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TLOU Remastered: 30 fps option gives better shadow quality [Up: Comparison GIF in OP]


Why so much words for a simple fact? To you it's more important how a game looks than how it plays. Legit opinion, just state it as what it is. Don't hide behind your age though, 60fps is a thing of the early 90s if anything.

I prefer the feel of 30 fps with the exception of platformers. To me 30 plays better than 60. Being selfish I think they should have optimized the hell out of 30 and given a paired down 60 option for those who want it.


I'm going to weigh in on all of this and keep in mind this is just my opinion. That being said I'm sure there are others out there that feel the same. First it has to be stated that I'm in my mid 30s and have always been a console gamer. As a result I have no experience on the PC side of things. Being a console gamer I've become very accustomed to games operating around the 30 fps mark. To me 60 fps just looks and feels unnatural. I strongly fall into the 30 fps feels more cinematic camp. Now I'm sure this is just a result of conditioning as I strongly prefer 24 fps in movies as well. Now here's where I take issue with TLOU remastered. To me it's clear that the priority in this 'remaster' was to make the game run at 60 fps in 1080p. They accomplished this however it's apparent some things had to be scaled back or removed completely. And yes I know it's a PS3 game and there's crazy architecture to contend with etc. I just don't understand the push this generation to make games 60 fps for the sake of saying "look it runs at 60 fps". If the push is in regards to console war nonsense it needs to stop. Give me finished great looking games at whatever stable framerate sees the developers vision through. I would have much rather had a 30 fps TLOU with upgraded everything rather than a game which sacrifices graphical fidelity to hit 60 fps. Just imagine what this game could have looked like if all those long hours and overnight coding sessions were used to enhance a game already running at a rock solid 30fps. Again just my opinion.
You are not alone. I'm 100% with you on this one.
I'm going to weigh in on all of this and keep in mind this is just my opinion. That being said I'm sure there are others out there that feel the same. First it has to be stated that I'm in my mid 30s and have always been a console gamer. As a result I have no experience on the PC side of things. Being a console gamer I've become very accustomed to games operating around the 30 fps mark. To me 60 fps just looks and feels unnatural. I strongly fall into the 30 fps feels more cinematic camp. Now I'm sure this is just a result of conditioning as I strongly prefer 24 fps in movies as well. Now here's where I take issue with TLOU remastered. To me it's clear that the priority in this 'remaster' was to make the game run at 60 fps in 1080p. They accomplished this however it's apparent some things had to be scaled back or removed completely. And yes I know it's a PS3 game and there's crazy architecture to contend with etc. I just don't understand the push this generation to make games 60 fps for the sake of saying "look it runs at 60 fps". If the push is in regards to console war nonsense it needs to stop. Give me finished great looking games at whatever stable framerate sees the developers vision through. I would have much rather had a 30 fps TLOU with upgraded everything rather than a game which sacrifices graphical fidelity to hit 60 fps. Just imagine what this game could have looked like if all those long hours and overnight coding sessions were used to enhance a game already running at a rock solid 30fps. Again just my opinion.

A decision I'm glad they made. 60fps is pretty much the reason I'm buying this day one. I mean no disrespect, but I'm glad it was them calling the shots and not you :p


Neo Member
Managed to get the game today, and now playing it for the first time. Man, the presentation and general design of the game world is great. The detail and composition of the world itself is fantastic. As for the shadows, well, when actually playing the game at 60fps, the lighting and shadows look great. This is coming from the type of game player that prefers to take things slow and walk instead of run around in games like these. So unless you're a fan of stopping your character for extended periods of time in order to scan and critique the various surrounding shadows, you're just not going to notice.

If you are anything like me, when you all play or see this game in action, you'll realize that if there's something about the graphics worth faulting, its not the shadows but collision and contact points. But collision/contact imperfections is a personal gripe of mine that I manage to find somewhere in practically every AAA title so its probably not worth griping about. That having been said, what I consider to be Much more important in graphical presentation than shadows/collision/etc is Animations and this game nails it when it comes to animations.

And now I've got to take my GAF glasses back off and just say holy crap this game is sweet and looks awesome. I love a game that provides me with truly satisfying moments, and this game is delivering those moments in spades.


A decision I'm glad they made. 60fps is pretty much the reason I'm buying this day one. I mean no disrespect, but I'm glad it was them calling the shots and not you :p
I'm not ha ha. I was really excited for this in 60 fps though. I bought into the hype hard especially since I never finished it on PS3. From the videos I've seen it does look pretty damn good at 60. I just don't like what it appears they sacrificed to get there.
I'm going to weigh in on all of this and keep in mind this is just my opinion. That being said I'm sure there are others out there that feel the same. First it has to be stated that I'm in my mid 30s and have always been a console gamer. As a result I have no experience on the PC side of things. Being a console gamer I've become very accustomed to games operating around the 30 fps mark. To me 60 fps just looks and feels unnatural. I strongly fall into the 30 fps feels more cinematic camp. Now I'm sure this is just a result of conditioning as I strongly prefer 24 fps in movies as well. Now here's where I take issue with TLOU remastered. To me it's clear that the priority in this 'remaster' was to make the game run at 60 fps in 1080p. They accomplished this however it's apparent some things had to be scaled back or removed completely. And yes I know it's a PS3 game and there's crazy architecture to contend with etc. I just don't understand the push this generation to make games 60 fps for the sake of saying "look it runs at 60 fps". If the push is in regards to console war nonsense it needs to stop. Give me finished great looking games at whatever stable framerate sees the developers vision through. I would have much rather had a 30 fps TLOU with upgraded everything rather than a game which sacrifices graphical fidelity to hit 60 fps. Just imagine what this game could have looked like if all those long hours and overnight coding sessions were used to enhance a game already running at a rock solid 30fps. Again just my opinion.

The same for me, and its the reason i want for GTA 5 on PS4 just solid 30 frames without tearing. The rest of the system resources should be invested for better graphics - and judging the trailer they doing just that.


extra source of jiggaflops
I'm not ha ha. I was really excited for this in 60 fps though. I bought into the hype hard especially since I never finished it on PS3. From the videos I've seen it does look pretty damn good at 60. I just don't like what it appears they sacrificed to get there.
But everything is improved from the PS3 version. Maybe you mean some other word?


For clarity, this is the cropped, native-resolution image:




I definitely disagree that adapting to 30fps is harder than adapting to lower quality shadows, in terms of consistency.

My point is that if the game holds a constant 30, there is nothing out of place. The game runs at a consistent resolution, the shadows stay a relatively consistent quality throughout, and there aren't those additional technical hiccups that interrupt during gameplay and take your attention away from the gameplay or action at hand.

In 60fps mode, there is absolutely that huge benefit of increased framerate, but along with that comes some technical quirks like missing shadows, and lower resolution shadows. That alone wouldn't really be too noticeable, if it wasn't accompanied by much higher quality shadows (the prebaked ones) alongside it. It means that the player will see these crisp, high quality shadows directly alongside these pixellated, shimmery ones and that is inconsistent with the rest of the world. Because it's inconsistent it draws your attention and you'll notice it more regularly.

Playing in a lower frame rate (for most people) is something they will be able to consciously acknowledge once they start playing, but if it's solid never have to think about again.

But there is something out of place at 30FPS..the lower framerate considering the 60FPS version exists. The shadow quality is not that much better to warrant a 50% hit in framerate, especially in motion considering the benefits of temporal anti aliasing due to 60FPS. The 30FPS shadows won't be perfect either, now and then you may come across a light source that would cause the shadow to look relatively ugly (happens in every game) what do you make of it then?

The missing shadows is just a case of incorrect offset, they are not really missing...just not visible because the offset causes them to be hidden inside teh geometry itself.


I'm going to weigh in on all of this and keep in mind this is just my opinion. That being said I'm sure there are others out there that feel the same. First it has to be stated that I'm in my mid 30s and have always been a console gamer. As a result I have no experience on the PC side of things. Being a console gamer I've become very accustomed to games operating around the 30 fps mark. To me 60 fps just looks and feels unnatural. I strongly fall into the 30 fps feels more cinematic camp. Now I'm sure this is just a result of conditioning as I strongly prefer 24 fps in movies as well. Now here's where I take issue with TLOU remastered. To me it's clear that the priority in this 'remaster' was to make the game run at 60 fps in 1080p. They accomplished this however it's apparent some things had to be scaled back or removed completely. And yes I know it's a PS3 game and there's crazy architecture to contend with etc. I just don't understand the push this generation to make games 60 fps for the sake of saying "look it runs at 60 fps". If the push is in regards to console war nonsense it needs to stop. Give me finished great looking games at whatever stable framerate sees the developers vision through. I would have much rather had a 30 fps TLOU with upgraded everything rather than a game which sacrifices graphical fidelity to hit 60 fps. Just imagine what this game could have looked like if all those long hours and overnight coding sessions were used to enhance a game already running at a rock solid 30fps. Again just my opinion.

How can people disassociate the smoothness that 60 fps brings from "graphical fidelity" like it's just a tech spec that is not noticeable. You're seeing the effect across the whole screen 100% of the time. It's a massive part of the visual experience. It's not just an under-the-hood number devs are trying to hit as a bragging point.


For those of you couldn't see it, here's how The Last of Us Remaster's kitchen looks like if you place your eyes directly on your television (unsafe btw).

I prefer the feel of 30 fps with the exception of platformers. To me 30 plays better than 60. Being selfish I think they should have optimized the hell out of 30 and given a paired down 60 option for those who want it.


How is it possible that you prefer sluggish controls, over precise, or more accurately, controls as 60fps can be? This is an actual question, because I can not accept this right here without explanation.


To all of the people bitching about the shadow quality:

How many of you played Skyrim (PC or Console), and how in the sweet fuck are any of you still breathing?

Look at this shit:

And you're bitching about a few less defined shadows? Every shadow in Skyrim looked like the above.
For those of you couldn't see it, here's how The Last of Us Remaster's kitchen looks like if you place your eyes directly on your television (unsafe btw).


I actually played my the ps3 version today to see if that was something that's always been there. OMG. It is so much worse, and yet I never noticed it in my original play through. I kinda wish I could unsee it because now its something I'll notice while playing. I'm not gonna get my hopes up for a patch because apparently it wasn't a problem until some one pointed it out in this thread.
I actually played my the ps3 version today to see if that was something that's always been there. OMG. It is so much worse, and yet I never noticed it in my original play through. I kinda wish I could unsee it because now its something I'll notice while playing. I'm not gonna get my hopes up for a patch because apparently it wasn't a problem until some one pointed it out in this thread.

The hilarious part of all this is no one is going to notice any of these "issues" playing the remastered version if they are actually PLAYING the god damned game.

Of course people will find things to nit-pick over if you go through every single screen with a fine-toothed comb. But in motion, in the heat of actually playing and enjoying the game, I highly doubt it.


Seriously you can cut bread with them 60fps shadows. They better fix this shit before the game is released here in Europe on Friday. Crunch that patch ASAP!


IGN has a comparison of 30 and 60 fps modes but its pretty pathetic... the only thing that changes outside of framerate are the non baked shadows from natural lighting and yet they spend the majority of the comparison not focusing on that. Im pretty curious to see if the 30fps helps with the stuff from pics above,


Gold Member
I prefer the feel of 30 fps with the exception of platformers. To me 30 plays better than 60. Being selfish I think they should have optimized the hell out of 30 and given a paired down 60 option for those who want it.

You think the game plays better when actions have greater input delay to them?
Seriously you can cut bread with them 60fps shadows. They better fix this shit before the game is released here in Europe on Friday. Crunch that patch ASAP!

You've posted too much in this thread.

You gonna spend your time playing looking at shadows? Or playing the game?


Were the pics posted prior to knowing about the 30 FPS mode the same quality as what we're seeing now? Or were they they posting the 30 FPS shots claiming they were from the 60 FPS?


Were the pics posted prior to knowing about the 30 FPS mode the same quality as what we're seeing now? Or were they they posting the 30 FPS shots claiming they were from the 60 FPS?

how far prior? the patch that gave the shadows the enhancement was not available until more recently so before there was literally no difference between the two modes. The patch affects realtime shadows cast by natural lighting. it is not the direct shadows cast by flashlight thats in question as those always look pretty sharp, but the indirect shading cast by the flashlight in surrounding area does look jagged and I dont know if the patch fixes that at 30 fps.



How is it possible that you prefer sluggish controls, over precise, or more accurately, controls as 60fps can be? This is an actual question, because I can not accept this right here without explanation.
Like I said in a previous post I'm just more comfortable with 30. I've never had any problems with 30. I think it's more cinematic and it's what im used too. I'm sure 60 is more accurate. I'm not debating that. A game doesn't need to be 60 fps for me to enjoy it. And I certainly don't want 60 fps at the expense of graphical fidelity.
It's funny. A few minutes in a 30fps game and I forget it's even 30fps. However, booting up CoD or something, the frame rate change is jarring at first, but my eyes get used to it quickly and it's all good.

That being said, 30fps with a mouse is unbearable, while 30fps with a controller is perfectly fine.


Neo Member
Seriously you can cut bread with them 60fps shadows. They better fix this shit before the game is released here in Europe on Friday. Crunch that patch ASAP!

I've been playing a standard retail copy of the game in Europe since yesterday, and you're not gonna notice the shadows playing at 60fps. And this is coming from a very picky gamer when it comes to graphics.

As I mentioned in my other post, the occasional low quality environmental shadows are not the thing to be bitching about (you won't notice them while actually experiencing the game in motion), it's COLLISION and CONTACT POINTS!

For the love of all that is holy, I wonder if anyone in this thread has ever played the original because this has not been been brought up by anyone else. It's like you all are looking at the shadows and not the way the OBJECT THEMSELVES interact with one another.

That said, the game looks great (obviously taking into account that its a ps3 original).
To all of the people bitching about the shadow quality:

How many of you played Skyrim (PC or Console), and how in the sweet fuck are any of you still breathing?

Look at this shit:

And you're bitching about a few less defined shadows? Every shadow in Skyrim looked like the above.
I think the first 'mod' i did was double the shadow resolution in the config file in skyrim... But yeah i expect sacrifices in console games.


I'd probably enjoy cinematic looks if it was a passive experience, but it's not. The higher fidelity draws you in, the world becomes entirely more tangible as you can almost feel it through your fingertips.

Saying you like 30fps as a preference is like saying you prefer the soft focus glow of QAA


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I keep trying to tell people that 30fps makes everything blurry in motion but no one really listens. It's robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Depends how much camera movement there is and what kind, but essentially yes.


Man, you apologists are vicious. There's two non tech related tlour threads for you to hang out in if it suits you.
Apologists is the right word. I mean it's crazy, fanboys screaming at anyone who dares to point at obvious.

And yes, shadows at 60fps look utter ridiculous and I hope they fix this shit.


Tried 60 fps. Nearly cut my eyes at them bread knife shadows.

O noes a few of the shadows cast by certain objects look jagged but still better than they did on Ps3.

I should cut the fluidity of the image and responsiveness of the controls in half.

The mere fact that I was running past all these "bread knives" as I played through all of Summer today, not noticing a single one looking as admittedly bad as the screenshots I'm now seeing in this thread, but remained in awe every five minutes at how much more fun the game is at 60fps should be proof positive (though only one person's anecdote) of their relative impact on the experience.


Man, you apologists are vicious. There's two non tech related tlour threads for you to hang out in if it suits you.

Apologists is the right word. I mean it's crazy, fanboys screaming at anyone who dares to point at obvious.

And yes, shadows at 60fps look utter ridiculous and I hope they fix this shit.

It is unfortunate. The increase in frame rate somehow negates the shoddy aspects of the
port. To each their own I suppose.

I'll hold out on the game until they release some patches or come across a big discount.
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