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Xbox players are greeted with a full-screen pop-up ad for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III when they boot up their Xbox console


Prettt sure i seen this like 2 times a year for some of there first party games. Also, it’s a video game console showing ads of video games. Go figure. Also only take i 2sec to click it away.
Your a Fool if you dont see where this is Clearly going......hint....this aint the extent of there plans by a long mile.

Neon Xenon

Look, if there's any game that needs a full-screen advertisement on console boot, it's the third reboot in a long-time gaming underdog like the Call of Duty series.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Why would they continue doing it EVERYTIME you boot up? Honest question..
Do you know how much an ad like that would be worth? You have to manually exit it, meaning you are guaranteed to have seen it. Every Xbox owner. It's far better than a super bowl commercial even, and it's targeted at the younger demo everyone wants to advertise to. Hell, it doesn't even have to be just games. They can start selling ads like that for Doritos for millions. Movies in the theater. Anything.
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They had done this to all their first party games. Just did it with starfield and forza. But good lord it cod now. It first part for them now. How bad did this deal hurt you? Are you ok? Can you still breath
Jesus Christ is everything seen through a Fanboy Lens for you Corporate Sycophants?
This totally explains your comment though. What have the corporations done to all of you? Your a barely and individual amymore.
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Gold Member
I just got the ad here in the UK, but I was able to permanently rid my console of it by clicking the button to buy the game. Got a 45 quid discount too, thanks to all the reward points I've accumulated for using their browser.

Whoops... I mean, fuck you Microsoft! Fuck you in your anti-consumer stinkhole!

Why did he have to stand up and put his arms in the air?!

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Why did he have to stand up and put his arms in the air?!
Because Kinect was watching him, and if you force engagement then you can't ignore the ad. Then it impacts you psychologically on a deeper level and they can sell the assurance to advertisers that you had to see it and prove you interacted with it. You can't mute it or ignore it. You have to participate. Makes the ad 1000x more valuable. This is starting that since you have to manually exit from the ad.


I guess I would be annoyed for the one second it took me to choose Exit. My PS4 Pro also randomly inserted the Call of Duty Pre-Order crap when logging on recently. Fortunately not whole screen like this though.
All Digital Future.
What does this haver anything to do with this? All digital has no bearing on this, you could own zero digital games and still get the ad.

Unless you mean how stuff like this wasn't possible years ago when things weren't connected online in which I would agree but it's the world we live in now. We can't go back to the 6th generation glory days of soul.

in case no one mentioned it yet; there's a fix for this, if you hit "cancel" it will bring you to the dashboard as normal
Easy fix, but I get why people are annoyed and it does set a weird precedent to what could come.


Suffers from extreme PDS
Nothing quite like faux outage. I pay taxes and gas money and a vehicle license fee and I still have to see billboards on the street and ads on park benches! The horror!

This has also been a thing on the Switch since it launched, except you get three of them and they happen every time you turn the damn thing on.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
in case no one mentioned it yet; there's a fix for this, if you hit "cancel" it will bring you to the dashboard as normal
Cancel what? I thought the options were buy now, deluxe edition and exit. So you get the ad and exit? Is that all you're talking about? Does that stop future ads?


Cancel what? I thought the options were buy now, deluxe edition and exit. So you get the ad and exit? Is that all you're talking about? Does that stop future ads?
No he's just saying that fullscreen ads don't matter and you should just close them and carry on.

Basically the reaction that allows this advertising to become normalised and eventually be in a situation where this happens every time you turn the thing on. People excusing this and saying it doesn't matter may as well be saying "Yes please, do this even more."

Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
No he's just saying that fullscreen ads don't matter and you should just close them and carry on.

Basically the reaction that allows this advertising to become normalised and eventually be in a situation where this happens every time you turn the thing on. People excusing this and saying it doesn't matter may as well be saying "Yes please, do this even more."
Total insanity. That's when I'm done with the console permanently.


Are you ok cause all you do is slate people who say something positive about Xbox or give a balanced opinion?
I'm sorry, I can't see how you can justify a full screen interactive ad when you boot up a console. It blows my mind that people will simp against their own interest.

But hey, you do you. I imagine work is hectic for you at the moment.


Gold Member
No he's just saying that fullscreen ads don't matter and you should just close them and carry on.

Basically the reaction that allows this advertising to become normalised and eventually be in a situation where this happens every time you turn the thing on. People excusing this and saying it doesn't matter may as well be saying "Yes please, do this even more."

Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.

There’s a gargantuan leap between an ad you can instantly skip without even reading that pops up 2-3 times a year versus every single time you turn the console on. Let’s at least try to be real here 😆


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
True, but wouldn't it just be ideal to let people complain and ignore it? Seems the only legitimate reason to argue against people not liking(or freaking out) about the ad is if you truly like ads and want them to stay.
I mean criticism is how change happens right? I know it may be frustrating when it seems people are always complaining about something you might think is miniscule, when it comes to a brand you like, but it is what it is.
The gent you are talking is why gaming companies hump you raw these days. They push and see that fanboys of a plastic box will defend it no matter what. Then it gets pushed into games, then you do not have a choice to skip them.

This is why I have stopped gaming for now. Too many games on all systems have Microtransactions. I was old when I started college after I retired from the Marine Corps and we used to sit in our psychology class depending on which class it was and discuss and laugh how fools part with their money so easily. How they do studies to figure out the easiest way to make you part with your money. Making base games with horrible looking outfits to seek you the cool stuff, so you the gear of the person who killed you so you think you need it to win. Then make the customer feel like they are giving you a deal selling you nothing.

I still cannot for the life of me figure out why someone would purchase something with no value. I cannot ever see myself purchasing some armor a guy a at computer made charging 20 dollars or more for nothing. It’s weird and embarrassing to pay for dopamine rushes as these digital goods only subtract from your bank account. If I want to spend that, I would buy food as it actually gives you something in return.

World is a crazy place these days and people will buy whatever these companies throw at them.
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I'm sorry, I can't see how you can justify a full screen interactive ad when you boot up a console. It blows my mind that people will simp against their own interest.

But hey, you do you. I imagine work is hectic for you at the moment.

Because they do it once every 6 fucking months.

You don't have to watch a video. You don't have to buy the game. You press B and its gone forever.
I'll say this though. The default selection should definitely not be to purchase the game. I wouldn't be surprised if they get into some legal trouble doing that.

I honestly think some of you people are psychotic with this pure "WE WANT ZERO ADS ON THE HOMEPAGE" shit. I like to see when new things are added or coming. It makes the dashboard feel alive.

Booting up the Nintendo Switch feels dead as fuck.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Because they do it once every 6 fucking months.

You don't have to watch a video. You don't have to buy the game. You press B and its gone forever.

I honestly think some of you people are psychotic with this pure "WE WANT ZERO ADS ON THE HOMEPAGE" shit. I like to see when new things are added or coming. It makes the dashboard feel alive.

Booting up the Nintendo Switch feels dead as fuck.
I actually don't care about the ads on the homepage. I actually don't even care about the full page ad if its the default setting and I can opt out.

But if there is zero way to opt out of this then it's full scale war. Every single possible incentive is to keep pushing for more. You'd have to be purposefully oblivious to think that's not where this is heading. Then next they'll stick some in on GP like every other TV sub is doing right now. Then they'll raise the price for the "ad free" version. Then they'll say they need ads anyway because costs are rising. You guys can go along with it but I wont. I dropped their whole fucking ecosystem last time they even whispered about this shit on Xbox One and I will do it again. Cut cable decades ago and I'm not watching bullshit psychological manipulation for something I pay for, certainly not when you fucking power the system up first thing with 1 button press to get to spending $100, worse than every commercial on TV ever invented.


There’s a gargantuan leap between an ad you can instantly skip without even reading that pops up 2-3 times a year versus every single time you turn the console on. Let’s at least try to be real here 😆
Yes it will be a slow progression. If xbox users are ok with getting a fullscreen ad then of course MS will end up doing more of them. Why wouldn't they? Apparently Xbox fans don't care and advertising is worth a lot of money. Only first party has been advertised like this for now AFAIK but I bet third parties would be willing to pay a lot of money for a full screen ad with a buy now button that appears to everyone who turns on their console. You really can't get better advertising than that.

If there is no backlash from their fanbase they will increase the frequency because it's worth a lot of money to them, it'd be idiotic not to from a business point of view.
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Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
They had done this to all their first party games. Just did it with starfield and forza. But good lord it cod now. It first part for them now. How bad did this deal hurt you? Are you ok? Can you still breath
I don’t think he is hurt about the deal. I think he is mad at morons that can’t see past their plastic box. We now have armor that is digital and has no value at 20/30 dollars. Yeah these companies know they are dealing with idiots that will part with their money.

No one should see an ad on something they paid 500 dollars for or more. I have stopped gaming because of all this nonsense. I mean we have entered Forrest Gump levels of retardedness with people just saying ok to whatever their console or PC people tell them to.

I’m not mad, more embarrassed than anything we have people like that in the world that bends over for a company. Gaming companies should come to gamers with good games and sell those games at price for what it is worth. Spending a 100 dollars for a deluxe edition and then being stupid enough to fall for these companies that hire psychologists to do studies on how to make you part with your money easier is some severe idiocy.

Edit: sorry if I’m too bold, my son said the same thing when I called half retarded for paying to see haircuts in some NBA game. Real money to see a haircut! No sir
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Are you seriously complaining about a flash screen that you just click "cancel" to remove it when you boot up your console? I swear gamers are getting worse and worse, will bitch at absolutley anything. Turn off your internet and you wont get it, happy now? First world problems...
You are justifying a company displaying full screen interactive ads and then trying to insinuate everyone is soft for not taking it up the rear like yours truly.

I hope your getting paid to sell your self respect.


You are justifying a company displaying full screen interactive ads and then trying to insinuate everyone is soft for not taking it up the rear like yours truly.

I hope your getting paid to sell your self respect.

How many DVD's do you own with unskippable ads?


How many games openly advertise for DLC when you open them? But you already bought it! What are you, a fucking corporate whore????

People have some weird lines in the sand.
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