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DF - Tech Analysis: Titanfall beta on Xbox One and PC


Do people think theyll hit their hoped 900p 60fps target? Is that with beta graphics or better?

I dont understand why the PC beta is like it is - thats very unexpected - hopefully its just to reduce beta size...

ps3ud0 8)


All very embarassing considering this is source engine really.

And why doesnt the pc version have better textures at least?
It reads like the PC version is just the XB1 version dumped onto that platform.

I think there must have been some clause within that exclusivity to ensure parity between the two versions, which is god awful if you think about the implications.


They are there as video options. The highest they go matches X1, but they scale lower for lesser rigs.

I know there are options for them in PC(I played and still playing the beta). But what I mean is the things that xbone can't handle should an as options in PC. I'm sure the shadows could be better.


The discs are likely being pressed very soon. It's very very late in the development cycle

I agree, Does everyone else remember the comments about it being difficult to market the game? I think this is part of the marketing strategy.

game patches


Do people think theyll hit their hoped 900p 60fps target? Is that with beta graphics or better?

I dont understand why the PC beta is like it is - thats very unexpected - hopefully its just to reduce beta size...

ps3ud0 8)

Depends on how old the Beta build is I reckon. If it's fairly recent then I'd be surprised if they get to 900p on XB1 as there doesn't seem to be enough time and they clearly still have optimization work to keep stable 60fps at the current resolution.

If the Beta is an old build they've already moved well past then it might be possible depending on where the latest build is for fps and stability.


I loved this part:
The other area we'd expect the PC beta to show its strengths is in performance. Taken on by an Intel i7-3770K PC clocked at 4.3GHz, with 16GB RAM and a relatively modest Radeon HD 7850 GPU with just 1GB of GDDR5, we manage to max the game out almost entirely while holding 60fps at 2x MSAA. The snag is in the shadow quality settings, where holding on to the highest option causes hiccups down to 40fps - easily solved by dropping it a notch, with little if anything noticeable in the way of a quality hit. Given that the card is flexible enough to even handle 2x MSAA at this resolution, the beta build appears to not place too great a demand on the GPU side. Indeed, upping to 4x MSAA still produces a good experience, with frame-rates in the 55-60fps area with v-sync engaged (both double and triple-buffering are supported).
[...] further tests reveal that even a lowly AMD FX-6300 or Core i3 is capable of providing solid 60fps gameplay. In short, the Titanfall beta suggests a well-balanced game that should hold its own across a wide range of hardware - and once again we see £100 GPUs besting the console experience.

Great for those without the best HW. I know a lot of people got the 7850 because it was such a great performer for the money and the R7 265 is basically a rebranded and slightly OCed 7850. Wish they gave us some option to stretch the legs though by getting rid of the horrible pop in for one.


Well for a game aimed at solid 60fps above everything else "Framerate is king" then I'd say it's not just his Xbox but it's DF's Xbox as well, and I'd assume everyone else's Xbox as well.

The game has sustained drops to around 40fps with massive screen tearing.

Although this is a Beta and performance is likely to improve, I would hope that they do not try and use the resources saved by these optimizations by increasing the resolution, as it seems the framerate should be improved first.

Not being 60 frames 100% of the time and having "bad performance" are two different things.


There's also stuttering and tearing..

Yep. I've noticed all of it and still wouldn't consider the game to have bad performance. Bad performance suggests the game isn't enjoyable to play due to technical issues.

That's not the case. Not close.
35 fps is king!

It's sad that they can't be bothered with high res textures or higher res shadows on pc, another case of 'crysis 2 dx11 patch' shenanigans for parity? That or they just don't give a fuck, a middle finger to pc gamers either way
"Visually, PC gamers looking for an edge over the console release in terms of lighting, shadows, effects or model detail may be disappointed. Even at the "insane" texture quality setting on PC, the oil rig structures around the Fracture map still share precisely the same washed-out mapping as the Xbox One, while floor mapping is also like-for-like. Much of the game's assets and rendering tech are shared in this sense, right down to the distance of the shadow filtering cascade."

Reading this almost make me feel like they purposely shafted the PC version just to sell you on the Xbox One version just because They probably knew more people would gravitate there since they probably don't want an Xbox. It's like why do that when they know PC is more capable of better output. Kind of crappy.


game patches

Yes, game patches, but the time to do so is very limited, this is not like a typical Beta.

If we were to use GW2 as an example of another Beta, which has substantial performance increases from Beta to Release, which seems to be what some people are expecting here, then we need to look at the development time that they had during Beta:

Closed Beta:


With Stress tests from July all the way up to release at the end of August. Saying it's a Beta with the assumption of a large performance increase at this time is naive. These are essentially stress tests now for Titanfall and networking is likely the main priority of development following this "beta"

Essentially, there's going to be a performance increase, but it's not going to be huge and it's not going to be comparable to many other games which had longer and earlier Beta's

Yep. I've noticed all of it and still wouldn't consider the game to have bad performance. Bad performance suggests the game isn't enjoyable to play due to technical issues.

That's not the case. Not close.

I'd agree it's not unplayable, but I would still say it has bad performance, not terrible or unplayable performance but certainly bad.


The textures on PC are pretty brutal and when you get into a titan its really bad. I hope they release some kind of HD texture pack for PC or something.
Reading this almost make me feel like they purposely shafted the PC version just to sell you on the Xbox One version just because They probably knew more people would gravitate there since they probably don't want an Xbox. It's like why do that when they know PC is more capable of better output. Kind of crappy.

I wouldn't say shafted. It seems more like a quick dirty port. This is a console game first and foremost. It's by the makers of COD4 after all. The same guys that didn't put in dedicated servers for MW2.


I'm expecting a patch for the PC version shortly after release to fix some of the textures. Maybe they wanted to put the focus on the Xbone version to highlight it as a system seller and create parity between the systems.

Looks like a very funny game though


If beasty PC and X1 are having issues while looking comparatively similar , I don't like to think how the 360 version is going to fare.


Yep. I've noticed all of it and still wouldn't consider the game to have bad performance. Bad performance suggests the game isn't enjoyable to play due to technical issues.

That's not the case. Not close.

Glad you enjoy it, performance is still not good at all. Sorry.
Also bad performance does absolutely not suggest a game is not enjoyable. It suggest that a game performes bad. Like Titanfall for example.


Reading this almost make me feel like they purposely shafted the PC version just to sell you on the Xbox One version just because They probably knew more people would gravitate there since they probably don't want an Xbox. It's like why do that when they know PC is more capable of better output. Kind of crappy.

Unsubstantiated conspiracy time!

Reminds me of E3 when I was reading similar nonsense of MS only allowing 3rd parties to demo games on the XO, and the moneyhat to ensure 3rd party developers restricted the performance of their games on the PS4 for platform parity.
I think the game just has poor tech, and poor art direction that doesn't compensate for it. I have to say, this is a bit awkward considering that it's MS's biggest exclusive for the year.
DF is not super optimistic either regarding any resolution improvement the March release could introduce:
However, with recent suggestions of the internal resolution being pushed up higher to the 1600x900 mark, it's not clear where the GPU power can be found to maintain a large boost in pixel count while at the same time clearing up the frame-rate issues we find in the current 1408x792 version.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I suspect he is exaggerating.

The game is running at 60fps most of the time. The drops to 40-50 during heavy action are disappointing, but also rather short. People confuse the minimum fps with the average fps. The game's performance is above the "console standard".

The main issue is that the game looks like ass.


The game is running at 60fps most of the time. The drops to 40-50 during heavy action are disappointing, but also rather short. People confuse the minimum fps with the average fps. The game's performance is above the "console standard".

The main issue is that the game looks like ass.

Tearing is the bigger issue IMO.


The game definitely drops harder than 35fps when in an all out battle with mechs (I was on foot).

Using my anti-titan weapon, shooting down a choke point while three titans were going at it, the game dropped into the single digits for a couple seconds. Usually it was in the teens throughout this particular ordeal, but damn if it wasn't crazy choppy in any event.

Game was still the shit though. Reminded me of the low frame rate affairs in hectic GoldenEye matches back in the day.


Drops to 35 fps and Respawn expects to up the resolution 900p before release? Not happening...

It was just a statement to keep hope alive. Publishers only care about this "resolution/framerate drama" before release because they don't want any kind of bad publicity disturbing their perfect marketing plan.

So they say some empty promise like "we are still studying the possibility of having 60fps" or "we are currently 720p but it's still possible to reach 1080p by launch" 3 months before release. You don't change something like that 2 months before a game gets gold. That is bug hunting time not changing core fundamentals of a game engine. Anyone that believes those promises only have themselves to blame for the disappointment.
Performance wise my biggest problem with the game comes from some strange GPU utilization. At times my FPS goes down with gpu utilization also going down. Meaning... I am somehow getting CPU limited even though I have only 1 570 working (SLI is ocmpletely broken).

A Core i7 930 @ 4.2 Ghz is limiting a single GTX 570?!

Something is not right there.


Performance wise my biggest problem with the game comes from some strange GPU utilization. At times my FPS goes down with gpu utilization also going down. Meaning... I am somehow getting CPU limited even though I have only 1 570 working (SLI is ocmpletely broken).

A Core i7 930 @ 4.2 Ghz is limiting a single GTX 570?!

Something is not right there.

Of course something isn't right, its a Beta.


Agreed. I have both as well. The PC version seems...cleaner but that's about it.

Yes basically. With my 7870 which is more powerful than the Xbox One GPU I can get 1080p and 60fps with stuff like shadows/ragdolls/decals etc on low but high textures as my Phenom II 955 quad core is the bottleneck , I can run Battlefield 3 far higher and that looks much better so I don't think the game is very well optimised on PC either.

When I'm playing though it handles really well on both formats, it looks good on my 1080p Panny on both, now the over sharpening has gone on X1 it just looks a bit softer than the PC beta but it still looks good.
As ever, the "beta" version is actually a demo version and it's probably safe to assume that the graphics quality and performance will be reflective of the final product (or at least the final product that goes on the disc).


As ever, the "beta" version is actually a demo version and it's probably safe to assume that the graphics quality and performance will be reflective of the final product (or at least the final product that goes on the disc).

That's fine. Game is awesome.
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