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YouTube Me Again! (Watch YouTube videos on GAF)

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The Most Dangerous Yes Man
The video descriptions aren't working anymore. :/
What does the console say?

(CTRL+SHIFT+K or I depending on browser, look for a console tab.)

Try clearing the cache from the YTMA (!) menu above videos or open it with (CTRL+SHIFT+Y).


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Ugh. Did you do something in the script to force HTML5 only and no longer support flash?
Yep. As was mentioned in the update notes.

A lot of videos served through flash were failing, though. You can try to get them back by removing "html5=1".


Yep. As was mentioned in the update notes.

A lot of videos served through flash were failing, though. You can try to get them back by removing "html5=1".

This is weird. My script is working just fine and is using Flash on my setup at home but at work it forces HTML5. I compared both scripts and they are exactly the same. What could cause my home setup to stay working with flash?

Browser: Pale Moon 25.4.1
Extension: GreaseMonkey 1.1.5
YTMA! Version:


I don't know then. Maybe you have to disable HTML5 for YouTube or something.

Embrace the HTML5~.

I would if it allowed for 1080p in Pale Moon :(

Eh... mucking around with Cyberfox again. Now that there is Custom Theme Restorer (built-in even..) I may be able to make this work with the interface that I want. (Fuck Australis!)


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Embrace Australis~. Personally, I feel the Firefox 4 look is one of the least inspired UIs I've ever used.

I don't know why a browser would be limited to only 720p when using HTML5.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm having an issue with the script not letting me play the videos. I see the small thumbnail, but nothing happens when I click it.


Here's the console output for Firefox 38.0.5

[youtube-me-again] Error: Exposing privileged or cross-origin callable is prohibited youtube-me-again.user.js:681:3
This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.[Learn More] SUjtq3D.jpg
: cdmfactorem_min.js:2:0
This site makes use of a SHA-1 Certificate; it's recommended you use certificates with signature algorithms that use hash functions stronger than SHA-1.[Learn More] 71ko39t.jpg
The Web Console logging API (console.log, console.info, console.warn, console.error) has been disabled by a script on this page.
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://bidder.springserve.com/display/bid?sp=11. (Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing). <unknown>
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://bidder.springserve.com/display/bid?sp=11. (Reason: CORS request failed). <unknown>
"loaded: " Object { size: 360, ratio: 2, desc: 1, focus: 0, quality: 720, autoShow: 1, yt_nocookie: 0, yt_annotation: 1, yt_volume: 100 }


Unconfirmed Member
Are you using the latest version of Greasemonkey? If you're using Scriptish, it won't work.
Ah, that was it. I had it active under both Greasemonkey and the User Scripts section. Once I disabled the User Scripts version it started working, thanks. When I installed it yesterday, it worked, but when I got home from work today, it was doing what I had posted above. So I didn't think disabling it in the other section would've mattered at all.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Working fine here

The only thing that bothers me is the indication of how long a video is. For example it doesn't show (0:29) for a 29 second clip but instead just shows (29). The same thing is true for clips that are full minutes, (3) instead of (3:00).



As you can see below, it shows the correct time for anything over a minute and not full minutes.


The Real Abed

Yeah. I agree. Maybe format it better. I admit the first time I saw that number I didn't know what it stood for until I played the video.


Just tested on 25.5.0 and it works fine. Greasemonkey? If so, which version?

I'm using, with x64 Palemoon.

Edit: figured out the problem, it gave me 0.9 link for some reason even tho the newest right now is 3.2. I found a directly link to 3.2 and now it's all good.


Descriptions aren't working for me at all. Latest versions of Firefox, YTMA and Greasemonkey installed. It's been like this for a week now. Halp.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Tried reinstalling greasemonkey, nothing. I have the newest version of YMA (, and still nothing.
Descriptions aren't working for me at all. Latest versions of Firefox, YTMA and Greasemonkey installed. It's been like this for a week now. Halp.
You can look at your console (CTRL+SHIFT+K or I) and look for any information like "storage is full!".

Press CTRL+SHIFT+Y or the "!" above a video to "Reset & Remove Cache". See if that works.


The only thing that bothers me is the indication of how long a video is. For example it doesn't show (0:29) for a 29 second clip but instead just shows (29). The same thing is true for clips that are full minutes, (3) instead of (3:00).
I hadn't noticed that before.

I'll update the parser.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
That's fine. That function doesn't return anything, hence it just says "undefined." But it should have cleared your localStorage.

If that doesn't work, then it's possible that you're blocking googleapis.com.
Pretty awesome addon. Great work.

I am encountering a weird bug (?) with media embedded in "CODE" tags though.

Interesting. On Chrome (has WebM for NeoGaf addon) it shows as links.. (when I disable WebM for NeoGaf and enable YoutubeMeAgain then the links are not clickable).


..but on Firefox (has WebM for NeoGaf addon + YouTubeMeAgain via Greasemonkey) not. (Even if I disable either one addon)


This is the post if you want to try out yourself.


For some reason my quality wont go over 360p and I can't change it from the player.I set the options to the highest quality, but it didn't help.Anyone else have this problem?
For some reason my quality wont go over 360p and I can't change it from the player.I set the options to the highest quality, but it didn't help.Anyone else have this problem?

Working as it should in FF 43.0b1 and Pale Moon 25.7.3.

Tried clearing cache/cookies? Reinstalling the script?
I've run into a little problem where Soundcloud links don't work correctly unless, strangely, I post them myself. This problem goes away when I disable YTMA. I'm using the chrome version from the webstore if that helps.

Everything else is working flawlessly though, it's a great addon.


Just updated the user script.

Will update the Chrome extension shortly.


The extension isn't working and I'm up to date on Chrome. Do you know why this might be? The icon looks as though it is greyed out, although it's active. The options selection in the menu is greyed out as well.

EDIT: I suppose based on what was posted before, an update is in the works (as EviLore is updating the forums as we speak as well)

EDIT 2: updated extension to version 7. Worked for a minute but stopped. I guess things are still being fixed/worked on.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
The extension seems to work as I test it. Not sure why it would work one minute and not the next.

All I did was modify the manifest to include https neogaf.

// permissions


// matches



The extension seems to work as I test it. Not sure why it would work one minute and not the next.

All I did was modify the manifest to include https neogaf.

// permissions


// matches


It works now, it was just a few minutes where it stopped working. All good now.


Doesn't work for me in Safari but neither does the Hide threads script, has the latest Safari update broken Ninjakit?

The Real Abed

Doesn't work for me in Safari but neither does the Hide threads script, has the latest Safari update broken Ninjakit?
Those are the only two NinjaKit scripts I have installed and neither work. But I do know YTMA was working until the other day when both an OS X update and a YTMA update came out as well as the SSL switch. So it's pretty difficult to pinpoint this now.

I wouldn't put it past Safari's update though. Maybe NinjaKit is broken itself. Write a simple script that should definitely work and if it doesn't then it's definitely NinjaKit.


Still using older version and it's working for me if that helps narrow things down.

Safari 9.1 / OS X 10.11.4
NinjaKit 0.9.1 / YTMA!

EDIT: Tried out version 7 and it didn't work.

Reverted to on Safari and it's working again. I'll look at the diffs and see if I track down the problem.


I just tried that version and it works for me to, but then i have the annoying pop up telling me there's an update available.
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