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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


yeah a lot of the OT fights looked like they were playing with a flashlight. lightsaber battles is one thing the PT trilogy nailed... so many good fights... Maul, Dooku vs. Yoda, final battle between anakin and obi wan... you have to be blinded by nerd rage not to appreciate those


I'm fine with more fantastic and fast fight coreography. It was one of those things I wanted in the prequels, and received.

I enjoy the fights in the prequels as mindless eye-candy, but I like how the lightsaber fights in the OT were slow and contemplative. They were just as much a mind game as they were a test of reflexes.

That sort of spiritual mysticism was missing from the prequels, and it's one of the biggest reasons most OT fans hate them.
Yep, dude still looks the part,

which is even better since he's getting older just like Obi Wan after Episode III, hell if they go for the trilogy he might end up looking like Alec by the end XD


yeah a lot of the OT fights looked like they were playing with a flashlight. lightsaber battles is one thing the PT trilogy nailed... so many good fights... Maul, Dooku vs. Yoda, final battle between anakin and obi wan... you have to be blinded by nerd rage not to appreciate those

People think Im carzy but my very favorite fight is when Obi and Yoda storms the temple, that brief moment of them killing those troopers was so incredibly badass to me.

God damn they were in tune, like how Obi and Anakin were in tune, I think this is deliverate, as Lucas pointing out thet Obi was and is the very best Jedi that existed.
People think Im carzy but my very favorite fight is when Obi and Yoda storms the temple, that brief moment of them killing those troopers was so incredibly badass to me.

God damn they were in tune, like how Obi and Anakin were in tune, I think this is deliverate, as Lucas pointing out thet Obi was and is the very best Jedi that existed.

That's a favourite of mine too. 12 year old me loved Yoda's lightsaber throw.
How have I never seen that before?

I mean, sure, one could suggest that it only looks like he's trying not to laugh because the title of the video puts that thought in your mind.

But I've seen Ewan McGregor act in multiple other films... and holy shit if that doesn't look like him trying to suppress the giggles.

I'd ask "why is that the take Lucas chose?" but the answers are likely

a) That was the best Portman did
b) He didn't notice
c) He didn't care.


Hey, there's probably no way I could hold back a laugh if I had to, in a series tone, say the word "younglings". I'll throw Ewan some slack here.
Wat. McGregor IS Obi-Wan. Why would you recast him?

As someone who likes Ewan McGregor, I find him to be merely decent in the role- nothing more, nothing less. It's not exactly hard to do an Alec Guinness impression and his isn't even that great. Beyond the poor direction he received and dry lines he had to read, I think he lacks a certain cheekiness and vim that Guinness naturally exuded even in old age.

Saying that, I wouldn't be against seeing him in the rumoured standalone Ben film, as I think a different director could bring something better out of him (plus I could mentally divorce it from the prequel films). I just think McAvoy would be a better choice.

I think Neeson as Qui-Gon was better than McGregor as Obi-Wan. But for Ep II and III I agree, Obi-Wan was one of the tolerable parts.

I can agree with this.
yeah a lot of the OT fights looked like they were playing with a flashlight. lightsaber battles is one thing the PT trilogy nailed... so many good fights... Maul, Dooku vs. Yoda, final battle between anakin and obi wan... you have to be blinded by nerd rage not to appreciate those

I heard that when they filmed the ot lucas told the actors that lightsaber were heavy and you needed two hands to use them properly and then just ignored that for the prequels...that probably contributed


I thought McGregor was great as Obi-Wan, or at least as great as one could be in the role given the circumstances. I would love to see him play this role at age 45 or so.

Gimme that Snyder-directed Seven Samurai style spinoff.


TIL that Joel Edgerton was the young Uncle Owen in Episode III

also, that green screen did not age well.

A lot of the cgi in the prequels has aged terribly. I know those movies are a decade or so old now, but like Jurassic Park was '93 and that still looks really good imo. Of course it's largely about how subtly it's used/framed. There's so much cgi in ep.1-3 that naturally the artist's efforts were going to be spread thin in many spots.


Original trilogy lightsaber fights were way better. They had weight to them instead of dudes just doing acrobatics and spinning around.


What I want from the action scenes is basically somebody going at Luke in a frenetic PT style, and him fending it off with minimalistic maneuvers like its nothing.
What I want from the action scenes is basically somebody going at Luke in a frenetic PT style, and him fending it off with minimalistic maneuvers like its nothing.

Something akin to that arab guy in Raiders of the Lost Ark twirling his sword all fancy, Indy just takes out his gone and shoots him. Maybe the villan does all these flips and shit ala Darth Maul and Luke just force pushes him the fuck out.
Something akin to that arab guy in Raiders of the Lost Ark twirling his sword all fancy, Indy just takes out his gone and shoots him. Maybe the villan does all these flips and shit ala Darth Maul and Luke just force pushes him the fuck out.
God, yes. Hamill puts on one of those confused-squint looks and then pushes him way back.
I doubt that will happen though. Abrams had fucking Spock fighting in Star Trek 2 with very little subtlety.

Not quite sure this comparison works considering the Enterprise crew is technically like 20 years younger than there Motion Picture counter parts so Spock in a real fight is entirely believable. Pretty sure you go all the way back to the Star Trek TV show you will encounter a bad ass Shatner or Spock (or rather, what ever qualified as bad ass back in the 60s because the stunts back then weren't exactly mind blowing)


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Speaking of Edgerton from earlier posts...

Exclusive: Joel Edgerton Wants to Reprise Uncle Owen in Star Wars

If they do an Obi-Wan spinoff it would be kind of cool to see Edgerton as Owen. Maybe he and Obi-Wan have an argument during the film about Luke - Owen tells Obi-Wan to stay the hell away, while Obi-Wan asserts that one day Luke will have to face a greater destiny. Could be interesting.
There really could be some lost story there. Owen and Obi Wan seem so cordial in the prequels, but then 20 years later Owen is warning Luke to stay away from that "crazy old wizard".

Yes, Owen could be shrewdly trying to keep Luke protected from Jedi association and with him on the farm, but his mannerisms reveal a contempt for Ben Kenobi (and that's obviously how the actor played the role back then). I can see how there is room for a a falling out story between the two.
There really could be some lost story there. Owen and Obi Wan seem so cordial in the prequels, but then 20 years later Owen is warning Luke to stay away from that "crazy old wizard".

Couldn't that just be simply because of a fear of Luke learning the truth of his family?

nevermind, i didnt read the second part of your post :p


There really could be some lost story there. Owen and Obi Wan seem so cordial in the prequels, but then 20 years later Owen is warning Luke to stay away from that "crazy old wizard".

Yes, Owen could be shrewdly trying to keep Luke protected from Jedi association and with him on the farm, but his mannerisms reveal a contempt for Ben Kenobi (and that's obviously how the actor played the role back then). I can see how there is room for a a falling out story between the two.

Yea, exactly what I was thinking.

Gosh, I really want this Obi-Wan spinoff to happen.
Speaking of Edgerton from earlier posts...

Exclusive: Joel Edgerton Wants to Reprise Uncle Owen in Star Wars

If they do an Obi-Wan spinoff it would be kind of cool to see Edgerton as Owen. Maybe he and Obi-Wan have an argument during the film about Luke - Owen tells Obi-Wan to stay the hell away, while Obi-Wan asserts that one day Luke will have to face a greater destiny. Could be interesting.

I can see them make Owen Obi-Wan's brother, like he was originally before it was retconed.
Owen's disdain for Obi Wan is yet another obvious storyline that should have explored in the prequels proper. He should have been a much more prominent character.
The Mighty MillenniumFalcon.com rises from the ashes.

Most of Episode III got spoiled from there.

Those are in fact the paintings everyone's been sourcing their rumors from.


Oh man, the grave robber guy in those pictures, if the spoilers turn out to be true regarding that character and they look like that then I'll be super surprised, excited but surprised.
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