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Yakuza Community Thread - FEEL THE HEAT!

Hmm, maybe we can ask kubus to come up with something for background image, if she is free? Maybe you can PM her Irish. If she doesn't have the time, let me know and I'll see if I can come up with something.

As for comparison images let me see what I can find. If anyone has access to Yakuza 0, I would love to ask them to take a few pictures for this. For instance one from sphere grid would be good.
Hmm, maybe we can ask kubus to come up with something for background image, if she is free? Maybe you can PM her Irish. If she doesn't have the time, let me know and I'll see if I can come up with something.

As for comparison images let me see what I can find. If anyone has access to Yakuza 0, I would love to ask them to take a few pictures for this. For instance one from sphere grid would be good.

I think I might have my cleared save file on me, so I could grab some screen caps if you'd like? Let me know the kind of pics you'd need (can't guarantee they'll be much good since I suck at taking decent screen grabs, but I should at least be able to get you sphere grid shots).
I think I might have my cleared save file on me, so I could grab some screen caps if you'd like? Let me know the kind of pics you'd need (can't guarantee they'll be much good since I suck at taking decent screen grabs, but I should at least be able to get you sphere grid shots).

Thanks Shaowman, that would be great. For now, I'll need one from sphere grid and another from the heat move in which Kiryu smacks someone's head to a wall (or another brutal heat move).
Thanks Shaowman, that would be great. For now, I'll need one from sphere grid and another from the heat move in which Kiryu smacks someone's head to a wall (or another brutal heat move).

No prob, I know of a couple of brutal heat (counter) wall moves so I'll attempt to get a couple of decent shots if possible (Yakuza has no photo mode unfortunately, so I've no idea if Sega slap stupid watermarks on shots or not!). I'll try and grab them tonight. Which sphere grid do you need pictures for? There are 8 of them (4 per character).

SegaFes streaming
main channel
second channel

The second channel is the one Yakuza related, I guess. They are streaming RGG5 48 hours marathon by cabacura girls in RGG6. RGG6 on pro will probably be on Saturday or Sunday.

Sweet. Fingers crossed for some good news regarding the Pro version, after Watch Dogs 2 I sure hope it runs better with less tearing, not the other way round :/
No prob, I know of a couple of brutal heat (counter) wall moves so I'll attempt to get a couple of decent shots if possible (Yakuza has no photo mode unfortunately, so I've no idea if Sega slap stupid watermarks on shots or not!). I'll try and grab them tonight. Which sphere grid do you need pictures for? There are 8 of them (4 per character).
Any of them will do. Just trying to show that Yakuza is more RPG-like than people think.


No prob, I know of a couple of brutal heat (counter) wall moves so I'll attempt to get a couple of decent shots if possible (Yakuza has no photo mode unfortunately, so I've no idea if Sega slap stupid watermarks on shots or not!). I'll try and grab them tonight. Which sphere grid do you need pictures for? There are 8 of them (4 per character).

Sweet. Fingers crossed for some good news regarding the Pro version, after Watch Dogs 2 I sure hope it runs better with less tearing, not the other way round :/

Good thing is they are streaming on youtube as well. You can't tell anything from niconico streaming.


RGG6 section is live playing the clan creator.

edit: added the information from the above streaming
For the clan creator, paid DLCs (SSR ranked character cards @500yen /character) are announced. They didn't explained it clearly if you can get those cards in the game or not.
Along with the DLCs, physical cards (@300yen / two card) are also available to use in the clan creator. The characters with the physical cards are exclusive and you can't get them in the game.
Thanks to Shadowman and his amazing shots, I now pretty have all the pictures that I wanted for comparison bit. (at least all shots from the Yakuza side) Now, all that is left is the background/frame picture.

I asked a non-GAFer friend and he said he'll do it. So, hopefully soon I'll be able to deliver the "is/Is not" pictures as well.

Now, all that's left is the name. I agree with what you suggested Irish, but maybe we should switch the name and title like how OTs do? I mean something like this:

Yakuza Series Beginner Guide | Welcome to Kamurocho
Yakuza Series Starter Guide | Welcome to Kamurocho
EDIT: Also, I don't know if anyone noticed it, but I edited my earlier write-up a bit. It should be without any spelling problems and a little bit easier to understand now.
Gameplay in Yakuza series

Well, now that you are a bit more familiar with the series, it’s time to go a little deeper into how it actually plays. Are you ready? Okay, here goes.

Gameplay in Yakuza series is consistent of two major parts. Exploration and Combat.

First off let’s start with exploration. Like most JRPGs the majority of your time in Yakuza series will be spent exploring the environment. During these parts you can pick up side quests, go to arcades, take part in any number of (many available) mini-games and activities, visit shops, buy items and gears etc. While you are exploring, there will be some unlucky guys/punks who try to pick a fight with you. You can avoid them if you are a little careful but if they manage to get a hold of you then you go into combat.

Now let’s explain the combat. The battles in Yakuza series can happen in one of two ways. I explained the first one above. The second form is the obvious one, which is when you follow the story and get into fights/boss battles that way. There is a third way which is the Coliseum (an arena in which you can go to fight and gain ranks and such) but that’s kind of an activity so it’s mostly optional.

Anyway, let’s get down to how combat actually plays. You have three main attack buttons in the combat. Square for light attacks (LA), Triangle as strong attacks (SA) and Circle as Grab (G). You can also use Cross to Dodge attacks and readjust your position in battle and one of the shoulder buttons is Guard.

There is possible to chain attacks by combining LA and SA. Also you can use G not only to grab on enemy but pick up weapons and fight with those. As you fight and progress through battles you gain XP which eventually lead to leveling up and giving you Soul Points. Use these points to unlock new attacks, defense options such as parry, better health, expand your heat bar and even gain new heat moves.

Wait, did I explain Heat? No? Well, silly me. In Yakuza series beneath your health bar, you have another bar called Heat bar. Heat fills as you beat up punks and chain attacks without getting hit. Once the Heat bar reaches a certain amount your character starts emitting a blue aura. This means that you are ready to give the next level of beating to these punks in the form of heat moves. Heat moves are short powerful contextual attacks that you can pull off only when you have enough heat and are in certain situations. When the conditions have been met you’ll see a small Triangle button prompt at the right corner of your screen, signaling that you can initiate the heat move by pushing the button right now.

Heat moves vary a lot. From smashing a dude’s face into the wall and then kicking it once again just to be sure, all the way to smacking grizzly bears with your super punches.

While the Heat moves are pretty crazy and awesome, it needs noting that these are still optional moves and in a lot of situations you don’t even need to use them. So, if you hate losing control of your character (even for a little bit) and would rather just continue with the raw combat, then you can just do that.

Anyway, these were the basics of gameplay in Yakuza series. Now, if you are still not tired of reading my rants I thank you and say that next up we are gonna go over what exactly is new in Yakuza 0, when it comes to combat.

What’s new in Yakuza 0's combat?

Well the basics that we explained above almost all apply here as well but there are some big changes in this game that we’ll try to go over them now. By far the biggest change in Yakuza 0 is the Style system that has been introduced for the first time (and probably the last, going by Yakuza 6) in the main series.

By now you must know that Yakuza 0 has two playable characters. Kazuma Kiryu the main protagonist of the series, and the Mad Dog Goro Majima, the long time badass support character of the series that everyone wanted to play as for years.

In Yakuza 0 each of these characters have three different play styles which you can switch in between them, real time in midst of battle using D-Pad. Now, let’s go over each style and tell a little bit about them.

We’ll start with Kiryu since he has been series protag for a long time. Kiryu has three styles which are called Brawler, Rush and Beast.

Brawler (Blue): This is the blue colored style in which Kiryu’s fighting is most similar to his earlier iterations in past titles. While it plays very good the actual moves and animations make you feel like you are actually playing as a lot less refined Kiryu in his 20s. Most of your heat moves are available in this style and it has a balance between quickness and strength. Also, you can pick up and use weapons in this style.

Rush (Pink): This is by far the quickest style in the game. Kiryu’s attacks are a lot faster but don’t really pack a punch. Guard in this style has been replaced by a quick instill dodge that lets you avoid the incoming attacks and immediately go back to landing hits. A very cool feature in this style is that as your heat bar goes up your speed actually increases with it. So the fights in this style could become really fast and fluid.

Beast (Yellow): Well, it’s in the name. Your attacks and general movements are a lot slower this time but they pack a hell of a punch. You can imagine Kiryu to be like a grizzly bear in this style. You won’t even have a guard option in this style and instead the guard button lets Kiryu just takes in the hits (and stand still like they are nothing) and get heat from them. Also a very cool feature of this style is that Kiryu just naturally picks up on things and use them when you are beating up the fools who have dared to fight you. It really feels natural and both enjoyable to see and play.

Now, let’s go over to Majima and his three styles which are called Thug, Slugger and Breaker. The names alone should tell how much crazier this character is.

Thug (Blue): This is basically the equivalent of Kiryu’s Brawler style, though the actual moves and combos are completely different. Also, if we are comparing them, then I gotta say that the way Majima attacks, his animations, his quickness and overall feel of combat really makes you feel like you are playing as professional who knows his way around battles compared to the inexperienced Kiryu.

Breaker (Pink): Now this is absolutely crazy. Majima dances away in this style doing spins and hitting enemies with his fast leg attacks while making poses in midst of battle. Actually keeping your pose will make it so you get more heat so the goal is to be fast, look sick as hell and taunt your enemies while you beat them to the inch of their lives. Like Kiryu’s Rush style, the moves don’t hit that hard but the quickness and crowd control moves more than make up for it.

Slugger (Yellow): This style is one of the most amazing things that we’ve ever seen in the series. Majima just loves Baseball and carries a Baseball Bat with him at all times. This style completely focuses on that side of the character and I gotta say the things that he does with the Bat are absolutely amazing. This is a Bat but Majima will use it like Nunchuks, Katana, some sort of Gymnastic instrument... The team was so imaginative with this particular style and it really shows.

So, these were the changes that Yakuza 0 brings to the traditional formula of Yakuza series. Fingers crossed that I didn’t put any of you guys to sleep. Also, not to spoil anything but if you want to get even more out of combat then I strongly recommend you to finish each character’s Sphere Grid. *Wink Wink*


no no, we absolutely are hyping yakuza 0, hence why i said a section on the gameplay's mechanics was good! i don't think we'd outlined that before, most of what we'd had was on the series itself & what differentiates it, so it's a welcome addition.
Okay then, good :)

By the way Irish, do we have a story summary for Yakuza 0 in the thread? If not then we probably can use the one from the official Yakuza 0 site.


So pumped for Yakuza 6 in under a month, it looks like the perfect evolution of the series, plus having VF5 on my PS4 is such an added bonus.
Guys, look at what I got here!

Huge thanks to my non-GAFer friend for doing the background image in such short notice and as good as he did and our own Shadowman for providing me with amazing Yakuza pics. Almost all of the Yakuza pics that you'll see in final pics will be from Shadowman!

Irish I'll pm you the pics when I have all of them ready.
Guys, look at what I got here!

Huge thanks to my non-GAFer friend for doing the background image in such short notice and as good as he did and our own Shadowman for providing me with amazing Yakuza pics. Almost all of the Yakuza pics that you'll see in final pics will be from Shadowman!

Irish I'll pm you the pics when I have all of them ready.

That looks great, I think it illustrates the difference of the two games perfectly :) Can't wait to see more!

So pumped for Yakuza 6 in under a month, it looks like the perfect evolution of the series, plus having VF5 on my PS4 is such an added bonus.

Yeah, its crazy that its so close now. I'm so glad I have the demo of Yakuza 6 to tide me over until the full game arrives. I really love the look of the seamless transitions in the city now, the arcade looks awesome (I'm going to waste so many hours in there) and there is plenty of new activities to keep me occupied when I'm not working on the story.

Pity about the micro transactions for the gang creation mode though, I sure hope you can at least complete that side of things without having to buy any of the card packs with real money.


Yeah, its crazy that its so close now. I'm so glad I have the demo of Yakuza 6 to tide me over until the full game arrives. I really love the look of the seamless transitions in the city now, the arcade looks awesome (I'm going to waste so many hours in there) and there is plenty of new activities to keep me occupied when I'm not working on the story.

Pity about the micro transactions for the gang creation mode though, I sure hope you can at least complete that side of things without having to buy any of the card packs with real money.

Ahh didn't know about the micro transactions in the gang creation mode. A lot of those side modes I'll probably never play. Really just buying the game because it's the beat 'em up mechanics look awesome. I don't know Japanese at all so I'm a little worried about getting through parts of the game but I think overall it shouldn't be too hard.
Ahh didn't know about the micro transactions in the gang creation mode. A lot of those side modes I'll probably never play. Really just buying the game because it's the beat 'em up mechanics look awesome. I don't know Japanese at all so I'm a little worried about getting through parts of the game but I think overall it shouldn't be too hard.

Wiki's and playthroughs will most likely pop up quickly for those hard to complete bits, and from what I understand the micro transactions are for getting a certain class of character in gang creation mode, so you can still get loads of characters from normal play. So as long as its not balanced toward needing these micro transaction characters I think it'll be ok. However the gang creation side of things also has an online mode where you pit your gang against other peoples gangs and that will probably suck since it sounds like a pay to win situation. The only saving grace being that I don't plan to do the online side of things myself, unless there is trophy/completion progress tied to it (hopefully not).
That looks great, I think it illustrates the difference of the two games perfectly :) Can't wait to see more!
Thanks man.Yeah, hopefully the comparison pics help people understand that Yakuza is its own thing and not a Japanese copy of GTA or other OW titles. I finished and sent them all to Irish, so hopefully the thread goes up soon and we can see all of them :)


Atlus PR
Guys, look at what I got here!

Huge thanks to my non-GAFer friend for doing the background image in such short notice and as good as he did and our own Shadowman for providing me with amazing Yakuza pics. Almost all of the Yakuza pics that you'll see in final pics will be from Shadowman!

Irish I'll pm you the pics when I have all of them ready.

Floored! That looks incredible :D
I just bought the first game for PS2. I heard this is the only game with a dub while all the other English localization are subbed. Is it worth playing through just straight or should I be playing with some un-dub patch?
I just bought the first game for PS2. I heard this is the only game with a dub while all the other English localization are subbed. Is it worth playing through just straight or should I be playing with some un-dub patch?
IIRC the dub was pretty awful but I don't know if the game has any un-dub patch of sorts.

Honestly? Just play through the game and bear the awful dub. You'll get to Japanese goodness soon enough with the sequels.


Did they go into any detail about the Pro stuff for Yakuza 6, or was it just "here it is in 4K?". Hoping we get some better details on that side of things in the next week or two leading up to the demo.

Not at all. I believe they didn't even mention a word "Pro". Only Sony Japan says RGG6 supports Pro so far.
Not at all. I believe they didn't even mention a word "Pro". Only Sony Japan says RGG6 supports Pro so far.

Ah ok. Expectations are as low as they can be for any Pro support then. I'm willing to just have the game run ok on the Pro and not look awful like World of Final Fantasy. The Yakuza team has been great so far with PS4 Yakuza games, so fingers crossed they don't slip up, as 6 is really the only other game I'm looking forward to this year (well that and Last Guardian, which I keep forgetting actually exists).

I just bought the first game for PS2. I heard this is the only game with a dub while all the other English localization are subbed. Is it worth playing through just straight or should I be playing with some un-dub patch?

The dub is ok, I didn't hate it. Its more some of the dialogue is truly bad (far too much swearing, even for this series). Some characters are voiced well, some aren't. Its a pity as they actually didn't do too bad with some of the casting choices (I still wish they'd have had Mark Hamill "Joker" it up a little more for Majima, he's perfect for the part).


Yakuza series starter guide is live, ya'll! please take a look & see if you like how it partitioned it, where sparda's awesome images went, maybe things you think should be added or clarified.

gonna go add the props to sparda & tizoc for their awesome contributions! i know it'll get buried with black friday stuff, but we gotta keep it going for preorder hype! also, it should be a solid resource for future questions on where to start the series, what to expect etc i hope.
Yakuza series starter guide is live, ya'll! please take a look & see if you like how it partitioned it, where sparda's awesome images went, maybe things you think should be added or clarified.

gonna go add the props to sparda & tizoc for their awesome contributions! i know it'll get buried with black friday stuff, but we gotta keep it going for preorder hype! also, it should be a solid resource for future questions on where to start the series, what to expect etc i hope.

Yes! Great work everyone.

I still haven't read through it completely, but one thing that is clear is the lack of headers. We can't do anything about that now but I think we could at least separate different parts of thread with bolder text. Like after the initial explanation and before starting Q&A we could add:

- Frequently Asked Questions -

Or something along those lines. Also, with Q&A, I think this formatting would make the text a little bit easier on the eye:
Q: Are there any other good entry points to the main series besides Yakuza 0?
A: Well, Yakuza 1 would be the obvious answer. But the game hasn’t aged well at all, and finding a copy of it could prove to be a very pricy task.

While it’s true that most of the Yakuza titles have self-contained stories for the most part, but I think Yakuza 4 would be the best entry point beside Yakuza 0. Y4 introduces 3 new protagonists and the story mostly revolves around those three which makes it easier for newcomers to the series to understand and relate to it. Also the game has a recap section in its menu to bring you up to speed on the story of earlier titles.

Q: Speaking of Yakuza 1, I heard something about a remake that they made for it? Kiw-something? What’s the deal with that?
A: You are talking about Yakuza Kiwami. As you said, that’s a remake of the first Yakuza with added contents. The game has been built upon Yakuza 0’s foundations so it’ll feel pretty similar to that game. Unfortunately by the time we were writing this Q&A the game hadn’t been announced for localization so we don’t know if we’ll get it or not. But don’t let that discourage you. We still have Yakuza 0 to look forward to and I’m sure if it proves to be a profitable release in the west, Sega would be more than happy to bring the later titles in the Yakuza series to western markets.

Q: So how can I play chapters of the game after 0, then?

A: Well, 1 & 2 HD never came over sadly, so that leaves both the early PS2 games on ebay/amazon etc, where 1 isn't hard to find but 2 is quite pricey. Also bear in mind, 1 has dubbed voices, which some find off-putting, despite Mark Hamill. Personally, I'm hoping for Kiwami to be announced for the west soon!

Same for the gameplay segment and its headers:

- What’s New In Yakuza 0's Combat? -
We’ll start with Kiryu since he has been series protag for a long time. Kiryu has three styles which are called Brawler, Rush and Beast.

Brawler (Blue): This is the blue colored style in which Kiryu’s fighting is most similar to his earlier iterations in past titles. While it plays very good the actual moves and animations make you feel like you are actually playing as a lot less refined Kiryu in his 20s. Most of your heat moves are available in this style and it has a balance between quickness and strength. Also, you can pick up and use weapons in this style.

Rush (Pink): This is by far the quickest style in the game. Kiryu’s attacks are a lot faster but don’t really pack a punch. Guard in this style has been replaced by a quick instill dodge that lets you avoid the incoming attacks and immediately go back to landing hits. A very cool feature in this style is that as your heat bar goes up your speed actually increases with it. So the fights in this style could become really fast and fluid.

Beast (Yellow): Well, it’s in the name. Your attacks and general movements are a lot slower this time but they pack a hell of a punch. You can imagine Kiryu to be like a grizzly bear in this style. You won’t even have a guard option in this style and instead the guard button lets Kiryu just takes in the hits (and stand still like they are nothing) and get heat from them. Also a very cool feature of this style is that Kiryu just naturally picks up on things and use them when you are beating up the fools who have dared to fight you. It really feels natural and both enjoyable to see and play.

Now, let’s go over to Majima and his three styles which are called Thug, Slugger and Breaker. The names alone should tell how much crazier this character is.

Thug (Blue): This is basically the equivalent of Kiryu’s Brawler style, though the actual moves and combos are completely different. Also, if we are comparing them, then I gotta say that the way Majima attacks, his animations, his quickness and overall feel of combat really makes you feel like you are playing as professional who knows his way around battles compared to the inexperienced Kiryu.

Breaker (Pink): Now this is absolutely crazy. Majima dances away in this style doing spins and hitting enemies with his fast leg attacks while making poses in midst of battle. Actually keeping your pose will make it so you get more heat so the goal is to be fast, look sick as hell and taunt your enemies while you beat them to the inch of their lives. Like Kiryu’s Rush style, the moves don’t hit that hard but the quickness and crowd control moves more than make up for it.

Slugger (Yellow): This style is one of the most amazing things that we’ve ever seen in the series. Majima just loves Baseball and carries a Baseball Bat with him at all times. This style completely focuses on that side of the character and I gotta say the things that he does with the Bat are absolutely amazing. This is a Bat but Majima will use it like Nunchuks, Katana, some sort of Gymnastic instrument... The team was so imaginative with this particular style and it really shows.

These are pretty minor changes but I think they'll help a lot in making the wall of texts in the OP less intimidating and more convenient to read :)

At any rate, great work on the thread Irish, Tizoc, Shadowman and anyone else that I might not remember atm. Now, we all just need to keep it active :)

EDIT: I'm biased on this so you can totally ignore this bit, but man unquote some of the comparison pics :p The glory is ruined by quotes which have made them chibi sized before clicking on them xD


another week or two tops an my Ishin should finally be here!

Yes! Great work everyone.

EDIT: I'm biased on this so you can totally ignore this bit, but man unquote some of the comparison pics :p The glory is ruined by quotes which have made them chibi sized before clicking on them xD

edited for your suggestions! yeah, if we get section dividers/images we can always edit those in as well, but i liked your idea here.

and i'd be happy to unquote some (if not all) of them, but do you think they're displayed accurately/not too large to throw off the page without them?


*edit wow yeah looking at them again, you're totally right! undoing that, my bad.
another week or two tops an my Ishin should finally be here!

edited for your suggestions! yeah, if we get section dividers/images we can always edit those in as well, but i liked your idea here.

and i'd be happy to unquote some (if not all) of them, but do you think they're displayed accurately/not too large to throw off the page without them?


*edit wow yeah looking at them again, you're totally right! undoing that, my bad.
Great and quick work Irish. Yeah, I like them better now as well :)

Actually just finished reading the OP and man you and Tizoc have done an amazing job. All the sections in OP (both posts) fantastically complete each other. Outstanding thread indeed.

P.S: I hope you enjoy Ishin as much as I did. You are in for a treat man.
P.S2: Going back to the thread. Should we add some gifs to the OP? I feel like we should add a few to the OP.


P.S2: Going back to the thread. Should we add some gifs to the OP? I feel like we should add a few to the OP.

thanks again man! and absolutely, i know the yak 0 "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY" one goes around, we could/should definitely include stuff from older games, and i for one would love far more tiger/saejima bear-punching

*edit added tiger-punching! and linked the video for bear punching, but need to make a GIF of it
Awesome job on the thread guys, it looks great :) Hopefully it'll get a few more people to jump on board with the series.

Meanwhile, I'm here impatiently waiting for Tuesday to roll around so I can finally get another sweet taste of Yakuza 6!


I watched a few episodes of Shinya Shokudo, a netflix show Yakuza fan recommended. I didn't expect the show is this good. Every episode is like a sub-story in RGG. I suppose the location of the diner in the show is in Golden Gai (Champion streen in the game). You will see some spots you do know here and there in th show lol. If you like RGG sub-stories, you will enjoy the show.
I watched a few episodes of Shinya Shokudo, a netflix show Yakuza fan recommended. I didn't expect the show is this good. Every episode is like a sub-story in RGG. I suppose the location of the diner in the show is in Golden Gai (Champion streen in the game). You will see some spots you do know here and there in th show lol. If you like RGG sub-stories, you will enjoy the show.

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll have to check it out.


Finally.....after all these long years of hoping, wishing and wanting....


Also loving that the shops and restaurants in Millennium Tower are now usable.
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