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The Mega-Cave Shooter Post, because they're totally awesome and sweet

Yes Boss!

Interesting, I was wondering what kind of inputs were on there. Sounds like they're legit but are only made for certain stuff (like TypeX1) with possible upgrades for everything else (to "Vewlix F"?), wonder if the stock Vewlix L is supposed to come with that other stuff you got.

Yeah, it has a DVI and HDMI. Surprisingly, I just plug in a PS3 and it works perfectly fine...I was rocking 16:9 Under Defeat PS3 on one cab and the vertical via J-360 on the other earlier...just cause I could for shits and giggles. I paid about $550 to get both two cabs all wired with four PS360s, and extra audio amp with dial, and a led for the light movestrip. Neo Legend did an amazing job on that.

I don't think the japanese F and L (or AMI version L) have all the extra stuff. That seem totally added for a market that might want this cab as useful as possible. No way I'm gonna run low res in this thing as the CGA to VGA scaler likely is not up to snuff (and I've got other candies for that stuff). I've plugged 360 at 720 via VGA and it looks fantastic but DC at 480 is somewhat mediocre...even throwing it through and SLG (but I did not tweak the image on it yet). I would like to get Gunlord and things like Border Down looking good on it, even window-boxed. Still, it has a full jamma and jvs interface and tons of other wiring I'm not too familiar with.

Earlier models of this only went up to 720p. I've tried both resolutions, 720 and 1080, so I'm just running at 720 since most games on 360 only use that. Really no difference at 1080, though...no lag. Monitors really have no lag that I can feel. Kinda makes sense since these are monitors made for dedicated playback and likely have no extra commercial stuff in them. I used to use high-end Marshall monitors in production and it kinda feels like that.

Initially I was gonna go for a single F but those are very hard to find now and even the famed Sanwa monitor is getting old. And they are about 5K, anyways. My two came out to about 3.5K each with all the mods and shipping and customs.

I almost got a few Lindberghs, but no rotation so I kinda got soured. I really wanted one for verts and one for horizontals. The Lindberghs were insane condition for $1500 (then another grand for delivery). See the pic below that River Service sent me...gorgeous condition and 1-player CPs. They were trying to unload 15 of them at even a bigger discount, lol.

DIA are available (and seem to have replaced the F) but are still a bit expensive so I'm waiting two year to grab one of those. They seem to have the cheaper build and a Sharp monitor or similar.

I really want one more HD cab, from japan. Gonna get one more in 2015.

Speakers are great. There are four of them. It must be said that changing this thing to vertical is literally taking the entire top part in pieces. Completely apart. About a two-hour process. Very complex. I was drunk when I did it and ended up with about six extra screws.

And they do indeed "fold up," but that is taking off four lug nuts and adding the shipping steel brackets...not so much a mechanism but more taking it apart and rebuilding it with the CP up. They weigh about 275lbs and the CP itself is about 70 lbs.

Good cabs and I'm loving them. I've not even begun to tweak the image yet...they are insane out-of-the-box.


Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Picked them up from the stock that Neo Legend sells in Paris.

Branded as Vewlix L but they are 220 out the box and have a super nice 1080p SHARP-branded screen. Lots more inputs because of that. They also come equipped with tons of extra junk and boards in them for jamma, CGA-VGA converters (which I'll never use).

Looking at the thread on Neo Arcadia and Arcade Otaku the last few months I've never really been able to figure out exactly if they are licensed jobs, fakes, or whatever. They seem created for the Chinese market. Having them for a few weeks I totally love them, though. And they were relatively cheap.

I also got them amped for sound and decked with Seimitsu, seeing as they were mostly gonna be for Cave games and my J-shooter collection.

Fuck I'd grab an Astro City or Blast City in an instant (don't have €2.500+ to spend for the Viewlix) but I can only imagine how much the shipping would cost, 110kg's beast from Paris to Rome.
I'm not even kidding, I'd very much prefer grabbing a cab instead of a next-gen system day1.
Part of me wishes the PS4 will be hard to find before January so that I'll be tempted to flip my two PS4 preorders for profit... I could wait 1.5 years no problem before grabbing a PS4, the only reason I'm not considering doing that is just because I don't see the console dropping in price in such a short period of time, so there's no point in waiting if I'm not saving money. But there's zero announced titles that really excite me at this point (well, to be fair Resogun *is* one) while I know I'd be rocking a cab every goddamn day.
That, or a pinball table. My biggest problem is that I'll probably move to another Country again next year, so that is my main concern. But I'm so fucking jelly of you (Yes Boss!) and Shaneus (he's just got an Highspeed table iirc) right now, you guys be sure to enjoy them and treat them right or I'm coming for ya! :p


I guess I'd like an HD cab...but I don't think I could handle the price for one, particularly cause I'm not sure how much use I'd have for it. Definitely a few games but most of my arcade stuff is vertical it seems. I still want something to easily connect to newer stuff, but at this point cause lack of need I'm thinking about it more as a wacky DIY project if I have the time.

I've been wanting a Blast City to go along with my Astro, I guess it'd be an excuse to have a dedicated horizontal cab. Kinda worried about electrical stuff with older cabs like it, and how to connect newer things. Someone on Arcade Otaku has been working on some super universal adapter thing so I guess that'd be an option to handle that eventually.
That, or a pinball table.
Those things scare me cause the amount of crap that can go wrong.
Maybe I'm biased but my favorite HD cabs are the Lindbergh Universal (I think that's what they're called?) Black Vewlix is second though. Gorgeous looking hardware.


I guess I'd like an HD cab...but I don't think I could handle the price for one, particularly cause I'm not sure how much use I'd have for it. Definitely a few games but most of my arcade stuff is vertical it seems. I still want something to easily connect to newer stuff, but at this point cause lack of need I'm thinking about it more as a wacky DIY project if I have the time.

Someone got Kray to make a vertical version of the Kraylix kit for shmups. It looks great, there are pics in the SRK kraylix thread, I'll try to find a link later.


That Vewlix is really nice YB!, I didn't know you could rotate the screens on those cabs. Can you hook up true low res (240p) JAMMA PCB's to them? Edit: Nevermind, I must have missed that line in your post above, sounds like you can but it upscales it obviously. Hmm, interesting.


Sooooooooooo...who didn't know you could steer your Rose Hips to fire behind you and use as shields on his first run of Pink Sweets?

Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis guy. :D

Holy balls I had no idea how the fuck I was supposed to survive by just abusing the rose orbs XD Hilariously raped by Cave on that one.
Time to look up some guides. Muchi Pork is awesome BTW ;) Loving this combo pack.

Yes Boss!

Any chance we're going to see them Vewlixes at MAGFest? :3

Oh, sorry I missed it. Yeah, these are coming down there (or over there since DC is west, I'm guessing). There will be plenty of fighters there so I'm thinking we can rotate in the 360 shmups on these two. It will be cool to have things like Under Defeat and Eschatos...as well as the Cave horizontals and verticals in for rotation. And Strike Witches in for shits and giggles. Gonna also bring the Rhythm Tengoku as well...and I guess the Blast and Astro if Majors wants them...if not I'll have a Cab in my room for the weekend!


God damn Pink Sweets gets rough. Im doin' better at Muchi Pork than Pink Sweets so far. Blue Piggy works out well since her bomb is so weak I can farm bosses for pigs without killing them too quickly. Kind of neat how to force your medal value up high you got to just sort of pop off a point blank lard shot on a single enemy, collect their medal and then repeat until the medals are maxed out before cutting loose on folks. Never played one where I needed to hold back for awhile to boost score in this manner. Dodonpachi had spacing and timing enemies for combos and Deathsmiles had its own thing with the skulls but this is something different entirely. I really dig it.

Been playing this and just some PC Eden's Aegis for nostalgia. Good times.



Thought it was a bump for new iOS.

Double Sad.

Nope. Just updating on my Muchi Pork/Pink Sweets adventure for console. I even posted to the OT last night.

Finally getting the hang of Pink Sweets too! I wasn't too good with the twins and the constant shot formation changing I had to do with their Rose Hips so I tried out some other cast. The 3rd girl Shasta is apparently the one I saw from the trailer so I tried her and the difference is night and day! She can fire her rose hips instead of doing a formation change and when they go off in addition to her Rose Cracker canceling projectiles it creates a fullscreen vertical Rose Column that also cancels projectiles! So I can wall off shots on the right and then use the Rose Cracker on the other side and setup for lots of gold :D
Pretty cool how some change Rose Hip formations to change spread on their shots alongside of which sides are blocking and how others will just plain fire Rosehips till they run out.

Muchi Pork is awesome too. I heard their was a way to try one of 4 different versions of their ship depending upon which button you selected them with. I haven't checked for this yet. Anyone know if its in the "Cave the Best" version and whether its in arrange, arcade or both?


Muchi Pork is awesome too. I heard their was a way to try one of 4 different versions of their ship depending upon which button you selected them with.

You can do that in Pink Sweets (just the Arcade modes), not Muchi Pork. Select your ship with A, B, A+B, or Start: each one gives your ship a different shot pattern.


You can do that in Pink Sweets (just the Arcade modes), not Muchi Pork. Select your ship with A, B, A+B, or Start: each one gives your ship a different shot pattern.

:D Pink Sweets?
Even better! I was struggling with the twins before and switched to Shasta. If they each have 3 diffeerent shot types to use this game just got waaaaaaaaaaaaaay deeper and better for me. Muchi Pork I wasn't really stuck on but some of those patterns in Pink Sweets are rough if you got to formation change super quick to survive a volley. This will help a lot.


snagged an ESP Ra.De. JPN board which should arrive on Saturday. pretty excited to be close to my PCB collection end. A couple more Raizing boards and I'll be set :D


snagged an ESP Ra.De. JPN board which should arrive on Saturday. pretty excited to be close to my PCB collection end. A couple more Raizing boards and I'll be set :D

You must be new to this, there is no 'end' ;) Soon you'll have a whole rack, then two, then three.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
dang that is a thing of beauty.
i just bought VF4FT for some reason so even though i'm still just window shopping for cabs now it at least has a direction. unfortunately it seems like the complete naomi 2 gd rom hardware is gonna ballpark $300, so i'll need to sell SF2 cab before any progress gets made there.

sorry not CAVE related!


You must be new to this, there is no 'end' ;) Soon you'll have a whole rack, then two, then three.

arghhh I know this is pretty much the unfortunate truth. At least when I started, my goal was to snag all the CAVE and Raizing titles that haven't received a port. I've pretty much accomplished that, but then I just got into MVS titles... and there's some ports that I own that I wouldn't mind having boards for (like ketsui and futari bl).

eventually it's gonna be a candy cab.. and it was kind of hard to pass up that NAC from youngstown on your board.

right now I'm at
armed police batrider korean ver. B, dangun feveron (international), progear (conversion), great mahou daisakusen, ibara, esp ra.de.

hobbies can be expensive :p


I've been doing it a while - about 7-8 years ago I reached over 200 PCBs and then in a fit of madness, bulk sold about 150 of them (which then all doubled in value within a few years).

Then I started buying games again with a view to buying ones which never got a good port and/or games I would *actually play*. That lasted fine for a while.

A short while


arghhh I know this is pretty much the unfortunate truth. At least when I started, my goal was to snag all the CAVE and Raizing titles that haven't received a port. I've pretty much accomplished that, but then I just got into MVS titles... and there's some ports that I own that I wouldn't mind having boards for (like ketsui and futari bl).

eventually it's gonna be a candy cab.. and it was kind of hard to pass up that NAC from youngstown on your board.

right now I'm at
armed police batrider korean ver. B, dangun feveron (international), progear (conversion), great mahou daisakusen, ibara, esp ra.de.

hobbies can be expensive :p
Ibara has a port :p

And yes get Ketsui, it is the bestest.

And hurry up and get that candy cab already.

And make sure the sound is good for all those shooter tunes, your collection has an awesome set of soundtracks for that matter (from the ones I'm familiar with at least). In my Astro City along with replacing the speakers and routing through a separate amp, I added some surface transducers (mostly cause they were $3.50). They resonate quite nicely in there for bass...and they can rumble the cab enough to feel it on the control panel. It also rattles some other panels, I gotta get padding or something for those.


I've been doing it a while - about 7-8 years ago I reached over 200 PCBs and then in a fit of madness, bulk sold about 150 of them (which then all doubled in value within a few years).

Then I started buying games again with a view to buying ones which never got a good port and/or games I would *actually play*. That lasted fine for a while.

A short while
:eek: that list is so awesome. I'm actually blown away that you have mushi 1.5 matsuri.. quite the impressive collection

Ibara has a port :p

And yes get Ketsui, it is the bestest.

And hurry up and get that candy cab already.

And make sure the sound is good for all those shooter tunes, your collection has an awesome set of soundtracks for that matter (from the ones I'm familiar with at least). In my Astro City along with replacing the speakers and routing through a separate amp, I added some surface transducers (mostly cause they were $3.50). They resonate quite nicely in there for bass...and they can rumble the cab enough to feel it on the control panel. It also rattles some other panels, I gotta get padding or something for those.

I like to pretend that poo Ibara port doesn't exist ;) especially cause my ps2 setup is less-than-ideal.

As for the cab... I've been wanting one so bad. I just have to start doing my research and read up. Maybe spent a little more time on arcade-otaku. I'm not great at electrical work, so as far as repairs go I'd have to find someone in Chicago to help out if things go wrong.
It's actually already out on JP Mobage for Android since last week. Seems to be an advanced release, so they might be tweaking the iOS version. Maybe another week or so?

Yes Boss!

It's actually already out on JP Mobage for Android since last week. Seems to be an advanced release, so they might be tweaking the iOS version. Maybe another week or so?

Hope so!

Looks like I've got to go to the field all of January. This will be a godsend. Should be out by then, methinks!

Kinda hoping it was gonna release a bit earlier as next week will be totally occupied by Mario and Zelda (and a bit of the new Xbox).

Looks to be my December game.

Yes Boss!

After MAGFest, I hope!

Still waiting on my orders. I honestly don't know. My leave is still blocked through the 6th, Monday. This just came late last week. It is the military though and I have to go where they tell me. Crossing fingers it begins the second week in January...or gets shifted to the right.


Any news on Cave working on anything outside of mobile right now?

Im having a blast on Muchi Pork/Pink Sweets (gonna try to 1cc Pink Sweets), but I miss watching the hype from this thread back during the new Dodonpachi build up. I'd love to see something crazy like Akai Katana 2 or Espgaluda 3 or something announced.
Was watching a stream from 16 shots, a local Tokyo game bar today, and the director for Dodonpachi Maximum (Hiroyuki Kimura) was on, trying to clear his own game. lol They did a sort of reminiscence on Maximum, which is a year old today.

It was broadcast here but probably won't be archived unfortunately:


Two gems dropped during the stream:

CAVE had built a "2012 version" Deathsmiles game, in other words the characters were modernized for that era. But the project was cancelled at some point.

They played two (really cool metal-heavy) tracks from the project on the broadcast which were apparently written by a female composer who later died in an accident. Bummer, but amazing tracks...


Was watching a stream from 16 shots, a local Tokyo game bar today, and the director for Dodonpachi Maximum (Hiroyuki Kimura) was on, trying to clear his own game. lol They did a sort of reminiscence on Maximum, which is a year old today.

It was broadcast here but probably won't be archived unfortunately:


Two gems dropped during the stream:

CAVE had built a "2012 version" Deathsmiles game, in other words the characters were modernized for that era. But the project was cancelled at some point.

They played two (really cool metal-heavy) tracks from the project on the broadcast which were apparently written by a female composer who later died in an accident. Bummer, but amazing tracks...

Ha ha, what does that even mean? Even more moe? Everyone is now 5 years old.
Ha ha, what does that even mean? Even more moe? Everyone is now 5 years old.

There was literally no other info than that, but the stream viewers seemed to interpret it as Deathsmiles, except in a modern setting, instead of the sort of Dickensian (1800s?) setting of the first two games.

That said, in Deathsmiles, Rosa's story involves her getting in a car accident and then being warped to the "demon world", so the original games were at least set after the 1950s I would imagine.
Two gems dropped during the stream:

CAVE had built a "2012 version" Deathsmiles game, in other words the characters were modernized for that era. But the project was cancelled at some point.

They played two (really cool metal-heavy) tracks from the project on the broadcast which were apparently written by a female composer who later died in an accident. Bummer, but amazing tracks...

The heck? They should finish that, I'd definitely play it. Shame about the composer.


Neo Member
I have read in interviews about SDOJ, that their overall theme for that game was to create "DDP DOJ for 2012". So the mention about Death Smiles 2012 version might be something similar. Although in the case of DDP, it is a little more poignant since DOJ was 10 years old at that point, whereas Death Smiles came out originally in 2006? Anyway, that might be what they meant.

I also wish they would release that game...


Don Paccin came out today but is only available in the Japan iTunes :-(

Hoping for a rest-of-world release. The list of compatible devices includes many older devices.


It's region locked on Google Play as well. It's also published by Mobage, so I don't know what that means. Didn't they expand into NA recently? I can't keep all these cellphone publishers straight in my head anymore.

Yes Boss!

It's region locked on Google Play as well. It's also published by Mobage, so I don't know what that means. Didn't they expand into NA recently? I can't keep all these cellphone publishers straight in my head anymore.

I don't really know. It says F2P so maybe they just have not yet localized evrerything.

It would be a shame if it stays japan-only, though.


Well I have a Japanese iTunes account from a while back and downloaded it. First launch appeared to popup a sign in/sign up dialog or something (along with a few app swaps to Safari and back), then downloaded...something. And there's a lot of times where it's connecting and loading stuff.

Not that I have a damn clue what's happening cause it's 99% in Japanese. You can only move left and right, and your shot stops if your finger is off the screen. And there's a billion dialogs of stuff between stages that I'm just hitting a button to skip/advance. Only played a bit and there's about as many bullets as there was in the promo video, slightly more in the next boss stage.

I'm not out of fuel though! And I have no credit card linked to that account so I assume I don't owe Cave $3000 in IAP all of a sudden. I didn't see any purchase dialogs or mess around with the other parts of the interface.
per this shmups thread by chempop, there's the possibility of a progear port. I already own the PCB, but I would gladly buy anything Progear as it's one of my favorite CAVE games (if not my favorite).

vote up gentleman!

Voted! Thanks for the heads up. I've always wanted the chance to check out Progear.

So I've been outta the loop recently. Has Cave had made any announcements since the Ketsui release? I saw a trailer for some mobile SHMUP, I think, but I didn't catch any details about it.

Edit to skip a short reply: Thanks. Too bad it's region locked for now.
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