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Xbox One UI vid w/Snap


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Isn't the bigger issue here that text for games will become basically unviewable in a lot of instances.

They are just pixel scaling and not even retaining the aspect ratio. The text will be smaller and squished.

Especially problematic on smaller TVs or lower max resolution ones.
Skype could be cool. Tv watching could be cool. Walkthrough + gameplay could be cool.

I dunno. I don't know that any of those are super compelling, but I think the possibilities are cool and theres potential for awesome stuff.

I guess I just don't find it compelling, especially when I could have the same or better experience by using the tablet that sits next to me? As you said though, someone might come up with a unique experience, we just haven't thought of it yet?

Edit: I should also add that as I live in Aus, all the TV functionality is useless for my living situation, so that skews my opinion on its use (for me).


maybe then you are waiting for the multi game to fill with players and start. snap mode could be useful to check your twitter or have a news reader and check the latest news etc.

Damn, twitter snapped would be cool. Didn't even think of that.


This would be great

Would be cool if you could have the game running in the background and have the web browser on top of it, semi-transparent. Well maybe it would work, maybe it wouldn't. Options would be good.

Yeah, basically I want tons of options with snap. Some games have different use of the screen real estate, so it would be awesome to adapt the snapped window accordingly.

Really hoping for this!


this sh*t is eating the GPU power !

MS should have equipped it with dGPU just for those tasks.

Being you must wear yourself out.

Looks good to me. The fact that it is not sluggish is what impresses me. The herky-jerky stuff will get ironed out. Will be nice being able to play a game while having the tv on in another panel. I used to love the old TVs with PIP for that very reason. Seems they don't put that feature in many TVs these days, do they?

El Sabroso

Looks like win 8. It was kinda cool for a day on pc. Not sure if this will have any use on a tv.

It could be cool though.

It is actually Win 8 + the custom OS for the console, as far as I can see, it is doing very well with the multitasking features which seems like the 1st priority for MS


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Because the smaller PiP screen would be so small it would be unusable unless you had at least a 60inch TV.

I am talking about video content such as sports, Skype, YouTube, etc. It is already going to be tiny in a box in the corner....get rid of the fluff if people want that.


edit: and yes I chose this image because of your avatar image.
Is the Snap feature supposed to also work without Kinect? I'd love to never plug that thing in...

yes, you can use your game pad or smartglass.

you can pretty much do everything with just a gamepad or smart glass, minus probably Skype calls.

Mark Whitten has even said that he said smartglass as being the best way to take advantage of the xb1's multitasking.


I guess I just don't find it compelling, especially when I could have the same or better experience by using the tablet that sits next to me? As you said though, someone might come up with a unique experience, we just haven't thought of it yet?

My favourite idea would be to snap a music player such as Spotify and then use it to listen to music while playing. With Kinect you could do that without even pausing the game by using voice.


Change the settings so that it only shows mobile sites, then browse mobile GAF while playing a game. Some people might like that.

In 2013, nearly 2014, something like this is pointless for anyone with a smart phone. It would be like trying to browse the internet using an older number pad phone while taking up a large portion of your tv. If there's something that I want to devote my attention to, I'll do it instead of playing the game. Or I'll pause the game and look it up twice as quick on my iPhone, and then start back to my game immediately. This is an extremely misguided idea of how people play games.


I thought it blacked out and crashed to the dash a few times. Perhaps not though.

Looks like something happens when the KI round timer hits 46 seconds because a couple seconds later the timer is much further along, but they could have just stopped filming for a short period.

This seems like a poor use case to demonstrate, but some of the comments in this thread seem like cool scenarios. IF some of the insiders were correct with regards to crashes I wonder if snapping between a game and say something like netflix is where the problems are. Doubt bing is that memory intensive. But who knows.


I find it hard to imagine I'd use a feature like this. I do often multitask between my pc and my console, but the idea of actually gaming with that right there seems slightly painful. A lot of the functions (Internet in particular) would be so hard to use without a mouse/keyboard.

It's the kind of thing I do playing turn based games or football manager on my pc, but those types of game are really rare on consoles. I don't know how much power they reserve to achieve this, but I'm pretty certain it's not worth it.

Dunno - maybe I just haven't seen the right use case.


Will be mostly using it for snapping achievement guides for difficult achievements. Would be really cool if RPGs for example have a complete stats overview that can be snapped on demand.
Send my browser history to._ _ _?

e. I think it's great for distracting you from the monotonous XP grind of modern multiplayer games,


That was one of their examples I believe. Having a NFL or any sports game snapped to side while playing a Xbox game.

Great. I would get more gaming time in if it would do this. Plus the FF stuff is cool as well. Seems useful for the most part.

I find it hard to imagine I'd use a feature like this. I do often multitask between my pc and my console, but the idea of actually gaming with that right there seems slightly painful. A lot of the functions (Internet in particular) would be so hard to use without a mouse/keyboard.

It's the kind of thing I do playing turn based games or football manager on my pc, but those types of game are really rare on consoles. I don't know how much power they reserve to achieve this, but I'm pretty certain it's not worth it.

Dunno - maybe I just haven't seen the right use case.

Dare I say you use the Kinect for voice commands? Seems like a no brainer to replace KM in this case.


I imagine it'll be best used for game specific apps if you're going to use it in games. Voice command makes it simple enough, "snap" whatever. Quick flipping is useful.

IE set to neogaf in matchmaking.



I'm a fan of the XB1, but honestly that didn't look very intuitive, or even useful. In fact, it seemed like they were struggling with it more than not.

But the BEST thing about it is that you, as an Xb1 user, don't actually have to use it... but it's a nice feature to have. Especially if (when?) it gets fully optimized.


Jut seems rather pointless. Not worth 10% of the GPU being reserved nor an extra core or two of the cpu. I really can't see many people actually doing this.


I think I figured out where the Windows team has been spending their time for the past year or so.

Looks cool, can't wait to try a friends first.
Reasons why you would use Snap:

  1. Watching sports (TV) and keeping tabs on a sports Twitter feed (Internet Explorer)
  2. Streaming Crimson Dragon (Game) and watching the Twitch livechat (Internet Explorer)
  3. Playing Dead Rising 3 (Game) and video chatting with your long-distance girlfriend (Skype)
  4. Playing Ryse (Game, muted) while watching/listening to sports (TV)

I can see its usefulness, especially if Microsoft is angling the One to be a multimedia machine.


the only way people will use this for news or game guides is if switching control to the snapped bit and manipulating the cursor to click links and scroll is faster and easier than swiping up on a phone or tablet screen next to them.

If the control switch to the snapped bit (and switch back to game) and navigation takes even a little bit longer than using a nearby handheld device, most people won’t bother.

And let’s not forget that leaving that up for something like a guide or twitter or whatever does reduce the game screen substantially in size. The benefit of using a handheld device nearby is no need to jump out of fullscreen, helping the game experience.

I also suspect it will remain easier and faster to navigate a browser with a multitouch device than with a controller on a screen. But that’s just based on my previous experience with web browsers on TV screens.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I just want to play games. Thank you.

It is the ADHD generation man. Need at least 5 different things going on. I know when I game, I read Tolstoy, write an opera, watch my favorite hometown sports team decimate our arch rivals, and chat with my boo all while playing CoD brah!


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Will be mostly using it for snapping achievement guides for difficult achievements. Would be really cool if RPGs for example have a complete stats overview that can be snapped on demand.
But in what situation would this be better than an in game overlay. This use case seems more style than substance. You shrink the whole gaming area to allocate a chunk of the screen to something that could be done more elegantly in game.


Reasons why you would use Snap:

  1. Watching sports (TV) and keeping tabs on a sports Twitter feed (Internet Explorer)
  2. Streaming Crimson Dragon (Game) and watching the Twitch livechat (Internet Explorer)
  3. Playing Dead Rising 3 (Game) and video chatting with your long-distance girlfriend (Skype)
  4. Playing Ryse (Game, muted) while watching/listening to sports (TV)

I can see its usefulness, especially if Microsoft is angling the One to be a multimedia machine.

I dont see myself using this during a Video Game. I would use it while Watching TV for sure.


Reasons why you would use Snap:

  1. Watching sports (TV) and keeping tabs on a sports Twitter feed (Internet Explorer)
  2. Streaming Crimson Dragon (Game) and watching the Twitch livechat (Internet Explorer)
  3. Playing Dead Rising 3 (Game) and video chatting with your long-distance girlfriend (Skype)
  4. Playing Ryse (Game, muted) while watching/listening to sports (TV)

I can see its usefulness, especially if Microsoft is angling the One to be a multimedia machine.

LOL change #3 to best friend cuz talking while gaming won't fly with the girlfriend!


Reasons why you would use Snap:

  1. Watching sports (TV) and keeping tabs on a sports Twitter feed (Internet Explorer)
  2. Streaming Crimson Dragon (Game) and watching the Twitch livechat (Internet Explorer)
  3. Playing Dead Rising 3 (Game) and video chatting with your long-distance girlfriend (Skype)
  4. Playing Ryse (Game, muted) while watching/listening to sports (TV)

I can see its usefulness, especially if Microsoft is angling the One to be a multimedia machine.

#2 will be done via the Twitch app. You don't need IE to do that. That livechat twitch functionality has been shown for the PS4 twitch app as well.


Reasons why you would use Snap:

  1. Watching sports (TV) and keeping tabs on a sports Twitter feed (Internet Explorer)
  2. Streaming Crimson Dragon (Game) and watching the Twitch livechat (Internet Explorer)
  3. Playing Dead Rising 3 (Game) and video chatting with your long-distance girlfriend (Skype)
  4. Playing Ryse (Game, muted) while watching/listening to sports (TV)

I can see its usefulness, especially if Microsoft is angling the One to be a multimedia machine.

Another really great way I thought of is when your playing a game (I'll use GTAV for example) that has a lot of collectables around the map. Instead of having to look down at your phone or computer to find the next collectible, you can just snap the video or a map of all of them on the screen.


Jut seems rather pointless. Not worth 10% of the GPU being reserved nor an extra core or two of the cpu. I really can't see many people actually doing this.

MS should just keep quiet on this stuff next time. 360 had 10% gpu time reserved and no snapping. PS4 has a similar reserve and also 2 CPU cores.


Honestly, this is going to be perfect when stuck in game and need to look it up and what not, Skype is going to be sick tbh while playing too.


Another really great way I thought of is when your playing a game (I'll use GTAV for example) that has a lot of collectables around the map. Instead of having to look down at your phone or computer to find the next collectible, you can just snap the video or a map of all of them on the screen.

It would be great for cheats as well.


Looks very intuitive and to preserve a good experience across simultaneous stuff.

No I mean seriously, couldn't they have PiP stuff with preserved aspect ratios?
What is this 240x1080 shit? Looks terrible.


Reasons why you would use Snap:

  1. Watching sports (TV) and keeping tabs on a sports Twitter feed (Internet Explorer)
  2. Streaming Crimson Dragon (Game) and watching the Twitch livechat (Internet Explorer)
  3. Playing Dead Rising 3 (Game) and video chatting with your long-distance girlfriend (Skype)
  4. Playing Ryse (Game, muted) while watching/listening to sports (TV)

I can see its usefulness, especially if Microsoft is angling the One to be a multimedia machine.

All of this stuff is much better done with current tech like tablets, laptops and mobile phones. Why do I want my screen real estate taken up by something I can just have playing or loaded on my phone (radio, Skype, voice call etc). It's not like it's easy to play a video game whilst watching TV at the same time anyway lol. I see snap as being a novelty people use a few times and then disregard.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Honestly if they so believe this is important then game resolution is not a priority. They are gonna be shrinking the games on screen.
#2 will be done via the Twitch app. You don't need IE to do that. That livechat twitch functionality has been shown for the PS4 twitch app as well.

Really? That's fantastic. I've been worried about that.

LOL change #3 to best friend cuz talking while gaming won't fly with the girlfriend!

Mute the game. Hide the controller while you're playing. (Heck, if you use a blanket, she might think there's some sexy things going on underneath.) She'll be none the wiser.

Just don't yell "Fuck you!" when you die. (I tend to say that a lot when I play games.)
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