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Xbox One blocks used games. Offline Pass confirmed

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Right.... if the game is 60 euros and the pass is 30 euros... if three friends buy one game and pass it around then each one would be paying 40 euros in average.

They will probably just require the disc to be in the console to boot games up. Or the pass will be almost $60 too. No way they will allow people to just pass discs around like that.


What is more baffling is the fact that people on the SAME console can't play the game with their accounts. Are they sugesting that i buy my 10 y.o brother another console AND another copy of the game? Fuck off.


So my friend just said that on the IGN stream, they said you have to pay in order to transfer your achievements from the 360 to the XBOX ONE...

I don't give a shit about achievements, but wow...


So here's more possible bullshit. It's sounding like more than one person can't play a game on the same console without the people after the first activator paying.

Heard from IGN just now. Doesn't bother me but for others, WTF?!


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
They get paid for them each time. It is really simple.

Gamestop gets to sell a used game.
You get to buy a used game.
You have to pay once to play it and have it installed.
You can then sell said game.
Gamestop can sell it again
Next customer has to buy from them and pay again.

You cleared nothing up at all. You just made me explain it again.

So what prevents friends from doing this by letting each other borrow it, install it, and pass it on?

Guess what happens in that scenario? Publishers lose even more money than they are with used games now. Does that make any sense at all to you?

mr stroke

This hobby is over? Jesus fucking christ you people are dramatic about the stupidist shit. Log in to your brothers console and you can play your game.


Hyperbole here is thick

Everyone says there going to jump out of gaming-LOL

Where you gonna go? Xbox-nope, PS4-nope(probably the same) PC-Steam-nope

Used games are going to be a thing of the past, get used to it guys


Has Sony given a definitive answer on this issue? I've seen two or three different answer from two or three different people.



If MS is on-board with this, sure, it will make PS4 seem better in a strict comparison. But Sony also runs the high risk of shunning away developers and might want to capitalize on MS's scheme.

The flip side is Sony may have a higher user base to sell to anyway. In addition the budget is too high for these games to attempt to lock Sony out.
GAF was blown away. Mainstream press said "Where's the box? And why would I want to play games on anything other than my smartphone?"

Can Sony's gamer-centric console compete with Microsoft's all-in-one behemoth?

I've never believed the phone/mobile argument. Sure that segment has grown immensely, but that doesn't mean there isn't a huge console/pc gaming market out there.
Everyone needs to stop jumping the gun with their Sony praise. There's a good chance the PS4 could use this system too since EA cancelled their whole Online Pass system.
If the fee is low this would actually be a cheap way to buy new games. I'm going to wait to see the implementation of this before getting angry.


So what prevents friends from doing this by letting each other borrow it, install it, and pass it on?

Guess what happens in that scenario? Publishers lose even more money than they are with used games now. Does that make any sense at all to you?

The game was purchased already once for a disc to be present.
Each person that wants to use that game for any period of time, must pay a fee to install it.

So nothing, because each would be paying to use the disc once. Where as now, one person buys a disc, then... nothing. Publishers never see any money beyond that, if you lend it to a friend or sell it. This way they blatantly get more money from the system.


Imagine that your little brother can't play the game on his own account in the family console. Without paying MS, of course. This is ridiculous.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
SO wait, discs HAVE to be registered.

So I do need an internet connection when starting the game?

This is what I've been saying.

For this used game restriction system to work, you have to have an Internet connection.


AGAIN: there are two options here:

1. the activation fee is ridiculously high


2. the very moment your system is hooked up to the Internet and it detects that someone else has paid an activation fee for that disc, you will NO LONGER BE ABLE TO PLAY THAT GAME.

I'm betting on number 2.

I agree with this. There's nothing stopping you from selling the game you purchased, but they've completely destroyed the market for used games. If the activation fee is $30-40, the going price for the actual disc itself will be virtually nothing. You are practically selling an install disc.


Good, another next gen console I'll be skipping alongside with the Wii U. My wallet is happy. Only Sony is left now, let's see what they have to show.
Well, its been fun but that sucks. Even though you bought the game at full price you never really do "own" it. Rather, you are licensing it on a single account. We now know why EA got rid of their system recently.


Da fuq?

Not being able to loan my games to a friend is bad enough, but if I'm reading this right, the same system with 2 different accounts has the same outcome?

As someone who has a dummy account on my PS3 to stop people shitting up my own saves thanks to most if not all games having autosave, this is a big fucking deal and I pray to the gaming gods Sony doesn't follow suit.


So my friend just said that on the IGN stream, they said you have to pay in order to transfer your achievements from the 360 to the XBOX ONE...

I don't give a shit about achievements, but wow...

Don't recall hearing that myself. I could be wrong though. Or he may of got it mixed up with what I posted?

So here's more possible bullshit. It's sounding like more than one person can't play a game on the same console without the people after the first activator paying.

Heard from IGN just now. Doesn't bother me but for others, WTF?!
People need to stop trying to deflect this onto the PS4.

If it's confirmed on the PS4 to be the same it is. (I personally don't really care that much as I only buy new, although the inability to borrow would suck and I don't know how it would work with multiple accounts on a system.)

But it's not confirmed, nor is there anything as yet to suggest it beyond insinuation.
My earlier post seemed to get lost in the barrage of posts but here it is again, am I wrong in thinking you'll be able to play used games on another console as long as you keep the disc in the drive?:

From the OP

I take this to mean that the game will be installed in the second consoles hard-drive but you'll need to keep the disc in the drive unless you pay the fee.
I believe all games must be installed to play.


So, you can still buy used games. It's just that you have to pay a fee? LOL!

It kills the value of the used game for the gamer selling the game since it is useless without the code.

Gamestop - "We can give you $2.50 for your 2-week old copy of COD:Ghosts. We will add a $25.00 code to the package and sell it for $54.99."
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