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Wrath of the Lich King: Alpha leak compendium; title music suite, abilities, pictures


Alex said:
I don't want a shitty Kodo! Kodos look ridiculous, IMO. More specifically they look ridiculous when it's a Blood Elf or an Undead riding. Ughh...

Now a Wolf.... That would have been far preferred by me, since they felt like they had to toss something to Alliance after giving Horde an easy to obtain Ram.

Yeah but the ram isn't nearly as iconic as the Kodo. It'd be like giving the horde easy access to a tiger mount.


They just need to add other races' mounts as drops/seasonal quests beyond the awful looking ram and the kodo. Give horde a way to get a draenei mount since it's the only alliance mount worth a shit.


Gold Member
The shaman changes are great. I shelved my shaman not too long after reaching 70 because elemental was still a joke, enhancement was nerfed, and I already did enough chain healing in MC, BWL, ZG, AQ. I still plan on going elemental.

I'm dying to know what the pally talents will be because I'm tired of getting totally rocked in arenas. Obviously Tich (BG9) is not for me :(


Nah, they should give the Horde Mechanodtriders.

I'll be happy just to clean up my character roster in LK. Erase all of this shit I've made over the years and find a couple of good ones to stick it out to so I stop changing and rerolling!

I'm dying to know what the pally talents will be because I'm tired of getting totally rocked in arenas. Obviously Tich (BG9) is not for me :(

I had Gladiator in 5v5 on my Paladin by the sheer virtue of people leaving me alone because DS is annoying, but I get absolutely raped trying to do anything even in the shitty rankings in 2v2 and 3v3.

I just erased mine though. Even if they did patch it up I've never actually enjoyed the class much, I need healing purity and diversity, so going Priest was the best thing I ever did.


Gold Member
Alex said:
I had Gladiator in 5v5 on my Paladin by the sheer virtue of people leaving me alone because DS is annoying, but I get absolutely raped trying to do anything even in the shitty rankings in 2v2 and 3v3.

I just erased mine though. Even if they did patch it up I've never actually enjoyed the class much, I need healing purity and diversity, so going Priest was the best thing I ever did.
Things were a little different for me.
2v2 was OK, 3v3 was like WTF is this shit, and 5v5 is WHY THE FUCK DO I EVEN BOTHER!?!?!?

Playing 5v5 arena almost made me stop playing entirely. In BG9, I was totally, completely, utterly, indisputably, locked the fuck down in 5v5. When I got to 70 on my pally, less than a month after launch I did OK in all arena configurations. It wasn't until one of the patches where they messed with the shields to make them dispellable, changed some of the blessings, changed the blessing talents, changed blessing animations, and changed our spell interruption/knockback talents that I was totally destroyed in arenas. Of course, if you look at the rankings now, druids healers are found in every top team in every configuration. OP much?

I still like the pally because the PVE healing is more exciting than shaman chain healing and I like the pally tanking.


Wow I really like the DK talent trees, I know I'll be going blood but I'm sure I'll have to tank a lot with it. Thats cool though, I loved tanking with my paladin through all the 1-70 dungeons before I "retired" him.

Its interesting that blizz changed the definition of what the talent trees mean to make it seem like well even if you're not frost you can tank.


JoeMartin said:
I'd fucking /gquit 30 seconds into that bullshit.
It's a PUG, so that wouldn't accomplish much.

I love how the greedy tailor-chick keeps saying she doesn't care, but continually flipped out everytime it was suggested that her loot be given to someone else.

Given that it's a PUG though, I don't understand why they spend half an hour arguing over loot. Just tell the one obnoxious broad to shut up and give it to someone that will use it. If it breaks up the group, then who cares? It's not exactly a tragedy to lose a group that is incapable of anything beyond trash-farming.


JoeMartin said:
I'd fucking /gquit 30 seconds into that bullshit.

So would I, but it's still hilarious. My first guild was really shady with how the officers did things, but I've never had a really drama filled experience.

My last guild had so many nice people, and it was so easy to adhere to, but it reformed on another server due to some problems on ours, and I really didn't want to raid anymore so there was no point in going.

Anyway, back to business, apparently Blizzard put the LK Wiki under their thumb a bit, so they wont be as useful as it was so far, but Deathknight.info seems to be taking the stuff the Wiki can't post

Here's some random things:

1,269,500 Experience Needed for 71-72


Leather (blue quality) hat; lvl 75:


Rare Drop (Blue)
398 Armor
+63 Agi
+63 Stam
Equip: Increases attack power by 92.
Equip: Your attacks ignore 245 of your opponent’s armor.

Plate (blue quality) gloves; lvl 72


Rare Drop (Blue)
997 Armor
+31 Strength
+48 Stamina
Equip: Increases your dodge rating by 21.
Equip: Increases your parry rating by 24.

A Fist Weapon:


Some Dinosaur boss in some dungeon, no info or anything that I saw:



Some people are saying the loot reset isnt as drastic as it was in BC, I think they're out of their minds. A level 71 blue is up there with Black Temple loot. Naxxramas gear was good INTO KARAZHAN when BC launched.

The only difference is that the stamina jump isn't there. That actually made it a little difficult in BC because armor would have so much more stamina than mine, my HP was lousy but I didn't wanna give up my other stats.

Anyway, some more bits:

CoT Stratholme parsed from minimaps:


New Hearthglen:



I'm guessing absurd amounts of xp for questing in Northrend, then. and I kinda like that stamina isn't so overbudgeted on gear in WotLK so far. I hope it stays that way... it was tough to give up on extra HP from leveling gear compared to stats that would boost dps, and it also made all the quest rewards honestly really crappy dps gear compared to level 70 instance drops.



It looks like Blizzard is trying to shut down the leaks somewhat. WotLK Wiki is on hold for now. Don't bother with their IRC though, lots of annoying people and nothing else.


The Wiki has been back for a bit:


I havent really had much time to dig around anything new, though.

Here's some info from the class panel going on atm, some new, some old, still ongoing:

Quote from Blizzard staff

* Entangling roots will be useable indoor.
* Nourish will be a new healing spell, healing for more hit points for each HoT effect on the target.
* There isn't any plan to change cyclone


* All kind of pets will have their own talent tree. A tanking talent tree, a DPS talent tree, and an utility talent tree. Each kind of pet family will have its own talent tree and its own unique ability.
* The shot clipping will be removed from Steady Shot, you'll be able to use it without "interrupting" your autoshot. Hunters will be able to just smash their button.
* There are going to be new pets in WotLK.
* The skill points for each pets are being changed to the new "Pet talents" and will disappear.


* Divine Hymn will be a deep-holy talent protecting your party from attackers, any attacks done to you or your party will cause the attacker to be afflicted by sleep.
* The 51 point talent for Shadow Priests is Dispersion : You disperse into pure shadow energy, reducing all damage taken by -90%. You are unable to attack or cast spells, but you regenerate 6% health and mana every 1 sec for 6 seconds.
* Guardian Spirit - Calls upon a guardian spirit to heal and watch over the friendly target. The spirit heals the target for 642 every 2 sec, and also prevents the target from dying by sacrificing itself. Lasts 10 seconds.


* Mages are getting a Frostfire bolt dealing Frost-Fire damage to make elementalists more viable.


* Totems are being "condensed" into a smaller amount of totems, for exemple Strength of Earth and Grace of Air totems will be merged into the same totem
* A new weapon enchantment will be available "Earthliving Weapon". It will increase the healing power of the Shaman.
* Flametongue will give spell damage bonus to the Shaman.
* Totems are being moved to physical school, you can't counterspell anymore.
* Totems will also affect raid members, not just the local party.
* Shamans are getting "Hex", a polymorph-like spell on a medium cooldown allowing them to turn an enemy into a frog. The enemy cannot cast or attack but is still in control of his character.
* Windfury won't be a weapon enchant anymore and will be changed to a buff. You will be able to use it in bear form or with poison.


* Rogues will get a talent called "Fan of Knives", an AoE ability allowing them to attack all enemies within a short range. It will be some kind of "emergency" ability and you won't be able to spam it.
* Sap will now work on more targets, humanoids, beasts, dragonkins, demons. "Anything with a skull and a brain inside of it".


* Retribution paladins itemization will be moved to the same item as Warriors/Death Knights
* A new reactive healing spell will be added - Hand of Purity.
* Paladin's short-term-blessings no longer overwrite long-term-blessings.


* Demonic Circle will allow warlocks to scribe a circle in the ground to teleport to it later with another spell.
* The 51-Point demonogy talent is a Demon-Form, this will allow you cast AOE Shadowbolts


* Titan's Grip is a new Fury talent and allows warriors to wear 2 hand weapons with a single hand.
* Protection Warriors are getting a spell called "Shockwave" allowing them to damage and stun all the monsters in front of them.
* Bladestorm will be a new Arms talent whirlwinding all enemies in range every x seconds for a few seconds.


Alex said:
I don't want a shitty Kodo! Kodos look ridiculous, IMO. More specifically they look ridiculous when it's a Blood Elf or an Undead riding. Ughh...

Now a Wolf.... That would have been far preferred by me, since they felt like they had to toss something to Alliance after giving Horde an easy to obtain Ram.

Well, don't worry, you wont get a Kodo.

Kisirani said:
The decision was made to give Horde the Kodo and Alliance the Ram this year. I apologize if there were expectations that the Alliance would get a Horde mount; we were in discussions about this for a long time. I hope that you'll enjoy the holiday regardless.





Quote from Blizzard staff
Raids & Dungeons

* Sunwell Plateau is the last content patch before the expansion release.
* There isn't any plan to nerf Kil'jaeden right now, he's intended to be the last boss before the expansion and is meant to be hard.
* Raiding armor sets and PvP rewards sets will look different and won't share the same model anymore in Wrath of the Lich King.
* Uldum was on the original list of dungeons to be added to Wrath of the Lich King but right now it's still unsure if we'll see it or not.


* Raiding armor sets and PvP rewards sets will look different and won't share the same model anymore in Wrath of the Lich King.

Class Mechanics

* Most of the shaman totems, Unleashed Rage, and Battle Shout are some of the buffs changed in WotLK to affect the whole raid instead of the party.
* Dynamic Line of Sight will be introduced in WotLK PvP, for exemple a pillar might move up and down every 20 seconds, or we might have movable items. More info about Arenas in tomorrow's panel.
* The attacker/target range mechanics are being re-evaluated it might be changed for Wrath of the Lich King to fix most of the existing bugs, including the ones affecting the attack range of Feral Druids.
* Even if it looks like a lot of classes are being changed to make them "more hybrid", but developers still want to keep the classes as distinct as possible.
* There is a plan to give player access to two talent specs to switch between them without having to respec all the time. More details in the future.


* You will be able to use your flying mount again at level 77, and might be able to take passengers at level 80.
* A harbor will be added to Stormwind to transport players to Northrend, a new zone will be added in Northern Plaguelands as the Death Knight starting area, and an arena will be added to Orgrimmar in place of the existing empty one.


* Inscription trading skill is intended to be for both casters and melees, inscriptions benefits every class. The current plan is to use herbalism as the primary gathering profession.

Death Knight

* People playing a Death Knights will see the original voice of their race slightly modified to make it sound more ... Death Knight-ish.
* Tanks will be interchangeable in 5-man dungeons but tanks will have a speciality in 25-man raids. Death Knights will be best against casters and shouldn't be too far behind on other encounters.


* Dagger specialization will be improved for rogues in Wrath of the Lich King.


* There isn't any plan to change the soul shard farming as it's part of the class, but an "emergency soul shard" ability might be added.


* There will be a new model for the Druid's Dire Bear form and the Dire Cat form will be introduced.


* Retribution paladins will share their itemization with Death Knights and Warriors. Their group utility will be increased by making them more efficient DPS-wise.


* The plan is to improve the warrior specs to make sure that DPS warriors would be able to tank a little, while protection warriors would be able to DPS slightly more with new abilities like Shockwave.


Alex said:

* There will be a new model for the Druid's Dire Bear form and the Dire Cat form will be introduced.
Alex said:

* There will be a new model for the Druid's Dire Bear form and the Dire Cat form will be introduced.

Alex said:

* There will be a new model for the Druid's Dire Bear form and the Dire Cat form will be introduced.


* The plan is to improve the warrior specs to make sure that DPS warriors would be able to tank a little, while protection warriors would be able to DPS slightly more with new abilities like Shockwave.

So basically how warriors were before patch 2.0. I miss the days of tanking zf whilst fury spec.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
RSLAEV said:

(I want a new model for travel form. Deer for night elves and buffalo for taurens.)


* There is a plan to give player access to two talent specs to switch between them without having to respec all the time. More details in the future.

Hell yes, this is the best news I've heard in a long time.


Suckin' dicks since '66
Well looks like the be fixing the Paladin class, oh well to late to capture me. Hopefully you guys enjoy the game.

Chris R

Being able to switch between two talent specs would be awesome since my deep fire mage gets ROCKED in arenas since I have like no frost skills so almost no survivability.


Alex said:
* Totems are being "condensed" into a smaller amount of totems, for exemple Strength of Earth and Grace of Air totems will be merged into the same totem

VERY MUCH NEEDED. We have an outfuckingrageous amount of totems right now, and it's completely impractical to have them all bound to a button for immediate use when a situation calls for it.

Alex said:
* A new weapon enchantment will be available "Earthliving Weapon". It will increase the healing power of the Shaman.
* Flametongue will give spell damage bonus to the Shaman.

Good to see. I always thought spells should get some kind of proc or bonus from weapon enchants as well. I always saw it playing out as each weapon buff affect spells in a different fashion, much as they do weapons, though. Rockbiter for +heal, flametongue for +damage, wf for +crit, frostbiter for chance to freeze in place (which would have helped for elemental's CC problem), or something of the sort.

Alex said:
* Totems will also affect raid members, not just the local party.

Mmm, blessing and a curse? Shamans are going to be absolutely insane buff machines for raids if this is true. FOTM class inc. Sigh.

Alex said:
* Shamans are getting "Hex", a polymorph-like spell on a medium cooldown allowing them to turn an enemy into a frog. The enemy cannot cast or attack but is still in control of his character.

10 second PVP rule aside, will this have a decent base length for PVE, enough so to serve as a viable form of CC? Especially since we won't be able to recast for longer pulls?

Alex said:
* Windfury won't be a weapon enchant anymore and will be changed to a buff. You will be able to use it in bear form or with poison.

This had better only be referring to windfury totem enchant. If my regular windfury enchant is moved to a regular magic buff I'll have a breakdown. The last thing I need to worry about in a BG is having to constantly spam WF back on my weapons because it's getting purged every other second.


Im guessing the WF as a buff will change to like mage armor or warlock armor, non-dispellable. Since it isn't a weapon enchant, maybe shaman can start using those blacksmith sharpening stones, which would kick much ass.

Chris R

Warlock armor IS dispellable (well, it is possible to REMOVE the buff from a warlock)

Also it kinda seems that shaman have become almost a bard like class. Gather round this shaman for magic buffs, gather round the other for melee ones, ect. What I wouldn't give to see an actual Bardlike class in WoW.

The thing that I find the most disappointing thing about this expansion is the lack of info about anything new being added for 1-60. They really need to go back and improve all the old zones much like dustwallow. Sure the majority of the playerbase is 70, but people have alts, and there are casual players as well who still level every day.


rhfb said:
The thing that I find the most disappointing thing about this expansion is the lack of info about anything new being added for 1-60. They really need to go back and improve all the old zones much like dustwallow. Sure the majority of the playerbase is 70, but people have alts, and there are casual players as well who still level every day.

Loads and loads of quests were added to Dustwallow recently. And what new needs to be added to 1-60? There's plenty of zones to actively participate in across the entire leveling spectrum (multiple overlapping zones, at that), there's always an instance to do at every level, if not 2 or 3, and there's plenty of quests to be had.

Sure it sucks for us older WoW players leveling another character and going through the same damn content, again, but I'd rather they focus their efforts entirely on the expansion than waste it on content you'll enjoy for 30 minutes at level 14.


but ever so delicious
* There is a plan to give player access to two talent specs to switch between them without having to respec all the time. More details in the future.

FINALLY!! It's about the only thing i ever wanted.


Damn, not a lick of substantive Pally/Hunter info yet? I was hoping they'd announce a closed beta date at the least.

rhfb said:
The thing that I find the most disappointing thing about this expansion is the lack of info about anything new being added for 1-60. They really need to go back and improve all the old zones much like dustwallow. Sure the majority of the playerbase is 70, but people have alts, and there are casual players as well who still level every day.

They'll need to address the 60-70 grind as well. I mean, no matter what they improve or fix, 1-80 is still a lot to ask for just to get to the meat of the game (end game).

Chris R

JoeMartin said:
Loads and loads of quests were added to Dustwallow recently. And what new needs to be added to 1-60? There's plenty of zones to actively participate in across the entire leveling spectrum (multiple overlapping zones, at that), there's always an instance to do at every level, if not 2 or 3, and there's plenty of quests to be had.

Sure it sucks for us older WoW players leveling another character and going through the same damn content, again, but I'd rather they focus their efforts entirely on the expansion than waste it on content you'll enjoy for 30 minutes at level 14.
I mentioned Dustwallow. Just saying I'm playing through a few alts now, and there are just a bunch of quests that need to be reworked, added to, or just dropped. Sure they don't need to go add new quests in every single zone, or add a new quest hub like they did with Dustwallow, but it would be nice if they would go look at several of the quests and improve them. This would also give them a chance to change some of the quest reward gear and add new rewards in. Ever single alt I make now goes to the Ghostlands because the zone has insane quest rewards and is easy to run.

They'll need to address the 60-70 grind as well. I mean, no matter what they improve or fix, 1-80 is still a lot to ask for just to get to the meat of the game (end game).

I don't think so. I just got my priest to Outlands this morning and I know exactly what is ahead of me, and while it would be nice to maybe see a new zone or two on Azeroth(current day Hyjal, Greymane, ect) for the 60-70 range, I doubt it will happen. The grind isn't that bad, but they might drop the required exp just a touch like they did for 20-50 or whatever happened.


paaronormal said:
They'll need to address the 60-70 grind as well. I mean, no matter what they improve or fix, 1-80 is still a lot to ask for just to get to the meat of the game (end game).

Not really imo. The only thing is the slow start in Hellfire until you get some good starting gear, but after that, 60-70 is quite fast and you have quite alot of options on how you want to progress.
What was lacking was 1-60, and it still is in some ways. But it's still way better then it was before.


Hrm....making Shaman's Windfury a buff instead of a weapon buff would have the bonus of allowing windfury + weapon buff.:p


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
paaronormal said:
Damn, not a lick of substantive Pally/Hunter info yet? I was hoping they'd announce a closed beta date at the least.

They'll need to address the 60-70 grind as well. I mean, no matter what they improve or fix, 1-80 is still a lot to ask for just to get to the meat of the game (end game).
They probably will, considering the changes to 20-60 a little while after TBC came out.


Alex said:
Retribution paladins will share their itemization with Death Knights and Warriors. Their group utility will be increased by making them more efficient DPS-wise.

I feel warm and tingly now... even though I've started caring more about PvP as of late.


Railer said:
Not really imo. The only thing is the slow start in Hellfire until you get some good starting gear, but after that, 60-70 is quite fast and you have quite alot of options on how you want to progress.
What was lacking was 1-60, and it still is in some ways. But it's still way better then it was before.

I think Outlands has the illusion of being super fast, just because it's semi-new to us. I'm just saying, for the goal-oriented new player that wants to get to the finish line as fast as possible, 1-80 is a long fucking grind. I'm not advocating premade characters or anything, but they need to take another look at the leveling process as a whole.

Edit - level 30 mounts is definitely a step in the right direction.


evlcookie said:
* There is a plan to give player access to two talent specs to switch between them without having to respec all the time. More details in the future.

FINALLY!! It's about the only thing i ever wanted.



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
paaronormal said:
I think Outlands has the illusion of being super fast, just because it's semi-new to us. I'm just saying, for the goal-oriented new player that wants to get to the finish line as fast as possible, 1-80 is a long fucking grind. I'm not advocating premade characters or anything, but they need to take another look at the leveling process as a whole.

Edit - level 30 mounts is definitely a step in the right direction.
I like Outland because there is almost no grinding involved getting to 70. If you do every quest available to you at your level, you will ding 70, no question. Which makes it feel like a natural progression since you're almost never out of quests and by the time you are, you've moved to the next zone. 1-60 is a roller coaster ride. 1-12 is easy, 13-20 is easy too, getting to 30 is a little bit harder, but when you hit 37 you can go to dustwallow, which will take you to 40-41. At 40-41 you'll get a mount which speeds things up, but it slows down again around the 50s. The longest stretch is 55-58, and after that comes the outlands. The inconsistency is what really gets on my nerves.


rhfb said:
Warlock armor IS dispellable (well, it is possible to REMOVE the buff from a warlock)

Also it kinda seems that shaman have become almost a bard like class. Gather round this shaman for magic buffs, gather round the other for melee ones, ect. What I wouldn't give to see an actual Bardlike class in WoW.

The thing that I find the most disappointing thing about this expansion is the lack of info about anything new being added for 1-60. They really need to go back and improve all the old zones much like dustwallow. Sure the majority of the playerbase is 70, but people have alts, and there are casual players as well who still level every day.

The Lock buff isn't dispellable in 2.4.3 on the PTR.
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