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X360 Price drop...confirmed.

Odysseus said:
it apparently doesn't count for much if you ever take a glance at the npd charts. you and me might prefer the games of 360 over the games of wii, you might prefer the graphics (i personally don't care), but the general public seems to think the wii is where it's at right now, and it can't be all price. some of it, sure.

Yeah but the general public isn't buying the Wii because of wifi,internal hard-drive space, and ect.

They are buying it because its cheap and it has waggle. But I think there are a lot of casuals who would buy the 360 if it was cheap (which it will be) and because it has awesome looking games.

There are casuals out there who also prefer the style games we like Odysseus. They just simply can't afford jumping in yet.


quest said:
The 360 and PS3 are way a way from the parent gift market. They need to start hitting some of the casual 18-35 year old gamers who would know that kind of stuff and they have lots and lots of money.
I have to say, I think you're wrong. If some mom wants to buy her racist 12-year-old son a 360 so he can play Halo 3 (since he enjoyed Halo 2 so much and loved playing it online with his friends!), seeing the 360 at $250 could certainly sway her to buy it.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Karma Kramer said:
Yeah but the general public isn't buying the Wii because of wifi,internal hard-drive space, and ect.

They are buying it because its cheap and it has waggle. But I think there are a lot of casuals who would buy the 360 is it was cheap (which it will be) and because it has awesome looking games.

There are casuals out there who also prefer the style games we like Odysseus. They just simply can't afford jumping in yet.

I can buy that. The key I think is how Microsoft and retailers market and stock the SKU's- if Microsoft really wants to hit the mainstream, the 360 has to equal 250 dollars to the Mom and Dad's Christmas shopping this year- it cannot be 350.

With that said, I don't see the Wii losing any momentum; maybe some casuals that would have gotten a Wii will get a 360, but the Wii has turned into such a monster that demand would still be incredibly high. What seems more likely to me is Wii and 360 both selling like mad..with PS3 left behind this Christmas unless they magically cut another 100 dollars off the price.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Not to mention Wii does come with a pack in game :)
Here in Canada every Core or Premium 360 has come with at least one game (sometimes as many as 4) for a year and a half now.


Karma Kramer said:
There are casuals out there who also prefer the style games we like Odysseus. They just simply can't afford jumping in yet.
I certainly agree there is a large number of people who would like to play the games on Xbox 360 but can't put down the money. However, on the Wii side of things, I think the idea of the wii controller and games like Wii Sports are just a big of a factor as the price is. Most of the "casual" gamers I've talked to who mention wanting to get a Wii seem to assume that it is the same price as the competition (very expensive). When I tell them it's $250 they normally sound even more interested.
VPhys said:
What did you do about component cables?

I use my 360 with a computer monitor, would have had to buy a VGA cable regardless.

I got the $14 mad catz one.

While we are indeed planning on rolling back prices of all Xbox 360 consoles by $50-$80, we can not as of yet give a timetable for when. But you can expect it soon.

WM actually gave an answer on this... wow. :lol


Karma Kramer said:
There are casuals out there who also prefer the style games we like Odysseus. They just simply can't afford jumping in yet.

i agree with that, but there comes a point where the price disparity won't matter because the wii's success will simply fuel itself and lead to further success. if it becomes the mainstream system of choice, then there is nothing microsoft or sony can do to shift the attention back their way for this round. wii will be the system to get because it will be the system everybody has. but now we're sort of moving off the beaten path.



Damn it I just moved and couldnt find my usb camera plug.
Karma Kramer said:
Because Microsoft doesn't need to cut it that much.

$349 is a pretty good deal considering all the awesome games coming out just this month... Madden, Blue Dragon, and Bioshock... then Halo 3 and PGR4 in September... then GTA4 in October... then Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed in November.. and finally Lost Odyssey in December...

All those games will still be on it next year.
isochronus said:
All those games will still be on it next year.
Poster is saying that MS doesn't need to cut the price any more because the games being released help encourage people to make the purchase. What does those games being around next year have anything to do with?


omg rite said:
Do you have like.. a point?

perhaps that many of those games listed there and, quite frankly, many of the games people ever list anywhere are the types of games that you buy when they're on the system you choose to have but they're not going to make you go out and choose to have that system. ergo, those games will be nice to have around whenever you actually get around to being able to play them.

like halo 3 is the primary system seller there. gta4 is the "secondary" product. (right, lukems?) and then the others are the "oh, this looks nice, perhaps i'll rent it" variety to the average joe checking the video game section at wal-mart in after drooling over the hdtv he fully plans to purchase with his next tax refund.

but maybe that wasn't his point at all. i don't know, maybe he'll come back around and explain it for us.
Odysseus said:
no. the core as it is presently configured is a non-starter. the core simply must come with the contents of the premium (sans the hard drive, of course) if it is to be taken seriously as a sku.

Good point.

What a lot of people miss in their rush to talk about the nonsense, made-up category of "casuals" (as opposed to actually meaningful demographics of players) is the effect that multiple SKUs has on people's buying decisions.

When people went to buy PS2s, they were unlikely to "think" about the price in terms of $X00 + $30 memory card + $50 game etc. because (a) there was only one way to buy a PS2 and (b) every system currently available on the market had the same assumptions.

Today, you'll have a very few people (screechy aunts and grandpas buying Xmas presents they don't understand) who go to a store with no knowledge whatsoever about the product they're buying, but most people will find out that there are multiple different versions of the Xbox and out of fear of making a purchasing mistake try to find out what the difference is.

The problem with the Core right now is that it fails both comparisons that are likely to come up. If someone tries to decide between a $250 Wii and a $250 Core, the pack-in game makes it obvious that the Wii is a much better "value. If someone tries to decide between a $250 Core and a $350 Premium, you have the same problem the Core has always had -- even a tiny bit of research (like asking the guy at the store) tells you that you'll need a $40 memory card, at which point the long list of features missing from the version that's really only $60 cheaper makes it an obviously bum deal.

Packing in a memory card fixes that problem; packing in all the extra stuff in the Premium (but leaving the memory card extra) also fixes that problem. Leaving the Core the way it is sucks and is going to keep being irrelevant until MS takes one of the two above choices.


Unconfirmed Member
Mudhoney said:
I certainly agree there is a large number of people who would like to play the games on Xbox 360 but can't put down the money. However, on the Wii side of things, I think the idea of the wii controller and games like Wii Sports are just a big of a factor as the price is. Most of the "casual" gamers I've talked to who mention wanting to get a Wii seem to assume that it is the same price as the competition (very expensive). When I tell them it's $250 they normally sound even more interested.
Ummm, I consider myself one of the core gamer segment, and WiiSports was awesome to me.

And the controller swayed me as well. Am I a sheep? Or just slightly funny in that way? Or am I in a cult? I don't feel like I'm in a cult, but Reggie did make punch for me once.

Where am I going with this? I'm not entirely sure, but it's definitely price that's keeping me from "jumping in", and aside from Mass Effect I think I could be perfectly happy with just a Wii this gen. Call me crazy if you like (I would <=3 ) but I like the Wii. It's fun, cute, and lets me say "I touch my Wii at least three times a day!"


the disgruntled gamer said:
I have to say, I think you're wrong. If some mom wants to buy her racist 12-year-old son a 360 so he can play Halo 3 (since he enjoyed Halo 2 so much and loved playing it online with his friends!), seeing the 360 at $250 could certainly sway her to buy it.
$350 is a little steep, though and $500-600 is right out.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Price drop confirmed, someone on CAG posted a pic of the Toys R Us ad. Not sure if this has been posted.
1) The Wii will still murder it in sales, along with the PS3.
2) Dropping a console 50 bucks before your flagship title drops is moronic to say the least. Should have dropped it 100 bucks before Christmas.
3) This 50 bucks decrease will not have the same implications as the PS3 100 dollar price drop by a longshot.
4) I can't help but feel that this price drop would have been 100 dollars if it wasn't for the faulty hardware.


Wario64 said:
Price drop confirmed, someone on CAG posted a pic of the Toys R Us ad. Not sure if this has been posted.

Is that for this weeks ad or next weeks?

It would be kinda weird for the new price to just show up in advertisements without an official announcement.


Not Banned from OT
Absinthe said:
1) The Wii will still murder it in sales, along with the PS3.
2) Dropping a console 50 bucks before your flagship title drops is moronic to say the least. Should have dropped it 100 bucks before Christmas.
3) This 50 bucks decrease will not have the same implications as the PS3 100 dollar price drop by a longshot.
4) I can't help but feel that this price drop would have been 100 dollars if it wasn't for the faulty hardware.

1. Duh the Wii was going to outsell both PS3 and 360 no matter what.
2. Not really I think it is perfect timing. A price cut and 2 big games madden/halo is a great way to help sales.
3. Of course if it did it would be right up there with the Wii. A 25%-50% increase is all they need to get way a head of sony again. Lets not forget the spike that will happen when halo3 and GTA4 hit a few weeks apart. The 360 is still the cheapest place to play madden and GTA4.
4. Probably.
quest said:
1. Duh the Wii was going to outsell both PS3 and 360 no matter what.
2. Not really I think it is perfect timing. A price cut and 2 big games madden/halo is a great way to help sales.
3. Of course if it did it would be right up there with the Wii. A 25%-50% increase is all they need to get way a head of sony again. Lets not forget the spike that will happen when halo3 and GTA4 hit a few weeks apart. The 360 is still the cheapest place to play madden and GTA4.
4. Probably.

If I recall correctly, Halo 2 only spiked console sales for two or three months and then the holiday season came (which always produces high system sales for everyone). After that, things returned back to normal. I really don't think that the Halo 3/GTA 4 combo is going to move nearly as many units as everyone thinks.
As much as the wii-tards and other people will try and come in here and say that it will not matter and others will come in and somehow try and paint this as a bad thing, this is honestly shaping up to be an amazing fall and winter season for gamers.
This is a winning situation for anyone who actually plays games instead of sitting on the interweb trolling and fapping off to the latest sales figures that come their way.
Good stuff.
Absinthe said:
I really don't think that the Halo 3/GTA 4 combo is going to move nearly as many units as everyone thinks.

They're only the two biggest franchises of the last six years. Yea, i'm sure they'll only be good for a one or two month spike :lol
Absinthe said:
If I recall correctly, Halo 2 only spiked console sales for two or three months and then the holiday season came (which always produces high system sales for everyone). After that, things returned back to normal. I really don't think that the Halo 3/GTA 4 combo is going to move nearly as many units as everyone thinks.
What? Halo 2 was released in November. Which is the holiday season.


Not Banned from OT
Absinthe said:
If I recall correctly, Halo 2 only spiked console sales for two or three months and then the holiday season came (which always produces high system sales for everyone). After that, things returned back to normal. I really don't think that the Halo 3/GTA 4 combo is going to move nearly as many units as everyone thinks.

The spike does not have to be huge even if the PS3 doubles sales from the price cut it is only 40k a week. A 15k a which will be the low end week sales spike from those titles would be enough to put 60k units a month a head of sony in NA.
_leech_ said:
They're only the two biggest franchises of the last six years. Yea, i'm sure they'll only be good for a one or two month spike :lol

Seriously... if those games are big system sellers than what the **** is?
_leech_ said:
They're only the two biggest franchises of the last six years. Yea, i'm sure they'll only be good for a one or two month spike :lol

I understand that. What I'm saying is that I only project a huge spike in sales until January. People forget that PS3 is also receiving GTA4 as well. It's not like it is an exclusive. The 360 is going to kill the PS3 in sales, but Sony is likely going to have a spike in March (Metal Gear 4) and that should be about the time Microsoft drops down to normal sales.

The Xbox, when Halo 2 dropped, didn't have to contend with the Wii craze either. What you're going to see is a lot of casual gamers torn between the 360 and the Wii. So yes, GTA and Halo are huge, but then again Microsoft has the Wii craze, Mario, and Smash Brothers that they're going to have to go up against.
Absinthe said:
1) The Wii will still murder it in sales, along with the PS3.
2) Dropping a console 50 bucks before your flagship title drops is moronic to say the least. Should have dropped it 100 bucks before Christmas.
3) This 50 bucks decrease will not have the same implications as the PS3 100 dollar price drop by a longshot.
4) I can't help but feel that this price drop would have been 100 dollars if it wasn't for the faulty hardware.

I dunno $350 360 with Halo 3 comin this fall could be pretty tempting.

$500 PS3 is still too much.
Absinthe said:
I understand that. What I'm saying is that I only project a huge spike in sales until January. People forget that PS3 is also receiving GTA4 as well. It's not like it is an exclusive. The 360 is going to kill the PS3 in sales, but Sony is likely going to have a spike in March (Metal Gear 4) and that should be about the time Microsoft drops down to normal sales.

The Xbox, when Halo 2 dropped, didn't have to contend with the Wii craze either. What you're going to see is a lot of casual gamers torn between the 360 and the Wii. So yes, GTA and Halo are huge, but then again Microsoft has the Wii craze, Mario, and Smash Brothers that they're going to have to go up against.

Why should the PS3 be allowed a spike with MGS, a far less significant (sales-age! don't jump me!) series than Halo or GTA, when you won't let 360 have it?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Sean said:
Is that for this weeks ad or next weeks?

It would be kinda weird for the new price to just show up in advertisements without an official announcement.

Not sure which week but it's probably sometime after 8/11 since the ads before 8/11 for Target, Best Buy and Circuit City have no mentions of the price drop. My guess is for the week of 8/12, which means the annoucement for the price drop COULD occur on 8/8 like that Hollywood report said.



Absinthe said:
1) The Wii will still murder it in sales, along with the PS3.
2) Dropping a console 50 bucks before your flagship title drops is moronic to say the least. Should have dropped it 100 bucks before Christmas.
3) This 50 bucks decrease will not have the same implications as the PS3 100 dollar price drop by a longshot.
4) I can't help but feel that this price drop would have been 100 dollars if it wasn't for the faulty hardware.

Trying to convince yourself there?

Seriously the paranoia in this thread is out of control


Unconfirmed Member
Y2Kev said:
Now announce the prices of the other SKUS so I can become XBOXSTRADAMUS 2.

Who was the first might I ask?
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