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Insanely Downgraded Ports Thread (feat. SF2 on Commodore 64)

Sho Nuff

Insanely Downgraded Ports Thread (feat. SF2 on Commodore 64)

For some reason, I am fascinated by ports of awesome games to hardware with only a fraction of the power, and the train wrecks that sometimes result. Back in high school my friend SWORE that there was a C64 port of Street Fighter II, but I told him he was full of BULL CRAP. Oh yeah? Look what I just dug up from Mobygames.


OH MY GOD IT ACTUALLY IS REAL. Look at those graphics, lovingly recreated from the arcade at 160x200 with 16 BITCHIN' colors. Ken and Guile are both distinctly defined by the true-to-life hues of their costumes, though Ken now has black hair. Note the sonic boom. You can also tell that this game is Street Fighter II because it tells you at the top of the screen.


In this shot Dhalsim lets off a yoga flame, leaning forward in his signature it-looks-like-I'm-farting pose. Also, Ryu is levitating.

BUT IT GETS BETTER! Some crazy bastards licensed and ported SF2 to the damn ZX Spectrum, too! JUST FREAKING LOOK AT THIS!!!


Blanka talking shit. I feel the most inferior part of this port is the lack of punctuation.


OH MY GOD WHAT IS GOING ON HERE. What I can figure is Dhalsim is chilling out and levitating in the center of the room, and E Honda (not E. Honda, again no punctuation) is clearly distracted by something off-screen, maybe some naked dudes, or an all-you-can-eat buffet.


This is bizarre because I don't think they redrew the sprites, but got the original data and converted them into monochrome. Note that the entire screen is blue because Chun Li is fighting and Chun Li's outfit is blue (don't ask about alternate costume colors, please). It says that she's fighting Guile, but it looks more like Yoshimitsu from Tekken, or Rax from Eternal Champions. Other observations: the bottom of Chun Li's feet are missing; there is a large phallus in the middle of the screen.

Here's a video of SF2 on C64. The sound is all screwed up, which sucks because I was expecting some bitchin' SID-chip remixes of the SF2 music.

This is the ZX Spectrum version and is a lot more painful. Here's the Spectrum version of Outrun if you need more pain!

Has anyone got anything more obscure than this?


Most NES games.

And I would kill to see Virtua Fighter 3 on the Saturn. Just a clip. Hell, just show me how poly-starved the models would be. How plain the arenas would be. Anything.

Edit: That Abe's Mission video is nuts.


Wreckless on the PS2. There, I did it.

Burnout 3 on the Xbox, lack of sparks lol

Anything on the Gamecube

There, that's out of the way.

Sho Nuff

Tain said:
And I would kill to see Virtua Fighter 3 on the Saturn. Just a clip. Hell, just show me how poly-starved the models would be. How plain the arenas would be. Anything.

I met someone who has seen it. I need to, uh, talk to him again.


many of the early PC ports were pretty insanely downgraded over their Amiga (and other computer) counterparts. i'm talking about the CGA ones.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Well, apparently it was going to have an 8MB RAM cart to go with it...who knows, probably would've looked really good...for Saturn. :)

Sho Nuff

Tain said:
That's awesome. Did he mention how far along it seemed to be? I wouldn't be surprised if it was barely playable.

There were two characters and one background. 30fps in low res... I think.


Final Fight SNES. Single-player only, a playable character (Guy) and a whole level removed, and most importantly, no tranny surprise.


RiskyChris said:
Donkey Kong on NES!

I wouldn't call that insanely downgraded, it had slightly different item placement, and only 3 of 4 levels but it wasn't complete garbage.

I'd say like, Atari 2600 port of DK was absolute garbage :)

Mr Jared

USD said:
Final Fight SNES. Single-player only, a playable character (Guy) and a whole level removed, and most importantly, no tranny surprise.

Yeah, Final Fight SNES is just sad.

Also, every Mortal Kombat game released on the Genesis. The first one was bad, but they found a way to get worse with each installment to the point where it was hardly even recognizable.


There were some pretty horrible arcade conversions on the C64, but you've certainly picked the worst, or, most ambitious, in Street Fighter 2. Double Dragon was another terrible conversion, as was Dragon Ninja. Both of those were some of the largest disappointments I've had in gaming when I finally loaded them up as a bright eyed expectant kiddy. Especially when looking at the 'screen shots' on the back of the box. Which were usually the Amiga or Arcade shots...
Resident Evil on the Gameboy Color

Damn I was so excited when I saw it back in the day. Still wish it would've been released.


alkaline black said:
Yeah, Final Fight SNES is just sad.

Also, every Mortal Kombat game released on the Genesis. The first one was bad, but they found a way to get worse with each installment to the point where it was hardly even recognizable.

You are wrong on both counts.

Besides Final Fight on SNES missing some content. It was actually a pretty damn close conversion and a lot of fun.

The first Mortal Kombat on the Genesis was far superior to the SNES conversion. It played like the original arcade and was actually a great game. Especially the SegaCD version. The SNES version however was horribly broken, buggy, and completely unplayable in contrast.

But yes, strangely, the later versions on Genesis were horrible. And conversely the SNES versions were incredible. SNES Mortal Kombat 2 is one of the greatest 2 player games, and was a very close translation of the arcade.

Sho Nuff

sevenchaos said:
Resident Evil on the Gameboy Color

Damn I was so excited when I saw it back in the day. Still wish it would've been released.

Oh shit, THIS. I talked to someone at Capcom yeeeeeeeeears ago about this. He claimed that there was no actual game per se, just some mockup bits where you could move a single character around. I could have sworn it was playable at E3?

EDIT: That dude was totally full of crap cuz this looks pretty playable to me (god knows how combat works): youtube linky

I heard that there was an Alone in the Dark for Game Boy Color that pushed the boundaries like crazy, but maybe that was only for still shots?

Mr Jared

Mar_ said:
You are wrong on both counts.

Besides Final Fight on SNES missing some content. It was actually a pretty damn close conversion and a lot of fun.

Um ... some content? Really?

The first Mortal Kombat on the Genesis was far superior to the SNES conversion.

Blood does not make the game. They were both pretty bad but the Genesis version was ridiculous.

Sho Nuff

Zen said:
I use to have Virtua Fighter 3 footage, I'll try to track it down. I looks incredible for the Saturn.

PLEASE SHARE! I heard it was Aoi vs Jacky on the Chinese restaurant rooftop stage...


alkaline black said:
Blood does not make the game. They were both pretty bad but the Genesis version was ridiculous.

It has nothing to do with blood and everything to do with gameplay. The SNES version looked great, but played nothing like the arcade. It was also full of bugs such as no knockback. So you could win by getting someone in the corner and pressing the punch button until they died, even if they were blocking.

The Genesis version may have had poorer graphics, but at least they attempted to make it like the original game. And they got pretty damn close too.


X-Men Vs. Street Fighter for PSOne

(couldnt even switch characters! thats like porting world of warcraft to the wii offline only)


Bidermaier said:

Actually it's amazing how faithfull it is. Wow. I've seen a lot worse conversions between platforms of same power then this awesome PlayStation to Speccy port.

SFA3 - PS1

Quake 2 - PS1

Duke3d - Saturn

Doom - Saturn

Most arcade to NES ports, like Mortal Kombat. (I rocked at this game btw. It had amazing "crap charm". I can't belive how long I played it. It just hypnotised me O_O.)

Actually I liked some C64 ports more then original versions.

Games like:

Ninja Spirit

Iron Horse

Saint Dragon


Sho Nuff said:
PLEASE SHARE! I heard it was Aoi vs Jacky on the Chinese restaurant rooftop stage...

The footage you're talking about is



However I don't know if it was really running on a saturn, regardless it's also not the footage I once had. I'll see what I can unearth, I had a massive unreleased games obsession going on years ago, stuff like a Silent Hill graphics demo on the 32x... but I need to go through a bunch of stuff to try and find the burned CD I made of it all. I'll get back to you.


As a kid, I LOVED MERCS on the Megadrive. It's an awesome game, pretty close to the Arcade game sans Multiplayer, but had an extra Original mode which was a whole game in itself:


I always remembered seeing a Master System version though. A few months ago I checked it out, and holy fuck, it's so absolutely awful:


The game has NO music, the character movement is all over the place, the collision detection between you and the level, bullets and enemies, flickeringand it's just so awfully ugly.

Sho Nuff

Oh heck yeah Zen, try to dig that stuff up.

That Youtube video is some original Model 3 test footage -- probably the earliest footage of VF3 that exists, with Pai in the New York City subway. I've seen shots from that demo in Next Generation mag.


NES DoubleDragon was pretty terrible


the thing is, we didn't care if the ports were just mediocre. I mean it was less expensive then dropping quarter after quarter in the arcade, much less asking ma or pa to drive you there/bike all the way over to it.
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