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Bayonetta 2 Review Thread - Metacritic: one billion-hit combo, buy it kids

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damn that's low


Re: Polygons review ....... no gripes against his opinion on the mechanics or his subjective take on the art direction but i mean making 'sex' overtly ironic is not the same as trying to be sleazly.... bayonetta is saying 'im expected to be sexy because im a girl in a videogame? fuck it il wear it' and she does so strongly and without apology....... this is much better than say Tomb raider who has just as many 'boob/butt' shots but as a damsel in distress kind of way
Again, reviews shouldn't just be consumer advocacy. They can be, if that's a site mission, and good luck to them.

But, a review should be about whatever the reviewer feels it should be (as long as it's truthful) and the reviewer should be able to score it however they want too. There are movie reviewers out there who absolute hate anything big budget and thus, never review those type of movies well. Fine. That's their prerogative.

Sadly, most people, especially the target audience, for example, probably didn't see the anti-war message in Starship Troopers. But, it was there, and reviewers picked up on it. Should they have just panned the movie because it was full of bad acting, or should the review taken into the account of everything about the movie, even things most normal people wouldn't notice when they watch it?

A review can still contain the critic's independent opinion of a movie, and account for whatever X-factor may enhance it past it's objective quality. (Ex: A cult movie like The Room is objectively very poor - but can be appreciated by plenty of people as a great experience. A review should reflect the overall opinion the critic had. But the game also should be judged in a bubble. Most people disagree with Polygon's review because it seems like it's more a condemnation of oversexualization in gaming, rather than an analysis of the game itself. I can't help but feel like Bayonetta 2 is being punished for the state of the industry as a whole.

Scored reviews have always been a flawed system that best work either has an aggregate system (like RT or Metacritic) or a super-personal one (like Giant Bomb, where you're usually finding a personality with similar taste, and following their lead on new releases). It doesn't make sense for Polygon to use their Bayonetta 2 review as a platform to talk about an issue, because it might not apply to somebody's enjoyment of the game if they're removed from that conversation.
That's what a review is; opinion. It is not a used-car sales catalogue.

I'm a reader. I want to be informed. This review tells me if I had an issue with the "objectification" of the first then I'll have trouble here too. That's informative. It doesn't cease to be informative and/or entertaining because I disagree. That's is my bias.

And as no one here outside of reviewers have played the full game, that means all comments here about it are being made in bias. Based upon the previous game.

In the other reviews, the personal ideology of those reviewers could mean they're not bothered by what the other reviewer found problematic. That's still as "tainted". It seems "opinion" has become a dirty thing only when the reader disagrees with it.

I'd recommend what I'd call respectful disagreement. I love cinema and there are a few reviewers I follow religiously. All of them have "bias", "tainted opinions", and review franchises they may not have liked previously ("keep an open mind"). At times they'll love a film I really disliked, or vice versa. However, I respect their opinion and understand how they got there. But this is by picking people and not outlets to follow; it's about following what you love (critical analysis + entertainment).

My advice is to stick to the reviewers - reviewers, not outlets - that you enjoy reading. Don't click on the rest.

Bingo. Don't like Polygon review's, don't read 'em. An opinion isn't invalid just because you disagree with it.

I mean, unless it's something obviously crazy like saying Terminator 3 is better than Terminator 2. Those people should be wiped off the Earth.


I expected those scores so I'm not surprised at all :)

And fuck Polygon, you're writing a review of a game, not an analysis of over-sexualization in the industry. Does he have any sense of humor? Bayonetta is a self-confident and strong character in charge of her own destiny. Is he going to review all games based on social themes, is he going to criticize Call Of Duty because it's an apology of war? He's not consistent in how he approaches a game, making his opinion irrelevant in that context. His "review" should have been a blog post.


This could definitely be a GOTY winner right here. I just hope people with a Wii U will buy it and those without one will by a Wii U now. After playing the demo and seeing the reviews this game deserves all the possible sales it can get.


Utterly pathetic. Platinum aren't crying over Polygon's review, why are you? Enjoy the damn game.

Pathetic? The negativity in Polygon's review is just unjustified, it tries to criticize Bayonetta for it's sexualisation while that's an integral part of the game's direction.

In this case the reviewer's pathetic and fanboys have the right to be pissed off.
I expected those scores so I'm not surprised at all :)

And fuck Polygon, you're writing a review of a game, not an analysis of over-sexualization in the industry. Does he have any sense of humor? Bayonetta is a self-confident and strong character in charge of her own destiny. Is he going to review all games based on social themes, is he going to criticize Call Of Duty because it's an apology of war?

Actually, and I forget if he reviewed Medal of Honor or Battlefield or any other recent modern war games for Polygon or not, but yeah, Gies has talked a lot about on Rebel FM about how he's over shooting brown people in every modern FPS.


Reviews look good. Just two more weeks!

But do we have DF's Face-Off and frame rate tests?

"Wii U version's framerate has fluctuations, while all other ports run at a perfect 0 frames per second. We have no idea how Platinum were ale to achieve such a stable framerate."


My copy is pre-ordered, I know one of my other friends who is getting it. Even if we don't see a Bayonetta 3 (I hope we do, Nintendo, get on that now please :) ) At least we have the two best spectacle fighters (with MGR in close 2nd) in one place with this, and of all places, on a Nintendo system. I've been smirking, and laughing at the butthurt of the "Only WiiU? Screw you" crap, the "I'd rather this game not exist than it being a Nintendo exclusive" (yes 'fans' have actually said this), and now these reviews are icing on the cake. Nintendo needed this game, even if it doesn't sell well, it shows they are willing to go the mile when they see something truly special that no one else wants. Maybe this will also get some good well and boost sales. Either way I will be enjoying this game along with the first next Friday and that is all that matters at this point to me.
Never really got the Bayonetta is sexist comments. Thought Leigh Alexander was spot on for once.


I'm not always into the overt sexualization of female characters in games, but in Bayonetta's case, it works. She's a well-done, sex-positive character. Does that mean every scantily-clad, bootylicious anime lady is good? Nah.

Like I said in my review:

Bayonetta herself features a new costume and hairstyle, with her updated model showing off streaming hair and tassels, but she's still the same powerful, confident, and sexy lady she was the first time around. Bayonetta is the Beyonce of the action game world and she stands here as the female version of Devil May Cry's Dante. Yes, her clothes disappear when she does some of her attacks, but she dominates every scene she inhabits and is in full control. There's multiple ways to portray a strong woman as a lead, and Bayonetta's presentation is one of the more interesting takes.


They're bad, in your view. Plenty of people love them though.

That's my point. As long as a reviewer isn't saying something incorrect (ie. There are eight levels, when there are really ten), any criticism is valid, as long as it's backed up. If somebody wanted to give a movie a 6 out of 10 because say, they hate seeing blood and it's a gory film, that'd be fine. I'd take that into account when comparing into other reviews, but it wouldn't be an invalid review simply because of that fact.

I get what you're saying but disagree. Pointing out Bayonetta's sexual nature in the first game was fine. Pointing it out again for a sequel is boorish. Bayonetta is a known quantity. In other news, american football is still played with a prolate spheroid shaped ball. What's up with that? Assassin's Creed games have parkouring. The Alien franchise features scary aliens. In a movie review, that information might be under the movie's rating, advising parents not to bring kids. It is advisory information, it would not effect the review score. To criticise the inherent qualities of a franchise is worthless criticism.

In other news, if Darksiders 3 is ever made, it's probably going to have the same visual style as the first two games. "Still looks like World of Warcraft, 7.5"

I could go on and on here, but if you don't see the silliness in this that I do we'll have to agree to disagree.


That's some universal praise right there!

And eh, I see everybody freaking out about the terrible Polygon review; it's one dude's opinion, let him. I don't care much for Arthur Gies. He's the same guy who complained in reviews that the button placement on Nintendo controllers wasn't the same as on Xbox, which is weird because Xbox standerized or something.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
I bought a Wii U in April, 2013 for this game exclusively.

Now and we're less than 2 weeks away from release, I can't believe we're almost there.

I don't care who the hell you think you are, you stand up and pay respect to Nintendo for making this a reality.
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