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The character design for The Order: 1886 is so good.


Seems worse, she is looking even more white now.

why does the fact that she looks more white now bother you?

Anyways aside from the fact that she does look whiter(it looks more like there is more light on her face) the models have improved. It looks more realistic.
Every time I see a thread on the The Order on this site I get excited, once I enter it that quickly fades. People find ways to shit on every thread about this game, it's getting old. Saying that the character designs are pretty cool, but I wish they had some more distinguishing features on each of the characters, they seem a bit too samey.
You haven't watched the trailes? Plenty of dialogue to pick their tones.

Oh definitely. As an Englishman myself the accents are clear enough to pick up on, however I was wondering if they were native voice actors as there are some awfully talented imitators across the pond.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Is it really that funny? Yes it's a work of fiction, but it's still trying to have a basis of reality and remain authentic to capturing early industrial london. It's easy to rationalize werewolves and high tech weapons being in this universe because these facets are different from our reality and we can accept them. It's less easy to separate why there would be an abundantly multi ethnic and racial background of characters, in what is otherwise a faithful artistic interpretation of early industrial london.

Look at AC Unity. It features fantastical moments and feats that no one would ever mistake as attempting to accurately portray reality. Given your logic, english accents shouldn't be a problem, but because accents are easily relatable we feel a disconnect when we hear them in a French setting.

You...didn't really make an argument there. You just said "yes these facets are different from our reality so its easy to accept them, but these other facets are the same as our reality"


Hmm may have to avoid all Order threads until it is out. The threads just end up full of people shitting on the game.

To me the characters look great.


Eh, I was going to write the same , so annoying -_- The web has already decided the fate of this game.

yup, so predictable.

But there does tend to be a heavy prejudice here towards critic-approved retail AAA games with giant marketing budgets: GTA, Far Cry, Shadow of Mordor, Dragon Age, and big Nintendo releases.

Games that aren't that tend to get a lot of hate. Combine that with console warrior hate for exclusives from the opposing team, and, well...


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Well, I guess we hit a wall here on what I or others consider generic. Every-time I look at an Assassins Creed character I'm reminded of how out of place they're given their surrounding environments and NPC's. The facade wears thin after you play the third, or fourth entry in the series... (specially the hoodie).

If not for the clothing, A'Creed characters are as generic as they can be - (character faces hidden in a hoodie majority of the time a player has character control helps lessen the impact). And as I have previously mentioned, even their clothing designs can be off-putting in the context in which they are presented the majority of the time.... of course, gamers at large are not as picky about this but in some genre's it can affect its presentation - at least for me it does.
Well look, if the characters are as generic as you say then it should be easy to post many examples of designs from the same genus.
Who's Scottish? The old guy?

That's who I was referring to, but on second thought I take it back. I somehow got it in my head he was Scottish, but I can't find anywhere that states this. He's probably English!

Cheers fella.

May I ask where you got the information from?

I've been looking all over the place.

The big GameInformer piece on the game from last year had a lot of information. And just generally, there are lots of making-of videos and interviews with the team littered on the internet that provide a lot of detail and background.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Well should specify what you're asking.
I don't see how I could be more specific. If, as you say, the character designs in AC games are as generic as they could be, then it should be easy to post lots of examples of characters that share their same general look.

Unless what you're saying is that they're generic because they all share some characteristics with each other, in which case, I disagree that that constitutes their being generic character designs.
That's who I was referring to, but on second thought I take it back. I somehow got it in my head he was Scottish, but I can't find anywhere that states this. He's probably English!

The big GameInformer piece on the game from last year had a lot of information. And just generally, there are lots of making-of videos and interviews with the team littered on the internet that provide a lot of detail and background.

I'll have to comb through some old videos. Cheers!


I must say that I am looking forwad to play this game. I have an idea that this will be the next gen game we are missing which really shows what the PS4 can do. And that without all the bugs from games like Unity.

And being linear is only a plus for me. I am already tired of open world games in this gen.
This thread is painful to read. Game is hated on GAF.

No one has said they hate the game, or even anything close to that. Apart from the one guy who implied that they played it and then never returned to the thread. People claim that it's just 'thread-shitting' to give some legitimate criticisms about the character designs, and then become incredibly defensive themselves with condescending remarks that it's whining. Most of the complaints have honestly been pretty reasonable if you ask me.
I don't get why certain games are supposed to get a free pass in criticism on GAF. This kind of tribalism is really silly.

I think these sorts of threads are always going to be bad news, regardless of the subject, because anything prior to a game's release is going to attract multiple varying opinions. We have barely anything to go on, since R.A.D haven't really shown off much. So all we're left with is to scrutinize what we do know.

As much as I would want this game to do well for the developers and enjoy critical success, it honestly looks like it's suffering from Killzone Syndrome - Splendid visuals that fail to disguise the middle of the road gameplay mechanics. And whilst I do appreciate their technical vision, it's not enough to get me hyped. And when there is a lack of hype, it becomes very easy to pick at the other niggling factors.

I do hope for the people excited for the game, that it's a pleasant surprise, but you have to be reasonable and accept that maybe these threads occasionally go this route because for a lot of others, it doesn't...actually...look very exciting. Be that the gameplay, character designs, etc. And that may be because many have become weary of games not really reaching far enough, or sequel fatigue or a various number of other reasons.
I'm impressed with the graphics but where is the story? where is the exciting gameplay? graphics dont make a game entirely. they help, but the meat of the game is the story and gameplay and the order 1886 has shown neither of those to be exciting so far.
The costume design is superb, but they all look pretty bland from every other character design perspective (contrast, style, silhouette, shape, etc.); the nature of realism and "semi-realism" is that they don't really allow for the characters to have interesting physical features or body shapes. Which is why the characters in the OP look like generic white people with average builds.


Junior Member
I'm impressed with the graphics but where is the story? where is the exciting gameplay? graphics dont make a game entirely. they help, but the meat of the game is the story and gameplay and the order 1886 has shown neither of those to be exciting so far.

huh what extent of story can they reveal before the game is out :S. all you can do is give a general outline

Its ancient order of knights protecting against half breed. Knights live longer due to blackwater and have awesome gadgets (due to work done by nikola tesla). At the same time this fight is going on in the shadows the knights who are in essence associated with the richer people are facing a backlash from the poor and impoverished leading to a 3 pronged conflict.'

Story seems plenty interesting to me.

Gameplay there have been some concerns expressed but given their track record on games im hopeful and also hopefully the ps event will showcase some new stuff.


Nope. The only vibe I get from these guys is "we were designed almost entirely based around assassin's creed sales figures"
Dude is in his 30s but looks "worn" as hell. He wears a well maintained uniform to his order...I'd say it says a lot about him. "You can tell a lot about a person by his shoes" and all that.


Are you guys seriously complaining because all the main cast are white? We have four people, who are arthurian knights from the middle ages or something, and you seriously think one of the characters should be mexican or something? I mean why do you guys get worked up over stuff like this? Who cares what their ethnicity is and who are you to argue with the developers vision?

And the character design in this game is awesome imo.


Are you guys seriously complaining because all the main cast are white? We have four people, who are arthurian knights from the middle ages or something, and you seriously think the main character should be mexican or something? I mean why do you guys get worked up over stuff like this? Who cares and who are you to argue with the developers vision?

1. You appear more worked up about this than anyone who brought up the characters being white.

2. I love how the ethnicity/sex of the main characters in games is the one part of the developer's "vision" that's not allowed to be question. This forum wouldn't exist if we weren't allowed to question the decisions that developers make but when it comes to character ethnicity/sex/gender, we're supposed to shut up about it and just accept whatever we're presented. That's interesting.


Junior Member
Have we seen the sticky-knife grenade in action yet? I wonder if the blade only sticks into soft materials.
I'd love a badass Sikh knight. Would it make sense? Of course not, the British Empire trashed India during this period in history. But it would be cool. Though let's be honest, if they had a character like that, they'd make him the main protagonist's manservant or something.

I'm Sikh, I'd dig more Sikh characters in stuff in general lol

Maybe in The Order: 1945 or something.


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
I'm impressed with the graphics but where is the story? where is the exciting gameplay? graphics dont make a game entirely. they help, but the meat of the game is the story and gameplay and the order 1886 has shown neither of those to be exciting so far.

True, they haven't shown that much, but it has nothing to do with this thread topic.


I don't see how I could be more specific. If, as you say, the character designs in AC games are as generic as they could be, then it should be easy to post lots of examples of characters that share their same general look.

Unless what you're saying is that they're generic because they all share some characteristics with each other, in which case, I disagree that that constitutes their being generic character designs.

I am not really fond of turning this thread into a discussion about such thing - since it derails the thread from the subject that is the Order 1886, and NOT Assassins Creed, but then again, I was the one that said they're generic in response to another post - a bait post I might add.



Edward James Kenway in ACIV is the only one out of the bunch that doesn't scream generic.

Costumes or outfits don't make a character "ungeneric"...at least when it comes to games that attempt to portray humans as realistically as possible in the way of character models - in this case in story driven games like Assassins Creed or The Order 1886. Even the outfits, with minor variations from game to game becomes generic within the "genus (family)" and off-putting within the context (world) of many of the entries - at least to me.


It breaks immersion.
I am not really fond of turning this thread into a discussion about such thing - since it derails the thread from the subject that is the Order 1886, and NOT Assassins Creed, but then again, I was the one that said they're generic.



Edward James Kenway in ACIV is the only one out of the bunch that doesn't scream generic.

Costumes or outfits don't make a character "ungeneric"...at least when it comes to games that attempt to portray humans as realistically as possible in the way of character models - in this case in story driven games like Assassins Creed or The Order 1886. Even the outfits, with minor variations from series to series becomes generic within the "genus (family)" and off-putting within the context (world) of many the entries - at least to me.

I don't find any of these characters generic? Then again, I've played as all of them, and they all are very distinct characters, even in their design (Altair's simplicity, Ezio's flamboyance, etc)
How much has RAD said about the world? I mean, I don't know much beyond the premise of the game, rebellion, and that White Chapel murders are still happening. Tech has obviously increased, but are there nation-states? Has America been settled? Has war between Germany and the rest of Europe been accelerated? Is it still coming? Is the British Empire still a thing?

I have a surprising amount of questions.
Who cares what their ethnicity is and who are you to argue with the developers vision?

It's pretty much irrelevant, since my opinion holds no more value than the next, BUT, as a developer myself, If someone had a complaint about anything I was making in regards to a character design/poor representation, my line of thought is this:

1. They are absolutely allowed to hold that opinion and not being allowed to challenge the developer's vision is implying we should be immune to any kind of outside criticism and that our vision is flawless.

2. I'd personally consider it pretty important to address those concerns head-on. Especially in scenarios where it could be considered harmful, or helping to perpetuate a status quo that games are so readily stuck in at the moment.


I don't find any of these characters generic? Then again, I've played as all of them, and they all are very distinct characters, even in their design (Altair's simplicity, Ezio's flamboyance, etc)

I played till Revelations - quit on the series after that - despite following news, videos, releases and all that of subsequent entries. There has been nothing of worth to pull me back.
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