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It's Been One Week Since My Steam Account Got Hacked, And Valve Has Done Nothing


Last week I fell victim to a spam/phishing attempt on Steam, along with a few other people on my friend's list. This seemed to be part of a widespread malware attempt, as detailed here: https://blog.malwarebytes.org/fraud-scam/2014/11/rogue-scr-file-links-circulating-in-steam-chat/


Anyone who clicks that link (which still works, by the way) will then have that message relayed to everyone on their friend's list.

I ran the usual steps, including changing my password and running antimalware software. I didn't have any credit card info up either, so everything seemed okay.

Until I later realized that all of my Steam inventory items were gone: my cards, my coupons, my badges, Bill's Hat...


As seen here, all of my items were traded to this individual, who as of this writing has made no attempts to cover his tracks. His account is still active, and his one Steam group seems to be comprised of similar douchebags who want to scam people. He has made no attempts whatsoever to hide his tracks: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198157835106

It has been one week since I sent a support e-mail to Valve using their Steam Support site. So far I have received no assistance or responses whatsoever beyond the automated confirmations every time I add to the growing support conversation.

I've been told by several people that Steam Support is infamous for being incredibly unreliable. I wanted to bring my plight to GAF's attention in the hopes that this may get some public exposure. If by some chance it leads to Valve expediting their investigation, then it'll be worth it. Otherwise, it can serve as a warning to others who use Steam on a daily basis.
OP it isn't possible to hide your tracks. The way this works is that you must've clicked something somebody sent you and it automatically traded your items over. It's something that been going around for quite a while now. Be persistent and you will definitely get your stuff back. A trade history is accessible by you and Valve support.


Sorry about you account hopefully it gets restored to its original state before the hack. Honestly your lucky that this happened a week before the christmas sale, if it had been during, your wait time would be more then doubled.

Valve really needs to hire more people or a separate company entirely to deal with customer service issues. Origin is leaps and bounds ahead of them in that regard.
Sorry about you account hopefully it gets restored to its original state before the hack. Honestly your lucky that this happened a week before the christmas sale, if it had been during, your wait time would be more then doubled.

Valve really needs to hire more people or a separate company entirely to deal with customer service issues. Origin is leaps and bounds ahead of them in that regard.

100% agreed on both points. It is time for Valve to step up their customer service.


My friend got his account hacked 2 years ago and hasn't heard back from Valve.

So good luck with that


Gold Member
Sorry about you account hopefully it gets restored to its original state before the hack. Honestly your lucky that this happened a week before the christmas sale, if it had been during, your wait time would be more then doubled.

Valve really needs to hire more people or a separate company entirely to deal with customer service issues. Origin is leaps and bounds ahead of them in that regard.

Yeah, Origin itself may completely suck, but the customer service is indeed better.


Yeesh, will this kind of thing bypass Steam Guard? Sounds like a virus that causes you to trade away inventory using the infected computer's client.


Stormy Grey
I was going to suggest pinging the Steam Support twitter handle to draw some attention to your case, but they haven't been active for over two weeks now. Yikes.

Steam's customer service people are usually pretty slow, but I wonder if this malware has caused them some headaches internally that they aren't sure how to address yet. Especially if it instantly traded away all of your items like that. I had two people from my friends list click the same link last Tuesday, neither of them said anything about losing their items.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm ashamed to admit my brain read the thread title as Barenaked Ladies lyrics.
Yep, Steam's Support sucks. It's excruciatingly slow and it seems like they only have 2 people working in that department.

Someone got my details to my Origin account and purchased Fifa and a bunch of dlc on it (with my card). Within minutes of noticing and filing a support ticket, I had a very nice lady call me who knew what was going on and had it sorted in minutes. No exaggeration.


Valve really needs to hire more people or a separate company entirely to deal with customer service issues. Origin is leaps and bounds ahead of them in that regard.
If nobody there is going to roll their desk to the customer service section then they really should outsource it. Even when support do get back to you it's usually a copy-paste job from an FAQ you've already read.


valve CS is literally the worse
don't expect any help, any time soon

aka, you're boned
pretty much.
If nobody there is going to roll their desk to the customer service section then they really should outsource it. Even when support do get back to you it's usually a copy-paste job from an FAQ you've already read.
I love it when they dont even read your question and they just answer straight from the FAQ. Why even pretend to give a shit?


Not quite ...




... and so on.

Yah. The scumbag who did this is an asshole and I hope you get all your stuff back, but by no means "anyone who clicks this gets infected" is true. You have to go through a lot of poor choices to actually get infected.

I mean, a lot. Ignoring the fact some random just generically said they took a picture of you, clicking it, accepting the fact Drive can't generate a preview, and then running what is essentially an executable (.scr is the screensaver format, essentially an executable in a different container) thinking it's somehow an image, even though anyone should know SCR is NOT an image format.

Either way, this dude who scammed you sucks and I hope Valve (eventually) gets this resolved for you.


Yeah remember this next time we all praise steam. I personally am not a fan.

Yeah... I mean... am I doing it wrong if I kinda sorta prefer origin in a lot of ways? -_-

EA is bad and all etc etc. But there's a kind of... pretentiousness? ...that valve seems to be plagued by. Not really the right word. Haughty maybe? They just seem so damn far up their own ass sometimes. Both with 'small' things like this, and on the larger scale too.

I'm not sure it's wise to give them a total monopoly on digital distribution, which many seem so extremely anxious to do.


Yah. The scumbag who did this is an asshole and I hope you get all your stuff back, but by no means "anyone who clicks this gets infected" is true. You have to go through a lot of poor choices to actually get infected.

I mean, a lot. Ignoring the fact some random just generically said they took a picture of you, clicking it, accepting the fact Drive can't generate a preview, and then running what is essentially an executable (.scr is the screensaver format, essentially an executable in a different container) thinking it's somehow an image, even though anyone should know SCR is NOT an image format.

Either way, this dude who scammed you sucks and I hope Valve (eventually) gets this resolved for you.

yep same thoughts here as well.


Yep, Steam's Support sucks. It's excruciatingly slow and it seems like they only have 2 people working in that department.

Someone got my details to my Origin account and purchased Fifa and a bunch of dlc on it (with my card). Within minutes of noticing and filing a support ticket, I had a very nice lady call me who knew what was going on and had it sorted in minutes. No exaggeration.

Yup origin is pretty solid in terms of support. I had my account FIFA hacked once. An online chat with the service officer and 30 mins later, everything was resolved

Thankfully ive not had any bad experience w steam so far


How can a big company such as Valve get away from such shit?

Something has to change.

That's the thing, they are incredibly small. But the market they serve is gigantic. There lies the disconnect, they literally cannot serve the amount of customers they have.
Man that sucks, but dear god you didn't help any. Why would attempt to open a .scr from a complete stranger? Hell why would you ever open a .scr file anyway?


That's the thing, they are incredibly small. But the market they serve is gigantic. There lies the disconnect, they literally cannot serve the amount of customers they have.

So? Company I work for has 60 million users. Customer service is our biggest department by far. Our first response time averages below 24 hours, and full time to resolution less than 36.

I'm willing to bet that, as a startup, we have WAY less resources than Valve. There's no excuse, they could just hire and train more CS staff. Apologists really need to stop making excuses for a company as hugely successful and resourceful as Valve.

There is NO excuse, they just don't prioritize customer service because they basically have a huge captive market and, by and large, the people's blind good will.


Unconfirmed Member
Man that sucks, but dear god you didn't help any. Why would attempt to open a .scr from a complete stranger? Hell why would you ever open a .scr file anyway?

As I understood the OP it's not a stranger, but an infected friend. That .scr file sends this link to every Steam friend after opening.

Not really an excuse for blindly opening a .scr file that's supposed to be an image, though.


So? Company I work for has 60 million users. Customer service is our biggest department by far. Our response time averages below 24 hours, and full time to resolution less than 36.

I'm willing to bet that, as a startup, we have WAY less resources than Valve. There's no excuse, they could just hire and train more CS staff. Apologists really need to stop making excuses for a company as hugely successful and resourceful as Valve.

There is NO excuse, they just don't prioritize customer service because they basically have a huge captive market and, by and large, the people's blind good will.

Im not excusing them at all dude, I agree that they should have more CS.


Im not excusing them at all dude, I agree that they should have more CS.

Sorry, I didn't mean to come across as crass or rude. It just makes my blood boil that a company like Valve can put such little effort into serving their customers. Sorry again, not personal, just infuriating.
Last year, I had full blown identity theft, all credit and debit, bank account, emails, domains, online gaming accounts, all gone. My steam account got hacked the day before the winter sale, I had to create a new account and just buy stuff as a gift and about 4 or 5 days later Steam finally got around to my help request and restored my account and I friended my other account and sent the games... That being said, you should get help soon.


Maybe its just me, but there has been a huge increase in phishing and other scams on Steam over the last several months. I'm assuming dota 2 has something to so with it. I'm constantly getting friend requests from people I don't know nor have any connection to, and inevitably if I accept them I will be hit up with some bullshit scam attempt.
I got hacked on Saturday and I have heard absolutely nothing from steam.

Considering how huge Steam I expected them to have good customer support, but I couldn't have been more wrong.

Thankfully I didn't have any items of value or a credit/debit card on my account.


Steam customer service is the worst in the industry. Just really awful. I've been saying for years they need to do something about it but there hasn't been a large enough outcry for them to do anything about it.


Man that sucks, but dear god you didn't help any. Why would attempt to open a .scr from a complete stranger? Hell why would you ever open a .scr file anyway?

The problem isn't the victim, the problem is Valves for not responding for a whole damn week. Sometimes things happen and we all make mistakes, but for Valve there is not one excuse available as to why it has taken them a week to respond.


Neo Member
Wow that sucks dude, I hope you get all your inventory items back :/

I know Steam customer service is pretty poor, as they've taken more than 2 weeks to respond to me about something before. Your case is of course more dire, so I hope they respond more swiftly.

All the best!
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