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XSEED teases Trails in the Sky: The 3rd (?) on Twitter

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Trails 3rd being PC only would be sad and amazing at the same time. Sad because I would like to have the three games on the same handheld, but amazing because of the reactions. Thing will be like Bayonetta 2 lite.

At least I already have FC and SC on Steam, so bring it on.


The reason it even took SC so long was because it was a pain in the ass to continue working on PSP.

Nope. Localising SC was made possible because it finally made it in digital form on the Japanese PSN, but once XSeed got their hands on it, if anything, it's the PC version that delayed both the PC and PSP releases due to programming struggles.


I don't think it's really any different. The promise that they would get the PSP one out one way or another was for SC. Nothing else. The reason it even took SC so long was because it was a pain in the ass to continue working on PSP. No way XSEED will bother again for 3rd. It's basically PC or nothing at this point I think. PS3 is a very slim possibility, but that's about it. There's also the question of whether XSEED wants to deal with the fact that the PC version of 3rd is uncensored and is the one they want to release, while the PSP and PS3 re-releases have all been censored in Japan by Falcom themselves, because of a certain scene.
I don't think it's a matter of XSEED's willingness to bother with the PSP version anymore -- I think Falcom just dropped their support of PSP games and agreed with XSEED that SC would be the last PSP game they would work on for them.


I don't think it's really any different. The promise that they would get the PSP one out one way or another was for SC. Nothing else. The reason it even took SC so long was because it was a pain in the ass to continue working on PSP. No way XSEED will bother again for 3rd. It's basically PC or nothing at this point I think. PS3 is a very slim possibility, but that's about it. There's also the question of whether XSEED wants to deal with the fact that the PC version of 3rd is uncensored and is the one they want to release, while the PSP and PS3 re-releases have all been censored in Japan by Falcom themselves, because of a certain scene.

Yeah I know they have not promised anything, they are not forced to continue to publish sequels on PSP clearly.
And surely they'd like not to bother at this point because there are more challenges and sales are not stellar.
But that doesn't cancel the fact that it wouldn't be respectful towards those people who have bought FC and recently SC on PSP/Vita and have supported them in the past when they needed support.
Since it's a trilogy ideally they should finish the job on all the platforms where they have published the previous games.
So if the Trails' games sell like shit on the PC and XSEED have ceased localisations of PSP games, then what the hell is this going to be released on. The Xbox One?!
Didn't have high hopes for this considering SC's steam sales but maybe it did good numbers on gog or they are counting on long term sales.
Regardless, I'm there day 1 as always.


Didn't have high hopes for this considering SC's steam sales but maybe it did good numbers on gog or they are counting on long term sales.
Regardless, I'm there day 1 as always.
Not only will I be there on Day 1, I'll be there on multiple platforms on Day 1 should this find its way to a digital release on PSN as well.
I just hope XSEED hasn't forgotten to patch up those two broken Steam achievements for SC.
Nope. Localising SC was made possible because it finally made it in digital form on the Japanese PSN, but once XSeed got their hands on it, if anything, it's the PC version that delayed both the PC and PSP releases due to programming struggles.

Really, there were so many things that happens to SC that it's hard to say that any one thing delayed it more than another.

I will agree that further releases of any series on the PSP are extraordinarily unlikely, though. If 3rd is coming, there's still a remote possibility, I suppose, if Sony wants to play ball, but Crossbell would be a PC-only enterprise barring a PS4 Kai version, which would be sweet as hell but hasn't been remotely announced. And I really, really, would not get your hopes up for any possible 3rd release on the PSP.

And just to put it completely to bed right now: this tease is as much a surprise to me as anyone. At least as of the last time I spoke to XSEED about it, a collaboration on further projects in the "Trails backlog" seemed extraordinarily unlikely due to a variety of factors. I don't mind admitting publicly that I find this somewhat disappointing, as I really rather like Trails to Zero and Trails to Azure, and not only did I still enjoy working on Trails in the Sky SC and the Sky cast (yes, despite everything you may have read), but I've always heard a lot of praise from Trails veterans for "my" Kevin (I did do very nearly all his dialogue in Sky SC) and I'd certainly like to contribute to the continuation of his story. That said, XSEED is Falcom's primary English-language localization and publishing partner, the decision for who they bring on to work on the Trails franchise is theirs alone, and I respect their judgment. They want to do right by those games, and their fans, and if they feel CF isn't a part of that, then... I'm saddened, but so be it.

So: Carpe Fulgur isn't working on Sky 3rd or any other Trails-related project in any fashion at the moment, and I'm looking forward to seeing what this is about as much as anyone.


Hatsuu has RT'd it and HProtagonista has interacted with others since the original tweet's publish time. So...

I really don't think Hatsuu would retweet it if they were trolling, she's a kiseki fangirl and knows how desperate we are for 3rd.

I still can't understand how this is happening, never imagined them actually get SC out the door, let alone 3rd.
How the hell did i miss this news ? Damn working crunch hours.

Anyway , so excited.. Give me DAT 3rd Xseed ...i believe in you.

I don't care in what form, as long as it's localised but with the original music please.
Idk with sales of SC pretty much subpar on Steam plus I don't believe they would want to put out a PSP game especially with the PSP storefront being taken down...signs point to no. I could be wrong, in fact I hope I am but so far the outlook isn't looking good.

PSP store going down is irrelevant. PSN still exists on Vita.


I look at it more like, I'll be seeing a different set of references by playing the older games later on (noticing things that connect to CS, stuff like that).

I will say the bolded, I plan on doing anyway :p. I've played through CS 3 times now for the platinum (I didn't care about the Plat early on since I didn't know if I'd like the game... ended up loving it and playing it through twice more to get Plat :D) so I don't think I'll mind replaying it before CSIII (maybe even once more before CSII depending on when it releases)

So yeah, I don't think replaying it and CSII will be an issue for me before CSIII :p

I loved CS so much <3 so I think I'm pretty much set as a permanent Trails fan for now.
I did buy FC/SC before though with the intention of playing them eventually but I mainly bought them to support XSEED. Especially with how much people on here were all ";-:" until SC was finally announced XD.

The paradigm shift of what the ending of CS meant to me after I binged on FC and SC was fucking insane. (I played CS first, then went to FC and SC and finished them all in about 4-5 weeks before playing CS a second time to finish the platinum)

I'm glad my friend gave me the kick in the ass I needed to play through all three games. Easily the best month of my gaming life ever.

Oh some of the references are exactly that. Simply references. They're like a nudge nudge wink wink to people in the know but aren't all that relevant. However other's are definitely more important.

While Cold Steel on its own is largely fine without knowledge from Sky, it's the future where I suspect they'll be more important. (Cold Steel spoilers and Cold Steel II speculation)
Based on the ending after Rean flies off you know he and the group will be apprehensive towards either the nobles and the reformists. They mention that there has to be a 3rd option to go forward with. An option that is explicitly hinted at with the whole Olivert, Victor Arseid and the ship Courageous, so it seems likely that Rean and the lot will join up with them in the next game. You learn a lot about Olivert and even Muellar in Sky some of their motivations, ideals and part of their back story. Maybe that will be covered in CSII but it also might not be. Heck the Courageous is stated to be based off the Arseille from Sky.

Also Ouroboros. In Cold Steel you learn that Sharon is an Enforcer and Vita Coltilde is an Anguis. If you only play Cold Steel you don't understand why these are so important. FC doesn't really touch it either but SC the plot drives around it. In the Trails series so far you see events happening within each nation such as Liberl (Sky), Crossbell (Ao/Zero), Erebonia (Cold Steel) and probably more in future. While they may all seem politically isolated incidents, it seem obvious Ouroboros has it's fingers in each one of them. Thus while each series might be contained with in itself, the whole overarching plotline appears to revolve around Ouroboros and whatever their plans are.

Like I said that is speculation. But even if I'm partly correct, if you play Cold Steel II without prior knowledge, you could miss out on the understanding of events regarding the overall narrative. By the same token, just as I'm recommending you play Sky before Cold Steel II, those who have played Sky 3rd, Ao and Zero will probably feel the same towards me about playing them prior to CSII as well. Unfortunately I don't really have that option but given the choice despite my huge eagerness to play CSII, I would wait and play 3rd, Ao and Zero first if I could.

I understand why some people would rather play Cold Steel before going back older games like Sky. It's a new game that people are interested in and it can be hard to make yourself go back and play older titles that may regress visually and mechanically when you want to play the game that has your current attention. In fact I had some people I know play Cold Steel first but I eventually managed to persuade them to go back and play Sky FC and SC, loved them and when they played CS again liked it even more.

I find it funny because if you go back a half a yea ago, I kind of ignored Trails/Kiseki threads. I played Sky FC years ago and enjoyed it but it wasn't amazing, and then largely forgot about it in the wait for SC. When SC came out on a whim I decided to play FC again, and this time around I got hooked and played both Sky games and Cold Steel back to back. I haven't been able to not think about the series since and keep checking the threads her and other places for any news about localisations...

OT but you shouldn't be so happy when Benitez is coming :p

At least I feel confident in his abilities as a manager! I felt off about McLaren day one. Sure I might not have liked him at Liverpool. not sure why but he always irked me somehow, but during his stint at Chelsea he grew on me. Even my Chelsea mates who hated him at first eventually acknowledged he did a good job there and gave him respect however begrudgingly.


But even if I'm roughly correct, you could play Cold Steel II and without prior knowledge miss out on the understanding of events regarding the overall narrative.

Zero and Ao (mainly Ao) has a critical point that crosses with the end of CS and continues with CS2. Even so, the Crossbell Arc should be released and played because is that good.
Zero and Ao (mainly Ao) has a critical point that crosses with the end of CS and continues with CS2. Even so, the Crossbell Arc should be release and played because is that good.

I want them so bad

One of the things that made Cold Steel 1 decent was the world building and just how connected everything was

Would have been even better had I had the opportunity to play the other games


I want them so bad

One of the things that made Cold Steel 1 decent was the world building and just how connected everything was

Would have been even better had I had the opportunity to play the other games

Zero and Ao (mainly Ao) has a critical point that crosses with the end of CS and continues with CS2. Even so, the Crossbell Arc should be release and played because is that good.

Yeah I edited and reworded that part. The series builds as it goes. I'd love to play the Crossbell games. Prior knowledge is likely to be important and if and when Ao/Zero come out, after playing them I'll play Cold Steel I + II again.
I really don't think Hatsuu would retweet it if they were trolling, she's a kiseki fangirl and knows how desperate we are for 3rd.

I still can't understand how this is happening, never imagined there actually get SC out the door, let alone 3rd.

Hatsuu is also running the XSEED twitter account most of the time. She wouldn't do this to us D:


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Oooh and I am just about to finally start playing SC! This is FANTASTIC news if true!

Now hopefully we'll get the 2 Crossbell games and Nayuta in some way or another.
Oooh and I am just about to finally start playing SC! This is FANTASTIC news if true!

Now hopefully we'll get the 2 Crossbell games and Nayuta in some way or another.

Nayuta is never happening unless Falcom ports it to a new system, being a PSP exclusive.

But I think that the Crossbell games will happen provided The 3rd doesn't completely bomb.
Nayuta is never happening unless Falcom ports it to a new system, being a PSP exclusive.

But I think that the Crossbell games will happen provided The 3rd doesn't completely bomb.

This speculation is skipping a good number of steps, but I don't think the Crossbell games will depend on 3rd, but more on the overall success of the Trails franchise, being a new self-contained story arc. And of course the technical viability of the PC versions.

People could potentially jump into the series there, it doesn't have the problem that led to the sales decline from FC -> SC


A lot of people are talking about sales decline, i would really like to know how bad it was. If it's really a disaster or something more decent.

It's really sad to see that from my perspective and hope with some FC + SC bundle it can pick up...
A lot of people are talking about sales decline, i would really like to know how bad it was. If it's really a disaster or something more decent.

It's really sad to see that from my perspective and hope with some FC + SC bundle it can pick up...

steamspy numbers:

Trails FC is at 160k
Trails SC is at 16k

Here's the thing though: FC had a lot of sales so people picked it up and never played it. The achievement stats reveal that only 10% of FC owners have finished the game (and only 40% have even finished the Prologue) and thus are the only ones who would even buy SC. We also have no idea about sales on PSN.

The numbers aren't as bad as people are saying.
We also have no idea what XSEED's bar for success is, and it's not as though the sales numbers are particularly accurate in SC's case. This could very well be the sort of thing where selling something like 25k and then more units in the long term is good enough for them.

We also have NO clue how well Cold Steel is doing for them. It's possible that that could be doing super well for them, justifying bringing 3rd out even to smaller sales.

Instead of worrying about what we have no real access to, how about we just get excited that the series appears to be alive and kicking in the west?


Oooh and I am just about to finally start playing SC! This is FANTASTIC news if true!

Now hopefully we'll get the 2 Crossbell games and Nayuta in some way or another.

Just play the fan translation of Nayuta. It's pretty Engrishy, but completely understandable. I played through it last year and the game itself is great, aside from the translation quality.


steamspy numbers:

Trails FC is at 160k
Trails SC is at 16k

Here's the thing though: FC had a lot of sales so people picked it up and never played it. The achievement stats reveal that only 10% of FC owners have finished the game (and only 40% have even finished the Prologue) and thus are the only ones who would even buy SC. We also have no idea about sales on PSN.

The numbers aren't as bad as people are saying.
Numbers are pretty terrible if they are thinking about releasing 3rd. Their potential audience is 20k people on PC out of whom probably 20-25% at best finished the game.

PSN is even trickier proposition considering it's a PSP game in 2016 or even 2017. This makes no business sense whatsoever. Mind you I would love to play 3rd and then the follow up duology but the audience for them is minuscule at best.
Would be disappointed for this being PC only, but I think I'd get over it just for having the game in the West finally, lol.

Still such a shame the Vita versions can't get licenced.

Wonder what circumstances have led to this being a possibility.
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