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New Destiny Gameplay

That seems to be what he's saying yup. Wouldnt that be a first though?

I think, technically, FFXI did it first. Players on PC, PS2, and Xbox 360 all played on the same servers. But if this were true, it would be the first cross-console MP game between platforms from the same gen. Hell it would be cross-gen-cross-console at that point.

It just seems incredibly unlikely though. MS in particular are usually really strict about how MP games are hosted.
Destiny looks like a hollow, less focused version of Halo when it comes to enemy encounters and gunplay. Enemy AI doesn't seem too hot either, based on how much carnage is happening and there being no clear direction in battle. What Bungie was aiming for seems to be something more appealing to non Halo fans while relying on Halo fans to jump in.

And before I get flak, let me explain. Halo 1-3 single player is incredibly focused design wise. Levels feel like encounters stringed together, with different adversaries, weapons, vehicles, and area sizes for battling. Now Bungie just didn't throw shit at the wall and watch to see if something stuck, different weapons influence the speed and tone of the battle. Enemy types cause the player to reevaluate where to attack and when. Halo 1 and Halo 3 on Legendary is unmatched regarding pacing and how different each encounter feels.

Destiny looks like Firefight mode with a XP system tacked on. The encounters seem devoid of tension and skill. Shoot everything and spam your powers in the middle of battle. At the end of a long battle in Halo 3 you look at all the corpses around you and feel relieved, depressed, satisfied. At the end of a battle in Destiny? " *Yawn, alright guys lets move to the next room, maybe we'll get some sweet loot".

You underestimate the power of loot. Diablo was a fucking amazing game to me and you click on the enemies to kill them. Here you're playing a halo style fps and getting those feelings of item reward and character progression. Borderlands is another one; not the best shooting mechanics, but great loot reward. Destiny is an extension of this, as in they've realized the appeal of skyrim, diablo or borderlands typed mechanics and tried to expand upon it with more in-the-moment gameplay. The problem is we don't have a true understanding of the level of depth the game offers so everyone is basing their reaction on this preview. E3 needs to happen to give this game better exposure, and Bungie PR needs a wake-up call.
You're really reaching now.
You'll need a subscription to play it on the consoles (besides the PS3), so I don't think so.

Now if the question was whether you'd need an additional subscription on top of the subscription you already need mind you, than I'd say its the platform holders that are the ones who are reaching, not me.

Or, to put it another way, the world of gaming is pretty ludicrous when that question even needs to be asked, though its come up a few times in this thread already. I don't know why either - just because its online?
I see people mentioning Mass Effect like it's a bad thing. A Mass Effect feel is a good thing, in my opinion, and I definitely got that sense to a degree from the footage, jjust from the first person point of view. The main difference with Mass Effect, though, is that to me Mass Effect comes off looking a lot more fun. It just works really well with the game's cover system, and it feels like my actions have more direct significance, whether it's changing bullet types to hurt a specific kind of enemy (which I'm not suggesting Destiny doesn't do), I can order teammates to go where I want, and to use certain abilities, and then coordinate with my own complimentary abilities.

Mass Effect has a more strategy based feeling all around even when you're dealing with enemies that don't last super long. Having cover based shootouts with these enemies makes it feel interesting. It feels like there's a nice tug of war between you and the enemies, and actually hitting your shots on enemies in Mass Effect has always felt really satisfying to me. Mass Effect 2 was obviously a big improvement over the first in that regard. I love the visual feedback you get when you're hitting shots.

You know, before even finishing this post I'm watching it again, but this time completely thinking about it like it's a first person mass effect, and I actually like it a lot more now.. go figure lol. Also paying closer attention to the use of abilities, and I'm liking what I see. The enemies may be going down easy, but then it's obvious there will be more tougher enemies also to mix things up. I wouldn't mind getting a bigger window into the story or narrative of the game, however. I've totally flipped my opinion of the game now that I see it as first person mass effect.


You underestimate the power of loot. Diablo was a fucking amazing game to me and you click on the enemies to kill them. Here you're playing a halo style fps and getting those feelings of item reward and character progression. Borderlands is another one; not the best shooting mechanics, but great loot reward. Destiny is an extension of this, as in they've realized the appeal of skyrim, diablo or borderlands typed mechanics and tried to expand upon it. The problem is we don't have a true understanding of the level of depth the game offers so everyone is basing their reaction on this preview. E3 needs to happen to give this game better exposure, and Bungie PR needs a wake-up call.

That's the problem, I like FPS games that are based around challenge, skill, and focused encounter design. Barely improved Halo gunplay mixed in with a lite RPG where building your character is extremely limited isn't appealing to me.

I've totally flipped my opinion of the game now that I see it as first person mass effect.

Weird comparison in general. I'll list why each Mass Effect was awesome:

Mass Effect 1: Space CIA agent
Mass Effect 2: Space Jesus builds the best Space Team
Mass Effect 3: Space Jesus has to save Space

Not to mention you had squad control in Mass Effect, effectively giving the player three separate character builds at once, which is great because the builds themselves are really simple. Destiny is Halo + Borderlands, not a first person Mass Effect.


I see people mentioning Mass Effect like it's a bad thing. A Mass Effect feel is a good thing, in my opinion, and I definitely got that sense to a degree from the footage, jjust from the first person point of view. The main difference with Mass Effect, though, is that to me Mass Effect comes off looking a lot more fun. It just works really well with the game's cover system, and it feels like my actions have more direct significance, whether it's changing bullet types to hurt a specific kind of enemy (which I'm not suggesting Destiny doesn't do), I can order teammates to go where I want, and to use certain abilities, and then coordinate with my own complimentary abilities.

Mass Effect has a more strategy based feeling all around even when you're dealing with enemies that don't last super long. Having cover based shootouts with these enemies makes it feel interesting. It feels like there's a nice tug of war between you and the enemies, and actually hitting your shots on enemies in Mass Effect has always felt really satisfying to me. Mass Effect 2 was obviously a big improvement over the first in that regard. I love the visual feedback you get when you're hitting shots.

You know, before even finishing this post I'm watching it again, but this time completely thinking about it like it's a first person mass effect, and I actually like it a lot more now.. go figure lol. Also paying closer attention to the use of abilities, and I'm liking what I see. The enemies may be going down easy, but then it's obvious there will be more tougher enemies also to mix things up. I wouldn't mind getting a bigger window into the story or narrative of the game, however. I've totally flipped my opinion of the game now that I see it as first person mass effect.

Mass Effect has bad core combat... You just spam your favorite ability and use some crappy weapons to bring down health bars on dumb enemy AI with little to no reactivity and feedback. There's... not really a whole lot going on there. Some of the weapons in 3 were good--that shotgun, mmmm.

Destiny looks like a hollow, less focused version of Halo when it comes to enemy encounters and gunplay. Enemy AI doesn't seem too hot either, based on how much carnage is happening and there being no clear direction in battle. What Bungie was aiming for seems to be something more appealing to non Halo fans while relying on Halo fans to jump in.

And before I get flak, let me explain. Halo 1-3 single player is incredibly focused design wise. Levels feel like encounters stringed together, with different adversaries, weapons, vehicles, and area sizes for battling. Now Bungie just didn't throw shit at the wall and watch to see if something stuck, different weapons influence the speed and tone of the battle. Enemy types cause the player to reevaluate where to attack and when. Halo 1 and Halo 3 on Legendary is unmatched regarding pacing and how different each encounter feels.

Destiny looks like Firefight mode with a XP system tacked on. The encounters seem devoid of tension and skill. Shoot everything and spam your powers in the middle of battle. At the end of a long battle in Halo 3 you look at all the corpses around you and feel relieved, depressed, satisfied. At the end of a battle in Destiny? " *Yawn, alright guys lets move to the next room, maybe we'll get some sweet loot".

I missed this post. This is a good post. I'd argue that Halo 2 wasn't very focused design-wise, which is why it's the worst campaign in the series. I watched my room mate play all the way through 2, 3, and Reach recently. 2 is just... it's so bad. Reach is actually surprisingly well done. The more I watch of it, the better I think it is.

But yeah, think back to Combat Evolved. Assault on the Control Room and Two Betrayals are virtually identical areas with a ton of similar arenas. That said, the weapons you end up using in front of each room (game basically encourages you to lose ammo and change up weapons quite often, especially before a fight), and the AI within each room is always different, leading to a situation where you are constantly working out great weapon and weapon/enemy combinations. It's brilliant design, and no one's ever matched it. Reading an article on Vanquish the other day, I couldn't stop laughing, because just... no. It's got nothing on Halo in this regard, but the writer was treating it as if it was.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Damn, I wanted to be hype all on this.. but watching the vid and reading the Destructoid preview... hype is gone.

It was like watching 3 player co-op Borderlands... which I'm sure some want.. but I got burnt on Borderlands 1 & 2 so bad.. it just feels flat to me.
I just noticed this quote in the bring destiny to PC thread

Does this mean possible cross platform multi ? that would be pretty awesome to let xbone,ps players play together .

I seriously doubt it. Microsoft doesn't allow cross-platform play period (and I doubt Sony would allow it with their competitor) and I doubt we'll see it between the PS4 and PS3 either.


Mass Effect has bad core combat... You just spam your favorite ability and use some crappy weapons to bring down health bars on dumb enemy AI with little to no reactivity and feedback. There's... not really a whole lot going on there. Some of the weapons in 3 were good--that shotgun, mmmm.


Being a Engineer in Mass Effect 1 and the other games was awesome because spamming any ability meant shit getting done.


Unconfirmed Member
I hate the Mass Effect games but love their aesthetic. I'm happy to see Destiny borrow from that a little bit. :)


You'll need a subscription to play it on the consoles (besides the PS3), so I don't think so.

Now if the question was whether you'd need an additional subscription on top of the subscription you already need mind you, than I'd say its the platform holders that are the ones who are reaching, not me.

Or, to put it another way, the world of gaming is pretty ludicrous when that question even needs to be asked, though its come up a few times in this thread already. I don't know why either - just because its online?

Didn't Sony wave the PS + requirement for MMOs?


That's the problem, I like FPS games that are based around challenge, skill, and focused encounter design. Barely improved Halo gunplay mixed in with a lite RPG where building your character is extremely limited isn't appealing to me.

Where did you draw all those conclusions from?


Don't have video to show, but as I explored the areas in the build I had, I found all kinds of nooks and crannies to explore (including several areas that were inaccessible but available in the full game). At first, like Skyrim, I was a bit overwhelmed. In the case of Destiny, the planets are Skyrim's world. You fly to them, with or without friends, and your adventures begin. You have new areas to discover and explore, random events that anyone nearby can join and participate in, and of course, missions. You don't have linearity at all unless you are dead-focused on getting to a particular place on the map. While some choose to paint a wrong picture comparing this to Borderlands, I would say this is much more deep and mysterious with an element of danger that certainly gives me a Skyrim vibe but with all the earmarks of Halo, but with lethality, adventure, and loot.

Sounds very good to me.

Still, I'm amused that the rabble has already started their add it to the "no games" campaign. It be funny if it was so pathetic and transparent. Even stupider since it's most likely going to be just as success on XB1/360 as well!



Being a Engineer in Mass Effect 1 and the other games was awesome because spamming any ability meant shit getting done.

I tried to play sniper just because rogue-type characters are always a challenge. Bioware's design was dumb. Short-range ability for a character that's built for long-range combat. Genius, right?

In Mass Effect 2, they turned you into soggy toilet paper. Mass Effect 1 let me end up building a character so awesome, he could withstand two hits from a geth tank before dying. I loved actually getting equipment that let me do different THINGS. ME2 and 3 were like "here, have some really bad gameplay."

Who thought mapping one button to a ton of different abilities was a great idea? Oh, sure, hit the spacebar, and you'll move out of cover, even though what you actually wanted to do was grab an item resting on your cover...

I could do a way more focused thing on this later, but I've got stuff due in an hour.

Edited my above post with a response to an earlier post of yours I'd missed.

Sounds very good to me.

Still, I'm amused that the rabble has already started their add it to the "no games" campaign. It be funny if it was so pathetic and transparent. Even stupider since it's most likely going to be just as success on XB1/360 as well!

Seriously? "The Rabble?"

This footage was bad in a lot of ways. It's not about success or fail, the preview just fails to flatter the game.


Unconfirmed Member
Didn't Sony wave the PS + requirement for MMOs?
That was only for F2P games, I believe. Or maybe FF14, too, because of its monthly subscription fee? I don't know. Regardless, I don't see any reason why they'd let people play Destiny without PS+. Who knows, though.
That's the problem, I like FPS games that are based around challenge, skill, and focused encounter design. Barely improved Halo gunplay mixed in with a lite RPG where building your character is extremely limited isn't appealing to me.

Well I think you've stressed on a couple things that people are not particularly happy about, and for good reason. From what we've seen the rpg aspect may be limited even in comparison to say, Borderlands. In addition, multiplayer seems like it would be infinitely harder to balance considering customization/progression, so it'll be difficult to convince multiplayer only Halo/fps fans to stick with it to scratch that competitive itch (then again, COD is popular). But yes, I guess a lot of it depends with how happy you are to keep the general Halo style of gunplay. I enjoy it, but I've played games like Crysis where traversing a map feels amazingly fluid and responsive, and it makes Halo feel slower and clunkier.

With that said, I'm glad there seems to be little aim-assist; if they apply that to multiplayer I will play the hell out of it just like KZ: SF.


That's the problem, I like FPS games that are based around challenge, skill, and focused encounter design. Barely improved Halo gunplay mixed in with a lite RPG where building your character is extremely limited isn't appealing to me.
I get where you're coming from but this is Bungie we're talking about.

If they bring the halo gunplay and improve that's already based around player skill, certainly much better than Borderlands or Mass Effect and they've already addressed in other media how extensive the player building can be in other interviews and I'd say it looks pretty expansive with each separate armor piece and weapon having different possibilities.

As for challenge and encounter design, again, this is Bungie designing the encounters here and they still haven't talked a peep about the supposed most challenging content in their raids.

The hypetrain IMO is just drawn out far too long for their own good IMO, they should come out with a solid vidoc that can really bring all the different components of the game together, hopefully E3 has something.
Average gameplay, average graphics. Good thing I never fell for the hype, or I would of been a bit dissapointed.

Although, more footage is welcome. There might be a remote chance that it'll change my mind.


as someone who's never played halo, i thought that was pretty good
played a bit of borderlands 1 & 2, i got dizzy playing them so i never played too much

can someone confirm if ps+ is needed for ps4 version?
edit: nvm ps+ is definitely needed
I wasn't wowed by the video at all, and I was left feeling nothing. I want to get excited about this game, but I just can't. I won't completely write this game off yet, but Bungie really needs to show this game off better than they have been.


That was only for F2P games, I believe. Or maybe FF14, too, because of its monthly subscription fee? I don't know. Regardless, I don't see any reason why they'd let people play Destiny without PS+. Who knows, though.

I know for a fact ESO and FF 14 doesn't require it:.http://www.joystiq.com/2014/01/28/the-elder-scrolls-online-wont-require-ps-plus-will-require-xbo/

*edited out banned source*

But you're probably right with the fact that it is because of the monthly fee

This isn't an MMO.
fair enough
Damn, I wanted to be hype all on this.. but watching the vid and reading the Destructoid preview... hype is gone.

It was like watching 3 player co-op Borderlands... which I'm sure some want.. but I got burnt on Borderlands 1 & 2 so bad.. it just feels flat to me.

I'm hoping it isn't like Borderlands 2, but the gameplay made it seem that way. I think the only thing the game would need, to not be like BL2 for me. Is just interesting enough powers, nice power leveling, and varying missions. These were things that brought down the experience of BL2 for me. BL2 missions were so darn boring. Fetch this, put this here, kill this many enemies. Now do this for 20hrs+. Then you had a skill tree, that barely improved your character to be noticeable. Except for the special skill upgrades, everything else was just additional shield, more gun damage, etc. I forced myself through that game.

I'll still give Destiny a chance to show more. The powers in the video was cool enough, I just want to see more missions before I get fully interested in it. I'm not forcing myself through another game like BL2.
That's the problem, I like FPS games that are based around challenge, skill, and focused encounter design. Barely improved Halo gunplay mixed in with a lite RPG where building your character is extremely limited isn't appealing to me.

Weird comparison in general. I'll list why each Mass Effect was awesome:

Mass Effect 1: Space CIA agent
Mass Effect 2: Space Jesus builds the best Space Team
Mass Effect 3: Space Jesus has to save Space

Not to mention you had squad control in Mass Effect, effectively giving the player three separate character builds at once, which is great because the builds themselves are really simple. Destiny is Halo + Borderlands, not a first person Mass Effect.

I know it isn't first person mass effect literally. They are still two different types of games after all, but in terms of the way the game looks to me during combat, that's exactly what I see. I understand that specific things are missing and it isn't exactly a perfect fit, but at its very core I'm seeing a first person mass effect minus the squad based control, cover mechanics, and of course there's no big character driven singleplayer story campaign (not that I've seen anyway). It really does remind me of mass effect, as far as the combat is concerned, and that's something I can get behind. I just hope the rest of what the game promises delivers.


So you're expecting extensive attribute point allocation?

I'm not expecting anything. They showed a mode that is equivalent to firefight mode. But somehow you have figured that it is representative of the whole game, and it is no more based on challenge and skill. Have you seen the story missions, the raid missions, exploration, competitive MP or the RPG elements that you have already concluded to be "extremely" limited? Do you know what difficulty it was played at? Seems strange to draw all those conclusions without even seeing them in action or getting your hands on it (assuming you haven't).

I see enough facts that justify criticism against the video. But i don't see enough facts governing your judgment of the game. Seems way too premature.


Not impressed by or interested in what I've seen so far. If they show footage that is radically different from this, I might of course change my mind, but if this is indicative of the gameplay Destiny brings, I'll skip it.
That would be sad, however. Sci-fi is huge these days, but from what I've seen so far they decided to go with Borderlands+Halo style gameplay, instead of something more interesting. Enemies randomly standing in the open in big shooting arenas; imprecise guns fired at short range and standing around and just tanking the shots seems to be the way to defend. Once again, if they show gameplay that is very different from that description, I might change my mind, but there's no reason to speculate about that now.


liked what i saw...EXCEPT the running animations bother me..a lot...they seem too "bouncy" and everyone seems to move exactly the same in a kinda jarring way to me...


This game looks really cool.


This area instantly reminded me of the multiplayer map Tempest from Halo: Reach.


Gold Member
32 pages so I'm sure it's been said and likely beaten to death but my opinion of that new footage is that I'm terribly underwhelmed. I'm not completely writing off the game as I'd like to see what's coming from E3 and what people have to show from beta but that video really didn't inspire me or make me care about the game one way or the other.

This'll sound nitpicky but one of my biggest disappointments in that video was Peter Dinklage. He delivers his lines with no enthusiasm whatsoever. 2:06-2:10 in the video, for example - "Fallen and Hive. Let's hope we can avoid the crossfire." - sounds like he was just reading off a card with no context about the game. Compare that to Jen Taylor (Cortana) or Tim Dadabo (343 Guilty Spark) whose dialog and delivery added both ambiance and urgency to gameplay. I felt none of that with "Ghost", not even during the timed gauntlet at the end.


Unconfirmed Member
I've seen a few people say that the Strike gameplay looked like Firefight mode from ODST / Reach... And I don't get that comparison. It wasn't set in a single space. The players progressed through a level.

This area instantly reminded me of the multiplayer map Tempest from Halo: Reach.
Ah yeah, totally.
Don't have video to show, but as I explored the areas in the build I had, I found all kinds of nooks and crannies to explore (including several areas that were inaccessible but available in the full game). At first, like Skyrim, I was a bit overwhelmed. In the case of Destiny, the planets are Skyrim's world. You fly to them, with or without friends, and your adventures begin. You have new areas to discover and explore, random events that anyone nearby can join and participate in, and of course, missions. You don't have linearity at all unless you are dead-focused on getting to a particular place on the map. While some choose to paint a wrong picture comparing this to Borderlands, I would say this is much more deep and mysterious with an element of danger that certainly gives me a Skyrim vibe but with all the earmarks of Halo, but with lethality, adventure, and loot.

Bungie needs to send you a percentage of every $ they make from a GAF member. I know it's too early to worry, but the 'meat' from Bungie had started to worry me.

Still day 1 Collectors Edition for me.


Unconfirmed Member
Don't have video to show, but as I explored the areas in the build I had, I found all kinds of nooks and crannies to explore (including several areas that were inaccessible but available in the full game). At first, like Skyrim, I was a bit overwhelmed. In the case of Destiny, the planets are Skyrim's world. You fly to them, with or without friends, and your adventures begin. You have new areas to discover and explore, random events that anyone nearby can join and participate in, and of course, missions. You don't have linearity at all unless you are dead-focused on getting to a particular place on the map. While some choose to paint a wrong picture comparing this to Borderlands, I would say this is much more deep and mysterious with an element of danger that certainly gives me a Skyrim vibe but with all the earmarks of Halo, but with lethality, adventure, and loot.
Yeah, this sells the game better than any footage Bungie has shown, hah. Did you play the same build that media outlets showed today?
Maybe it's silly, but I want the game to look like the atmosphere in this concept art at one point.


That's the first thing that got me excited about Destiny, really. Like high/opera sci-fi but in a warzone universe where the sheen of Star Wars has faded and what you're left with is really intimidating enemies in really intimidating environments. Now, I don't wanna say what we've seen is sterile, because the skyboxes are still really nice, but there hasn't exactly been footage where I think "Man, I want to experience that." The presentation just feels flat which is disappointing because I thought the New Mombasa hub in ODST was one of the best co-op shooters I've played in terms of keeping the atmosphere alive through all the shooting and explosions.
I'm probably in the very small minority, but I'm really bothered that the gun is covering a portion of the screen even when they were out of combat. I know that this is an fps, but I think the hud needs to be a little bit more dynamic these days.

You see the other guys on the team run around, and their guns are pointed at the floor; placed away from their face, while you have this gun pulled up to your face all the time even when out of combat.

I've been playing warframe a lot, and you can clearly see that your character puts their gun down when they're not fighting. But yeah, very minor thing. Everything else looks great though.


I'm not expecting anything. They showed a mode that is equivalent to firefight mode. But somehow you have figured that it is representative of the whole game, and it is no more based on challenge and skill. Have you seen the story missions, the raid missions, exploration, competitive MP or the RPG elements that you have already concluded to be "extremely" limited? Do you know what difficulty it was played at? Seems strange to draw all those conclusions without even seeing them in action or getting your hands on it (assuming you haven't).

I see enough facts that justify criticism against the video. But i don't see enough facts governing your judgment of the game. Seems way too premature.

What was shown was a glimpse of combat, I don't play first person shooters to be driven by loot or exploration to discover more loot. To me that stuff should've been the icing on cake for Destiny, I don't know what Destiny should've been, but I'm not digging what has been presented and hinted at.

Do you think the powers shown in the video are complex or require tons of thought? What do you think you'll level up based on how simple the combat is? If I had to guess, sprint duration, more melee damage, more weapon damage, special power damage and cooldown, higher damage resistance, typical upgradable things. Ifs that what character builds amount to, there's no point in adding those RPG aspects.

I'm interpenetrating these things based on what I've seen and read, of course I don't know what difficulty it was being played on, or what you do in the story missions. But it isn't that hard to infer what the RPG elements are based on a combat video.
Kind of. It's at least pretty in depth with regards to altering what your character can do.


"Green: The Hunter build that we show off the most is the Gunslinger build. That’s centered around the Ghost Gun ability. Ghost Gun basically allows you to bring out this weapon which you only get a couple shots on, but they’re very devastating thermal damage shots. Very good for taking down high value single targets at a distance. Very much feared in competitive multiplayer. People see that Ghost Gun come out and they’re just like, “Either I’m going to get really lucky or I’m going to be respawning in a second.” Any abilities that support that super are abilities which are about maintaining a standoff distance with your targets. There’s sort of an area control aspect to that build where you can say, “I want to make you come out that door and not that door because I’m going to have my crosshair on that door.” It’s an offensive oriented build with subspecs that are more about standoff and zone control."

Not good, depending on how often you get to use these power-ups. In regards to Halo balance, people would argue about like a .1 second difference in kill time. Too many crazy powers, everybody may as well have a rocket launcher as a secondary weapon.
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