still yet to win me over to that unique flower, friend.

All I'm thinking about now is that 50 dollars could've went towards my Warhammer CE or Lich King pre-orders, instead of my retarded ass buying another Funcom MMO after their last train wreck.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to reboot and have a drink. Reboot because my HoX's demon form ended and my character lost all it's hair again. Have a drink because I just spent all of my skill points into three categories of skills that have no working function.

I probably shouldn't have posted so much about AoC here, but I just wanted to respond to you, and it's a topic about Alpha's anyway!

Yup. I've been reading AoC threads and "reviews" and I just shake my head at people surprised that a Funcom MMO shipped ass broken. But, there are still the kids so desperate to see tits in their game that they will defend the turd despite the flaws.


ManaByte said:
Yup. I've been reading AoC threads and "reviews" and I just shake my head at people surprised that a Funcom MMO shipped ass broken. But, there are still the kids so desperate to see tits in their game that they will defend the turd despite the flaws.

Talk about stupid.
TheOneGuy said:
They will be just as dumb!

Like I said already, WoW is a game BUILT on achievements. They just never had a formal name before. Now they're adding more senseless grinding. Only this time without a reward.
From what I've seen, most of them are just for fun.

I mean, would you rather -not- have stats? What about in GTA? Gran Turismo? Virtua Fighter?

Tracking things like Lifetime Damage Done, Total AVs Won, etc isn't meant to be a big deal--just for fun personal interest. It's not so much an Achievement system as it seems to be Blizzard's attemplt at a new stat tracking tomb.

That said, it's a little silly to add things like that 4 years late. Still welcome, but shit.. where was that during my 115,000 HKs back in 2005, you know? Too bad their datacenter didn't keep track sort of that thing retroactively.


KyanMehwulfe said:
From what I've seen, most of them are just for fun.

I mean, would you rather -not- have stats? What about in GTA? Gran Turismo? Virtua Fighter?

Tracking things like Lifetime Damage Done, Total AVs Won, etc isn't meant to be a big deal--just for fun personal interest. It's not so much an Achievement system as it seems to be Blizzard's attemplt at a new stat tracking tomb.

That said, it's a little silly to add things like that 4 years late. Still welcome, but shit.. where was that during my 115,000 HKs back in 2005, you know? Too bad their datacenter didn't keep track sort of that thing retroactively.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I approve of random stat tracking. In fact, I love it. I revel in it.

But I was under the impression it was just random achievements. Likely without a purpose. If they have a purpose (i.e. the proposed title unlocking), then I'm all for it.

Achievements != Stats, because Achievements are a one-time thing, unlocked at a certain milestone. Stats go on forever (theoretically).


ManaByte said:
Yup. I've been reading AoC threads and "reviews" and I just shake my head at people surprised that a Funcom MMO shipped ass broken. But, there are still the kids so desperate to see tits in their game that they will defend the turd despite the flaws.
Yea totally has to do with the tits and nothing to do with the game itself being pretty awesome.


Now that I have my bitter hatred out, I have to say I think AoC will turn out to be solid stuff in due time. The game is a lot more focused and "together" than AO was, the problem is instead of being slaughtered by tech issues, it's just very obvious they never finished about half of the game because it's just a fucking mess even in the corework.

I wanted a tide me over game until WAR and LK. Banking on a Funcom launch was apparently a bbaaaaaaddd idea, because now I'm out 50 on a product that I should've done more research on. I'm hoping it doesn't bleed subs like I'm worried it will since most of my friends ceased to play it already, so Funcom can build on their shit and make a game I can come back to and get a good experience. No shame in that, I quit WoW in a hissy fit after my Warlock kept returning a series of soul crushing bugs, but there's a hell of a lot more work to do than that in AoC.

With that, I've said my bit, and gotten my thoughts out well enough, no point in shitting up any more posts or upsetting the people trying to stick it out. I went through enough MMO bitching for a life time back in the AO/AC/DAoC days. WHY ISN'T THIS UO, THIS ISN'T LIKE UO, NOTHING WORKS, 5 FPS!! BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Greatest boat of all time, here:


An evil lookin' Orca whale:



I'm going to post the new skill ranks now, I don't think I did this before... but if I did, well, shit.

It's mostly just the updated ranks of old stuff now, but there's a handful of neat surprises in, like some pet skills for Hunter, Priest's inner fire sucking less and tweaks to Mage stuff (holy fuck Ice Barrier eats a lot now).


* Mend Pet (Rank 9) - 610, 4250 healing over 15 sec.
* Mend Pet (Rank 10) - 750 mana, 5250 healing over 15 sec.
* Kill Command (Rank 2) - 145 mana, normal pet damage plus 210.
* Kill Command (Rank 3) - 185 mana, normal pet damage plus 250.
* Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 9) - 285 mana, 230 ranged attack power.
* Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 10) - 350 mana, 300 ranged attack power.
* Aspect of the Wild (Rank 4) - 150 mana, 70 Nature Resistance.


* Serpent Sting (Rank 11) - 550 mana, 990 damage over 15 sec.
* Serpent Sting (Rank 12) - 680 mana, 1210 damage over 15 sec.
* Viper Sting (Rank 5) - 3092 mana drained over 8 sec.
* Wyvern Sting (Rank 5) - 515 mana, 2082 nature damage over 12 sec after target wakes.
* Wyvern Sting (Rank 6) - 610 mana, 2460 nature damage over 12 sec after target wakes.
* Arcane Shot (Rank 10) - 440 mana, 402 arcane damage.
* Arcane Shot (Rank 11) - 540 mana, 492 arcane damage.
* Multi-Shot (Rank 7) - 570 mana, 333 additional damage.
* Multi-Shot (Rank 8) - 700 mana, 408 additional damage.
* Aimed Shot (Rank 8) - 750 mana, 1325 additional damage.
* Aimed Shot (Rank 9) - 890 mana, 1570 additional damage.
* Steady Shot (Rank 2) - 220 mana, 220 additional damage. 175 additional damage on dazed targets.
* Steady Shot (Rank 3) - 280 mana, 280 additional damage. 175 additional damage on dazed targets.


* Raptor Strike (Rank 10) - 240 mana, 275 additional damage.
* Raptor Strike (Rank 10) - 300 mana, 335 additional damage.
* Counterattack (Rank 5) - 215 mana, 240 damage.
* Counterattack (Rank 6) - 265 mana, 285 damage.
* Immolation Trap (Rank 7) - 605 mana, 1540 fire damage over 15 sec.
* Immolation Trap (Rank 8) - 750 mana, 1885 fire damage over 15 sec.
* Explosive Trap (Rank 5) - 1350 mana, 434 to 556 fire damage, 740 fire damage over 20 sec.
* Explosive Trap (Rank 6) - 1700 mana, 523 to 571 fire damage, 900 fire damage over 20 sec.
* Trueshot Aura (Rank 5) - 190 attack power.
* Trueshot Aura (Rank 6) - 225 attack power.

Beast Training

* New line of pet spells called "Smack". Equivalent to Claw except with different name.
* Tendom Rip (Rank 1)__ - 25 focus, Next melee, 20 second cooldown. "Damages an enemy for 3 to 5 and reduces movement speed by 25% for 8 sec."
* Spore Cloud (Rank 1) - 50 focus, 10 second cooldown. "Inflicts 2 nature damage to nearby enemies every 2 sec for 6 sec and reduces armor by 15%.
* Dust Cloud (Rank 1) - 50 focus, 20 second cooldown. "Kick up an obscuring cloud of dust, lowering the chance for enemies to hit by 30%. Effects last 8 sec."
* Serenity Dust (Rank 1) - 75 focus, 2 minute cooldown. "Heals the pet for 510 over 15 sec."
* Bad Attitude (Rank 1) - 25 focus, 3 minute cooldown. "Snap back for 5 damage at any target that strikes you for the next 2 min."
* Nether Shock (Rank 1) - 30 focus, 20 yard range, 6 second cooldown. "Instantly lashes an enemy for 17 to 19 Shadow damage. Also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 1 sec."
* Ravage (Rank 1) - 80 focus, 1 minute cooldown. "Violently attack an enemy for 4 to 6, stunning it for 2 sec."
* Sonic Blast (Rank 1) - 80 focus, 1 minute cooldown. "Emits a piercing shriek, inflicted 4 to 6 physical damage and stunning the target for 2 sec."
* Wing Buffet (Rank 1) - 40 focus, 30 second cooldown. "Blasts the target for 4 to 6 damage and knocking it back."
* Snatch (Rank 1) - 40 focus, 1 minute cooldown. "Grab the enemy's weapon with your talons, disarming them for 10 sec."
* Pin (Rank 1) - 80 Focus, channeled, 20 second cooldown. "Pins the target in place, and squeezes for 20 damage over 12 sec."



* Faerie Fire (Rank 6) - Reduces armor by 1260.
* Hurricane (Rank 5) - 2885 mana, no cooldown. 276 damage every 1 sec for 10 sec. Slows melee, ranged and attack speed on targets by 50%.
* Insect Swarm (Rank 7) - 265 mana, 1050 damage over 12 sec.
* Moonfire (Rank 13) - 640 mana, 347 to 407 arcane damage, 684 arcane damage over 12 sec.
* Moonfire (Rank 14) - 745 mana, 406 to 476 arcane damage, 800 arcane damage over 12 sec.
* Starfire (Rank 9) - 455 mana, 554 to 652 arcane damage.
* Starfire (Rank 10) - 555 mana, 661 to 779 arcane damage.
* Wrath (Rank 11) - 320 mana, 414 to 466 nature damage.
* Wrath (Rank 12) - 380 mana, 489 to 551 nature damage.

Feral Combat

* Claw (Rank 7) - 300 additional damage.
* Claw (Rank 8) - 370 additional damage.
* Demoralizing Roar (Rank 7) - Reduces attack power by 299.
* Demoralizing Roar (Rank 8) - Reduces attack power by 408.
* Feral Charge (Cat)) - 10 energy, 0.75 second cast, 8-25 yard range, 30 second cooldown. "Causes you to leap behind an enemy, dazing them for 3 sec."
* Lacerate (Rank 2) - 70 immediate damage, 255 damage over 15 sec. per stack.
* Lacerate (Rank 3) - 88 immediate damage, 320 damage over 15 sec. per stack.
* Maim (Rank 2) - 1 point 226 to 228 damage, 2 points 384 to 386 damage, 3 points 542 to 544 damage, 4 points 700 to 702 damage, 5 points 858 to 860 damage.
* Mangle (Bear) (Rank 4) - 115% normal damage plus 252. 30% additional damage from Maul instead of Shred
* Mangle (Bear) (Rank 5) - 115% normal damage plus 299. 30% additional damage from Maul instead of Shred
* Mangle (Cat) (Rank 4) - 160% normal damage plus 429. Still increases Shred damage.
* Mangle (Cat) (Rank 5) - 160% normal damage plus 507. Still increases Shred damage.
* Maul (Rank 9) - 472 bonus damage.
* Maul (Rank 10) - 578 bonus damage.
* Pounce (Rank 5) - 2100 damage over 18 sec.
* Rake (Rank 6) - 150 immediate damage, 321 damage over 9 sec.
* Rake (Rank 7) - 190 immediate damage, 387 damage over 9 sec.
* Rip (Rank 8) - 1 point 300 damage over 12 sec, 2 points 498 damage over 12 sec, 3 points 696 damage over 12 sec, 4 points 894 damage over 12 sec, 5 points 1092 damage over 12 sec.
* Shred (Rank 8) - 225% normal damage plus 630.
* Shred (Rank 9) - 225% normal damage plus 743.
* Swipe (Rank 7) - 105 damage.
* Swipe (Rank 8) - 120 damage.
* Tiger's Fury (Rank 5) - No energy cost, 30 second cooldown. Increases damage done by 77 for 6 sec.
* Tiger's Fury (Rank 6) - No energy cost, 30 second cooldown. Increases damage done by 131 for 6 sec.


* Flourish (Rank 1) (new) - 450 mana, 40 yard range. "Heals friendly party or raid members within 10 yards of the target for 672 over 7 sec. The amount healed is applied quickly at first, and slows down as the Flourish reaches its full duration."
* Gift of the Wild (Rank 9) - 2295 mana. Armor increased by 750, attributes increased by 37, resistances increased by 54.
* Healing Touch (Rank 14) - 1190 mana, 3760 to 4440 healing.
* Healing Touch (Rank 14) - 1400 mana, 4375 to 5165 healing.
* Lifebloom (Rank 2) - 295 mana, 350 healing over 7 sec per stack. Blooms for 770.
* Lifebloom (Rank 3) - 430 mana, 441 healing over 7 sec per stack. Blooms for 970.
* Mark of the Wild (Rank 9) - 850 mana. Armor increased by 750, attributes increased by 37, resistances increased by 54.
* Nourish (Rank 1) (new) - 600 mana, 1.5 second cast. "Heals a friendly target for 1550 to 1800. Heals for an additional 387 to 450 if Rejuvenation is on the target."
* Rebirth (Rank 7) - Resurrects with 6400 health and 4700 mana.
* Regrowth (Rank 11) - 845 mana, 1710 to 1908 healing, 1792 healing over 21 sec.
* Regrowth (Rank 12) - 1040 mana, 2234 to 2494 healing, 2345 healing over 21 sec.
* Rejuvenation (Rank 14) - 550 mana, heals for 1192 over 12 sec.
* Rejuvenation (Rank 15) - 645 mana, heals for 1352 over 12 sec.
* Tranquility (Rank 6) - 2130 mana, 2598 healing every 2 sec.
* Tranquility (Rank 7) - 2495 mana, 3035 healing every 2 sec.



* Arcane Missiles rank 12: 1010 mana, 320 arcane damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
* Arcane Missiles rank 13: 1135 mana, 360 arcane damage every 1 sec for 5 sec.
* Arcane Blast rank 2: 255 mana, 690 to 800 arcane damage.
* Arcane Blast rank 3: 300 mana, 805 to 935 arcane damage.
* Arcane Blast rank 4: 335 mana, 912 to 1058 arcane damage.
* Arcane Explosion rank 9: 725 mana, 481 to 519 arcane damage.
* Arcane Explosion rank 10: 820 mana, 538 to 582 arcane damage.
* Conjure Food rank 9: 1100 mana, 10 sweet potato pies.
* Conjure Food rank 10: 1245 mana, 8 strudels.
* Conjure Water rank 10: 1100 mana, 10 skins of rain water.
* Conjure Water rank 11: 1245 mana, 6 skins of crystal spring water.
* Conjure Mana Gem rank 6: 2375 mana, Mana Sapphire, restores 3330 to 3500 mana.
* Conjure Mana Gem rank 7: 1670 mana, Mana Opal, 2340 to 2460 mana, one charge.
* Arcane Intellect rank 7: Increases intellect by 60.
* Arcane Brilliance rank 3: Increases intellect by 60.
* Dampen Magic rank 7: 810 mana, decreases spell damage taken by 240, healing taken by 480.
* Amplify Magic rank 7: 835 mana, increases spell damage taken by 240, healing taken by 480.
* Mana Shield rank 8: 190 mana, absorbs 1080 damage.
* Mana Shield rank 9: 235 mana, absorbs 1330 damage.
* Mage Armor rank 5: 660 mana, increases all resistances by 21, reduces duration of harmful magic effects on you by 50%.
* Mage Armor rank 6: 860 mana, increases all resistances by 40, reduces duration of harmful magic effects on you by 50%.
* Arcane Barrage rank 1: 335 mana, 3 second cooldown. "Launches several missiles at the enemy target, causing 386 to 470 arcane damage."
* Arcane Barrage rank 2: 405 mana, 3 second cooldown, 709 to 865 arcane damage.
* Arcane Barrage rank 3: 610 mana, 3 second cooldown, 936 to 1144 arcane damage.


* Fireball rank 15: 575 mana, 783 to 997 fire damage, 100 fire damage over 8 sec.
* Fireball rank 16 : 655 mana, 888 to 1132 fire damage, 116 fire damage over 8 sec.
* Scorch rank 10: 215 mana, 321 to 379 fire damage.
* Scorch rank 11: 250 mana, 376 to 444 fire damage.
* Fire Blast rank 10: 575 mana, 760 to 900 fire damage.
* Fire Blast rank 11: 695 mana, 925 to 1025 fire damage.
* Pyroblast rank 11: 600 mana, 1014 to 1284 fire damage, 384 fire damage over 12 sec.
* Pyroblast rank 12: 700 mana, 1190 to 1510 fire damage, 452 fire damage over 12 sec.
* Flamestrike rank 8: 1565 mana, 688 to 842 fire damage, 620 fire damage over 8 sec.
* Flamestrike rank 9: 1955 mana, 873 to 1067 fire damage, 780 fire damage over 8 sec.
* Blast Wave rank 8: 795 mana, 882 to 1038 fire damage.
* Blast Wave rank 9: 930 mana, 1047 to 1233 fire damage.
* Dragon's Breath rank 5: 900 mana, 935 to 1085 fire damage.
* Dragon's Breath rank 6: 1050 mana, 1101 to 1279 fire damage.
* Fire Ward rank 7: 520 mana, absorbs 1950 fire damage.
* Molten Armor rank 2: 865 mana, causes 130 fire damage when hit.
* Molten Armor rank 3: 1125 mana, causes 170 fire damage when hit.
* Frostfire Bolt rank 1: 450 mana, 3 second cast, 30 yard range. "Launches a bolt of frostfire at the enemy, causing 629 to 731 Fire damage, slowing movement speed by 40% and causing an additional 60 fire damage over 9 sec. If the target is more vulnerable to Frost damage this spell will cause Frost instead of Fire damage."
* Frostfire Bolt rank 2: 530 mana, 722 to 838 fire damage, 90 fire damage over 9 sec.


* Frostbolt rank 15: 445 mana, 702 to 758 frost damage.
* Frostbolt rank 16: 505 mana, 799 to 861 frost damage.
* Ice Lance rank 2: 165 mana, 182 to 210 frost damage.
* Ice Lance rank 3: 180 mana, 221 to 255 frost damage.
* Frost Nova rank 6: 255 mana, 365 to 415 frost damage.
* Cone of Cold rank 7: 840 mana, 559 to 611 frost damage.
* Cone of Cold rank 8: 1045 mana, 707 to 773 frost damage.
* Blizzard rank 8: 2125 mana, 1680 frost damage over 8 sec.
* Blizzard rank 9: 2570 mana, 2032 frost damage over 8 sec.
* Ice Armor rank 6: 930 mana, increases armor by 930, frost resistance by 40.
* Frost Ward rank 7: 520 mana, absorbs 1950 frost damage.
* Ice Barrier rank 7: 725 mana, absorbs 2800 damage.
* Ice Barrier rank 8: 850 mana, absorbs 3300 damage.
* Shatter Shield rank 1: 1200 mana, 30 second cooldown. "Instantly shields you, absorbing 2000 Physical damage. Lasts 1 min. When the shield is destroyed, all enemies within 10 yards are frozen for 8 sec."



* Blessing of Light (Rank 5) - 180 mana, increases healing of Holy Light by 1090, Flash of Light by 345.
* Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 8) - 270 mana, restores 73 mana/5.
* Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 9) - 335 mana, restores 91 mana/5.
* Consecration (Rank 7) - 1250 mana, 576 holy damage over 8 sec.
* Consecration (Rank 8) - 1475 mana, 672 holy damage over 8 sec.
* Exorcism (Rank 8) - 620 mana, 696 to 776 holy damage.
* Exorcism (Rank 8) - 765 mana, 847 to 945 holy damage.
* Flash of Light (Rank 8) - 350 mana, 409 to 571 healing.
* Flash of Light (Rank 9) - 420 mana, 585 to 655 healing.
* Greater Blessing of Light (Rank 3) - 360 mana, increases healing of Holy Light by 1090, Flash of Light by 345.
* Greater Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 4) - 555 mana, restores 73 mana/5.
* Greater Blessing of Wisdom (Rank 5) - 695 mana, restores 91 mana/5.
* Hammer of Wrath (Rank 5) - 830 mana, 786 to 868 holy damage.
* Hammer of Wrath (Rank 6) - 1020 mana, 957 to 1057 holy damage.
* Holy Light (Rank 12) - 1585 mana, 3264 to 3636 healing.
* Holy Light (Rank 13) - 1880 mana, 3799 to 4231 healing.
* Holy Shock (Rank 6) - 650 mana, 820 to 888 holy damage, or 1239 to 1341 healing.
* Holy Shock (Rank 7) - 650 mana, 967 to 1047 holy damage, or 1431 to 1549 healing.
* Holy Wrath (Rank 4) - 1425 mana, 686 to 806 holy damage.
* Holy Wrath (Rank 5) - 1765 mana, 839 to 985 holy damage.
* Lay on Hands (Rank 5) - Restores 1950 mana on target.
* Seal of Light (Rank 6) - 560 mana, melee attacks have a chance to heal the paladin for 250. Judgement gives melee attackers a chance to heal themselves for 177.
* Seal of Righteousness (Rank 10) - 475 mana. 38 holy damage per hit. 227 to 249 Judgement damage.
* Seal of Righteousness (Rank 11) - 475 mana. 42 holy damage per hit. 247 to 273 Judgement damage.
* Seal of Blood (Rank 2) - 240 mana, judging causes 333 to 367 holy damage.
* Seal of Blood (Rank 3) - 450 mana, judging causes 352 to 388 holy damage.
* Seal of Blood (Rank 4) - 535 mana, judging causes 418 to 462 holy damage.
* Seal of Vengeance (Rank 2) - 480 mana, attacks have a chance to cause 250 holy damage over 15 sec. stacking 5 times. Judging does 272 holy damage per application of Holy Vengeance.
* Seal of Vengeance (Rank 3) - 590 mana, attacks have a chance to cause 305 holy damage over 15 sec. stacking 5 times. Judging does 333 holy damage per application of Holy Vengeance.
* Seal of Wisdom (Rank 6) - 560 mana, melee attacks have a chance to restore 233 of the paladin's mana. Judgement gives all spells and attacks used on the target a chance to restore 143 mana.


* Avenger's Shield (Rank 4) - 1475 mana, 564 to 688 holy damage.
* Avenger's Shield (Rank 5) - 1745 mana, 666 to 814 holy damage.
* Devotion Aura (Rank 9) - 1015 armor.
* Devotion Aura (Rank 10) - 1205 armor.
* Fire Resistance Aura (Rank 5) - 130 Fire Resistance.
* Frost Resistance Aura (Rank 5) - 130 Frost Resistance.
* Holy Shield rank 5: 280 mana, 175 holy damage when blocking.
* Holy Shield rank 6: 280 mana, 200 holy damage when blocking.
* Shadow Resistance Aura (Rank 5) - 130 Shadow Resistance.


* Blessing of Might (Rank 9) - 255 mana, increases attack power by 245.
* Blessing of Might (Rank 10) - 315 mana, increases attack power by 300.
* Greater Blessing of Might (Rank 4) - 515 mana, increases attack power by 245.
* Greater Blessing of Might (Rank 5) - 635 mana, increases attack power by 300.
* Seal of Command (Rank 7) - 530 mana, judging causes 264 to 291 holy damage, or twice that if the target is stunned or incapacitated.
* Seal of Command (Rank 8) - 625 mana, judging causes 318 to 351 holy damage, or twice that if the target is stunned or incapacitated.




* Inner Fire (Rank 8)- 450 mana, increases armor by 1800 and increases healing done by 180.
* Inner Fire (Rank 9)- 555 mana, increases armor by 2440 and increases healing done by 230.
* Power Word: Shield (Rank 13)- 815 mana, 1920 damage absorbed.
* Power Word: Shield (Rank 14)- 960 mana, 2230 damage absorbed.
* Divine Spirit (Rank 6)- Increases spirit by 80.
* Prayer of Spirit (Rank 3)- Increases spirit by 80.
* Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 8)- 1125 mana. Increases stamina by 165.
* Prayer of Fortitude (Rank 4)- 2875 mana. Increases stamina by 165.
* Shadow Protection (Rank 5)- 1200 mana, increases shadow resistance by 130.
* Prayer of Shadow Protection (Rank 5)- 2400 mana, increases shadow resistance by 130.
* Feedback (Rank 7)- 705 mana, spells cast on Priest will burn 165 mana.
* Starshards (Rank 9)- 830 arcane damage over 15 sec.
* Starshards (Rank 10)- 1030 arcane damage over 15 sec.


* Greater Heal (Rank 8)- 1095 mana, 3395 to 3945 healing.
* Greater Heal (Rank 9)- 1290 mana, 3950 to 4590 healing.
* Renew (Rank 13)- 610 mana, 1235 healing over 15 sec.
* Renew (Rank 14)- 720 mana, 1400 healing over 15 sec.
* Flash Heal (Rank 10)- 640 mana, 1684 to 1956 healing.
* Flash Heal (Rank 11)- 775 mana, 2054 to 2386 healing.
* Prayer of Healing (Rank 7)- 1840 mana, 2091 to 2209 healing.
* Holy Nova (Rank 8)- 1245 mana, 333 to 387 holy damage, 611 to 709 healing.
* Holy Nova (Rank 9)- 1455 mana, 398 to 462 holy damage, 713 to 827 healing.
* Lightwell (Rank 5)- 605 mana, 5 minute cooldown. 3915 healing over 6 sec, direct damage cancels healing. Lasts for 3 minutes or 10 charges
* Lightwell (Rank 6)- 710 mana, 5 minute cooldown. 4620 healing over 6 sec, direct damage cancels healing. Lasts for 3 minutes or 10 charges
* Circle of Healing (Rank 6)- 625 mana, 8 second cooldown. 589 to 651 healing on party or raid.
* Circle of Healing (Rank 7)- 730 mana, 8 second cooldown. 684 to 756 healing on party or raid.
* Prayer of Mending (Rank 2)- 545 mana, 905 healing.
* Prayer of Mending (Rank 3)- 640 mana, 1043 healing.
* Binding Heal (Rank 2)- 1000 mana, 1619 to 2081 healing.
* Binding Heal (Rank 3)- 1215 mana, 1952 to 2508 healing.
* Desperate Prayer (Rank 9)- 3111 to 3669 healing.
* Desperate Prayer (Rank 10)- 3716 to 4384 healing.
* Smite (Rank 11)- 520 mana, 604 to 676 holy damage.
* Smite (Rank 12)- 615 mana, 707 to 793 holy damage.
* Holy Fire (Rank 10)- 290 mana, 10 second cooldown. 732 to 928 holy damage. Additional 287 holy damage over 7 sec..
* Holy Fire (Rank 11)- 290 mana, 10 second cooldown. 890 to 1130 holy damage. Additional 350 holy damage over 7 sec..
* Chastise (Rank 7)- 350 mana, 685 to 795 holy damage.

Shadow Magic

* Mind Sear (Rank 1)- 545 mana, 30 yard range, channeled. "Causes an explosion of shadow magic around the enemy target, causing 481 to 519 shadow damage every 1.0 sec for 5 sec to all targets within 10 yards."
* Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 11)- 775 mana, 1302 shadow damage over 18 sec.
* Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 12)- 915 mana, 1530 shadow damage over 18 sec.
* Mind Blast (Rank 12)- 605 mana, 837 to 883 shadow damage.
* Mind Blast (Rank 13)- 715 mana, 992 to 1048 shadow damage.
* Mana Burn (Rank 8)- 510 mana, burns 1478 to 1562 mana.
* Mind Flay (Rank 8)- 320 mana, 30 yard range. 576 shadow damage over 3 sec.
* Mind Flay (Rank 9)- 390 mana, 30 yard range. 690 shadow damage over 3 sec.
* Shadow Word: Death (Rank 3)- 430 mana, 639 to 741 shadow damage.
* Shadow Word: Death (Rank 4)- 510 mana, 750 to 870 shadow damage.
* Vampiric Touch (Rank 4)- 595 mana. 735 shadow damage over 15 sec. Mana gain to party members equal to 2% of the shadow damage you deal
* Vampiric Touch (Rank 5)- 700 mana. 850 shadow damage over 15 sec. Mana gain to party members equal to 2% of the shadow damage you deal
* Two new Ranks of Fade.
* Touch of Weakness (Rank 8)- 375 mana, causes 95 shadow damage and reduces attack's damage done by 55 for 2 minutes.
* Devouring Plague (Rank 8)- 1520 mana, 1416 shadow damage over 24 sec.
* Devouring Plague (Rank 9)- 1850 mana, 1720 shadow damage over 24 sec.
* Hex of Weakness (Rank 8)- 470 mana, reduces damage caused by 55.
* Shadowguard (Rank 8)- 385 mana, 195 shadow damage when attacked.


* Sinister Strike: rank 11: 150 additional damage.
* Sinister Strike: rank 12: 180 additional damage.
* Backstab rank 11: 150% weapon damage plus 255.
* Hemorrhage rank 5: 110% weapon, increases physical damage dealt on target by 75.
* Mutilate rank 5: 153 additional damage.
* Mutilate rank 6: 181 additional damage.
* Eviscerate rank 11: 1 point 405 to 613 damage, 2 points 706 to 914 damage, 3 points 1007 to 1215 damage, 4 points 1308 to 1516 damage, 5 points 1609 to 1817 damage
* Eviscerate rank 12: 1 point 497 to 751 damage, 2 points 867 to 1121 damage, 3 points 1237 to 1491 damage, 4 points 1607 to 1861 damage, 5 points 1977 to 2231 damage
* Expose Armor rank 7: 560 armor per combo point.
* Rupture rank 8: 1 point 324 damage over 8 secs, 2 points 460 damage over 10 secs, 3 points 618 damage over 12 secs, 4 points 798 damage over 14 secs, 5 points 1000 damage over 16 secs.
* Deadly Throw rank 2: 1 point 223 to 245 damage, 2 points 365 to 387 damage, 3 points 507 to 529 damage, 4 points 649 to 671 damage, 5 points 791 to 813 damage.
* Deadly Throw rank 3: 1 point 350 to 386 damage, 2 points 574 to 610 damage, 3 points 798 to 834 damage, 4 points 1022 to 1058 damage, 5 points 1246 to 1282 damage.
* Garrote rank 9: 1092 damage over 18 sec.
* Garrote rank 10: 1290 damage over 18 sec.
* Ambush rank 8: 275% weapon damage plus 335.


Elemental Combat

* Earth Shock (Rank 9) - 990 mana, 723 to 761 nature damage.
* Earth Shock (Rank 10) - 1170 mana, 849 to 895 nature damage.
* Flame Shock (Rank 8) - 945 mana, 425 fire damage, 476 fire damage over 12 sec.
* Flame Shock (Rank 9) - 1115 mana, 500 fire damage, 556 fire damage over 12 sec.
* Frost Shock (Rank 6) - 955 mana, 681 to 719 frost damage.
* Frost Shock (Rank 7) - 1135 mana, 802 to 848 frost damage.
* Lightning Bolt (Rank 13) - 555 mana, 595 to 679 nature damage.
* Lightning Bolt (Rank 14) - 685 mana, 715 to 815 nature damage.
* Chain Lightning (Rank 7) - 1380 mana, 806 to 920 nature damage (on first target).
* Chain Lightning (Rank 8) - 1695 mana, 973 to 1111 nature damage (on first target).


* Lightning Shield (Rank 10) - 755 mana, 325 nature damage.
* Lightning Shield (Rank 11) - 895 mana, 380 nature damage.


* Healing Wave (Rank 13) - 1355 mana, 2624 to 2996 healing.
* Healing Wave (Rank 14) - 1600 mana, 3034 to 3466 healing.
* Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 8) - 805 mana, 1382 to 1578 healing.
* Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 9) - 965 mana, 1606 to 1834 healing.
* Earth Shield (Rank 4) - 860 mana, 300 healing.
* Earth Shield (Rank 5) - 1020 mana, 337 healing.



* Corruption (Rank 9)- 525 mana, 984 shadow damage over 18 sec.
* Corruption (Rank 10)- 650 mana, 1080 shadow damage over 18 sec.
* Seed of Corruption (Rank 2)- 1300 mana, 1292 shadow over 18 sec. Explodes after 1296 damage. 1383 to 1607 shadow damage explosion.
* Seed of Corruption (Rank 3)- 1525 mana, 1518 shadow over 18 sec. Explodes after 1516 damage. 1633 to 1897 shadow damage explosion.
* Unstable Affliction (Rank 4)- 585 mana, 1182 shadow damage over 18 sec. Causes 1773 shadow damage to dispeller when dispelled, and silences dispeller for 3 sec.
* Unstable Affliction (Rank 5)- 685 mana, 1380 shadow damage over 18 sec. Causes 2070 shadow damage to dispeller when dispelled, and silences dispeller for 3 sec.
* Drain Soul (Rank 6)- 600 mana, 710 shadow damage over 15 sec.
* Drain Life (Rank 9)- 695 mana, 133 health drained per second.
* Drain Mana (Rank 7)- 545 mana, 240 mana drained per second.
* Death Coil (Rank 5)- 855 mana, 670 shadow damage.
* Death Coil (Rank 6)- 1005 mana, 790 shadow damage.
* Siphon Life (Rank 7)- 605 mana, 70 health every 3 sec. For 30 sec.
* Siphon Life (Rank 7)- 710 mana, 81 health every 3 sec. For 30 sec.
* Curse of Agony (Rank 8)- 390 mana, 1440 shadow damage over 24 sec.
* Curse of Agony (Rank 9)- 470 mana, 1740 shadow damage over 24 sec.
* Curse of Elements (Rank 5)- Reduces fire and frost resistances by 165, increases fire and frost damage taken by 10%.
* Curse of Shadow (Rank 4)- Reduces shadow and arcane resistances by 165, increases shadow and arcane damage taken by 10%.
* Curse of Doom (Rank 3)- 7300 shadow damage after 1 minute.
* Curse of Weakness (Rank 9)- 265 mana, reduces attack power by 350 and "increases time between melee and ranged attacks by 20%".


* Demon Armor (Rank 7)- 1240 mana, increases armor by 840. "And increasing the amount of health generated through spells and effects by 20%", does not give shadow resistance or health regeneration
* Demon Armor (Rank 8)- 1410 mana, increases armor by 950. "And increasing the amount of health generated through spells and effects by 20%", does not give shadow resistance or health regeneration
* Health Funnel (Rank 9)- 277 health, plus 182 per sec. 520 health transferred to demon every sec for 10 sec.
* Create Healthstone (Rank 7)- 1455 mana, Demonic Healthstone, restores 3500 health.
* Create Healthstone (Rank 8)- 1590 mana, Fel Healthstone, restores 4280 health.
* Create Soulstone (Rank 7)- xx% of base mana, Demonic Soulstone. Resurrect with 5300 health and 4300 mana.
* Create Spellstone (Rank 5)- Demonic Spellstone. Usual use effect. 20 spell critical strike rating when worn.
* Shadow Ward (Rank 5)- 550 mana, Absorbs 2750 shadow damage.
* Shadow Ward (Rank 6)- 670 mana, Absorbs 3300 shadow damage.
* Fel Armor (Rank 3)- 725 mana, increases spell damage by 150. "And allows 30% of your mana regeneration to continue while casting", no longer increases health gained from spells and effects
* Fel Armor (Rank 4)- 725 mana, increases spell damage by 180. "And allows 30% of your mana regeneration to continue while casting", no longer increases health gained from spells and effects


* Shadow Bolt (Rank 12)- 600 mana, 596 to 664 shadow damage.
* Shadow Bolt (Rank 13)- 715 mana, 690 to 770 shadow damage.
* Immolate (Rank 10)- 665 mana, 370 fire damage, 695 fire damage over 15 sec.
* Immolate (Rank 11)- 780 mana, 460 fire damage, 785 fire damage over 15 sec.
* Searing Pain (Rank 9)- 290 mana, 295 to 349 fire damage.
* Seaing Pain (Rank 10)- 340 mana, 343 to 405 fire damage.
* Rain of Fire (Rank 6)- 1995 mana, 1540 fire damage over 8 sec.
* Rain of Fire (Rank 7)- 2510 mana, 1940 fire damage over 8 sec.
* Hellfire (Rank 5)- 1665 mana, 451 fire damage every second.
* Soul Fire (Rank 5)- 365 mana, 1137 to 1423 fire damage.
* Soul Fire (Rank 6)- 434 mana, 1323 to 1657 fire damage.
* Shadowburn (Rank 9)- 755 mana, 662 to 738 shadow damage.
* Shadowburn (Rank 10)- 890 mana, 775 to 865 shadow damage.
* Conflagrate (Rank 7)- 445 mana, 650 to 810 fire damage.
* Conflagrate (Rank 8)- 520 mana, 766 to 954 fire damage.
* Incinerate (Rank 3)- 505 mana, 485 to 563 fire damage. Additional 121 to 141 fire damage if Immolate is up.
* Incinerate (Rank 4)- 615 mana, 582 to 676 fire damage. Additional 145 to 169 fire damage if Immolate is up.
* Shadowfury (Rank 4)- 1035 mana, 822 to 978 shadow damage. Stuns for 3 sec.
* Shadowfury (Rank 5)- 1220 mana, 968 to 1152 shadow damage. Stuns for 3 sec.



* Rend (Rank 9)- 255 damage over 15 seconds, additional based on weapon damage. "If the target becomes enraged, Rend causes four times the normal damage".
* Rend (Rank 10)- 300 damage over 15 seconds, additional based on weapon damage. "If the target becomes enraged, Rend causes four times the normal damage".
* Heroic Strike (Rank 12)- 432 bonus damage. 151 additional damage against Dazed targets.
* Heroic Strike (Rank 13)- 495 bonus damage. 173 additional damage against Dazed targets.
* Mortal Strike (Rank 7)- 320 bonus damage.
* Mortal Strike (Rank 8)- 380 bonus damage.
* Thunder Clap (Rank 8)- 165 damage. Damage increased by attack power.
* Thunder Clap (Rank 9)- 200 damage. Damage increased by attack power.


* Battle Shout (Rank 9)- Increases attack power by 550.
* Commanding Shout (Rank 2)- Increases health by 1855.
* Commanding Shout (Rank 3)- Increases health by 2255.
* Execute (Rank 8)- 1315 damage, each additional point of rage does 30 damage.
* Execute (Rank 9)- 1665 damage, each additional point of rage does 38 damage.
* Rampage (Rank 4)- 85 attack power per stack.
* Cleave (Rank 7)- 189 bonus damage.
* Cleave (Rank 8)- 222 bonus damage.
* Slam (Rank 7)- 220 bonus damage.
* Slam (Rank 8)- 250 bonus damage.


* Sunder Armor (Rank 7)- 785 armor reduction per stack.
* Shield Slam (Rank 7)- 639 to 671 damage.
* Shield Slam (Rank 8)- 756 to 794 damage.
* Devastate (Rank 4)- 53 damage per application of Sunder Armor.
* Devastate (Rank 5)- 63 damage per application of Sunder Armor.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I hope that orca is my epic water form.


Minor profession changes/additions:

Leather working:

Scalp (Rank 1) ?? Skinning Knife Attempts to skin the target alive, causing them to bleed for 72 damage over 6 sec (lol?)


There seem to be 25 new cooking recipes planned, 12 of which use fishing. Names for these are still placeholders at the moment.


New Recipes
Name Level Materials Description
Smelt Froststeel ?? 3x Azurite Bar + 1x Eternal Water Allows the miner to smelt 3 azurite bars and an eternal water into a froststeel bar. Requires a forge.
Smelt Hardened Azurite ?? 10x Azurite Bar Allows the miner to smelt 10 azurite bars into a hardened azurite bar. Requires a forge.
Smelt Azurite ?? Azurite Ore Allows the miner to smelt azurite ore into an azurite bar. Requires a forge.
Smelt Saronite ?? 10x Saronite Ore Allows the miner to smelt 10 saronite ore into a saronite bar. Requires a forge.
Smelt Titansteel ?? 1x Saronite Bar + 1x Titanium Ore Allows the miner to smelt a saronite bar and titanium ore into a titansteel bar. Requires a forge.
Smelt Cobalt ?? Cobalt Ore llows the miner to smelt cobalt ore into a cobalt bar. Requires a forge.

New Abilities
Name Level Materials Description
Miner's Revenge (Rank 1) ?? Mining Pick Hurls your pick axe at the target, inflicted 45 to 55 physical damage, ignoring any armor. 30 yard range, 5 minute cooldown. (?????)




General Information

* Spell description for Inscription refers to it as "magical writings".
* These crafting spells with no description of the items they produce: Silver Quill, Scroll of Stamina, Scroll of Intellect, Scroll of Spirit, Earthen Ink, Silver Ink, Ivory Ink, Random Card: Rogues, Scroll of Recall.

Name Level Material Description
Runeword of Minor Magic ?? ?? Inscribe a runeword of minor magic onto a piece of chest armor to increase spell damage from magical spells and effects by up to 3 for 1 hour.

Couple of new mounts:


Frost Wyrm - "Summons and dismisses a rideable frost wyrm. This is a very fast mount."
Great Brewfest Kodo - "Summons and dismisses a rideable swift Brewfest kodo. This is a very fast mount."
Black Warp Stalker - "Summons and dismisses a rideable Warp Stalker. This is a very fast mount."
Swift Zhevra - "Summons and dismisses a rideable Swift Zhevra. This is a very fast mount."

Polar Bear Cub (assuming it's a pet):



Are those fixed values for Steady shot? Currently Im pretty certain my SS scales with my gear, are they now making it a static amount that doesnt scale? I have really got to see the talents now...
Alex said:
* Rend (Rank 10)- 300 damage over 15 seconds, additional based on weapon damage. "If the target becomes enraged, Rend causes four times the normal damage"
Hmmm... anti-Hunter functionality? I thought anti-Warrior at first--Enrage--but I'm pretty sure that when a Hunter uses The Beast Within, he's considered "enraged".
* Mind Sear (Rank 1)- 545 mana, 30 yard range, channeled. "Causes an explosion of shadow magic around the enemy target, causing 481 to 519 shadow damage every 1.0 sec for 5 sec to all targets within 10 yards."

Finally a fucking AOE, sucks its channeled though, inner fire having a healing buff is also nice.

70-BM hunter
70-holy pally

Just finished leveling the Priest, probably do him first, then the hunter, doubt I'll ever play the pally again. Skinning alive seems awesome though:lol

evlcookie said:
Not sure if this was posted, but what do you guys think?
So healers and cloth DPS have more reason to fight over gear, wonder if they will do something for tanks?


but ever so delicious
Not sure if this was posted, but what do you guys think?

PCGamer said:
PC Gamer: What else is changing?
Tom Chilton: We're also going to be doing away with spell-damage only type of gear. We'll moving to a system that, as part of your talents, player will be able to convert healing into spell-damage and vice-versa as part of their talents. That way, they can use the exact same gear, but their talents just adapt what it does.



I'm just a little bitter.


Has problems recognising girls
* Earth Shock (Rank 9) - 990 mana, 723 to 761 nature damage.
* Earth Shock (Rank 10) - 1170 mana, 849 to 895 nature damage.
* Flame Shock (Rank 8) - 945 mana, 425 fire damage, 476 fire damage over 12 sec.
* Flame Shock (Rank 9) - 1115 mana, 500 fire damage, 556 fire damage over 12 sec.
* Frost Shock (Rank 6) - 955 mana, 681 to 719 frost damage.
* Frost Shock (Rank 7) - 1135 mana, 802 to 848 frost damage.
* Lightning Bolt (Rank 13) - 555 mana, 595 to 679 nature damage.
* Lightning Bolt (Rank 14) - 685 mana, 715 to 815 nature damage.
* Chain Lightning (Rank 7) - 1380 mana, 806 to 920 nature damage (on first target).
* Chain Lightning (Rank 8) - 1695 mana, 973 to 1111 nature damage (on first target).
I see that Blizzard still don't bother with fixing the mana vs damage ratio for Shaman.


Alex said:

I'm just a little bitter.

hahhaha. I think it should be alright as a healing alt. I hope I'm not horribly wrong.


speedpop said:
I see that Blizzard still don't bother with fixing the mana vs damage ratio for Shaman.

Might be in regards to new talents. Blizzard's comments as of late seemed especially confident in terms of Shaman tweaks, so I wouldn't worry.


Proc said:
hahhaha. I think it should be alright as a healing alt. I hope I'm not horribly wrong.

You can make anything work, and Paladin has it's niche, and isn't BROKEN or anything, but it is, IMO, the least fun class in the game by a good country mile. Frustrating as fuck too, that's something you'll notice when you watch everyone else run around with all their fun instants and active abilities, while your stupid lame ass bubble is on cooldown, and your only spell that does anything is Holy Light.

Personally, as a multi year Holy Paladin, I took my decked out, Gladiator ranked Holy Paladin and flat out erased the bitch. I'm never going back.


Alex said:
I'm going to post the new skill ranks now, I don't think I did this before... but if I did, well, shit.

It's mostly just the updated ranks of old stuff now, but there's a handful of neat surprises in, like some pet skills for Hunter, Priest's inner fire sucking less and tweaks to Mage stuff (holy fuck Ice Barrier eats a lot now).


* Mend Pet (Rank 9) - 610, 4250 healing over 15 sec.
* Mend Pet (Rank 10) - 750 mana, 5250 healing over 15 sec.
* Kill Command (Rank 2) - 145 mana, normal pet damage plus 210.
* Kill Command (Rank 3) - 185 mana, normal pet damage plus 250.
* Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 9) - 285 mana, 230 ranged attack power.
* Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 10) - 350 mana, 300 ranged attack power.
* Aspect of the Wild (Rank 4) - 150 mana, 70 Nature Resistance.


* Serpent Sting (Rank 11) - 550 mana, 990 damage over 15 sec.
* Serpent Sting (Rank 12) - 680 mana, 1210 damage over 15 sec.
* Viper Sting (Rank 5) - 3092 mana drained over 8 sec.
* Wyvern Sting (Rank 5) - 515 mana, 2082 nature damage over 12 sec after target wakes.
* Wyvern Sting (Rank 6) - 610 mana, 2460 nature damage over 12 sec after target wakes.
* Arcane Shot (Rank 10) - 440 mana, 402 arcane damage.
* Arcane Shot (Rank 11) - 540 mana, 492 arcane damage.
* Multi-Shot (Rank 7) - 570 mana, 333 additional damage.
* Multi-Shot (Rank 8) - 700 mana, 408 additional damage.
* Aimed Shot (Rank 8) - 750 mana, 1325 additional damage.
* Aimed Shot (Rank 9) - 890 mana, 1570 additional damage.
* Steady Shot (Rank 2) - 220 mana, 220 additional damage. 175 additional damage on dazed targets.
* Steady Shot (Rank 3) - 280 mana, 280 additional damage. 175 additional damage on dazed targets.


* Raptor Strike (Rank 10) - 240 mana, 275 additional damage.
* Raptor Strike (Rank 10) - 300 mana, 335 additional damage.
* Counterattack (Rank 5) - 215 mana, 240 damage.
* Counterattack (Rank 6) - 265 mana, 285 damage.
* Immolation Trap (Rank 7) - 605 mana, 1540 fire damage over 15 sec.
* Immolation Trap (Rank 8) - 750 mana, 1885 fire damage over 15 sec.
* Explosive Trap (Rank 5) - 1350 mana, 434 to 556 fire damage, 740 fire damage over 20 sec.
* Explosive Trap (Rank 6) - 1700 mana, 523 to 571 fire damage, 900 fire damage over 20 sec.
* Trueshot Aura (Rank 5) - 190 attack power.
* Trueshot Aura (Rank 6) - 225 attack power.

Beast Training

* New line of pet spells called "Smack". Equivalent to Claw except with different name.
* Tendom Rip (Rank 1)__ - 25 focus, Next melee, 20 second cooldown. "Damages an enemy for 3 to 5 and reduces movement speed by 25% for 8 sec."
* Spore Cloud (Rank 1) - 50 focus, 10 second cooldown. "Inflicts 2 nature damage to nearby enemies every 2 sec for 6 sec and reduces armor by 15%.
* Dust Cloud (Rank 1) - 50 focus, 20 second cooldown. "Kick up an obscuring cloud of dust, lowering the chance for enemies to hit by 30%. Effects last 8 sec."
* Serenity Dust (Rank 1) - 75 focus, 2 minute cooldown. "Heals the pet for 510 over 15 sec."
* Bad Attitude (Rank 1) - 25 focus, 3 minute cooldown. "Snap back for 5 damage at any target that strikes you for the next 2 min."
* Nether Shock (Rank 1) - 30 focus, 20 yard range, 6 second cooldown. "Instantly lashes an enemy for 17 to 19 Shadow damage. Also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 1 sec."
* Ravage (Rank 1) - 80 focus, 1 minute cooldown. "Violently attack an enemy for 4 to 6, stunning it for 2 sec."
* Sonic Blast (Rank 1) - 80 focus, 1 minute cooldown. "Emits a piercing shriek, inflicted 4 to 6 physical damage and stunning the target for 2 sec."
* Wing Buffet (Rank 1) - 40 focus, 30 second cooldown. "Blasts the target for 4 to 6 damage and knocking it back."
* Snatch (Rank 1) - 40 focus, 1 minute cooldown. "Grab the enemy's weapon with your talons, disarming them for 10 sec."
* Pin (Rank 1) - 80 Focus, channeled, 20 second cooldown. "Pins the target in place, and squeezes for 20 damage over 12 sec."

some really good shyt here, I'm loving that rank 10 aspect of the hawk.

Alex said:
Minor profession changes/additions:

Leather working:

Scalp (Rank 1) ?? Skinning Knife Attempts to skin the target alive, causing them to bleed for 72 damage over 6 sec (lol?)


There seem to be 25 new cooking recipes planned, 12 of which use fishing. Names for these are still placeholders at the moment.


New Recipes
Name Level Materials Description
Smelt Froststeel ?? 3x Azurite Bar + 1x Eternal Water Allows the miner to smelt 3 azurite bars and an eternal water into a froststeel bar. Requires a forge.
Smelt Hardened Azurite ?? 10x Azurite Bar Allows the miner to smelt 10 azurite bars into a hardened azurite bar. Requires a forge.
Smelt Azurite ?? Azurite Ore Allows the miner to smelt azurite ore into an azurite bar. Requires a forge.
Smelt Saronite ?? 10x Saronite Ore Allows the miner to smelt 10 saronite ore into a saronite bar. Requires a forge.
Smelt Titansteel ?? 1x Saronite Bar + 1x Titanium Ore Allows the miner to smelt a saronite bar and titanium ore into a titansteel bar. Requires a forge.
Smelt Cobalt ?? Cobalt Ore llows the miner to smelt cobalt ore into a cobalt bar. Requires a forge.

New Abilities
Name Level Materials Description
Miner's Revenge (Rank 1) ?? Mining Pick Hurls your pick axe at the target, inflicted 45 to 55 physical damage, ignoring any armor. 30 yard range, 5 minute cooldown. (?????)

New ores make me happy :)

and a miner skill?

thanks for the info


Alex said:
Personally, as a multi year Holy Paladin, I took my decked out, Gladiator ranked Holy Paladin and flat out erased the bitch. I'm never going back.

Can you comment on any other healing classes from personal experience from a fun factor perspective? I almost rolled shaman, maybe I'll level that up instead.
Alex said:

I'm just a little bitter.
Its fun when you have 4 other people to always play with....then they left the server or quit.........soloing sucks as a fucking pally especially holy.


I've played all of them at some point, at a high level. I'm a Priest now, myself.

From a fun factor perspective, Shaman is a really great choice. Loads of fun and useful active abilities, a class design that flat out works, great aesthetics. Resto is especially rare and highly appreciated.

It has some problems, thus it's lower representation ratings, but they're easily fixable, and not some glaring backbone problem, like with the Holy Paladin where you'd need to uproot large pieces of the class to fix it. LK will probably do the most for the Shaman class, since it's faults are just so damned obvious and easy to patch.

I've said this a lot, actually, in the main online forum topic, but to me Shaman is probably the most "fun" class in the game, to me, three great specs and the FFXI-like BRD/WHM rolling of the Resto spec suits my tastes.

It is a bit slow to level at first to level though, suffering from the same problems as Priest and oddly enough, the same resolution as when you hit 40 it becomes a monster.
Alex said:
I've played all of them at some point, at a high level. I'm a Priest now, myself.

From a fun factor perspective, Shaman is a really great choice. Loads of fun and useful active abilities, a class design that flat out works, great aesthetics. Resto is especially rare and highly appreciated.

It has some problems, thus it's lower representation ratings, but they're easily fixable, and not some glaring backbone problem, like with the Holy Paladin where you'd need to uproot large pieces of the class to fix it. LK will probably do the most for the Shaman class, since it's faults are just so damned obvious and easy to patch.

I've said this a lot, actually, in the main online forum topic, but to me Shaman is probably the most "fun" class in the game, to me, three great specs and the FFXI-like BRD/WHM rolling of the Resto spec suits my tastes.

It is a bit slow to level at first to level though, suffering from the same problems as Priest and oddly enough, the same resolution as when you hit 40 it becomes a monster.
Oh God I got a shaman to 16, worst then a pally to me shit damage and totem cluster fuck never seemed appealing. Druid seems like a best one to level, good healers or good DPS or good tank, and once you hit 20, its ez-mode.


Alex said:
Resto is especially rare

Pre-level 70, maybe. Post-70? Resto was the most popular on my server, by far.

LK will probably do the most for the Shaman class, since it's faults are just so damned obvious and easy to patch.

Hahahha, you have way, way too much faith in Blizzard. I've played a Shaman since release & we still have some very obvious faults that should have been fixed a long, long time ago.

Totem mechanics, Sentry Totem, Windwall totem - I'm looking at you & a few others.


Its fun when you have 4 other people to always play with....then they left the server or quit.........soloing sucks as a fucking pally especially holy.

There's really a lot to go into with Paladin, the auras suck, the seals suck, the blessings and judgements have aged terribly (especially without Lasting Judgements, fuck you Blizzard). The healing model has aged terribly. It's starting to get lapped on it's mana pool strengths, the lack of instants, weakness of plate in the face of new healer defenses, no active abilities. The entire class is riding on two niches; BoL+FoL raid spam, and Divine Shield+ Holy Light 5v5. Both WILL crumble in another expansion. Battlegrounds you just get absolutely fucking wasted as a Paladin with your cast bar exposure, so it's not worth mentioning.

Paladin is an old, old design, in the face of a lot of revamp. Most of BC was dedicated to making Protection and Retribution not completely suck. When the most potent ability you get in an entire expansion is Crusader Aura, then you're nerfed of your main strength right off of the bat while everyone else is chain buffed over and over, some shit has gone afoul.

Leveling is pretty inconsequential. Everything levels well at a certain point. Druid is certainly the best leveler of the four though, Feral Druid is a fucking awesome leveler. 1-10 on a Druid is like cancer, though, holy shit I remember that.

Druid is my least favorite healer in the game though, it's ok in raids, and obviously grand in PvP, but I dislike the setup and total hybridization of it. Shapeshifting is not for me at all. Shaman and Priest are about my favorite classes, all around.


Amankhan said:
Pre-level 70, maybe. Post-70? Resto was the most popular on my server, by far.

Hahahha, you have way, way too much faith in Blizzard. I've played a Shaman since release & we still have some very obvious faults that should have been fixed a long, long time ago.

Totem mechanics, Sentry Totem, Windwall totem - I'm looking at you & a few others.

Varries server to server, also I've been gone a few months so I've probably missed seeing any Resto boom that was going to be obvious to anyone who set foot in BT.

I dont think totems are nearly as bad as most people claim. And considering dev comments, and recent work pre LK, I'm pretty sure those'll be tweaked up first.

CC or Anti CC are the only other real problems. Every class has a few shitty abilities, that's kind of not really a bitch point. 95% of my abilities on my Paladin were full on useless in most situations.

If any class have a chance at coming out perfectly fine in LK, it's probably Shaman. Though I'll say Blizzard certainly seems to be firing on all cylinders in concerns to Priest, especially Shadow.


Alex said:
Varries server to server, also I've been gone a few months so I've probably missed seeing any Resto boom that was going to be obvious to anyone who set foot in BT.

I dont think totems are nearly as bad as most people claim. And considering dev comments, and recent work pre LK, I'm pretty sure those'll be tweaked up first.

CC or Anti CC are the only other real problems. Every class has a few shitty abilities, that's kind of not really a bitch point. 95% of my abilities on my Paladin were full on useless in most situations.

Shaman do not need CC. We do need anti-CC. My point in useless abilities are that we have above & by far the largest amount of useless abilities when compared to other classes.

The reason Shaman have more useless abilities than any other class is with our totems sharing their base elements, there are some totems that are never, ever worth casting. Add in that our totems only affect our 5 man groups, and we have quite a few totems that honestly don't even need to be purchased from the trainer.

I also have a 70 paladin, and I cannot even begin to imagine how 95% of your abilities are useless in most situations. Many of our abilities as paladins are not optimal, but useless? My mind boggles at that statement.


Totems look like they may be completely getting chucked (or at least redesigned) so that's a good thing imo. I agree that there are lots of useless totems (and nearly all of those useless totems are in air, and aren't wrath/goa/wf totem) but I also feel like paladins have some of the most boring design ever. They need a better defense in pvp (consider CloS does basically what divine shield does for spells, on a 1 minute cooldown, with no drawbacks/penalties), and as a tradeoff for losing divine shield, some kind of threat reduction talent in holy and some better methods of getting people off them. Prot pallies are pretty fucking awesome, though. Seriously, they're my favorite tank and somehow the least popular one despite being, well, godlike. But in a lot of ways they need more tricks in their arsenal in all 3 trees, especially holy.

Since they're already giving druids an out of combat res (making the fabled 5 druids/25 man druid raid a distinct possibility now) they may as well give shamans/paladins a HoT they can cast.

My #1 complaint on totems is their shitty, shitty range. 20 yards for totems is ridiculous. No other aura in this game has such a horrible range on it. I think whatever blizzard is doing to replace totems on shamans will address that, though.


g35twinturbo said:
has anyone heard anything about Engineering?

I'm curious on this too, because if there's a bunch of useless stuff outside of some kind of goggles again, i'm going to drop it now. Cool mount? Yes, nice to look at. Mote extractor? Very nice for primals, but not needed. Jumper Cables + Repair bots come in handy sometimes. But nothing is useful outside the helms which are the only things to really-actually help in combat. Bombs and Rocket launcher are useless in TBC. They really really need to work on this. Possibly with a very good trinket like the new Jewelcrafting one, that would keep me to stay around.


Engineering is my favorite profession, but it always gets shit.

I don't want helms, I want fun novelty items. That's why I picked that profession! Utility be damned!

(Not that I'd say no to cheaper bombs, etc.)


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
While Shamans are fun, they are also very boring. I was leveling an enhance shammy and realized it took no effort whatsoever, it was basically me praying for a wfury proc every 2 swings. It felt so tedious, but at least the leveling is easy.
evlcookie said:
Not sure if this was posted, but what do you guys think?

Whaaaaat. I don't like what this sounds like. I'm scared. Hold me. What does he mean by that.

Maybe he means that if a robe with 50 spell power was picked up by a healer it would be increased to 80 healing power by talents, while a mage would also use the robe and see it being increased to 80 spell damage by talents. It's a curious mechanic, I'll be interested to see how it goes. Extremely wary though, that is a mahoosive change.


Zedsdeadbaby said:
Whaaaaat. I don't like what this sounds like. I'm scared. Hold me. What does he mean by that.

Maybe he means that if a robe with 50 spell power was picked up by a healer it would be increased to 80 healing power by talents, while a mage would also use the robe and see it being increased to 80 spell damage by talents. It's a curious mechanic, I'll be interested to see how it goes. Extremely wary though, that is a mahoosive change.

I see it as druids still getting screwed and needing to carry around 4-6 sets of gear.


As a hunter I hope they do something about enhance shamans gear. Kind of sick of their being no mail with STR on it instead of AGI. I have to roll against a shaman for every single freaking piece of gear I want, because NOTHING is designed around THEIR class. Everything is Agi/Int/Stam/Attack power/. It gets old.


Proc said:
Why is that? I'm just leveling a pally alt because I wanted a healer type. Are they no fun as holy?

I'm definitely leveling my 70 warrior first for wrath after seeing some of the wrath info and seeing this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxoVdP7pqko&eurl=http://wotlk.wikidot.com/warrior

I'd scrap the pally. They are so fucking boring. I abandoned my shaman and rolled a be pally when TBC came out and after gearing him out I became very bored and went back the shaman. I'd go shaman, priest, or druid if you want to heal.


Zedsdeadbaby said:
Whaaaaat. I don't like what this sounds like. I'm scared. Hold me. What does he mean by that.

Maybe he means that if a robe with 50 spell power was picked up by a healer it would be increased to 80 healing power by talents, while a mage would also use the robe and see it being increased to 80 spell damage by talents. It's a curious mechanic, I'll be interested to see how it goes. Extremely wary though, that is a mahoosive change.
It's probably going to be some new kind of "spell focus" ability that will enhance whatever your main stat is based upon your class/spec. I wouldn't worry too much. It's not like they're removing mp5, spell crit or spell hit, penetration etc. so there will still be gear that a healer will probably take over a caster. as a bonus it might make it so druids/priests don't have to carry as much gear to switch between healing and caster.

I think this will actually make casters better early/mid levels where it's tough to get spell damage gear without sacrificing stats, although I wonder how it'll affect a lot of the outland gear.


I have my fun playing a holy pally. Sure the whole gameplay consist of spamming 1 or 2 spells and the occasional holy shock (which to most people is boring), but it is pretty relaxing and enjoyable if you want that from a class.
Then again, my other 70 is a Fire Mage, all you do is spam scorch and Fireball and it is still a fun class to play.
The only place that really bores me as a paladin is Arena anyways.


TheOneGuy said:
Engineering is my favorite profession, but it always gets shit.

I don't want helms, I want fun novelty items. That's why I picked that profession! Utility be damned!

(Not that I'd say no to cheaper bombs, etc.)

yeah, we had always got shyt until this last update (mount/helm). took us a long time ot actually get something decent.


So have the mats been confirmed yet for Inscriptions? I've seen the rumblings that it's going to be Herbalism that supplies the profession, but I would like to be sure.
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