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Fighting Games Weekly | Feb 23 - Mar 1 | Radio Bryheem Presents: Kosmos


Question: Have there been any first-time GG players doing well in Xrd tournaments? I hear the players dominating Xrd are mostly old-school players who have been playing GG forever. Does anyone stand a chance against Japanese old-school GG players?

Bananaken and Kusanagi, both new to Guilty Gear, got 2nd and 4th, respectively, at Frosty Faustings, outplacing many GG vets. Shinobi, another new player, also made Top 8. (This was a 120-man tournament by the way.)


I wonder if Guilty Gear is gonna die again.
The worst performing ArcSys game right now, and with Sega cutting down on arcade, it might take some more blows.

When did it die the first time?

This has nothing to do with the US community.

When did it die the first time?

Shinobi, another new player, also made Top 8. (This was a 120-man tournament by the way.)

Shinobi as in SilentShinobi? Cause he's been around a looong time.


Green Ace vs. Affinity in R4 Losers:


A few notes w/ my extremely short time with Xrd:

- Everything is so wacky, I can't even tell what an attack is sometimes. Ky or Sol are fairly straightforward but then you have characters like Faust who I can hardly tell what he's doing because of the crazy animations. Something like this obviously isn't a big deal after playing it heaps but as a beginner it can be frustrating to get hit by stuff and not having a clue what it was / what the hitbox might've been / when it was active because the character transformed into some weird shit for their attack/move.

- Manual flip-outs seem lame to me. GG attacks have seemingly arbitrary properties to the point where I find myself attempting to flip out at every point during a long combo because I don't know any better. This is super tedious. Are there situations where you are better off not flipping out of a combo or should you be flipping out the first chance you get? Because if it's the latter, you might as well make the flip out automatic right? I don't know.

- Coming from Capcom games, IAD is tough and is something I'd have to sit and grind out to get used to.

- Some characters seem super sick at high level, really interesting designs like Venom, Ramlethal, and Eddie.

Cool game but I'm having a hard time getting into it!

Question: Have there been any first-time GG players doing well in Xrd tournaments? I hear the players dominating Xrd are mostly old-school players who have been playing GG forever. Does anyone stand a chance against Japanese old-school GG players?

Flocker did really well against our staple locals tonight at a FL Xrd tourney.

It's simplay a different fighting game. If you apply the same ingenuity, passion and discipline you're known for, you'll be just as good at this game as Marvel.


yo they should run vampire hunter at 2old2furious. it fits the theme.

not sure anybody would sign up tho....

Reminds me when Ultrachen had LA Akira was on.

"These old stories are interesting. I want to hear about what the Darkstalkers scene was like."

"I don't think there was ever really a Darkstalkers scene"


Last random character design thought- I think something that people miss when saying street fighter designs are generic or whatever is that you have to be a little bit generic on purpose. Being too specific- being too defined as a character is almost a negative in my opinion. You need to define the character just enough to give them character, but make them generic enough the that they can appeal to a lot of people and allow players the room to express themselves through the character. It makes sense why street fighter works because they’re already using (national? ethnic?) tropes that people have found memorable. You can sum up the characters in street fighter in really short phrases and easily explain them- you have serious karate guy, stretchy guy, big wrestler guy, military tough guy, kung fu girl, monster guy etc. etc. People talk about characters being identifiable by silhouette being a good thing, but being identifiable by a phrase like that is kind of the mental equivalent.


Is Yatagarasu being worked on by SF3 devs? I seem to remember Mike Z saying that a while ago on a UGC stream while he was demoing it and talking about the technical stuff


Is Yatagarasu being worked on by SF3 devs? I seem to remember Mike Z saying that a while ago on a UGC stream while he was demoing it and talking about the technical stuff

nah i think its being worked on by a 3s player and 2 other dudes who had worked on kof in the past.

You can't just post my Miiverse comments
The entire game was developed by 3 people.

1 designer, 1 artist, 1 programmer. All 3 have had experience with SNK games. I believe 1 or 2 of them have also worked on a capcom game or two (not sure).
So I assume that AoC is different than the one on steam? Also how many versions of Yatagarasu are there in terms of balance?

Yatagarasu was previously released as a doujin fighter and is available for purchase via Rice Digital. We call that version 4.3.

They started a crowdfunding campaign for a new version of the game which they called "Attack on Cataclysm", more or less the "Super" version. They met their crowdfunding goal and some stretch goals, enabling the creation of 3 new characters (Aja, Kotaro, Azure) as well as the purchase of a GGPO license.

AoC has had an Alpha and a Beta version, neither were designed for wide release but they have nonetheless been released to the crowdfunding campaign's backers over time. The final version of AoC is currently out in japanese arcades.

This final version will be released on Steam soon. There is no set date yet.
Nicalis was heading development of some portable/console versions (given the name Legend of Raven), but we have not heard from them at all since the successful backing of AoC. We can assume they were working with 4.3 materials unless the 3 devs have expressed interest in an AoC version. Right now it appears to be vaporware.


Last random character design thought- I think something that people miss when saying street fighter designs are generic or whatever is that you have to be a little bit generic on purpose. Being too specific- being too defined as a character is almost a negative in my opinion. You need to define the character just enough to give them character, but make them generic enough the that they can appeal to a lot of people and allow players the room to express themselves through the character. It makes sense why street fighter works because they’re already using (national? ethnic?) tropes that people have found memorable. You can sum up the characters in street fighter in really short phrases and easily explain them- you have serious karate guy, stretchy guy, big wrestler guy, military tough guy, kung fu girl, monster guy etc. etc. People talk about characters being identifiable by silhouette being a good thing, but being identifiable by a phrase like that is kind of the mental equivalent.
This is why Makoto (SF) failed as one- no one outside of Japan knew what she was referencing.


two technically. AoC and Raven something. AoC is the new one and the other one is the original I believe.

I guess there's the aoc beta on steam, aoc in arcades and the old version 4.3

Yatagarasu was previously released as a doujin fighter and is available for purchase via Rice Digital. We call that version 4.3.

They started a crowdfunding campaign for a new version of the game which they called "Attack on Cataclysm", more or less the "Super" version. They met their crowdfunding goal and some stretch goals, enabling the creation of 3 new characters (Aja, Kotaro, Azure) as well as the purchase of a GGPO license.

AoC has had an Alpha and a Beta version, neither were designed for wide release but they have nonetheless been released to the crowdfunding campaign's backers over time. The final version of AoC is currently out in japanese arcades.

This final version will be released on Steam soon. There is no set date yet.
Nicalis was heading development of some portable/console versions (given the name Legend of Raven), but we have not heard from them at all since the successful backing of AoC. We can assume they were working with 4.3 materials unless the 3 devs have expressed interest in an AoC version. Right now it appears to be vaporware.

Thanks, that was really informative and helpful. Clears up a lot of questions I had over the versions.
With PC, I'm never sure just because I don't know if each version was a balance update or just features added.


The entire game was developed by 3 people.

1 designer, 1 artist, 1 programmer. All 3 have had experience with SNK games. I believe 1 or 2 of them have also worked on a capcom game or two (not sure).

I think they were old SNK (pre-bankruptcy)

The Steam port is being handled by someone very good, so no worries there. She's done a number of Steam ports before.

Tonight I remember why I prefer 98 to 02 for KOF. I really wish 02UM has been pushed back more.


Combos are a lot harder for me in 02UM compared to 98UM. 02UM had a lot less hitstop iirc.

Although I play easier characters like Kula in 02UM, so it doesn't effect me too much compared to other characters I tried learning.


becuz u suk

(how much have you practiced? which character(s)? Are you using the dream cancel/srk wiki materials? Do you have any kof experience?)

I just started; I picked King, Leona, K', and I am practicing K' first. I used dreamcancel's material, had no luck ([cr.BxN, special] starter combos were a no-go), and tried srk's and was able to do the basic BnBs ([cr.B, cr.A] has been a much easier starter). Are dreamcancel's combos better? I haven't been able to ascertain a baseline to adjust from timing-wise with them, I'm having much better luck with SRK's stuff. I am new to KOF. Also, I don't double tap.


It was considered but it was shot down because SB had historical characters and they didn't feel that was appropriate for a VS game.

No cards in H&H from that franchise either.


Just to follow up on this, the dude uploaded 6 more videos of him playing Daigo. Daigo stuck with Yun in all 6 matches. I think the thirst for that 500k(well more like 120-150k) is very real. Meaning this may be the year where he says fuck it and does whatever it takes to win.
RIP in peace FChamp and Dhalsims.
Just to follow up on this, the dude uploaded 6 more videos of him playing Daigo. Daigo stuck with Yun in all 6 matches. I think the thirst for that 500k(well more like 120-150k) is very real. Meaning this may be the year where he says fuck it and does whatever it takes to win.

I saw the full set on nico nico. His E. Ryu vs viper was about 50/50, maybe worse, and his yun won like 10 or so matches with only 2 losses. He might be using Yun for certain matchups.

Maybe that's what markman meant with this

@MarkMan23 · Feb 22
The Beast is coming back in more ways than you can hope/dream for.

cr.B, cr.B xx qcf+A, qcb+K

When K' does qcf+A he has multiple followups. The qcb+K followup pretty much always combos. The upwards kick followup (forward+K) will combo if the opponent is cornered, enabling better damage combos.


cr.B, close B xx dp+B

The D version of trap shot will not combo from light attacks.


cr.B, cr.A xx d~u+C (moon slasher)

I haven't been able to ascertain a baseline to adjust from timing-wise with them

Street Fighter, but faster. Like, ST fast.

It's fine if you don't double tap, but precision is a MUST for even simple combos like these. Hitting the first two buttons too slowly in all 3 of these combos will lead to them simply not comboing.

Of course, the rabbit hole goes much deeper than this...

I seriously love KoF02UM for allowing the Kyo Clone Team to be an actual thing

It would have been hilarious if that team had been top tier, I mean, just imagine 6 Kyo matches lol
How are Athena and Kula in 02UM

Chibayuko, Japan Ratio/Point List

【5】 K', Nameless, Kasumi

【4】 King, Kula, Andy, EX Robert, Orochi Chris, Benimaru, Yuri, Hinako, Heidern

【3】 Bao, Jhun, Mature, Lin, Chris, Ryo, Kusanagi, Foxy, Daimon

【2】 Iori, Orochi Shermie, Choi, Yamazaki, EX Takuma, Mai, Seth, Leona, Clark, Kyo, Terry, B. Mary, Kyo-2, Kim, Xiangfei, Joe

【1】 Shingo, Kensou, EX Kensou, Takuma, Ralf, Robert, Billy, Yashiro, Orochi Yashiro, Chin, Angel, Shermie, Vice, Athena, Ramon, Whip 

【0】 May Lee, Maxima, Chang, Kyo-1, Vanessa

Kula is very high tier. Athena not so much.

If you meant "How do they play", the answer is "very similarly to how they are in 13".


Yeah. IIRC, Athena got nerfed hard coming from regular 02. 02UM Kula is really easy mode.

Much better than her XIII console form (but not as godlike as XI's).
I saw the full set on nico nico. His E. Ryu vs viper was about 50/50, maybe worse, and his yun won like 10 or so matches with only 2 losses. He might be using Yun for certain matchups.

Maybe that's what markman meant with this

@MarkMan23 · Feb 22
The Beast is coming back in more ways than you can hope/dream for.

It would be helpful if he did. Yun takes care of 2 bad/slightly bad match ups for Evil Ryu, that being Sim and Viper. He has several other match ups that are bad or kind of hard(like Rose or Ibuki), but it seems like Daigo has those match ups down so he doesn't need to counter pick.

Can't wait to see his first appearance at one of the Premier Events, I'm very curious to see how real him counter picking actually is. And I hope his first appearance isn't EVO. I don't think he'll attend FR, but hopefully he'll come to SCR or CEO to try and claim one of the spots at those events.


Chibayuko, Japan Ratio/Point List

【5】 K', Nameless, Kasumi

【4】 King, Kula, Andy, EX Robert, Orochi Chris, Benimaru, Yuri, Hinako, Heidern

【3】 Bao, Jhun, Mature, Lin, Chris, Ryo, Kusanagi, Foxy, Daimon

【2】 Iori, Orochi Shermie, Choi, Yamazaki, EX Takuma, Mai, Seth, Leona, Clark, Kyo, Terry, B. Mary, Kyo-2, Kim, Xiangfei, Joe

【1】 Shingo, Kensou, EX Kensou, Takuma, Ralf, Robert, Billy, Yashiro, Orochi Yashiro, Chin, Angel, Shermie, Vice, Athena, Ramon, Whip 

【0】 May Lee, Maxima, Chang, Kyo-1, Vanessa

Kula is very high tier. Athena not so much.

Damn guess she got super nerfed xD Almost everyone I like are high though xD

I might bite, how's the online?


tagged by Blackace
Tizoc is unfortunately unable to do the Spotlight this week. So any nominations and/or people who are willing and able to do the spotlight before Sunday night?


Damn guess she got super nerfed xD Almost everyone I like are high though xD

I might bite, how's the online?

Those tiers are probably compressed, but not as compressed as 98, which feels really balanced.

I did feel the Billy nerfs hard in 02, I wanted 98 Billy after that.
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