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#EGX London 2014 || The Event Formerly known as Eurogamer Expo


Day 1 down and only one person has beat the Bloodborne demo at EGX


That it? Last year with Dark Souls 2 they were giving out copies of the game.

Seems to be a lot less giveaways - there was no way in hell they were going to repeat the Call of Duty fiasco of last year xD

Can't believe they only had 2 demo pods for that, the game is due soon and you only have 2 demo pods, yet Mario Kart had crap loads. Also that demo is pretty old, I'm talking playable at Eurogamer Expo 2013 old.

That old?? Hell, I've already played it then!
Well it was my first time attending yesterday and despite all the queues and noise i had a great time. Wish i could go to the rest of the days but i only have myself to blame considering i decided to attend AND bought my ticket yesterday morning. The worst part was probably the sheer amount of drunk chavs and primary school kids lighting up fags in the queue behind me (for entering the expo).


Great impressions, Seanspeed! Would you say the VR experience of EVE bested Elite?
In terms of immediately enjoyable VR, yes. It just works and you don't think about it. Elite is a bit more in-depth, with a detailed cockpit with readouts you need to see, along with the more 'simmy' nature of the piloting itself. Elite highlights the Rift's current shortcomings a bit more and the time I spent getting adjusted to the flight controls was less time spent enjoying the spectacle of the experience.

Eve Valkyrie should be a great 'first VR experience' sort of game. Elite is a sit-down and invest some time in game.

Looks like I'm only doing two days now. Mum is feeling ill so I said I'd get back to see her. Luckily I've only a handful of games to see till I'm done. Bummer.
That is. Hope your mom's well.

Day 1 down and only one person has beat the Bloodborne demo at EGX
I'm not sure there's any way to heal yourself and you only get one try.

Not saying the game isn't properly Souls-challenging, but I think this is why hardly anybody is managing to get through the whole thing.
In terms of immediately enjoyable VR, yes. It just works and you don't think about it. Elite is a bit more in-depth, with a detailed cockpit with readouts you need to see, along with the more 'simmy' nature of the piloting itself. Elite highlights the Rift's current shortcomings a bit more and the time I spent getting adjusted to the flight controls was less time spent enjoying the spectacle of the experience.

Eve Valkyrie should be a great 'first VR experience' sort of game. Elite is a sit-down and invest some time in game.

That is. Hope your mom's well.

I'm not sure there's any way to heal yourself and you only get one try.

Not saying the game isn't properly Souls-challenging, but I think this is why hardly anybody is managing to get through the whole thing.
Ah, cool. I was going to check out Elite anyway, might as well have Eve on the docket too.

You get only one try on Bloodborne demo? That explains a lot. Has different mechanics and controls, no shield, so can see why the completion rates are low.


If you're a big Halo fan you should definitely stop by the #HaloNation booth once you've played Halo:MCC. They're looking for Halo fans to appear in an upcoming commercial.


A friend of mine just put up a Facebook post for EGX tickets for his son. Can anyone help?

This is a bit of a long shot but I need to try and arrange something super quick!! If any of my friends have any contacts in the gaming world or think they can help out I would be so grateful (WARNING: I am about to play the sympathy card!):

Caleb my oldest son has autism. He will be 8 next week and for the last few months we have been planning a trip to London. We go this weekend. Caleb is obsessed with Minecraft - particularly the Youtube videos of The Diamond Minecart, IBallisticSquid and Stampylongnose

Can you believe that this morning, the day before we go he has found out from watching The Diamond Minecart's latest video that he also be in London tomorrow at EGX gaming convention doing a meet and greet for 1 hour. No only that, Caleb has now found some Twitter messages between the 3 of them saying "See you tomorrow".

Caleb is currently having kittens. For this reason I NEED some tickets for Saturday. I have been scouring ebay and online sending out messages to people to try and secure some at the right time (his meet and greet is 11am).

I am not looking for a freebee here - I am prepared to pay what I need to pay to get some tickets - I just need some help in locating some. We would be forever grateful for any help.

Thank you!!!!!
I'm not sure there's any way to heal yourself and you only get one try.

Not saying the game isn't properly Souls-challenging, but I think this is why hardly anybody is managing to get through the whole thing.

The healing item is permanently mapped it triangle now.


A friend of mine just put up a Facebook post for EGX tickets for his son. Can anyone help?

I won a pair of weekend passes but can't use them. I've asked if I can let a friend have them instead and if they say yes then you can have them.

Also if anyone wants a Friday early access pass, PM me.
Edit: Friday pass gone.



Great impressions, Seanspeed. Good to see how much your experience with driveclub has changed since the last time you played it. Very curious about the AI rubber banding complaint that everyone talks about but EVO vehemently denies. Wonder what's going on there.

Probably going to get TEW after all the glowing impressions I've seen recently.

Wonder which build of Bloodborne you got to play. Colin Moriarty seemed to think the framerate issues are pretty much gone now.

Still not sure about Lords of the fallen. Probably going to keep an eye out for it, since I haven't really heard any negatives, but response has been lukewarm so far.


Not sure if it's just a lack of swag this year or a lack of swag yesterday.

Last year I watched Twitter and ebay overnight to see what swag people got to get the next day, this year there seems to be very little being shown... The Game preorder stuff is cool, especially The Witcher 3 signed slipcase and I've seen some AC art again along with those XBox cards but little more.

What swag have ya'll acquired?
Not sure if it's just a lack of swag this year or a lack of swag yesterday.

Last year I watched Twitter and ebay overnight to see what swag people got to get the next day, this year there seems to be very little being shown... The Game preorder stuff is cool, especially The Witcher 3 signed slipcase and I've seen some AC art again along with those XBox cards but little more.

What swag have ya'll acquired?
Got a Total War Attila t-shirt and a Elite Dangerous t-shirt. Also, literally everyone got one of those Evil Within box heads.


Got a Total War Attila t-shirt and a Elite Dangerous t-shirt. Also, literally everyone got one of those Evil Within box heads.

got a pic of the elite tshirt?

Got a can of FizzCo stuff from the sunset overdrive presentation but that's it. Bought a set of Minecraft animals too - will be a Christmas present for my daughter


Maturity, bitches.
How is the Hyrule Warriors queue. Still on the fence and since it is an already released game I'm hoping demand for the demo is low.
Just played Bloodbourne... OH SHIT!! This game is fucking amazing! I can't describe how awesome it was. The mechanics... Ooh the weapon transformation... The art, the atmosphere, the sound! It all works so well together. Only 1 person defeated the final boss and 6 reached it as of yesterday and today. I was one of the people to reach the boss but died while only depleting a quarter of his health. Don't even get me started on the enemy and boss design. Day fucking one


So, my impressions from yesterday:

Traveling in by car was surprisingly pleasent and took less time than I imagined! Parking at the event was 2 mins away which was great (tho not cheap!). I was a bit dissapointed that they didn't start letting folk in until 10 (which of course means further delays while you wait for your wrist band) - but there you go. Onto the games...

Not my bag really, didn't look or play great but then I'm not a PC gamer so wasn't comfortable without a controller in my hand. Essentially 4 humans v 4 vampires 3rd person play. Got a free t-shirt for playing it though.

Adictive fun where you run around a 'maze/map' in 2d against 4 players trying to eliminate the opposition by forcing them 'offscreen'. The play area 'shrinks' as you play making for some frantic play towards the end - really enjoyable just a shame it's not on PS4/Vita but was playing this for a while so tempted to pic it up on PC but this would be better suited to my TV. Got a free game (to d/l from steam) so that was nice.

Pretty (read neon) and retro looking puzzler where the idea is to get to the top of a maze by creating platforms where you jump. The stage I played only allowed 2 platforms to be created at any one time and they disintegrate after a couple of seconds. TBH I liked the concept by my old brain suffered and I couldn't quite get anywhere so gave up after 5 mins but I can imagine this being quite popular.

Now this I liked. It's currently only coming to PS4 & Vita (with cross-buy and save) and what I love is it's simplicity. You control a circle and go around collecting yellow lines and avoiding black lines as they move across the screen. The circle can switch between 4 sizes - the bigger you are the bigger the multiplier. I only played a few mins but I loved it and will get it when it's out. It was nice to speak to the guy who wrote the game and we had a chat about how supportive Sony were and he hoped to offer 20% off on PS+ with an expected price arounf £5-6. I asked about other versions but he said possibly PS3 but MS hadn't been at all helpful so it was unlikely (seeing as he was a one-man band). I urge you to check this out if you like simple puzzlers. (and got a free badge!)

Dying Light
This looked great and enjoyable, but when I picked up the controller I just couldn't get into it - I don't know if it was the XBO controller (first time I ever used one) or if it was because I was sitting too close. Either way I left less impressed but still hopeful.

The Evil Within
Sorry to go against the grain but I just didn't enjoy the demo. I don't know (again) if it was the XBO controller or the fact you sit so close, but it just didn't control well for me. I'm still hopeful it'll be fine, graphically it was nice but I didn't like the fact the pickups seemd a bit finiky (but again maybe it was just me). Got a free head box thingy and evidence bag.

Elite Dangerous

Firstly there was a bit of dispute over waiting for the Oculus version. The guys in front were allowed to wait but the person letting folk in was reluctant to let me wait. Eventually I gave in (he's only doing his job) but was gutted I didn't get chance to try it out. The game is just awsome, I only tried the first mission because - well frankly, that's all I needed to know I will love the game (again). The X52 pros were nice and really helped, I'd like to know how it compares with a controller...I'd prefer a controller due to expense and space TBH...but yeah, Elite rocks! Got a free t-shirt, pen and photo to boot!

Games I saw but didn't play...
Halo MCC:
Halo is Halo, looked solid from what I saw.

Escape Dead Island:
This is like a cell shaded version - could be good fun, never heard of it before but it's on my list to watch out for.

Dead Island 2:
Was tearing badly so decided not to bother trying it after my Dying Light experince

Drive Club:
Looks the mutts...didn't seem worth the time to q for a game I'll be playing in 2 weeks :)

As ever looks good.

AC Unity:
Fairly impressive looking, seems loads of NPCs compared to previous versions - apparently built from the ground up for next gen.

Sunset Overdrive:
Looked fun but graphically not as fantastic as I expected.

Anything else worth mentioning:
My daughter bought an AC Black Flag t-shirt for £8 so that was pretty good VFM.

Overall a good day, it was a shame I had to leave early otherwise I would have tried a few more games.


Going tomorrow, haven't been to a game conference since I was a kid. Sounds like a lot of waiting around and very few attractions, disappointing but hey ho. Main reason I am going is to try the Rift for the first time.

Really looking forward to VR, so could enjoy that (or throw up) and leave happy in the worst case. Although I was expecting project morpheus to be there, real shame but guess I should expect it. Didn't gamescom get to try it? UK eh, pay twice as much and get half the effort. :)

Want to play Bloodborne, Sunset Overdrive (first time with an xbone) and Lords of the Fallen which I already have on preorder but want to double-check. Might try out The Order out of curiosity, not looking good to me but who knows.

Thanks for the impressions btw, will help to plan out the day. Sounds like the nvidia booth is the best option for the Rift.
Did anyone else play the demo for The Order? Pretty much the consensus I had heard about this game was true for me. Great looking, but gameplay wise so incredibly bland. Granted, this is only from playing a demo so the main game still could impress and be different.


There is a good game dev colleague who is at EGX and has his game there for people to try out. It's called "Quest of Dungeons" and it's already on Steam.


I'm not sure there's any way to heal yourself and you only get one try.

Not saying the game isn't properly Souls-challenging, but I think this is why hardly anybody is managing to get through the whole thing.

Yeah you can press triangle heals you (if you have the potion).

I got to the werewolfes and dies, was annoyed. Agree the 1 go is the biggest killer for completion qtys, it is an unforgiven game, loved it.


Great impressions, Seanspeed. Good to see how much your experience with driveclub has changed since the last time you played it. Very curious about the AI rubber banding complaint that everyone talks about but EVO vehemently denies. Wonder what's going on there.

Probably going to get TEW after all the glowing impressions I've seen recently.

Wonder which build of Bloodborne you got to play. Colin Moriarty seemed to think the framerate issues are pretty much gone now.

Still not sure about Lords of the fallen. Probably going to keep an eye out for it, since I haven't really heard any negatives, but response has been lukewarm so far.

Played Lords of the fallen, framerate was a choppy 30 (PS4) and the controller was laggy as, even asked the dev there and he said it is weighted so I took all armour off and was just naked torso guy and still laggy. This affected the play but was dark souls tough.

Hated the Chromatic Aberration though, far too much. Lighting is really good and textures also, would just like the framerate and camera angles in corridors to be sorted as you can lose your character on-screen which makes it even harder.

EDIT:Sorry double post!


Last year was fun, apart from queuing up for an hour outside the buidling. Got a ticket for Sunday this year.


Unconfirmed Member
Played Nosgoth which was okay, nothing out of the ordinary. The Evil Within was quite slow moving, load times between deaths were a concern. Jumped us in at Chapter 9 but there was very little going on, and no jump scares for me. Just slow zombie dudes.

Lords of the Fallen is definitely a Souls clone, how in depth it goes is hard to say. Combat was easy to pick up, same buttons it seemed like.

Main problem was I play inverted so that was a hindrance.

Met one of the few streamers I suscribe to at the Twitch booth, good stuff.

Queues for some games are looooong. Alien Isolation has been 45 mins all day, it's also at Sony but not guaranteed you'll play it over something else. Bloodboene queue is bonkers and again no guarantees.


Unconfirmed Member
Ubisoft are demoing a tower defence game on stage, frame rate looked abysmal but it's the shitty way they handle the shooting animations.
Dying Light
This looked great and enjoyable, but when I picked up the controller I just couldn't get into it - I don't know if it was the XBO controller (first time I ever used one) or if it was because I was sitting too close. Either way I left less impressed but still hopeful.
Been telling people since last year, Dying Light is going to be a disappointment once you get past the novelty of the parkour. Lost all interest after playing at EGX last September.


Played Lords of the fallen, framerate was a choppy 30 (PS4) and the controller was laggy as, even asked the dev there and he said it is weighted so I took all armour off and was just naked torso guy and still laggy. This affected the play but was dark souls tough.

Hated the Chromatic Aberration though, far too much. Lighting is really good and textures also, would just like the framerate and camera angles in corridors to be sorted as you can lose your character on-screen which makes it even harder.

EDIT:Sorry double post!

Hmmm… The game still has a month prior to release. Let's hope they have addressed these technical issues, if not already.


Maturity, bitches.
It was about 20-30 minutes long when i was there.
Eh. Since on leaning towards getting it I may just wait to see if it does go down in price (which I suspect it may) and get it then. 30 minutes digs into my precious Splatoon time.

Also sad to hear you still have to go through hoops to play the Smash U demo. Why does Nintendo think this is a good idea? Also there's even less incentive to play the Smash 3DS demo when I already have a limited demo that I can play any time.
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