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Yu Suzuki: Shenmue 3 Funding and Budget Statement

If these are realistic budget amounts for the game's goals, then a whole lot of people are going to be seriously disappointed by the end result. Even $10 million (minus KS fees, reward fulfillment, and taxes) is a small sum to do even a relatively short & linear 3D Action/Adventure/Sim game.

1) We already know they've secured other funding. How much remains in question, but there is other money there.

2) Call me crazy, but I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest maybe Yu Suzuki knows how to budget for and develop a video game, and isn't just pulling these numbers from his anus. Something tells me this isn't his first time around the block.
The outrage over this was embarrassing.

Yup. Congrats people, your FUD is working.

What's more embarrassing is this was all said before. But people are still refusing to listen. From the time Boyes introduced Suzuki and the project on stage at E3 and clearly stated that this was Suzuki's thing.

People really thought Sony was pocketing KS money and using gamers to make the game on the cheap? Something totally on the up & up that we should be applauding (someone stepping up to help Yu Suzuki realize his dream as well as the dreams of possibly millions of gamers) gets turned to shit due to misinformed gamers, irresponsible games journalism, and "gamers" on the opposite side of the console war.


If these are realistic budget amounts for the game's goals, then a whole lot of people are going to be seriously disappointed by the end result.

I think this is part of the problem. They should have come up with something else other than say they want to make an "open world." Too many people nowadays think open world and immediately think of Skyrim, Just Cause 3, or The Witcher 3. This is not what the first two had by a long shot. I think 5 million is enough for a game size between Shenmue 1 and 2 and that would be perfect.

My main disappointment so far is the lack of build up on their part. A lot more could be done on the social media front. Hopefully they get their act together. Either way I don't see an issue with funding as long as they open something post Kickstarter. A lot of people could easily throw $20 or more a month at this which would go a long way.
1) We already know they've secured other funding. How much remains in question, but there is other money there.

True and if they're getting at least as much money outside KS as they are inside KS, that would be a big help for not running out of money midway. Didn't they say that most of the money from development was coming from the KS though?

2) Call me crazy, but I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest maybe Yu Suzuki knows how to budget for and develop a video game, and isn't just pulling these numbers from his anus. Something tells me this isn't his first time around the block.

He's been only doing mobile games of late & his last console games had huge budgets. Not exactly confidence building that he can make a modern console game on a tiny budget.

In any case, I think there are a lot of people who think of Shenmue primarily as being a ground-breaking open world series and are going to be seriously disappointed with the kind of game that $5-$15 million will buy you in that genre these days. More clarity on the style & scope of what they're planning on making would do wonders rather than their current plan of deciding this stuff after they see how much money they raise.
Lets just make sure it gets to $5 million - we will get a decent enough game. That and remasters of 1 and 2 will make me happy! Still cannot believe this is happening.
I posted this picture before, but I'll post it again

Sony should just take a risk and fund 6 mil. If it's really good, they'll make their money back a lot. Plus it could get a lot of new ps4 owners thus more money.


Thanks for the update. It's the same stuff that was said by Yu Suzuki, Gio Corsi, Adam Boyes, and Yu Suzuki's assistant, but it's nice to know that Ys Net aren't ignoring the fear, uncertainty, doubt, and feigned confusion that's being broadcast by a small number of websites that have malicious intent and traffic targets to hit for advertising purposes. Sony and Shibuya productions are providing assistance (e.g. Finances, labor, consultation, contacts etc.) in the production, marketing, and publishing of Shenmue 3. I hope the number of Kickstarter backers goes up and up and up!


I posted this picture before, but I'll post it again

Sony should just take a risk and fund 6 mil. If it's really good, they'll make their money back a lot. Plus it could get a lot of new ps4 owners thus more money.
Whoa, no idea the lost this much momentum, I think they rushed it probably to time it to the sony show, but man thats a big loss of potential cash because of their lazy pitch, they should have just copied the Castlevania model.


The first Shenmue wasn`t open world, right? Then I can deal with Shenmue 3 not being open world.

Well, Shenmue created open world on consoles, yet this should not be confused with the later GTA3 type of open world.

Shenmue I and II were both open world, but it seems some people are thinking open world for Shenmue III would be similar to GTA, which wont be the case at all.


I posted this picture before, but I'll post it again

Sony should just take a risk and fund 6 mil. If it's really good, they'll make their money back a lot. Plus it could get a lot of new ps4 owners thus more money.

Lol if they take the risk and fund the remaining, some will rage out and say this is the end of KS as we know it.
I posted this picture before, but I'll post it again

Sub 30k for the day says it all. I think the radio silence from the Kickstarter tells us the people running it are scrambling like heck.

We know they are working on new pledge rewards, so I'm gonna hazard a guess that we'll see a bump and a revision to the campaign page about halfway through. Who knows how much money they'll have lost out on in the interim, but if they can pull off a decent reversal in the lacking areas they could have a good back-half swing.


Dot Hacked
I really think the people who are clamoring for a physical PS4 release need to realize Shenmue is a special case. This is a game that costs quite a lot to make and it has a very niche market. There are very good and perfectly reasonable justifications for publishers to completely shy away from pouring money into this franchise.
Just wondering if its a possibility or not. Once the games out an if its a success could they not do a physical run later like Capcom did with Ducktales? Or partner with someone like Mighty No.9's doing? Games wayyyy more niche then Shenmue have gotten limited retail releases. I mean if I have to buy a shiny new PC to play the game then I'd totally do that sometime within the next decade! It would just be way way more convenient for me and my situation if I only had ta be saving up for 1 gaming system, not 2.


It's still incredibly vague as to how much money Sony and Shibuya Productions are putting towards the project, which is the main question most people had. But it's still a lot more information than we had a week ago, so it's still a good thing.
I think they already had this information out from the very beginning but yes it is good that they are coming forward with this.

Current estimates put it at 4 to 6 million.

Frankly, I'm not sure how they would handle an open world game both via game-play and technically unless they brought in new people.
Well getting more money exactly means hiring more people! You guys simply need to pledge!

Can someone clarify, will there be a physical copy for PS4 release?
We don't exactly know. If there is one later, I still think it would be a silly idea to withhold it. There is no precedent for Kickstarter copies significantly harming game sales after the fact largely because the KS audience is a small portion of the audience. There is lots of people who will not pledge because of various reasons and yet more that will buy the game if it is good at launch or later. Some of the people from the KS will also rebuy for a different copy in regular retail that has also been true for niche games. On the other hand, if it limits the funding for the game, it limits the sales potential significantly.

Whoa, no idea the lost this much momentum, I think they rushed it probably to time it to the sony show, but man thats a big loss of potential cash because of their lazy pitch, they should have just copied the Castlevania model.
It's a combination. They had to rush to time to E3, they had to do all dealings in absolute secrecy with Yu basically having people photographing him every time he makes a public appearance, which made getting details sorted hard. And finally they hired a PR company which supposedly specialises in running KS but doesn't appear to be up to the challenge. And of course there was the completely unjustifiable 'concern' campaign going at the start solely based on the fact that they showed up on Sony's stage and Gio Corsi is an idiot. (his interview)


Yup. Congrats people, your FUD is working.

What's more embarrassing is this was all said before. But people are still refusing to listen. From the time Boyes introduced Suzuki and the project on stage at E3 and clearly stated that this was Suzuki's thing.

People really thought Sony was pocketing KS money and using gamers to make the game on the cheap? Something totally on the up & up that we should be applauding (someone stepping up to help Yu Suzuki realize his dream as well as the dreams of possibly millions of gamers) gets turned to shit due to misinformed gamers, irresponsible games journalism, and "gamers" on the opposite side of the console war.

The problem is that, on GAF in particular, the only reason that the FUD was continuing is because the "side" defending everything didn't really have any answers just blind hope and FUD of its own.

The information being presented was confusing at best and it was being defended so vehemently by your "side" that any valid questions or criticism were just being rebuffed with accusations of concern trolling, console wars and a real sense of fingers in the ears, head in the sand and "I WANT MY SHENMUE NO MATTER WHAT AND YOU'RE RUINING IT FOR ME."

And all the time you didn't have the answers either There's no way that you're ever going to dispel FUD with that.

This may well be a project that will cause people to throw money at it regardless of what's actually known or presented but you can't expect everyone to exhibit the same enthusiasm/naivety (delete as appropriate) and need to have their questions answered. Yu Suzuki and Sony's response in the past week has finally answered most of those questions and if they'd bothered to make that information public on day one we wouldn't have even had this mess.


Marketing can cost as much or more than development of a modern title. This is hyper niche and will have a lot of media attention around it just because of its name, but if you want it to sell halfway decently you need to spend marketing bills.

The Witcher 3 had a 67 US$ Mision budget. 32 for development and 35 for marketing.

I don't think it's a fair comparison though, this will be nothing like Witcher 3. The marketing this gets will be E3/Gamescom appearances, PS Blog posts, PS Access videos, etc. Still extremely valuable exposure mind.
I'm trying to figure out why people should be "embarrassed", as some claim, for wanting clarification on what this project would actually entail. If you are asking people to invest their money out of blind faith, be prepared to be disappointed. Most people would like to know what they are supporting.

Also, blame the bad communication for the drama around this. Stating that the Kickstarter funding was being used to determine demand for the game only fostered the idea that Sony was funding a significant portion of development. Not being forthcoming with the actual funding goals created skepticism about the project for some.

People asking legitimate questions have less to be embarrassed about than those attacking them for asking. If we demand companies to be open about the terms of exclusivity when they are vague, shouldn't those concerns be consistently unilateral?


I'm trying to figure out why people should be "embarrassed", as some claim, for wanting clarification on what this project would actually entail. If you are asking people to invest their money out of blind faith, be prepared to be disappointed. Most people would like to know what they are supporting.

Also, blame the bad communication for the drama around this. Stating that the Kickstarter funding was being used to determine demand for the game only fostered the idea that Sony was funding a significant portion of development. Not being forthcoming with the actual funding goals created skepticism about the project for some.

People asking legitimate questions have less to be embarrassed about than those attacking them for asking. If we demand companies to be open about the terms of exclusivity when they are vague, shouldn't those concerns be consistently unilateral?
People assumed all those things. What they are saying now is exactly what they said from the start. No-one ever said there was anyone gauging interest from this Kickstarter, Sony said they weren't funding it from the start, the fact that it was KS + extra funds to make the game was also there from day 1.

But I do agree that the enthusiasm of fans and their rush to attack anyone being sceptical of the project didn't help. Certainly trying to dispel questions by asking people who ask them to take a hike is a bad idea, when the reason you are even bothering to reply is to convince those people to back. But honestly there was some intentionally mean spirited comments on those threads and a lot of people who were more concerned about the game not being on their system of choice, which did make some people on edge.


I don't understand how they can say Sony will receive none of my donation, when that donation gives me a digital PS4 copy of the game. Sony won't be taking a loss on this.
I'm trying to figure out why people should be "embarrassed", as some claim, for wanting clarification on what this project would actually entail. If you are asking people to invest their money out of blind faith, be prepared to be disappointed. Most people would like to know what they are supporting.

Also, blame the bad communication for the drama around this. Stating that the Kickstarter funding was being used to determine demand for the game only fostered the idea that Sony was funding a significant portion of development. Not being forthcoming with the actual funding goals created skepticism about the project for some.

People asking legitimate questions have less to be embarrassed about than those attacking them for asking. If we demand companies to be open about the terms of exclusivity when they are vague, shouldn't those concerns be consistently unilateral?
I don't have a problem with people asking questions. I have a problem with people insisting that something shady was going on. Its embarrassing to see that people's first inclination is that someone was doing something underhanded. Something dishonest. Its embarrassing that people had to go so far as to drag the kickstarter through the mud in an effort to keep people from funding it. Keep in mind, if you were merely raising questions, I'm not talking about you. Not necessarily. I'm talking about those console warriors who have a stick up their butts because the game wasn't announced for their system of choice. Because they took trolling to a whole new level. It had an impact on people funding the game because - shit, why bother? Sony's funding that game, why should I back Shenmue 3? Fuck that, that miserable underhanded corporation should be taking care of it. And the fact is, even after more explanations, some of them are sticking with that argument.

So yeah, these fools are an embarrassment to anyone who considers games as their primary form of entertainment. Because they're making you look bad. Really fucking bad.


I don't understand how they can say Sony will receive none of my donation, when that donation gives me a digital PS4 copy of the game. Sony won't be taking a loss on this.
Well part of your donation goes into fulfilling your rewards. In your case part would go to Sony, but the donation money itself is part of the project funds. If you got the PC version nothing goes to Sony. You can choose no reward and it's even better!
Man why can't Sega release Shenmue 1&2 HD and use thAt profit to fund Shenmue 3. They'd make 10m easily.
I don't think Sega wants anything to do with that franchise apart from holding the rights to the IP. I certainly don't see them re-releasing Shenmue 1 and 2 in any capacity. Would love to be wrong, though.


Man why can't Sega release Shenmue 1&2 HD and use thAt profit to fund Shenmue 3. They'd make 10m easily.
There were rumours about legal issues with a now defunct company coming into play with them cancelling the ports as a result. There is no knowing for sure if they will do ports as a response to this. They cancelled Shenmue and Skies of Arcadia ports because of that and disappointing sales for JSR and Nights.

Now on the second point, SEGA's take in doing those ports is to make money. Why would they put that to help Shenmue III? They want nothing to do with the IP other than holding it hostage for easy money.


I'm trying to figure out why people should be "embarrassed", as some claim, for wanting clarification on what this project would actually entail. If you are asking people to invest their money out of blind faith, be prepared to be disappointed. Most people would like to know what they are supporting.

Also, blame the bad communication for the drama around this. Stating that the Kickstarter funding was being used to determine demand for the game only fostered the idea that Sony was funding a significant portion of development. Not being forthcoming with the actual funding goals created skepticism about the project for some.

People asking legitimate questions have less to be embarrassed about than those attacking them for asking. If we demand companies to be open about the terms of exclusivity when they are vague, shouldn't those concerns be consistently unilateral?

Where and who stated the Kickstarter was to determine demand for the game? $2mill was the trigger to which Sony would contribute sure, and without it it probably wouldn't have got off the ground but they are not one and the same thing.

As to legitimate questions from 'concerned poster's, they aren't legitimate though. From the second the dust settled and the cynics started an echo chamber, I've seen constantly

'Why aren't Sony or any publisher wholly funding this' (a fourteen year old direct sequel to a Dreamcast game that underwhelmed commercially, to which Yu and Boyes have said multiple times multiple publishers have passed on it for over a decade)

'Why is Yu asking the gamers to fund this through Kickstarter' - just because people constantly write on a forum about it doesn't mean jack and Sony wanted a minimum financial line before ponying up money to the pot'

'Why aren't Sony and Yu being 100% transparent about the exact financial breakdown of this' - because business disclosure like this doesn't happen, they are probably still moving targets somewhat and people were asking this not 24 hours after the sodding thing was announced, to which final amounts probably hadn't been formalised because they didn't know if the target would be realised.

'Its a slippery slope' - if people can't identify the context and history of Shenmue and the need of it getting released this way, I don't know what to tell you.

$29 gets you a copy of the title on release digitally. Its just bewildering the constant questions that are negative in tone that have already been answered. People don't want to contribute because they can't see the financial contract between Yu and Sony? Fine. But shitposting over and over again about it is causing a cloud over what otherwise is a positive venture only brought about through the comparatively small base of fans of the game badgering for many years.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
1) We already know they've secured other funding. How much remains in question, but there is other money there.

I am not sure keeping on implying that in a way they are getting the money they need elsewhere and Shenmue fans can rest easy and avoid Kickstarting the project is really helping though :/.


I just can't fund this thinking there's still going to be a physical PS4 version of the game announced afterward. I really wish they could offer it straight up and I'd pledge immediately.

IMHO, there will be one, published by Sony and that is the Sony's publishing role Yu Suzuki is describing. I also have a strong Hope that Ys net and Sony can convince Sega to develop remastered versions of Shenmue 1 & 2
Unfortunately, I think the damage is done :/
My naive part hoped for the Kickstarter to reach 20m, when seeing people all happy about this at reveal. 10m now seems out of reach when it was the way to get a true Shenmue experience...

All thanks to some people who decided that this cant happen and wont be allowed to happen :/


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I don't understand how they can say Sony will receive none of my donation, when that donation gives me a digital PS4 copy of the game. Sony won't be taking a loss on this.

Failing to see the point you are making... Are we debating what they mean by your money going into the development of the game and not to Sony?!? Are you asking to be able to pay and not receive the game ;)? Would you like to just get the PC version instead?

Is this just being very anal about a single statement?


I am not sure keeping on implying that in a way they are getting the money they need elsewhere and Shenmue fans can rest easy and avoid Kickstarting the project is really helping though :/.
The extra funding simply ensures the game actually happens but the scope is set directly from the Kickstarter, the amount they get affects how the project gets planned. There is no predicting whether some magical investment will come from the heavens with huge lumps of cash.
Shit's not happening
But this is how things stand at the time of planning. The goals are set considering external backing in mind. Why people can't see this I am unsure. Perhaps they are not familiar with KS?
IMHO, there will be one, published by Sony and that is the Sony's publishing role Yu Suzuki is describing. I also have a strong Hope that Ys net and Sony can convince Sega to develop remastered versions of Shenmue 1 & 2

My thoughts as well. If YSnet can publish the digital PC version, why can't they fund the digital PS4 version?

Unfortunately, I think the damage is done :/
My naive part hoped for the Kickstarter to reach 20m, when seeing people all happy about this at reveal. 10m now seems out of reach when it was the way to get a true Shenmue experience...

All thanks to some people who decided that this cant happen and wont be allowed to happen :/
Thank you for shattering dreams. But hey, at least we'll get something right?

The saddest part is there are some reveling in this. Gamers will never unify. :(


Summary (put this in the OP)

- Sony and Shibuya Productions won't be seeing any KS money
- No PS4 Physical version as a KS goal because of this
- All KS money going straight into Shenmue 3 development
- $5 million for new gameplay feature, $10 million for huge open world.

Come on guys, keep pledging!!

No physical PS4 version means no pledge. I'd really like to support the game but if I can't get it in the format I want I can't justify it.

I guess it's alright considering I dropped cash on Bloodstained though.
My thoughts as well. If YSnet can publish the digital PC version, why can't they fund the digital PS4 version?

Thank you for shattering dreams. But hey, at least we'll get something right?

The saddest part is there are some reveling in this. Gamers will never unify. :(

Well yes, at least we get the next chapter... its just annoying to know that we might be missing the experience as it was meant to be. Its also annoying to see that Shenmue 3 received so few attention... worse, bad press about how its a scam.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
No physical PS4 version means no pledge. I'd really like to support the game but if I can't get it in the format I want I can't justify it.

I guess it's alright considering I dropped cash on Bloodstained though.

Then what-if because of this mentality makes a difference of $0.5m and that a potential publisher for a physical edition backs off. A true physical edition that would come out a few months after the release got canned.

You're not buying a game. You're recieving the game as a gift for backing their project. We're funding not buying. Albeit the difference is splitting hairs.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Whoa, no idea the lost this much momentum, I think they rushed it probably to time it to the sony show, but man thats a big loss of potential cash because of their lazy pitch, they should have just copied the Castlevania model.

You do not think all the FUD thrown their way by gaming sites, bloggers, and forum posters alike hurt the KS at all? Between the concern around funding and suggesting that Sony was either going to get their money or finance everything anyways...
I don't have a problem with people asking questions. I have a problem with people insisting that something shady was going on. Its embarrassing to see that people's first inclination is that someone was doing something underhanded. Something dishonest. Its embarrassing that people had to go so far as to drag the kickstarter through the mud in an effort to keep people from funding it. Keep in mind, if you were merely raising questions, I'm not talking about you. Not necessarily. I'm talking about those console warriors who have a stick up their butts because the game wasn't announced for their system of choice. Because they took trolling to a whole new level. It had an impact on people funding the game because - shit, why bother? Sony's funding that game, why should I back Shenmue 3? Fuck that, that miserable underhanded corporation should be taking care of it. And the fact is, even after more explanations, some of them are sticking with that argument.

So yeah, these fools are an embarrassment to anyone who considers games as their primary form of entertainment. Because they're making you look bad. Really fucking bad.

People (including myself) were calling Sony shady because they weren't being upfront with how they were involved in the game. This was mostly said before Sony opened up about being involved. I mean Sony wasn't lying about their involvement, so nobody was calling them liars. They were just kind of acting questionably.

Where and who stated the Kickstarter was to determine demand for the game? $2mill was the trigger to which Sony would contribute sure, and without it it probably wouldn't have got off the ground but they are not one and the same thing.

As to legitimate questions from 'concerned poster's, they aren't legitimate though. From the second the dust settled and the cynics started an echo chamber, I've seen constantly

'Why aren't Sony or any publisher wholly funding this' (a fourteen year old direct sequel to a Dreamcast game that underwhelmed commercially, to which Yu and Boyes have said multiple times multiple publishers have passed on it for over a decade)

'Why is Yu asking the gamers to fund this through Kickstarter' - just because people constantly write on a forum about it doesn't mean jack and Sony wanted a minimum financial line before ponying up money to the pot'

'Why aren't Sony and Yu being 100% transparent about the exact financial breakdown of this' - because business disclosure like this doesn't happen, they are probably still moving targets somewhat and people were asking this not 24 hours after the sodding thing was announced, to which final amounts probably hadn't been formalised because they didn't know if the target would be realised.

'Its a slippery slope' - if people can't identify the context and history of Shenmue and the need of it getting released this way, I don't know what to tell you.

$29 gets you a copy of the title on release digitally. Its just bewildering the constant questions that are negative in tone that have already been answered. People don't want to contribute because they can't see the financial contract between Yu and Sony? Fine. But shitposting over and over again about it is causing a cloud over what otherwise is a positive venture only brought about through the comparatively small base of fans of the game badgering for many years.

Gio Corsi said that was the case here.

“We said ‘the only way this is gonna happen is if the fans speak up,’” said Corsi. “We thought Kickstarter was the perfect place to do this. We set a goal of two million dollars, and if the fans come in and back it, then absolutely we’re going to make it this a reality.”

Which is why it spread so rapidly.
I don't have a problem with people asking questions. I have a problem with people insisting that something shady was going on. Its embarrassing to see that people's first inclination is that someone was doing something underhanded. Something dishonest. Its embarrassing that people had to go so far as to drag the kickstarter through the mud in an effort to keep people from funding it. Keep in mind, if you were merely raising questions, I'm not talking about you. Not necessarily. I'm talking about those console warriors who have a stick up their butts because the game wasn't announced for their system of choice. Because they took trolling to a whole new level. It had an impact on people funding the game because - shit, why bother? Sony's funding that game, why should I back Shenmue 3? Fuck that, that miserable underhanded corporation should be taking care of it. And the fact is, even after more explanations, some of them are sticking with that argument.

So yeah, these fools are an embarrassment to anyone who considers games as their primary form of entertainment. Because they're making you look bad. Really fucking bad.

I doubt it had that large of an impact on KS funding. The fact that Shenmue was a niche title, on a failed system, that existed when a large portion of GAF (the hardcore) weren't even teenagers probably has a bigger impact.

And console warriors don't make me, as a game enthusiast, look bad...they have existed since consoles came out. Plus outside of gaming forums, nobody truely gives a shit. Personally, I could care less about some immature agenda to promote one product over another.

I get more bugged by the hypocrisy of not demanding answers when details are vague because it is a dream game for some, or on their platform of choice for others.
Is it crazy to think that maybe some of this info and transparency should have been there since jump? Nobody sabotaged this thing. This is simply a poorly run (compared to others) Kickstarter. Communication is key with these things. Their communication has been poor. This info should not be slowly dripping out in the days after you launch the campaign.
Is it crazy to think that maybe some of this info and transparency should have been there since jump? Nobody sabotaged this thing. This is simply a poorly run (compared to others) Kickstarter.

Yes, some people did. Although the campaign is poorly ran, a lot of people jumped on the gun the first day.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
No physical PS4 version means no pledge. I'd really like to support the game but if I can't get it in the format I want I can't justify it.

I guess it's alright considering I dropped cash on Bloodstained though.

I get what you are saying, but it is just sad for fans of the series to see this happening, especially all the negativity raised around the KS instead of being happy someone was trying to get it actually made. Not sure how your funding another KS project makes you feel better about not finding Shenmue III though.


Then what-if because of this mentality makes a difference of $0.5m and that a potential publisher for a physical edition backs off. A true physical edition that would come out a few months after the release got canned.

You're not buying a game. You're recieving the game as a gift for backing their project. We're funding not buying. Albeit the difference is splitting hairs.

That would be unfortunate.

I do see what you are saying and I'm not going to say you are wrong but the Kickstarter model has linked funding and preordering.

For what it's worth I have spread the word on the project and I know due to me informing them about it at least 1 person is funding in my place.

Hopefully it hits it's goals but again I can't justify it.
Yes, some people did. Although the campaign is poorly ran, a lot of people jumped on the gun the first day.

They left the door open for that with poor communication. Nobody had a clear idea of what the scope of this game was, or who was involved, when the thing launched, and that is on Yu Suzuki and his people. Be clear, direct and transparent and you don't have to worry about people speculating.


It looks like there will not be a positive turnaround for this kickstarter at this rate. I just hope the title is successful at launch and will lead to a larger funding pool for the sequel.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Is it crazy to think that maybe some of this info and transparency should have been there since jump? Nobody sabotaged this thing. This is simply a poorly run (compared to others) Kickstarter. Communication is key with these things. Their communication has been poor. This info should not be slowly dripping out in the days after you launch the campaign.

I do not believe it is fair to put the blame all on the KS, a lot of people went out of their way and some still do to raise fear, doubt, or at least apathy towards this KS and its importance. Put under scrutiny that I have not seen for any other KS on here for example...
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