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Xbox Reveal Thread: Durango Unchained


I dont understand how they could spend so much time talking about Cable tv, when netflix is kicking cables ass.

You sure netflix is really doing that we'll before you say that?


Nork unification denier
Looks like the Xbox and the PS4 will be switching places for me next gen (kind of bummed as I prefer the Xbox controller). PS4: console I play most my games on; Xbox: exclusives only.


I'm a little confused at some people defending this conference.
I realise that there will be games galore (hopefully) at E3 and they are saving most stuff for that... But a 60 minute unveiling of your new console to the world and not even 1 second of gameplay? I think it is totally understandable that people are disappointed. They have 15 or so exclusives in the works, and they can't show gameplay for any single one of them, then save the rest for E3?
The momentum greatly favors Sony right now. If Microsoft and Sony both have a similar E3 then Sony will walk away smelling like roses because of all of the positive press.


Can you imagine how epic this Friday's 1UP Yours is going to be? Man I can't wait to hear Shane go off on Luke over this disaster.


If only.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
MS really has its mind on a completely different audience than the one I believe myself to be part of. Their conference, and the machine's capabilities are not geared towards the things I want as a consumer. It is geared to an entirely different audience. I think Microsoft has made it clear that they are not targeting people like myself.


Boring event.

Console, pad and Kinect... not a good looking.

Where are the games?

FM5 reveal trailer like a "NFS" one?

I'm a little confused at some people defending this conference.
I realise that there will be games galore (hopefully) at E3 and they are saving most stuff for that... But a 60 minute unveiling of your new console to the world and not even 1 second of gameplay? I think it is totally understandable that people are disappointed. They have 15 or so exclusives in the works, and they can't show gameplay for any single one of them, then save the rest for E3?

It's not about gameplay but the console itself and it's capabilities.


I think the Xbox One is fantastic...but the no used games will fuck them hard. Gamestop has to be really really pissed off.

TRios Zen

Between the reveal and the tech talk after, there was some interesting things mentioned.

Microsoft obviously went a different route with this box, going to be very interesting to see how this all plays out.


As expected imo. Get some of the stuff out of the way and lay the groundwork for games at E3. The UI stuff was pretty cool and I dig the consoles industrial design. The pad looks great and didn't need much tweaking (it was almost perfect as it was). I'm intrigued at what the T10 guy said at the Architect panel, about being able to use "Cloud computing for rendering". In fact, they said several times (even at the reveal) that the XBO would get "better over time". I just think they held back a lot for E3.

TRios Zen

I think the Xbox One is fantastic...but the no used games will fuck them hard. Gamestop has to be really really pissed off.

I don't think that they plan on restricting selling/buying used games, I think they plan on MONETIZING that.

IF Sony doesn't follow suit, then yes, you are correct, this will be a big wart on XBOX One's nose.
Seriously though. When they START the conference by saying, "we are here to talk about features of the hardware in relation to all of your entertainment needs, and we are saving the game stuff for e3, surprises and new ips", how do you then run screaming into the thread lamenting how you've been mislead because they spent 40 minutes talking about tv, Skype, live, kinect, sports, etc?

In retrospect, it means that they're NOT going to waste the majority of the E3 press conference talking about that shit? Conceivably? So I encourage both the jaded fanboys, and the miscreants spreading their FUD, wait until the real press conferences.

And to those of you making long term purchasing decisions based on this limited joke of a reveal?


(Kept it static for ya. Forum's runnin slow, you know...)

This, this. A million times this.


Neo Member
I thought the sheer responsiveness/snappiness of the UI was pretty impressive. Seeing actual live demos of them showing off those features I enjoyed.....then they started talking about the games and my interest in the reveal fell off a cliff. Just a bunch of short trailers with footage that didn't make it clear whether it was truly in-game/real-time or not (besides COD, which even that was mostly a sizzle reel trailer).


Suddenly many people never came this thread before reveal just show up

Didn't read thread before reveal as was uninterested in uninformed baseless hype/trolling.
During reveal was....watching reveal.
After reveal, came to thread to post thoughts, and see what other people though now they had some actual facts to hand.
Entirely logical, and acceptable.
Will make sure to PM you for permission to read/post on any thread in future.


And let's be honest with ourselves. This:


Is not 'ugly'. It's a black, plastic box. Perhaps overly simple, otherwise it's not obtrusive, and supposedly runs silent (not a bad thing unless you've come to love jet engine noises coming from your 360)

In all honesty, based on the lines, it looks like a giant Wii console:


Shit, dare I say it even has the same bevel at the bottom, giving it the same profile.

As I don't recall anyone complaining about the asthetics of that particular device, I'm going to, heretofore, lump any and all complaints of that nature into the "people looking for something to bitch about" pile ;)

We need some shops of other colors they will add.

Do we know if the Xbox symbol lights up or anything?
It's almost depressing how stupid most of the posters in this thread have come off. This was a CONSOLE reveal, not a game reveal. The purpose was to display the system and it's specs, controller, and the services that separate itself from it's predecessor. The benefit of Sony and MS doing these conferences is that with all this information out of the way, E3 will do what it's supposed to, fully encompass games. Now instead of spending half the conference revealing systems, they can spend all of it displaying what exclusives they have to sway gamers to their console. Where are the games? At E3 which is less than 3 weeks away. Why the heck would they reveal them here when there's a conference specifically for such reveals so soon? If you thought this was going to be a major game showcase you are both naive and stupid. /endofrant

Also, if you think one company has the edge right now you are simply biased. There is one thing that decides which system a gamer buys (unless you get them all) and one thing alone and it's not press. It's which console has the most exclusives you actually care about. It's hilarious that people think MS showcasing multimedia functionality today in any way indicates that they don't care about games or care less than Sony. Really? You can determine that before we find out what games are coming out for each respective system? You can determine that they don't have gamers like you in mind? Ha! The only rational thing to do is wait until E3 and start forming an opinion then.


I quickly scanned and didn't see this posted, so forgive me if someone already pointed it out...

Here's some news to brighten the day of those of you who were disappointed with the reveal:

FREE MONEY! Microsoft is giving away $10 free MS Store credit for signing up for Xbox One Pre-Order notifications - http://xbox.microsoftstore.com/stor...nce?siteID=te1Fq2FCseg-n_mSuJi4RiK9IESg8_dVkw

It looks like all you have to do is buy at least $10 of stuff...MS points anyone?
So again, people aren't allowed to be unimpressed? The reveal showed nothing of interest to me and was boring as fuck. Not going to rate it based on potential and stuff we haven't seen yet. It also doesn't mean I've written off the console and I'm still open to buying it. I also "bitched" about the ps4 unveil even though it had actual interesting things shown.
Came into the reveal excited, came away with a bad taste in my mouth. I want to play games, I don't want Kinect forced on me, I don't want cloud, I don't care about the TV stuff.
Yes the UI looks good and I'm sure it will sell but it just didn't sit well with me.


You can remove the hard drive but storage is upgradable via external storage.

Also Phil Harrison said on Eurogamer that installed games can be access by multiple users on one console.

NICE!! I'm used to gut my consoles for cheap (read, not so official sources) storage, but using a USB 3.0 adapter + a HDD as large as you find is a fucking win.

Also the second part too

Ninja EDIT:



TV features exclusive to US, can't stand motion (fuck Kinect, move etc) , still charging for online (probably paywall for Netflix ), huge / ugly console.

Very disappointed .... very!


And let's be honest with ourselves. This:


Is not 'ugly'. It's a black, plastic box. Perhaps overly simple, otherwise it's not obtrusive, and supposedly runs silent (not a bad thing unless you've come to love jet engine noises coming from your 360)

In all honesty, based on the lines, it looks like a giant Wii console:

The devil is in the details. Front the front it's OK but the venting design on top is ugly as hell.


Plus the overall dimensions do make a difference. a sharp edged rectangle the size of the wii doesn't look or feel the same as the same shape the size of the original xbox.


And let's be honest with ourselves. This:


Is not 'ugly'. It's a black, plastic box. Perhaps overly simple, otherwise it's not obtrusive, and supposedly runs silent (not a bad thing unless you've come to love jet engine noises coming from your 360)

In all honesty, based on the lines, it looks like a giant Wii console:


Shit, dare I say it even has the same bevel at the bottom, giving it the same profile.

As I don't recall anyone complaining about the asthetics of that particular device, I'm going to, heretofore, lump any and all complaints of that nature into the "people looking for something to bitch about" pile ;)

That thing is ugly. Let's face it. If that console was unvieled in 1986 it would have looked hot shit, alas...

Maybe it will grow on me, but for now, she ugly.
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