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Metroid Other M "story" trailer

hatchx said:
Sorry I guess I use the term 'presentation' in-line with cut-scenes, story, voice-acting, etc.

For visual and audio presentation WITHIN the gameplay, it looks amazing. I'll be there day one.

I suppose I'm just a bit disappointed. It looks like they had the right idea, but COMPLETELY botched the story, characters, and cut-scenes. This will probably hurt the overall atmosphere of the game.

You're talking to the guy whose favorite game ever is Metroid Prime. Metroid Prime and Super Metroid are two amazing titles in their entirety. I can't help but feel Other M won't come close to comparing, not with this cheesy anime emo storyline. Ugh.

....still excited.

If they really go the Alien route, and im sure Sakamoto wanted to tribute even more the movie were Metroid was based with this game, I think at the end the story will be fun, lets wait and see.
Sakamoto was the one that did the story of the manga and I liked it, of course theres people that hates it, but I dont mind and other people also liked it.
The best part of the manga is Ridley, and if here he acts epicly in the last scenes killing Adam and all that shit (even i he doesnt talk) it could turn awesome.


I didn't like the manga that much, both art and story.

SpacePirate Ridley said:
I HOPE this game ends with an spanish dub, because the english voice over is lol worthy.
I have to say that I laughed with the confession time quote. :lol

Its interesting to see people who thought adam and samus had a romantic relationship, I always thought it was more a tutoring figure and her other family were the Chozo.
But maybe is because is described like that in the manga and not all people have read it.

Dont worry, there seems to not be a romantic relationship.

But the photo, the photo! She looks kind of uncomfortable in that picture which I think fits with her background, but there's still this hint at a relationship with that guy, I don't like it..

As for spanish dub, if they do it with Spain actors it would be even more horrible, and that is often the case, so no thanks. (No offense, Spain is great and all, but any voice acting done there is unbearable, Spain's spanish ironically sucks).
Another scathing preview of this disgrace to the series:
Jeremy Parish said:
Despite the move to 3D and the addition of grappling-style actions into Samus's repertoire, though, Other M feels, above all else, like Metroid. Combat has the same flow and cadence as Super Metroid, and the familiar rhythms of classic enemies have been converted perfectly into a new dimension. That's why I felt right at home with the game: It plays exactly like I expect a Metroid game to play.

Plus, there are plenty of extra items to be found for those who explore -- and as always, they require a grasp of the physical space Samus inhabits and how different areas are interconnected. At one point, I rolled through a cracked glass window in morph ball mode, cleared a room of enemies, and discovered it was a dead end. But a look around (and up) revealed a missile expansion in a duct running along the roof. So, I ducked back out of the room through the crack and ran along the exterior hallway to the open end of the duct, which I was able to climb into in order to collect the power-up and, in the process, reveal the next area. A classic Metroid moment, perfectly translated into a third-person action game.

Telling, what Other M doesn't feel like is Metroid Prime. This seems like a very deliberate decision by the developers, especially considering that Other M makes heavy use of the first-person perspective. It's significant, I think, that going into first-person mode requires changing your grip on the controller -- to enter Samus's viewpoint, you have to release the controller with your left hand and point it at the screen. This forces you to relinquish the ability to move Samus, preventing the game from adopting a first-person shooter style. You're not completely immobile in that POV, though; tapping the A button right as enemies attack will allow you to perform a quick evasion. But as with the powerful melee strikes, the first-person mode is a trade-off: You leave yourself more vulnerable in return for the ability to target specific enemies and make use of powerful missile attacks.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
:lol What a surprise, the guy who made Super Metroid, Fusion and Zero Mission has turned out another decent game. Who'd have thunk?


Seda said:
People should expect that this game is not going to be Metroid Prime 4. It's going to be a little different.

Why is Metroid Prime 4 the derivative. It's a spin-off afterall.

I admire Nintendo for letting developers change things up a bit with one of their big franchises. Many were skeptical when we learned Prime was going to be first person. But Retro did an amazing job with that. Metroid Prime set a really high bar.

What developers are are changing things up? Nintendo made the decision to go first-person, actually Mr. Miyamoto and Mr. Tanabe to be exact.


preview from destructiod

Metroid: Other M definitely has a big focus on the storytelling, but Nintendo wants to reassure fans that Sakamoto's vision of that old Metroid feel has a large presence as well. That's why Nintendo showed off the game once again, this time plopping players about an hour into the experience. I played Other M for about a solid hour and can happily say that feeling of despair as you explore every inch of an environment is ever present.

The controls are definitely... interesting. Not to say that it's bad -- far from it -- but it will take a bit to get used to.

The part that takes getting used to is when you need to go into precision firing mode.

It's a unique mix of gameplay style, to say the least. Switching between the perspectives and aiming the gun takes a few seconds to get adjusted to, seconds you might not be able to spare when enemies are charging at you. Thankfully, you'll be able dodge an attack just before the enemy strikes in either perspective.

The biggest concern I've heard from fans of the series is the fact that you can recharge your health and missile tank whenever you want as opposed to restocking from the corpses of your enemies. By pointing the Wiimote up and pressing A, Samus will recharge her missiles to full and her health if it's dangerously low. Recharging takes a bit of time to perform and she won't recharge if attacked.

Personally, I don't have an issue with this and feel it offers more of a challenge. You could restock on health and missiles whenever you wanted after killing enemies in older Metroid titles. Now you have to be a little more careful and not go all crazy when engaging enemies, especially in small enclosed areas.

The previewer also mentioned that you get powerups both from Adam and by finding them.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I hope any doom and gloom talk was totally fringe trolling.

There's no way Nintendo, of all companies, has been sitting on a game that has been mostly done for a long time, and its somehow a dud. It just isn't possible.


BocoDragon said:
I hope any doom and gloom talk was totally fringe trolling.

There's no way Nintendo, of all companies, has been sitting on a game that has been mostly done for a long time, and its somehow a dud. It just isn't possible.

I hope it's going to be superb. I just have this nagging feeling it may well not live up to the other games in the Metroid series.


Seda said:
Sorry, I was a little vague. What you said is exactly what I meant. I didn't mean that Retro decided to make MP first person and Nintendo went along with it.

I admire Nintendo for trying new things with Metroid. Metroid games have really never focused on narrative (although it became a bit prominent in MP2/MP3, it was still pretty minimal).

Some people will argue that Metroid games should never have a big narrative focus, but Nintendo seemingly decided to have the narrative in Other M to be a significant aspect of the game.

Is such a change for the better? Maybe, maybe not. That falls to preference ultimately. At least Other M likely won't be criticized for being stale.

There's a topic floating around right now with a quote from Sakamoto saying the Metroid series was always meant to have a deep story. He already started taking the series in that direction with fusion so I just see this as an evolution of that.
The new health system sounds interesting. Again a case of timing if it's done in a tight situation.

Look at it this way: better than starting with 30 health, no?


Info that metroid database has collected from the new preview build

* Speed upgrades increase the rate of the charge beam.
* The game is mostly gameplay NOT cinematics. As in, an hour or more stretches without a single cutscene.
* That said, there will be small real-time cutscenes (similar to Prime), but these seem to be thinly placed.
* You cannot skip cutscenes.(Not sure about successive play-throughs though)
* You can dodge while in first person.
* Deactivating holographic generators reveals new areas to explore.
* The music seems to be mostly atmospheric, but should include lots of remixes.
* The auto-aim function can hit enemies from very far away, but missiles have a limited range.
* Samus turns slowly in first person.
* There will be sequences that can result in instant-death (such as one involving an elevator).
* There are both save points and continue points. Continue points occur more frequently, and usually right next to difficult sequences (such as the said elevator sequence).

Kard8p3 said:
* The game is mostly gameplay NOT cinematics. As in, an hour or more stretches without a single cutscene.
I can't believe some people thought the opposite :lol
(which is a lie since some of those people post here...)

Anyway, it's been such a rollercoster ride reading the impressions and opinions on this game ever since the reveal, that while I'm sure the game will deliver big time(whatever that is), my expectation isn't through the roof (but that's maybe because I don't know that much about the game in general)

All I know is that it's gonna be awesome, to kick ass in the varia suit again, looking for hidden upgrades during eerie music!


richisawesome said:
The new health system definitely does concern me. Fuck.

Don't Use it?

It's the same with people who played MGS:Twin Snakes and complained about 1st person view.

Don't like a feature that isn't mandatory to use? Don't complain, instead don't use said feature.
I think this topic has cemented my long held idea (since M:OM was first shown) that Metroid fans are worse than Sonic and Zelda fans with regards to new games in the series...
McNum said:
There's something about that box art that annoys me... Shouldn't Samus have her hair back inside the Power Suit? Getting hair in your eye is not something you want to happen during a firefight. Especially if you're inside an environmentally sealed suit of armor and opening it up would be fatal.
You seem to think if your suit were to despressurize you'd die instantly, that's not so:

How long could a human survive if exposed to vacuum? Would you explode? Would you survive? How long would you remain conscious?

Some degree of consciousness will probably be retained for 9 to 11 seconds. In rapid sequence thereafter, paralysis will be followed by generalized convulsions and paralysis once again. During this time, water vapor will form rapidly in the soft tissues and somewhat less rapidly in the venous blood. This evolution of water vapor will cause marked swelling of the body to perhaps twice its normal volume unless it is restrained by a pressure suit. Heart rate may rise initially, but will fall rapidly thereafter. Arterial blood pressure will also fall over a period of 30 to 60 seconds, while venous pressure rises due to distention of the venous system by gas and vapor. Venous pressure will meet or exceed arterial pressure within one minute. There will be virtually no effective circulation of blood. After an initial rush of gas from the lungs during decompression, gas and water vapor will continue to flow outward through the airways. This continual evaporation of water will cool the mouth and nose to near-freezing temperatures; the remainder of the body will also become cooled, but more slowly.

Cook and Bancroft (1966) reported occasional deaths of animals due to fibrillation of the heart during the first minute of exposure to near vacuum conditions. Ordinarily, however, survival was the rule if recompression occurred within about 90 seconds. ... Once heart action ceased, death was inevitable, despite attempts at resuscitation.
Fonte: http://www.geoffreylandis.com/vacuum.html

Of course, taking the helmet to comb the hair would be nuts but going through your quote:

McNum said:
Yeah, it's a nitpick, but I couldn't help it.
Neither could I.


the piano man
just in this very last page there are a ton of spoilers, people.

please spoiler-tag stuff like " Elevator sequence where you die " and the hidden Missile Expansion Parish mentioned.

many of us come here to learn if the game is turning out well and to ease our concerns, not to read where are hidden things or dangerous places.



lostinblue said:
You seem to think if your suit were to despressurize you'd die instantly, that's not so:

Fonte: http://www.geoffreylandis.com/vacuum.html

Of course, taking the helmet to comb the hair would be nuts but going through your quote:

Neither could I.
I was thinking Norfair, actually. Vacuum isn't so bad, exposure to superheated air, though. That'd ruin your day pretty fast.
Im loving what Im reading, and I also trust Sakamoto's vision. When I play it, if the game is really bad, I will surely clamore it a so, but at this time, all seems good, at least for me.

mantidor said:
I didn't like the manga that much, both art and story.

But the photo, the photo! She looks kind of uncomfortable in that picture which I think fits with her background, but there's still this hint at a relationship with that guy, I don't like it..

As for spanish dub, if they do it with Spain actors it would be even more horrible, and that is often the case, so no thanks. (No offense, Spain is great and all, but any voice acting done there is unbearable, Spain's spanish ironically sucks).

Im sorry you are wrong but when done good we have the best dubbing actors in the world, I suppose you are south american (maybe you are not, but south americans are the ones, that ironically, or maybe not ironically, hate castillian spanish, the ORIGINAL spanish) as you referred specifically to Spain actors. We dont invent stupid words without sense, we dont "seseo" (only if you live in andalucia), and we respect the fucking dictionary.
Im sick of south americans (there are also very good people there, so im only mentioning some of them) that come to the castillian spanish youtube videos and other forums and iternet places to insult us, calling us "gallegos" and to insult our language (and im not the best spanish here, im hate lots of things about my country and love others). I dont like your dubs and translations, but I dont go to things about them in the internet to insult them directly.
Im sick of the 60's, 70's and 80's Disney movies, and their fucking disgusting south american dubs that WE had to swallow, I hate having to see anime and other series fansub in south american because their spelling mistakes and invented words are unbearable, I hate the use of "usted" for a memeber of a family or a friend, because thats a stupid thing to do and makes no sense breaking the meaning of the word "usted". And not only the dubs suck, they transliterate all. They dont know that the best translation is the one that knows how to translate so it makes sense, disney musical movies are ruined because of this, as they try tio transliterate the lyrics dont rhyme and it doesnt even fit sometimes in the music.
Im also sick that we dont get things like a Mass effect dub (the original voices are awesome, but I would love to hear a great spanish dub also) because south americans started to cry that they wanted also a sub, so Microsoft, because they were not going to do a south american sub after the Halo 2 fiasco, and wanting to be like the King Salomon, also cutted the official castillian spanish sub ("ni para ti, ni para mi" how we say here (not for you, not for me)).
But I tell you this things because you directlty insulted my language and dubbing actors, I would never ever go to some south american dub video or any type of similar thing to insult them directly.
Did you know we have a prize from matt Groening because he thinks the Simpsons castillian spanish dub is amazing? (the old one, the dubbing director, Carlos Revilla, is now dead and lots of dubbing actors have left the show, doesnt mind because the new simpsons suck)
So please, dont come here (even if you are not south american) to call our dubbing shit because, even if I hate lots of things of my country, im fucking proud of having the best dubbers in the world, and thats a fact (counting also Catalonian dubs, because their are also amazing and the majority of Catalonian dubbers also make the spanish dubs).
And the best thing of all, I know when a dub in castillian spanish sucks and when not, something south americans doesnt seem to see, they seem to love all of their subs, even if they are horrible. Because yeah, we have fucking horrible dubs, and we also love to watch subtitled orginal versions. The IT Crowd for example is unbearable, is horrible and the original voices are awesome. But the majority of the movies have a great dub, and some series and videogames are also great (Starcraft II has an INCREDIBLE dub, and Metal Gear Solid will go down in the history of videogame dubs), I also love to sometimes watch a series 2 times, one with the original voices and the other with the spanish ones, because both are great, like Chuck or Entourage for example, among others.
People like Jose Padilla, Constantino Romero, Alfonso Valles, Ivan Muelas, Ramon Langa, Ricardo Solans, Joan Pera, Claudio Rodriguez, de Jenner family and Carlos Revilla (rest in peace great man, rest in peace), to only name a few.
Those are AMAZING dubbing actors, the best of the best of the whole world. They respect their work as something sacred and I respect them for being great professionals, and I hate when people say they are shit insulting them and insulting our dubs and language.
So please, dont talk if you dont know shit, opinions can also be wrong.

Going on topic again, because this was not the place to talk about this, if they decided to dub it, it could be good, or it could be bad (as I said we have good dubs and bad dubs) but its a chance they have to make it better than the american dub. It would also mean that I pay for something more.
The thing that I most love is having options, so the best thing would be that i could have options to hear it in japanese, english or spanish.

Sorry for all the shit thrown, as I said, the majority of south americans are great people, never trying to insult them as a whole (Ihave very good south american friends), and there are idiots in all places, but I hate when someone insults our language, and is worse when is people we have a language in common.
Boney said:
You're making me cry :(

Sorry Boney, really, its only I dont like when people say those things. Will not talk about it again. :D

And going on topic, those previews are really good. Im sure i will have lots of fun with the game as it seems that finally it will be great :)


Regulus Tera said:
The game is coming out at the end of the month and they still haven't fixed this?

How is not being able to skip cutscenes the first time you see them a problem?

EDIT: Voice acting sounds just fine to me, though i'm not sure I like the music leaning towards Fusion's mostly ambient style. Fusion had some great boss tracks and the TRO zone was pretty cool, but i'm going to miss reaching a new areas and hearing a totally different theme.

EDIT 2: Looking at the Nintendo World Report, it says the soundtrack is closer to Prime style, which seemed to be the perfect mix of atmospheric and action.


never left the stone age
Bizzyb said:
Don't Use it?

It's the same with people who played MGS:Twin Snakes and complained about 1st person view.

Don't like a feature that isn't mandatory to use? Don't complain, instead don't use said feature.
The same people will counter with "But if it's in the game I'm going to use it! they should leave it out!"


Shots from Metroid Database:





richisawesome said:
The new health system definitely does concern me. Fuck.

It's not a 2D Metroid game so certain things change in the transition. Like the Prime series with the charge beam function pulling energy orbs etc towards you: it made the game more fluent in play as a result. I dare say this new health recharge system will play a similar role.
Team Ninja unlocked them pikmins!

Why won't third party games unlock them... :(
Regulus Tera said:
The game is coming out at the end of the month and they still haven't fixed this?
It's *clearly* a feature.

Plus this is no Kojima game, I doubt cutscenes last half an hour.


Easy_D said:
But Samus doesn't encounter any until Fusion :eek:

Oh right :lol Well hopefully they dont end up squeezing them in for some plot point. That would just throw things off...so maybe this will be the first Metroid title without any actual Metroids?

Then again, there was that omega/queen looking face in the trailer.


today i was meeting my friend at the coffee shop, and i saw theres a line up for Metroid Other M event, i waited till the line died down, and went up, but the staff said it was invited only, maybe they will open for everyone after
so i just walked away :lol


So has there been anything negative in this new batch of impressions (or is it just this thread :p)? Seems they've by and large been pretty positive, no?


joedick said:
So has there been anything negative in this new batch of impressions (or is it just this thread :p)? Seems they've by and large been pretty positive, no?

Just the thread. General impressions all around are: It still feels like Metroid, auto-aim doesnt equal easy mode, long winded cutscenes are sparse, controls feel just fine.

Really not even the thread, just a small amount of people in the thread.


SpacePirate Ridley said:


As much as I don't want to go off topic I have to get this out o the way. Yes, I'm southamerican, colombian to be exact, and bogotan to be more precise, and our accent is called the most "neutral" to the point international call centers prefer this accent since is the most easily understood for spanish speaking people and non-native spanish speakers alike. I'v even read academics agree we have an excellent spanish. All I know is I'm not a big fan of any other spanish accent (and vocabulary for that matter), including many from my own country. I didn't mean to offend, but maybe you should also try to know your shit too about the language, specially for making such sweep generalizations, Latinamerica is huge, trying to pinpoint an accent as "south american" or "latinamerican" shows a lot of ignorance. But I don't care that much, at the end of the day the concept of "best" in anything regarding language is kind of dumb. I'll just never mention this again.

What surprises me though is that you had to stand "southamerican" accents in dubbing, I thought we were the only ones forced to foreign accents. Spain seemed to always get its own dubbing, Europe in general is very caring of its languages. The dubbing for all Latinamerica usually comes from Mexico, or we get the one from Spain.

As much as NoE sucks Europe is far better off with them than latinamerica with NoA, from localization to pricing to a lot of other issues. We'll be lucky to get subtitles at all, and probably more aimed at spanish speakers of the US than actual latinamerican audiences. At least we get the same release dates, but thats only recently, before we were lucky to get the games at all. Theres a far bigger chance I'll get an Spain dub than you getting the "latinamerican" dub for Other M.
I still find it odd how much the Prime series stuffed up the Space Pirate designs. Prime got it horribly wrong but the other two games didn't do much to rectify it. Echoes came the closest but it resembled a bird more than crustacean like the Space Pirates are supposed to look.

Good to see the ones in Other M look like their fusion counterparts. Always liked that design.
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