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Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (PC/XB1/PS4) reveal trailer, screens, info, more [Read OP]


Firstly, I don't believe this is truly current gen only. Not only does it look worse than cross-gen Advanced Warfare, but Activision is being cagey on last gen.

Rather than denying they could be coming, they leave it possible which means this has been developed cross gen with Activision weighing whether the costs of adapting to last gen restrictions and the bad stigma hardcore players have toward cross gen this far into 2015, is too high of a sacrifice to make for this game. Thus they are gauging response to current gen announcement while they see how much benefit there is in letting Treyarch push current gen and see the price and viability of a last gen version.


I always take commentators words with a grain of salt unless they're providing factual evidence. Remember these are the guys who shilled Ghosts before it turned out to be a turd. They're getting paid to do this now, just don't forget that.

Basically this. They're only good for getting basic info about products, but as for anything else concerining the game, should be left up to personal tastes.


1GB 6970 seems high for minimum specs, but maybe I'm just a bit out of the loop about where min specs are for most games these days.

A 6970 is a 5 year old GPU. It's certainly better than a 470, but developers these days probably aren't too concerned about keeping older AMD rigs relevant.


As you should be. It would not surprise me if they've been given certain 'buzzwords' to use.

The now complete co-opting of these Youtubers by the big game companies has been fascinating to see. While I appreciate some of the vids I certainly don't take anything these guys say seriously.

As they'll be doing the same song and dance next year when the next game comes out.

That's why I prefer a Youtuber that's on their own, earning their own ad revenue. Anyone paid by one of the big companies, or allowing Nintendo to take a chunk of their money in exchange for covering their games is a shill.


I swear - these YouTube are marketers for Activision. These are some of the new talking points:

Refer AW movement as "Chaotic". Now AW is Chaotic but pre-launch AW was fast and fluid.

All fighting in Blops3 is "on ground" and "in frame", "in field of view".

Using thrust jump/wall run is "high risk, high reward" but it's only meant to use as an alternative to ladders/stairs (?) lol.

If you listen to any of the CoD tubers make a mental note for all the times these hot words are used.

I'm a skeptic.


Even if they aren't intentionally lying the circumstances of them playing the game (being invited, probably flown out to an event and put up in a hotel, and being able to play the game before anybody else) makes it unlikely that they'll have any critical opinions.

The boost jump in Advanced Warfare had three problems. It was too quick. It added verticality to a console shooter, where now your cone of awareness had to extend 180 degrees vertically as well as horizontally as in past Call of Duty's. The map design also made it difficult to have any sense of forward direction or enemy approach.

The first point seems to have been slowed down, but it remains to be seen how all of these elements combine and morph the gameplay, and I wouldn't take the opinions of the YouTubers who were invited on face value.


Eh, future, over the top movement, silly weapons/perks/killstreaks because future...

No thanks.

I remember when I wanted a future related COD game now I regret it so MUCH, hate how stale and boring they all are ( not just COD, pretty much any FPS set in the future, only game I wouldn't mind to try is something like GTA with flying cars and such)
IIRC to be able to preview games as a YouTuber you have to be positive about it and cant really say anything too concrete, or you just have to keep your mouth shut.
Not in order to be able to, but you can bet if you start trashing something that a dev/publisher was kind enough to invite you to preview early that the next time they want someone to preview the new title you won't be on the invite list.

That is the reason why people always over-sell it.


I don't care if the multiplayer has Titans in it, but please give us a slow paced zombies mode, something similiar to WaW and BLOPS1, zombies in AW were terrible and I hope we don't get a faster-paced zombies mode like BLOPS2 and AW.


I'm still confused how loadouts work in MP this time around. Can you still use any guns you want regardless of which "character" you choose?


I'm still confused how loadouts work in MP this time around. Can you still use any guns you want regardless of which "character" you choose?

Yes. However before game you get to choose a "Specialist" and ONE of their two benefits. A very powerful weapon OR a very powerful ability to use for a very brief moment and you lose it if you die. You're supposed to be able to get to use the at least once/twice (minimum) per game, more if you're an aggressive player. Load outs and create a class are the same though (generally)


Yes. However before game you get to choose a "Specialist" and ONE of their two benefits. A very powerful weapon OR a very powerful ability to use for a very brief moment and you lose it if you die. You're supposed to be able to get to use the at least once/twice (minimum) per game, more if you're an aggressive player. Load outs and create a class are the same though (generally)

So do you have regular loadouts and then choose a character after that? The character isn't part of the loadout?
Lets of dislike for YouTubers in this thread.
How might they improve if you assume everything they say to be shill-speak? Serious question.

So do you have regular loadouts and then choose a character after that? The character isn't part of the loadout?

Specialists seem to be completely separate to both create a class and scorestreaks.
Pick 10 + scorestreaks + specialist all chosen before game starts.
Specialist cannot be changed in the match. Can change class but not create a class or anything (just like normal).

Let me know if you're still confused - I can try and be more explicit.


I don't care if the multiplayer has Titans in it, but please give us a slow paced zombies mode, something similiar to WaW and BLOPS1, zombies in AW were terrible and I hope we don't get a faster-paced zombies mode like BLOPS2 and AW.

Slow-paced? With wall-running and boost sliding?



Specialists seem to be completely separate to both create a class and scorestreaks.
Pick 10 + scorestreaks + specialist all chosen before game starts.
Specialist cannot be changed in the match. Can change class but not create a class or anything (just like normal).

Let me know if you're still confused - I can try and be more explicit.

I think I got it. I just wanted to make sure the character didn't dictate what weapons you could choose or mess with the loadouts. I'm relieved. haha Thanks guys.


Treyarch does a good job on this series. I'm going to grab this. The last CoD that I've played was Black Ops 2 on pc and now I'm playing CoD 3 on my Xbox 360. Skipped Ghosts and AW.
Slow-paced? With wall-running and boost sliding?


Nothing so far suggesting wall-running or thrusting will be a part of the zombies mode, remember. We don't have anything pointing either way.
For all we know the map could be set in the 1800s (though unlikely, more probable is 1920 - 1945).


going to say what I said in the previous thread...this is no longer Call of Duty.

Honest gamer here...the FPS console market right now is all copying one another.





I just think it's getting ridiculous.

It's obviously still a race for everyone in the FPS console market to chase after the 2007-COD-Cash-COW.


It's the new WW2.

I love all those games, so I should be quite happy with Black Ops 3.


Lets of dislike for YouTubers in this thread.
How might they improve if you assume everything they say to be shill-speak? Serious question.

I dislike them for really trying to push the game on their subscibers/viewers and acting as a mouthpiece for [insert publisher/developer]. I can't blame them tbh - you get flown out, put up in a hotel, get to play the game first, automatically generating hundreds of thousands of views because they're the ones with the first hand experience. They're making tons of 3 minute videos making money. This should be expected.

I take the info they share because it's 100% legit. The excitement in their voices though and fun factor they claim and the all caps in their video titles with !!! And how awesome the guns, streaks, maps are? GTFO.

One of them was saying how the killstreaks in this game (the ones available) were big and powerful and that Ghosts and AW's were weak. Go watch videos last year about how fun AW killstreaks were going to be pre-launch. The best streak was a UAV. The funny thing though - go to said you tubers site you'll see one of the first videos "check out my new car" it's a Nissan GT-R (nismo). LOL.

Take the info but don't let the hype get you.


Looks like Call of Duty. Right now i have the feeling that AW looked better though when it comes to graphics...?!
Does it? this was the first screen for AW

compared to this

bad art aside, looks like a regression in every way on the technical front.

YEAH and the sound quality in AW was phenomenal. their HUD was amazing too. Little reminders of why i loved dead space 1 so much in AW.


wow the movement seems to be an exact replica of titanfall mixed in with some advanced warfare
gonna wait and see how the MP plays out
I loved BLOPS1 and BLOPS2 was OK, but this looks like AW1.5.

Will wait to see if the SP is any good as I have no desire for the MP anymore.
Not sure how I feel about this, if they have dedicated servers and features for PC like the previous Black ops titles and zombies is good I just might bite...
Looks like those worried about an old-gen port can rest easy, now.


Source: BOL.com

I dislike them for really trying to push the game on their subscibers/viewers and acting as a mouthpiece for [insert publisher/developer]. I can't blame them tbh - you get flown out, put up in a hotel, get to play the game first, automatically generating hundreds of thousands of views because they're the ones with the first hand experience. They're making tons of 3 minute videos making money. This should be expected.

I take the info they share because it's 100% legit. The excitement in their voices though and fun factor they claim and the all caps in their video titles with !!! And how awesome the guns, streaks, maps are? GTFO.

One of them was saying how the killstreaks in this game (the ones available) were big and powerful and that Ghosts and AW's were weak. Go watch videos last year about how fun AW killstreaks were going to be pre-launch. The best streak was a UAV. The funny thing though - go to said you tubers site you'll see one of the first videos "check out my new car" it's a Nissan GT-R (nismo). LOL.

Take the info but don't let the hype get you.

Thanks for the answer. I definitely understand the skepticism, especially regarding the fun aspect of things.
Always going to be hard actually gauging how much of the "fun" is the game doing the talking and how much is the opportunity to play early, etc.
There's absolutely fluffing that goes on with some, but it's more of a case by case basis than anything IMO.


You didn't like hearing your own horse hoof footsteps? Or not being able to hear the enemies footsteps with your expensive headset/surround system? I don't believe that.

Or your teammates footsteps are easily heard, but the enemy can run up right behind you and not a trace. I'm convinced that is one of the reasons for so much camping in Aw, that, and the spawns that spawn someone 10 feet from you, plus the ability to go across most maps in the blink of an eye, with the overpowered jumping garbage.

Seems like alot of my friends on my friends list have ditched their xb1 and went back to the 360 to play mw2, mw3.

Myself, I wish they would do a remaster of cod4, throw in the boards from world at war, cod4, mw2, and bo2, and I would be in heaven.


Not a Modern Call of Robots warfare Fan at all... lost interest after Modern Warfare 2

And sorry but hehe! this does not even look better then the last one that came out... mudded , brown, grays back all over again ...



Not a Modern Call of Robots warfare Fan at all... lost interest after Modern Warfare 2

And sorry but hehe! this does not even look better then the last one that came out... mudded , brown, grays back all over again ...


You missed out on a lot of great single player campaigns in the past 6 years. But yeah, if you haven't played Call of Duty in the past 6 years, I can't see anything bringing you back then.

Not sure I understand the cash cow reference though.


going to say what I said in the previous thread...this is no longer Call of Duty.

Honest gamer here...the FPS console market right now is all copying one another.





I just think it's getting ridiculous.

It's obviously still a race for everyone in the FPS console market to chase after the 2007-COD-Cash-COW.


It's the new WW2.

All these games play wildly different. Maybe with the exception of CoD and Titanfall. Dunno how extensive the parkour is in CoD though. The titans mix up titanfall gameplay quite a bit too.

Hell this is so much better than the shooter landscape of the past few years post CoD4/MW2. During that time it felt like all we had was aim down sights, modern military shit. CoD, Medal of Honor, Battlefield and tons of smaller titles with the same basic gameplay.

You can sprint. You have modern weapons (or functionally modern weapons). You are innacurate as shit from the hip. You aim down sights for accuracy. You can jump but its miniscule. You can maybe clamber over small ledges.

The rest is just different engines, mechanics, scale, vehicles etc.


Adding trampoline jumps and gymnastics is like whatever, I can adapt if the gunplay is tight. The real problems are the connections, hit detection, ttk and matchmaking. This is the core functionality of the MP itself and how bad these are implemented are a big piece of whats crippling the game (what's left of it). I can also imagine that dedi's will not happen.

But I know "based Treyarch" will save us from this....right?
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