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Bayonetta 2 Review Thread - Metacritic: one billion-hit combo, buy it kids

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you know

i wonder if there's another universe that never got this game. i hope there is. i hope there is and i hope the people of that universe are jealous
I fundamentally disagree with Bayonetta being sexist and think a lot of people are confusing being sexy with perpetuating sexism. I don't see how anyone could walk away from Bayonetta respecting women and their right to choose their own path LESS. It might not be the kind of diversity Gies is looking for in a game, but a complete female power fantasy that completely ignores what males think is "cool" (just look at how many of them are ashamed of seeing female sexuality represented in such a dominant way) certainly isn't a theme that has been explored to death in video games.

That said, he's entitled to his opinion and if it bothered his enjoyment of the game, then he should certainly make that a part of his review. Honestly, I don't even care about reviews and especially not about games in this genre from people I generally disagree with (Gies being one of the top contenders). The only thing I was hoping for in reviews was that the game isn't a horrible piece of shit and that my Wii U purchase wasn't in vain. These scores and the demo put me at ease.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I can only look at those reviews and laugh that this is a game that needed to be swooped down and saved. Crazy to think it almost got canned.


It does look fun. Will wait for the usual Nintendo crowd overhype to settle a tad before confirming to grab it though.


I went and read the whole Polygon review... big focus on the oversexualation part in the article. Don't really understand the multplayer gripes either thats what the mode is a competitive vs mode to see who scores more.

Ressing a downed partner should be a choice if you think you can solo the rest of the enemies you are rewarded with victory if you die you look stupid for not bringing your friend back.

Some choice quotes:

It's sexist, gross pandering, and it's totally unnecessary. Bayonetta 2 needs prurient rewards even less than the original Bayonetta did

I won't guess why the blatant over-sexualization is still there, often more intensely than before. But it causes an otherwise great game to require a much bigger mental compromise to enjoy.


On the other, the deliberate sexualization and objectification on display serves as a jarring distraction from the creativity and design smarts elsewhere.

Less positive is the same exaggerated sexualization that hung heavy around the last game's neck. I'll forgive the high heels and the exaggerated proportions, if only because there's so many other things to criticize. Bayonetta's new outfit delivers bold new developments in revealing clothing with the introduction of diamond cutouts on the ass of her jumpsuit, creating what I can only refer to as "under-butt" cleavage. When standing in place her shoulders are bent back to point her chest at ... whatever.

But even this is minor compared to the game's camera, which zooms in on Bayonetta's parts like they're products being sold in a commercial. There are enough gratuitous ass-shots, cleavage jokes and spread legs to fill an hours long super cut. The camera doesn't look at Bayonetta — it leers at her.

I mean he talks about this way more then anything else in his review. It seems like hes really offended by this so why is he reviewing the game when its clear he can't deal with sexualized women in video games?
I can only look at those reviews and laugh that this is a game that needed to be swooped down and saved. Crazy to think it almost got canned.

It needed to be saved because Destiny probably sold more than Bayonetta 2 will it's lifetime by 2AM on the day of release.


Everyone but Polygon raving about it? So it's fucking amazing.

Best sidescrolling platformer of all time and now the best action game of all time (IMO). Been a good fantastic year for Nintendo.
The only way for game reviews to grow past the Consumer Reports mentality is stuff like giving Bayonetta 2 or say, Call of Duty a 7.5 or frankly, giving something like Gone Home a 10 despite it's lack of whiz pow graphical hardware.

There'd be anger at Gies whatever he says because of his reputation on the Internet. If it was in an editorial, there'd be some idiot saying "see, that evil SJW is trying to paint everybody who liked Bayonetta 2 as a sexist!" or something along those lines. Either way, he can't win, so why not put in the review?

I think it's part of a larger challenge of where reviews are going in the internet age. There's a wider base of voices, and ways to be heard than ever before. That opens limitless possibilities for how we critique a piece of media.

Yet, most people only see reviews through aggregators. Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes are useful tools for the average consumer, because they're damn good at giving you a baseline expectation. I can see a green splotch on a movie's page, and 90% of the time it'll predict my enjoyment of it.

The reality is that people don't read reviews. They read scores. That number is Polygon's most lasting contribution to Bayonetta 2, whether they like it or not. Should it take into account something beyond the game's control? What good does that do a consumer if it's not accurate to the experience they pay for?

I think the best move is to write scored reviews as they'll be used. Then, if you want to write a more intimate look at the game - don't put a number on it.
Dutch IGN: 8

Nintendo did well to get this game to their console, although time will tell if sales warrant a third entry in the series. The return to smooth, but complex gameplay was delightful, be it that the stress level of the game is very high. During the fourteen hours it took me to beat the game, I was severly entertained - but I was glad it was over. Yet I see myself returning to the game, because we rarely see games with this quality of gameplay these days.


Over-sexualization? Damn, what a problem this people have.

I guess you have to be way more open-minded to enjoy that kind of style, and know a bit about artists. Not everything in this life is black or white, with or against, you know?

If it was a comic, it wouldn't have g... oh wait.

EDIT: Sales will warrant WAT? C'mon, it's a freaking review! :( I'm done.


I went and read the whole Polygon review... big focus on the oversexualation part in the article. Don't really understand the multplayer gripes either thats what the mode is a competitive vs mode to see who scores more.

Ressing a downed partner should be a choice if you think you can solo the rest of the enemies you are rewarded with victory if you die you look stupid for not bringing your friend back.

Some choice quotes:

I mean he talks about this way more then anything else in his review. It seems like hes really offended by this so why is he reviewing the game when its clear he can't deal with sexualized women in video games?

I think you misunderstand the Polygon reviewer selection process.

He's reviewing it BECAUSE he can't deal with sexualized women in video games.


I don't even own a Wii U but I'm glad that the game is getting these amazing reviews.

Congrats to Platinum and Nintendo!


I went and read the whole Polygon review... big focus on the oversexualation part in the article. Don't really understand the multplayer gripes either thats what the mode is a competitive vs mode to see who scores more.

Ressing a downed partner should be a choice if you think you can solo the rest of the enemies you are rewarded with victory if you die you look stupid for not bringing your friend back.

Some choice quotes:

I mean he talks about this way more then anything else in his review. It seems like hes really offended by this so why is he reviewing the game when its clear he can't deal with sexualized women in video games?

I question that you even read the review if you actually think the quotes you pulled make up "way more then anything else in his review."

This is the nature of criticism. That stuff obviously had an impact on how much he was able to enjoy the game and he wrote a review that reflected that while simultaneously praising the gameplay mechanics.


Props to Gies I guess. I don't agree with him at all really (well... no, I have no idea whether I agree with him or not, I haven't played the game yet), but there's no reason he shouldn't put it in his review if it affected his enjoyment of the game.

Fady K

Every non WiiU owner, hopefully this game lets you get one. There aren't too many big games, sure, but the exclusives on it really seem like they are worth playing through!

Can't believe this game was almost fully abandoned due to no publisher interest. Hopefully this game sells a LOT because such efforts merit great sales at least.


That Polygon review is something special indeed.
I would not have reviewed a game if I had objections to that daring, self-cynical atmosphere Bayonetta 1 was known to be going for. This game does not really elevates that attitude by much, but it is also a bit more front-loaded in that regard.

If you are freaked out by anything in Bayonetta 2 in the "sexualization" aspect, and did not have an issue with it in the first one, then you either did not play the first game, or you did not get to your dopplegangers and used torture attacks on them. Seriously, go back 5 years in time and retroactively *FREAK OUT*.


I suppose Polygon reviews are for people with very delicate sensibilities. Truthfully there are people who won't enjoy this game because of the sexualisation and any game with a lot of sexualisation. The polygon reviews reflects that so I think it's fiiiine. The fact that there are so many games media outlets means there is a publication suited to all kinds of people.


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Metacrtic of 92?

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