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Xbox One practically unusable without day one update


Who are these fucking people who live without access to a broad-band connection?

I went up into the middle of butt-fuck nowhere in the Northern parts of British Columbia not long ago, and even THEY had at least 10/2 broadband connections.

a friend who lives 20 minutes down the road from me has zero access to broadband. it happens quite frequently in the more rural parts around here.


Perhaps this is why the consoles being displayed at Microsoft stores have limitations such as only Forza, no guide button pressing, etc?


Who are these fucking people who live without access to a broad-band connection?

I went up into the middle of butt-fuck nowhere in the Northern parts of British Columbia not long ago, and even THEY had at least 10/2 broadband connections.

And I want to spend $80/month for not 25/something because Comcast and every major ISP are colluding here. Then you have the issue where you can be 1 hour to 30 minutes away from a major city yet the only internet option is satellite internet that blocks Xbox Live.

Ploid 3.0

would've take them too much time to implement this patch in the OS? This was announced right after the E3

It's probably a requirement since they still need people to log on to authenticate their region or something. The one time internet check they mention during 180. Maybe it's a remnant from their drm and they weren't able to totally get it out of there without compromising Xbox one's security (from future hacks and pirates).


I wonder if the update will require the kinect to be plugged in. (To update it, since it's supposed to be the patch that 180's the system)

Didn't MS say before (back when they were touting always online) that you would be able to tether your phone to the system and connect online that way as well?


I wonder if the update will require the kinect to be plugged in. (To update it, since it's supposed to be the patch that 180's the system)

Didn't MS say before (back when they were touting always online) that you would be able to tether your phone to the system and connect online that way as well?

Kinect needs to be plugged in if the update also includes the newest software innovations from the NSA. For the exclusive NSA support Microsoft didn't even need to pay money ;)


Most knew this.

They're both basically paperweights without it. The PS4 less so.

I'm surprised MS didn't put the update on a disc and throw it in with the console.



i imagine it's because they're working on it until the very last minute.

I could've understand that if the OS was already done and the hardware was already loaded, recalling the systems would've taken a lot of time and money but it is my understanding that they still continued to polish the OS (as far as September I think) why couldn't they integrated it ?


Working on it until the last minute is not a valid excuse. They could have split it across two updates.


To update it, since it's supposed to be the patch that 180's the system

That really isn't what it is for.

They will have planned on working on the OS right up until launch, the original plan was that every user would connect to the internet and download the update.

Without connecting to the update they would have needed the OS complete for the hardware being manufactured, which has been going on for a couple of months now.

Similar for Sony, they need the extra few weeks to make the main OS, so the PS4 ships with a barebones interface and then the main one will be there for day one.
I was thinking that this wasn't too bad, but then I realized that there is a whole world out there without internet. So yeah, this is kinda bad.


Who are these fucking people who live without access to a broad-band connection?

I went up into the middle of butt-fuck nowhere in the Northern parts of British Columbia not long ago, and even THEY had at least 10/2 broadband connections.

Most of the planet.

Shit, most of the planet spend one week out of every 4 wondering if they're going to die of starvation, war or preventable diseases.


That really isn't what it is for.

They will have planned on working on the OS right up until launch, the original plan was that every user would connect to the internet and download the update.

Without connecting to the update they would have needed the OS complete for the hardware being manufactured, which has been going on for a couple of months now.

Similar for Sony, they need the extra few weeks to make the main OS, so the PS4 ships with a barebones interface and then the main one will be there for day one.

Ah, my mistake. Thanks for the insight.
There is definitely a direct ratio between complexity of hardware / OS and cluster-fucked-ness potential at launch. Wii U was bad enough but I suspect GAF will be awash with tales of bricked hardware ,slow downloads and O/S woes between now and the holidays.


Unconfirmed Member
Everyone did know this (except OP i guess)

Both consoles need a day 1 update to do what they are advertised to do.
Same way with the WiiU.
It is kinda lame, but expected.

I think what makes XBO different is that you can still play single player games without the patch on PS4 and Wii U. PS4 even has background downloading and USB stick patching to make the day one patch process even easier to install. XBO doesn't even work until you fully download the patch from the XBO system.

It'll only be a problem on launch weekend and christmas day, but that still isn't good.


Most of the planet.

Shit, most of the planet spend one week out of every 4 wondering if they're going to die of starvation, war or preventable diseases.

And going off the PS3/Wii/360 sales, most of the planet aren't going to be buying a Xbox One either. Not even enough to cover the US population.

The people buying these consoles day one will have an internet connection.

It was either this, or the console doesn't get release for another month or maybe next year. I'll take this.


What going to be funny is that on Day 1 you will have:

Someone who doesnt take the update, so they have a bricked console.

Someone who does take it, and claim it bricked their console
I feel like this is going to make some people very unhappy this holiday season.

Microsoft needs to give people update discs just in case.
Is it reasonable to speculate that MS started production of Xboxes pre-180, and expected everyone to connect online anyway to download the OS?

The 180 might have set them back a bit in terms of extra work to do, but I think it was always their intention to have a mandatory day one update. Might have something to do with those rumors of a 2014 launch being pushed ahead.


It's a shitty way of doing this but honestly who is dropping $500+ on a new console that is heavily focused on online features....yet has no internet?


Most of the planet.

Shit, most of the planet spend one week out of every 4 wondering if they're going to die of starvation, war or preventable diseases.

Man, that sucks. Those are the people who could really use an XBone the most, to bring some joy into their wretched lives. =(


Who are these fucking people who live without access to a broad-band connection?

I went up into the middle of butt-fuck nowhere in the Northern parts of British Columbia not long ago, and even THEY had at least 10/2 broadband connections.
Jesus, some people can be pretty oblivious.
Funnily enough this is exactly what it would also have been like for xbone owners at the end of the generation when Microsoft decided to switch off the DRM servers.

And Microsoft are still trying to put out PR that the consumers didn't understand their original vision.

Oh we understood it alright. We understood it perfectly. That's why we rejected it.


There was a rumor going around that Gamestops are getting wifi in the next couple weeks to help people get the day one patches for the new consoles. Should help a bit.

Couldn't they just upload this onto a flashdrive or burn it onto a DVD.


It's going to affect the people who don't hook up their systems online. For example my Uncle has a 360, it was offline for years because all he did was play sports games on it. I remember trying to set it up for him and it took an hour for him to find his wifi password lol. I eventually set him up good but that's not the point.
It's going to affect the people who don't hook up their systems online. For example my Uncle has a 360, it was offline for years because all he did was play sports games on it. I remember trying to set it up for him and it took an hour for him to find his wifi password lol. I eventually set him up good but that's not the point.

lol easier to get a router quickly that networks horror stories.


Repeat that out loud. Are you listening to yourself?

i dont think to have said something that could hurt someone
i dont know your experience with gaming (im not talking just and only on the console platform)...but mine nowdays..couldnt work without a connection

i think more we go ahead ..and the connection becoming inevitable for a real gaming experience..

yeah we have a lots (i mean a lots) of single player games that are worth to play but what push me to play is the fact that i group with friends online from years..and thinkin to come back to play against a "machine" just make my brain hurt so much...yeah i can play some railed game..that tell me a story ...but that FOR ME is just half (if not less) of the gaming experience

ppl could like it or not...but is that the way where the thing need to go...online..
this dosnt mean that a console should not work without a connection...

but if u ask me a person shouldnt buy anything like a console nowday to play games if dosnt have a connection

ps. i have a question for who support the "we wanna live free without a connection" theory...
what about the games in the old ps3..that wouldnt work if u didnt patch (upgrading) ur ps3 firmware?
I remember that report about X1 needing a day 1 patch, but I never knew for what.

Knowing that without it that the system does "nothing," is kind of baffling. Regardless if this is the norm for gaming products, electronics, or even because of because of left-over DRM designs (though that would make sense), that's a little beyond bad to me, over the PS4 and WiiU problems that didn't prevent out-of-the-box gameplay.

I hope Game stores take it upon themselves to keep customers in the loop verbally; there are definitely still parents out there blissfully unaware of hardware issues that will buy these consoles with no researching at all, wrap them up, and wait to discover issues on Christmas morning.


The patch is for everything they changed after their "180". That's why it doesn't do anything without it.

I figure there was a day one patch before the 180 already but they didn't bother mentioning cause you needed internet for the thing to function anyway. After the 180 they couldn't just say "It works offline all the time!" cause you still need the patch.

Ps4 has a day one patch as well (though it apparently does play games without it.) The fact that the xbone has one as well probably has very little to do with the 180.
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