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Titanfall Beta Players: Is "Revolutionary" and "Game Changer" accurate?


I dunno about you guys, but I ignore the Grunts / Spectres (maybe toss a grenade at them) and go for human players.

Once you get used to the game, it's easy to distinguish between AI and PC.

As to the question, though? Not revolutionary, but VERY fun.
I mean if you're stuck on those precise phrases it might be harder to dig up, but this is type of over-the-top commentary we have had to read in Titanfall previews for months:

It's just over-the-top. We're going to pay $500 to play a game that is quite ugly to begin with that doesn't even do much of anything new when we have a 360 that can play it and doesn't require that investment, or a PC that does literally every aspect of the game in a superior fashion? And we SHOULD purchase the XBO for it over those alternatives? The fuck?

There's so many previews with paragraphs like this we'd go all day. It's always the tone, trying to sell the Xbox One hand in hand with the game. I don't know how anyone can play Titanfall and walk away with conclusions like this. The only conclusion I can see is "yeah it's a lot of fun", but previews across the board want to be like "YOU WILL DROP EVERYTHING AND SPEND $500 TRUST US IT'S THAT AMAZING."
Dat hype was indeed tremedous...I've never seen anything like it, someone paid up for sure, but it's kinda expected in U.S IMO. I don't think it would have been any different if it were on PS4/PS3 ony, U.S just loves fps games, so a new one that seems pretty fresh and new gets hyped. IMO bioshock was pretty overhyped as well.

This game will be considered the next "Call of Duty" by more than half the COD population. The game will sell best on 360 in Year one but will sell best on XB1 overall after 3 years post-release. PC third.

MS/EA will bank hard on this with their marketing efforts, which will be on Halo/COD level of dudebro epicness. This game *will* sell XB1's. In fact, this game (along with other MS marketing efforts) will help XB1 sell better than PS4 in NA and UK for the remainder of 2014 (year in total from March 1st to December 31st).

If those are the predictions you're looking for Amir0x, then go ahead and bookmark this post because crow will be served to you on New Years, my friend ;) =)
whoa...quoting you, that's pretty bold predictions right there sir.

I'm going with 4 million copies sold across all platforms myself, and it not having the longevity of other shooters, but we'll see.
Due to the fact that it's a beta, it makes it kinda hard to know what will come and whether things will improve. This game is neither ground breaking or revolutionary by any stretch of the imagination - but like I and many others have stated, it's fun. I think it's better than CoD, but not as good as BF4.

I think if you can only play this on Xbone, I feel sorry for you - because I don't think it even looks good on PC, it's OK. If I didn't know the dev's and their back-story, I would think this was an indie game, going purely off visuals. BUT the mechanics are tight, and I love the parkour, but I wish I could jump jet a little in the titans (even if it was only a short height).

I hate playing with a 130ms ping, but in saying that I was MVP'ing last night almost every match I played - but they were probably noobs that I was owning.

I don't know if it will pull me away from BF4, I'll wait until it comes out to make a educated assessment. I really hope they have HD textures and other things that were locked out of the beta, available for launch.


Due to the fact that it's a beta, it makes it kinda hard to know what will come and whether things will improve. This game is neither ground breaking or revolutionary by any stretch of the imagination - but like I and many others have stated, it's fun. I think it's better than CoD, but not as good as BF4.

I think if you can only play this on Xbone, I feel sorry for you - because I don't think it even looks good on PC, it's OK. If I didn't know the dev's and their back-story, I would think this was an indie game, going purely off visuals. BUT the mechanics are tight, and I love the parkour, but I wish I could jump jet a little in the titans (even if it was only a short height).

I hate playing with a 130ms ping, but in saying that I was MVP'ing last night almost every match I played - but they were probably noobs that I was owning.

I don't know if it will pull me away from BF4, I'll wait until it comes out to make a educated assessment. I really hope they have HD textures and other things that were locked out of the beta, available for launch.

lol bf4 get the fuck outta here that game was and is still a mess
cant believe i put 100+ hours into it

+ you can take your pity cuz nobody cares


But if they're just going to be standing around to get shot (they provide absolutely zero challenge), why even have them?
Lots of reasons. One thing is that they make camping a poor---poorer---strategy. Sure, you can sit back with your buddy pilots holding a chokepoint. Meantime the other team is out there killing all the grunts and getting their Titans before you do. This is an important layer on the gameplay. A needed layer. It didn't have to be implemented this way, it could have been power pills floating in the air or grass you cut for rupees, but something like that needs to be there.

They also are important spotters for their team, highlighting activity on the minimap that otherwise you wouldn't know about, serving to draw players into battles instead of it just being one stealth kill after another.

I think people are hung up on the name "bot", expecting bots like in UT or other games where "bots" are player replacements. That isn't what these are. You shouldn't decide that they're worthless because of that. You might decide that you'd prefer a higher player count, but that is another argument, IMHO.


Insane mobility is overselling it quite a bit.
Haha, yes. Titanfall certainly has some mobility, but it is not crazy merely like the standard back in the 90s. Now Team Fortress Classic, that game had some insane mobility, rocket jumps, bunny hopping and concussion grenades you could ride on... ah I miss the old days.


Haha, yes. Titanfall certainly has some mobility, but it is not crazy merely like the standard back in the 90s. Now Team Fortress Classic, that game had some insane mobility, rocket jumps, bunny hopping and concussion grenades you could ride on... ah I miss the old days.

You don't even have to go that far back. Shadowrun on PC/360 had great mobility too. I still think that game could have been a huge success with proper management/support before and after release.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I dunno about you guys, but I ignore the Grunts / Spectres (maybe toss a grenade at them) and go for human players.

Once you get used to the game, it's easy to distinguish between AI and PC.

As to the question, though? Not revolutionary, but VERY fun.

I hack the specters because they attack titans.
Not to mention the number of people complaining about being killed by bots would dwarf the number of people that are complaining about the bots not being challenging enough.

This. They're more likely to break the game by tweaking the bots.

To answer the OP, I don't think it's revolutionary because it owes too much Mirror's Edge. It's taken elements from existing games and made a really fun console shooter out of it. I personally think they've really missed the boat with customisation, though.

I don't think it's fair to say it's 'just COD' either because, IMO, the level of mobility totally changes how you approach encounters - even if it's not on the level of Tribes, etc.

Ami, I don't think it's ever going to be what you want to to be. That's okay!


Junior Member
This game will be considered the next "Call of Duty" by more than half the COD population. The game will sell best on 360 in Year one but will sell best on XB1 overall after 3 years post-release. PC third.

MS/EA will bank hard on this with their marketing efforts, which will be on Halo/COD level of dudebro epicness. This game *will* sell XB1's. In fact, this game (along with other MS marketing efforts) will help XB1 sell better than PS4 in NA and UK for the remainder of 2014 (year in total from March 1st to December 31st).

If those are the predictions you're looking for Amir0x, then go ahead and bookmark this post because crow will be served to you on New Years, my friend ;) =)
(Today, 01:17 PM)

So you think this game will sell over 13 million copies, propel Xbox One to be the best selling console every single month after March (in US+UK), and surpass Halo in name brand recognition.......? Oh man, definitely quoting this one.


I hope that you can make custom servers on PC with no bots and 16v16 or 20v20. The bot are just braindead fodder.
I actually finally played it for the first time today. Revolutionary? No, wouldn't go that far. Game changer? Absolutely, and I feel more people would probably agree with this, if not for certain reasons. No other multiplayer only shooter for consoles has ever generated this amount of buzz, but that's beside the point. What's more important is that this game actually delivers, and does so in a very big, and shockingly unexpected at times, way. I can't remember the last time I've been as surprised by all the different things that are creatively possible in a shooter. There's a cool period of discovery happening with this game that just doesn't happen with a lot of new shooters these days. It's no wonder you see so few people actually taking advantage of most of this stuff, because they either don't know, or haven't thought of it yet. Who knows how well it will ultimately end up doing sales wise, or how many consoles it will help move, but the likelihood that this game represents a major change for consoles is real.

I expect it will give more developers and publishers confidence to create and fund online only shooters, because they will see the positive reception to Titanfall. Sure, some may end up being cheap ripoffs, but then I suspect some others will genuinely innovate. It's a game changer for how it will affect the industry in that sense, but it's more of a game changer for not just its aggressive and very different take on a modern day shooter (seriously, very few are taking any real gameplay risks out there), but especially for absolutely nailing above and beyond what they set out to achieve from a gameplay standpoint. They have themselves a winner based on what I played. I was thoroughly convinced of this before playing it myself, but now I know for certain. It probably won't be perfect, but nothing ever is. They're about as close as they need to be for their first iteration.


Lots of reasons. One thing is that they make camping a poor---poorer---strategy. Sure, you can sit back with your buddy pilots holding a chokepoint. Meantime the other team is out there killing all the grunts and getting their Titans before you do. This is an important layer on the gameplay. A needed layer. It didn't have to be implemented this way, it could have been power pills floating in the air or grass you cut for rupees, but something like that needs to be there.

They also are important spotters for their team, highlighting activity on the minimap that otherwise you wouldn't no about, serving to draw players into battles instead of it just being one stealth kill after another.

I think people are hung up on the name "bot", expecting bots like in UT or other games where "bots" are player replacements. That isn't what these are. You shouldn't decide that they're worthless because of that. You might decide that you'd prefer a higher player count, but that is another argument, IMHO.

One of the best opinions about Titanfall bots ive ever read.
I agree!!


I died to bots twice in a match :(. Once when i was on low health and walking backwards, a grunt melee'd me. The second time a spectre jumped ontop of the building i was on and shot me while i was on low health also..
I feel like I have more fun running about the battle on foot rather than in a Titan. I just dislike feeling like I'm made of cardboard armor in general, but it's just a bit dull. Overall, I enjoy it. But not sure it really reinvents anything, but that doesn't mean it doesn't do it well. Though they have some tweaks/adjustments to work on between now and release.


Neo Member
It's hard for me to say at this point, the beta has such little content and while I used to be a huge Halo 2 / 3 fan I would only be willing to get back into the shooter game if there's more. I don't NEED a single played but I NEED a lot more guns / maps / modes or it's a no go.
I really don't find this game enjoyable. Maybe my tastes just aren't in these games anymore (I actually don't know if they ever were, I like my FPS games a little slower-paced), but I'm not having a good time with it.

It is a dumb little thing, but I wish they would get rid of some of the stupid, inane chatter. I don't know if I am supposed to feel like I am in a battlezone, I THINK I am, but hearing that I am behind in points and needing to catch up before it is too late is a really dumb thing to hear when a war is being fought.


I just think that it's sad after being force fed cod every year for the last 6-7 years that these features might be considered revolutionary.
Hold x on them. You stab them with a data knife and after a few seconds you take them over.

Thanks :) I like hiding behind them and using them as shields haha

Lots of reasons. One thing is that they make camping a poor---poorer---strategy. Sure, you can sit back with your buddy pilots holding a chokepoint. Meantime the other team is out there killing all the grunts and getting their Titans before you do. This is an important layer on the gameplay. A needed layer. It didn't have to be implemented this way, it could have been power pills floating in the air or grass you cut for rupees, but something like that needs to be there.

They also are important spotters for their team, highlighting activity on the minimap that otherwise you wouldn't know about, serving to draw players into battles instead of it just being one stealth kill after another.

I think people are hung up on the name "bot", expecting bots like in UT or other games where "bots" are player replacements. That isn't what these are. You shouldn't decide that they're worthless because of that. You might decide that you'd prefer a higher player count, but that is another argument, IMHO.



Doesn't revolutionize anything, but is still a lot of fun.

Now, if only Battlefield could dare to take a step from modern combat and just go nuts with sci-fi.
Just make 2143 already!


zero cognitive reasoning abilities
I think it's fun, but not quite as amazing as some people who played it at events claimed it was. Personally I still have some issues with the game. I don't enjoy playing in Titans as much as I thought I would, the random burn cards can screw you over sometimes and the art style makes the game look like a busy mess which I'm not a fan of.

I still enjoy just capturing territories with my Titan following me around a lot in that domination gametype. Doubt I'll buy it at full price, though. Especially with Dark Souls 2 on the horizon.

Pretty much.


Buffing grunts would defintely take away from the game. They are there to grind to Titans faster. Anything else shifts the attention away from Pilot v Pilot

I'd rather just have skill dictate if I can get a Titan faster. I understand why they're there but they're so bad at being AI (I = intelligence, remember...). I don't feel the game is as fun with the bots. I think they were added to artificially thrill players into thinking they're doing better than they are.


Unless more people are planning on making parkour/mech/FPS games, I don't think this is a "game changer".

It is a game changer in the sense that after playing the beta, I can definitely see by Titanfall 2 it taking a big run at the two other juggernauts in the FPS genre and earning a good chunk of market share.


I played it last night. Outside of the nvidia stuttering I was getting I had a pretty enjoyable time. Had some fun but I am playing Capitalism 2 instead of the BETA. Probably says more about me than Titanfall but that's my story.


Now that I've had a good bit of time with the game, trying out all the modes, I can safely say this is a load of fun for people that love shooters. But where I differ are the people claiming "revolutionary" and "game changer".

To me, it's fun and a blast to play but a lot different than what I thought it was going to be. Not revolutionary but a solid shooter with a few new and old things.

What's TitanGAF think?

Completely agree. It is a fun and solid CoD style shooter (anyone who disagrees with it being described as being CoD with mechs is an idiot, I've played a LOT of CoD and the mechanics, weapons handling etc. are all staples of the CoD franchise) and plays well.

But NONE of the over-the-top acclaim is deserved. There is very little 'revolutionary' to this game. In fact its stupid bots, crappy textures, 6v6 player count and claustrophobic maps all detract from it being anywhere near "revolutionary."

It's a fun game and I have enjoyed the limited tie I have had so far with the beta but I am most likely not purchasing the game.


Microsoft better hope TF sells some xbxes, because they will not have anything that can be considered a system seller until next year with halo 5.


Anyone who says TitanFall is "CoD with mechs" is smoking crack. The Parkour aspect alone disproves this.

The fact that the lead developers,Jason West and Vince Zampella, are responsible for the early CoD titles disproves any argument you can come up with.

Just because they added wall running and jetpacks has nothing to do with the core mechanics and the fast pace of the game.

Titanfall shares more with CoD than it does with say Starhawk or Armored core (both have mechs) or Brink or Mirror's Edge (which also have parkour).

Mikey Jr.

What is with the textures though? Has there been an answer? Is it a beta thing?

Because they are fucking terrible. They look like they've been ripped straight outta 2002.
What I want to know, which developer on the team came up with the parkour mobility system, building on Brink and Mirror's Edge? That's the best executed mechanic in the game for me.
It's a fun game and I have enjoyed the limited tie I have had so far with the beta but I am most likely not purchasing the game.
I'm in the same boat. I was hyped and was going to get it, but playing the beta just solidified how much I'm over the competitive FPS genre. I skipped all the FPSes this past fall and felt that I haven't missed a thing.

It's nothing against the game itself -- it's fun, but not my cup of tea anymore. I guess I'm getting old, and with my limited game time, I can't commit to staying a competitive player.

It was also dishearting to have a bunch of kills, but them only be grunts. I'm sure with time I'd be able to better distinguish AI from real in a split second, but for now I don't feel like I'm contributing much to the team.

Really liked the terrain movement though.


(Today, 01:17 PM)

So you think this game will sell over 13 million copies, propel Xbox One to be the best selling console every single month after March (in US+UK), and surpass Halo in name brand recognition.......? Oh man, definitely quoting this one.

no... let me clarify. XB1 will outsell the PS4 in NA and UK from March 1st 2014 to December 31st, 2014 when you add up all those months (not every individual month per se).

I think, lifetime, Titanfall will break 8Mil+ with most of those sales on XB1 when all is said and done. Quote that.

I was also the only one to predict the 360 to break 60 mil lifetime when it first came out. Almost everyone scoffed at anything over 40mil at the time.


no... let me clarify. XB1 will outsell the PS4 in NA and UK from March 1st 2014 to December 31st, 2014 when you add up all those months (not every individual month per se).

I think, lifetime, Titanfall will break 8Mil+ with most of those sales on XB1 when all is said and done. Quote that.

I was also the only one to predict the 360 to break 60 mil lifetime when it first came out. Almost everyone scoffed at anything over 40mil at the time.

I think you might be inserting your foot too far on this one. Titanfall won't go past 5 mil. And the XB1 won't come close to outselling the PS4 except maybe March and April. Once people see how underwhelming Titanfall is the hype will die and people will go back to playing CoD.

In fact the XB1 sales will continue to slump until they decide to release that Kinectless SKU.
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