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Netflix Movie Club |OT| Evil Dead 2

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Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
For comedy/romance: I nominate Case de mi Padre (2012).
i nominate heathers

edit I've never seen it maybe it's not a comedy. i was thinking mean girls but darker but it might qualify as drama.


Homeland Security Fail
Winner: Alan Partridge

Netflix page. Youtube trailer.


Legendary blowhard Alan Partridge, made famous by funnyman Steve Coogan, has become an obscure radio host in this new page from his demented life.

Director - Declan Lowney

Steve Coogan

Colm Meaney
I didn't enjoy this movie that much because as a comedy I did not find it funny for most of the movie. I did laugh at a few of the jokes but it would not surprise me if I missed a lot of them. This made it hard for the movie to be funny enough for me to overcome the problems I had with the movie. First the movie is made for an audience who knows who Alan Partridge is and I did not know who he was. The beginning of the movie has no setup for the character so I had to pause the movie a quarter of the way through and Google Alan Partridge. I also did not like the character he was an annoying asshole but maybe the movie is not a good introduction to the character.

Secondly as a comedy the movie was hit and miss for me especially the scene where the movie transitioned into the "siege" part of the movie .
The scene I am referring to is with Alan Partridge in the parking lot while in the background there are gun shots. I understand the comedy of the scene was the shock value and the contrast between Alan's happy mood and a bad thing happening in the background but it didn't work for me. The problem is that it is too sudden and you do not know the intent of the gun shots, are the gun shots meant to scare the people or are directed at people, it makes the scene more scary then funny. You could assume that they were meant to scare because the movie does not mention anyone getting shot but then there is a scene where Alan almost gets his head blown off with a gun shot directed at him so who knows. Also it was hard to tell throughout the "siege" part of the movie whether you should feel sorry for Pat or believe he is a crazy man who could shot someone at any moment. It made it hard to laugh because a lot of the scenes seemed so serious.


First the movie is made for an audience who knows who Alan Partridge is and I did not know who he was. The beginning of the movie has no setup for the character so I had to pause the movie a quarter of the way through and Google Alan Partridge. I also did not like the character he was an annoying asshole but maybe the movie is not a good introduction to the character.

That's understandable I guess, as a follow-up to numerous television series, but I still think it works as a standalone thing. I think those who have seen previous Partridge will have a bit more of an idea as to what to expect with the comedy though. It's incredibly tragic and he's a mostly hateful, politically incorrect (despite his best efforts) and selfish bloke who, inexplicably, you find yourself sympathising with, especially in this film once he believes he becomes the "hero".

I'm not sure about your confusion surrounding the incongruity tonally with regards to the siege. It's not a hard-hitting movie and it doesn't ever take itself seriously. None of it is meant to be really scary or serious - I mean, the antagonist is a DJ of a ridiculously jovial daytime radio show for pensioners running round with a shotgun taping saucepans to his hostages' heads and commissioning jingles at gunpoint. But I guess, again, it might not be so clear to a first time Partridge viewer.

For those who are totally unfamiliar and going in to the film that way: the Alan Partridge character is a satire of a (failed) British television broadcaster who started in sports reporting (On The Hour and The Day today) before landing a (fictional) TV chat show on the BBC (Knowing Me, Knowing You) which is a catastrophic failure, resulting in Alan becoming a local radio DJ in Norfolk (I'm Alan Partridge and still in this movie).


Despite the presence of Colm Meaney (I'm a fan), Alan Partridge didn't really work for me. But British humor rarely does.
Just finished watching it. I had no previous knowledge of the character going into this film but I really liked it. The banter was pretty funny and a lot of the jokes were well written. My only gripe was that it really wasn't consistently funny, but most comedies never are. It's tough to provide laughs for 90 minutes straight.

4 out of 5 stars for me.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
When he's talking about wildlife facts with the pornography reflected in his glasses I almost peed.


I watched about 20 minutes of this. Could barely understand anything that was being said, much less follow the plot, if there was one. Ended up turning it off and watching some episodes of Top Gear instead. close-enough.jpg


Homeland Security Fail
Next up: Dramas.

I will post my thoughts on Alan a bit later. It was a crazy busy weekend.

Gray Matter

I nominate "frequencies" for this week. Watched in a few weeks ago and it was great.

Apparently it has a 100% rating in RT.


Another thread was talking about Das Boot so why not its been a long time since I've seen it. Its pretty long though so if that is an issue I can pick a different one.


Ip Man was really good definitively the best movie we have watch so far.

I am going to nominate A Fantastic Fear of Everthing.

Watch the Legend of the fist: The return of Chen Zhen on netflix with Donnie Yen, some of the action sequences are amazing! Also IP Man The Legend is Born is amazing as well even if its not donnie yen, the actor they got was perfect!

OT: I nominate Good Will Hunting


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
I've been about 50/50 watching these movies. Mostly out of time restraint. My girlfriend lacks the same movie binging talents that I am endowed with. Still need to see Automata and Alan Partridge.

Browsing through the dramas there are so many movies I'd like to see...

I think I'll nominate...

... Jane Eyre (2011) ...

... because Cary Fukunaga piqued my interest after True Detective and I'm still not familiar with the Brontë-sister's stories.


I will post the winner later tonight.

I don't see goodwill hunting in the nominations list for dramas :(

edit: its there now! woop.......I've never actually seen the movie....all the older folks I work with though gasp at me when I mention that lol. I guess its one of those things like Fast Times at RH or Porkies....must be a generational thing.
Guess I'll get the ball rolling on this one...

The Way overall I felt was a light, fluffy sort of film. The story and characters left a whole lot to be desired. I also think 2 hours was way too long for this film and it really was kind of boring. There was nothing really captivating to hold my interest. For the most part I thought the acting was mediocre and the soundtrack was pretty bland.

However, I don't think this is a bad movie by any stretch. It could have been a lot better with some good direction and good writing, but as this movie was done entirely by Emilio Estevez I wasn't expecting to be blown away. I could really see this being a much better movie just by starting with a better script as I really liked the premise behind the movie.

Probably the best thing I took away from this movie was I really need to backpack across Europe like I've always wanted to. I've been across Asia a few years back, but this movie really inspired me to get into gear and plan a Eurotrip.

Lastly, I think there's some symbolism with glasses in this movie that I'm way too dumb/tired to figure out. Most of the older characters wore glasses (as did Emilio) while Charlie and the rest didn't. Anyone want to start a discussion on figuring this out?

3 out of 5 stars. Probably won't be the worst movie I watch tonight as I'm going to 50 Shades later tonight with the missus
kill me


Lol, Yorick van Wageningen having to put on a thick Dutch accent. I'm going to have a hard time getting past that accent when I watch this movie tomorrow :p

Movie looks interesting, nice road trip.


On a recent AMA on reddit martin sheen had this to say about the movie.

Martin Sheen said:
The Way is the best film I've ever done in my life and the most rewarding thanks to my son Emilio who wrote it for me and directed it as well. He was quite brilliant and I am eternally grateful.

My thoughts on the movie are that I enjoyed it throughout but I am a sucker for a road movie. I didn't mind the slow place at all and found all the characters interesting maybe with the exception of the writer, who I believe is based on a real person who wrote a book that some of the movie is based on. As an agnostic the religious/spiritual part didn't really do much for me. Overall I would probably give the movie 4/5 stars and rank it the 2nd best movie we have watched so far behind IP Man.
The movie was good but it likely won't leave a lasting impression. Given the vistas that they had to work with along that trail, you would think there would be some nicer cinematography but it was just mostly functional. The acting was fine although I do always enjoy James Nesbitt mostly for the accent. Not the worst movie we've watched in this thread but not the best either.

My dad has wanted me to walk this Santiago thing with him for a while now so this movie reminded me that I should probably get on that.


...hate me...
Lovely film. As always, I'm a bit short on words to write a proper mini review, but I really liked it. Some parts of it are very "fictional story-like" like all the different characters and their introductions etc. Still it works well. Loved the views, and ir inspired me to visit Spain some more, being born not far from there and all that (there's actually a way to Santiago going through my town).

Thanks movie club.


Homeland Security Fail
I just finished the movie. I thought it was a nice little film. Slow paced for sure, but I didn't really mind it with this film. I thought the actors did a good job, especially Martin Sheen. Even if the actual characters weren't the best, and sometimes coming off as annoying, like Jack.

As for the story, I enjoyed it. The premise of the film is great, but the writing kinda held it down. Some of the dialogue seems forced at times. The movie was kinda long though. I thought they could have trimmed it by half an hour.

My other main complaint is the soundtrack/music. Some interesting choices to say the least. Like it was picked at the last minute because they have forgotten about it.
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