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Biggest Let-Downs Disappointments you've had with Gaming

Aaron D.


Anxiously picked it up on launch day after the torture of waiting through a holiday delay. My most anticipated game of all time.

Turned it on and knew inside of 15 seconds that the game was complete and utter garbage.
Without a doubt i would have to say its this:


I had so much hype for this game, Team Fortress 2 style FPS with Mirrors Edge freedom of movement. When it came out it was a disaster, so much potential squandered. I pimped this game to so many friends who ended up buying it and being hugely letdown like i was.

Never Forget.


Watch Dogs kinda. I was super excited for it in the beginning but after the delays, my interest started to wane. then all the downgrade stuff happened and my interest waned. Luckily by the time it released, and I was able to get my hands on it, the disappointment wasn't as big.

Gunstar Ikari

Unconfirmed Member
Games that didn't come out: Bomberman 3DS
Games that did come out: Mega Man Battle Network 4
Industry in general: Japanese devs flocking to mobile


Metroid: Other M
Fire Emblem Awakening
Mega Man Legends 3
Silent Hills

I'm not very familiar with Fire Emblem so forgive my ignorance.

What exactly was disappointing about it?

I picked up the demo last night and loved it, planning on grabbing a copy tomorrow, interested to know if I should start somewhere else in the series.

As for the topic,

Wildstar is a recent one, it looked so good on paper, with terrible execution and bad planning, it's fixed a fair bit now, but since it's an MMO, the damage is done. I even have some Carbine Studios t-shirts from dev friends :( I wish it worked out differently.

Diablo 3 at launch, with the release of RoS it became the game it should of been at launch.


.. and here I thought this was going to be a Aliens Colonial Marines thread. So many interesting choices. If I had to pick a recent one, it would be Fifa 15 - that game was just messed up. If I look at a longer period, than probably Mass Effect 2. So many RPG elements torn out, it really left me feeling sad and I never finished the game...
Metal Gear Solid 2 has been my biggest letdown ever since its release and honestly, I don't see anything beating it anytime soon.


Halo 2's Single Player (I loved the MP)
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
Bioshock: Infinite


I was actually more disappointed that we couldn't call in the allies we had gathered in Mass Effect 3 to help in the last push on the streets of London as opposed to the ending. Calling in an orbital drop of Geth Primes or Wrex and Grunt leading a squad of bloodthirsty Krogan to wreck havoc would have been incredible. I assumed this would happen since we could do this in Dragon Age: Origins as both games had a similar gather forces to save the world plot.
Pretty much every Silent Hill game after The Room (with a slight exception to Shattered Memories).

The Silent Hills announcement ruined my day.

And Alien: Colonial Marines. The lies. The horrible, horrible lies.....
The Fire Pro Wrestling HD "ho-axe".

Actually, I'm over the original hoax, but it being 2015 and knowing there will never be another true Fire Pro Wrestling game stings. :(

I still think this is the cruelest joke the game industry has ever pulled on me.

"Remember all the stuff you loved about Paper Mario?!"


"That's all gone!"




Guild Wars 2.

It does *so* much right, in so many ways, and really challenges some very basic MMO principles that needed challenging - plus tons of free content, and no subscription fee!

And it has, hands down, without question, the most god awful group PvE experience in any game I have ever played - ever. The dungeons and fractals are beyond terrible, the way pve groups work is shamefully bad, and the entire thing is concentrated unfun.

It came so close to being astonishingly good, and it does so much very, very well - but for me group PvE is the heart of these games and they utterly failed at that.


Neo Member
Probably Hyrule Warriors for me. I don't think it's a bad game, but personally when I saw the first trailer, I was HYPED AS SHIT because I thought platinum was making a zelda game. All my dreams come true. Air combos and animation cancelling as link. Please take my money.

When I found out it was a musou game with zelda skin, I went "What's a musou game?". I looked up gameplay of dynasty warriors games, and just kinda sighed.


Destiny. I wasn't going to get it after the beta. But I let my mates talk me into it.

Never forget the halo MCC though. That is a disaster of biblical proportions. Whats worse are the fucking lies they told/tell. Especially certain people.... "The game does have dedicated servers, but occasionally fallback to p2p" Absolute fucking bullshit



Anxiously picked it up on launch day after the torture of waiting through a holiday delay. My most anticipated game of all time.

Turned it on and knew inside of 15 seconds that the game was complete and utter garbage.

I can't imagine how disappointing this must have been back in the day.
Since we're talking about Konami, there was that one downloadable Castlevania game where there were vampire hunters from previous games all placed into one and there was the BIG MAP which was the same every time you played. I think it was just called Castlevania: HD. That game was terrible and you couldn't even play with anyone online by the time I bought it.

Recently, I was disappointed by Destiny, but rather from a lack of content rather than being boring like C:HD. I have a better chance of going back to Destiny than playing anything Konami related (unless it's a PS2 copy of Silent Hill 2-4 or MGS).


Was hyped to play Final Fantasy XIII as soon as I finished the awesome FFXII.

Finally played it, was disappointed, and even years later would occasionally find myself thinking about that amazing RPG set on that man-made satellite I had been looking forward to; what ever happened to that game and when is it coming out? Then I remembered that it did come out, I played it, and it was underwhelming.


Silent Hills is the most recent one for me. I never even got to play P.T. It's just such a shame that a game that looked so promising and had a shitload of buzz surrounding it (name me one big name lets player who didn't play P.T.) was just so abruptly canned because of some internal bullshit. I doubt any of the canned Megaman games had quite the same amount of hype surrounding them.

Other than that, I'll just list off my boring go-to answers of Metroid Other M, Sticker Star and Sonic 4. Bla bla bla years since the last traditional one bla bla bla meant to be a return to form bla bla bla missed the point etc etc.


Elden Member
I think I need to change my answer. The real answer is gaming in general has disappointed me. Maybe its because I'm getting older and priorities are shifting, but every game on the market feel so limiting and like a giant waste of time.

GTA5 - Fun for awhile, but you can so easily see all the seems of the world and how limited it is.
Witcher 3 - Same exact things, looks great, but still all the mechanics of it are right there, black and white.

I want gaming to move toward organic worlds and systems. I want to be SURPRISED by game play, and not have all games be just easily recognizable systems on top of systems to give a poor illusion of actions.

I think thats why No Mans Sky is my most anticipated game, even though I know its going to likely disappoint just as much as something like Spore did.

I'm just tired of "press A, B or Y to win" in games, and the rinse and repeat Halo method of "fun'. It no longer gives me that thrill and fun it did when I was younger. I love games like Fear where I'm actually surprised how the AI came at me, how unpredictable it was, and how it actually felt like you were up against something.
Destiny's story still hurts. Good to see a lot of the major problems with gearing and grinding have been addressed since I stepped back in after a few months long break.

Mass Effect 3's ending is still a sour note for me. Citadel DLC and "extended" endings were better, but personally I'm not a fan of being spat on, no matter how many nice things were handed to me afterwards.

The lack of a decent UC-era Gundam game is also a colossal disappointment. Last one that fit the bill was Zeonic Front waaaay back in the PS2 days. I wouldn't care what console it'd be on, I'd buy it. PS4 or WiiU, has the Gundam I'm looking for? Nintendo/Sony have a sale.


C&C4: Tiberian Twilight. Was a huge fan of 3 and 4 just tossed all of that into the bin :(,

I must be the only psychopath who actually enjoyed that game. It was unique compared to the traditional approach of C&C such as unit spawning. The only problem with the game was the shitty story. Even Kane looked out of place.


Earthbound 64 being remade for the GBA. As amazing game as it is, even with the sprite work, I would still liked to have played it in its original form.

I'll also add the fact of some companies now abandoning AAA gaming entirely. Konami (basically... MGS aside), SEGA!!!!! DAMN YOU, SEGA. Where's my PSO2? I was SUCH a huge Sega fan and now... ='(... it's basically only going to get worse.

If all the publishers I like end up going mobile then I'll simply resort to playing whatever games are coming out or replaying the stuff I grew up with. I'm sorry... I absolutely CANNOT STAND mobile gaming.
Since we're talking about Konami, there was that one downloadable Castlevania game where there were vampire hunters from previous games all placed into one and there was the BIG MAP which was the same every time you played. I think it was just called Castlevania: HD. That game was terrible and you couldn't even play with anyone online by the time I bought it.

It was actually called Castlevania: Harmony of Despair.
Was hyped to play Final Fantasy XIII as soon as I finished the awesome FFXII.

Finally played it, was disappointed, and even years later would occasionally find myself thinking about that amazing RPG set on that man-made satellite I had been looking forward to; what ever happened to that game and when is it coming out? Then I remembered that it did come out, I played it, and it was underwhelming.

It's funny, because even though I really ended up liking FF XIII (enough it put it in my top 3 for last gen) I was tremendously disappointed in it as a Final Fantasy game. I still have a lot of issues with the way the game progresses as well as how the story was told, but the overall world setting and lore fascinates me to this day. I still haven't played a game with it's particular level of graphical polish either.

It could have been so much more though.
Metal Gear Solid 4.

Wouldn't have got a PS3 for almost another year if not for that game, and it wasn't just a disappointment, but a truly awful game.


Everyone knows the reasons.

San Andreas

Racist stuff taken to whole new levels, couldn't enjoy it.


Man, Nintendo really sold out to the casuals, kids and gimmick crowd after that first year or so.


I'm not very familiar with Fire Emblem so forgive my ignorance.

What exactly was disappointing about it?

The gameplay took out all strategy thanks to the new pair up mechanic. The characters were complete otaku pandering trash, including a sexualized pre-pubescent girl (that you can have a child with since she's really a 1000 year old dragon). The story itself was really bad. They removed good features like Fog of War.

Overall I'd suggest starting with the first localized game in the series just titled Fire Emblem in the west. It's unfortunate that the two games I consider the best (The two games Ike is from) are so expensive that it's hard to recommend them to newcomers.
Red Steel: I was so excited for this game, I thought it was going to be super cool (back when I thought motion controls would actually be better). This game showed me how wrong I was lol. I just remember getting home from class and seeing my sister playing it and it just looked horrible. Tried it myself and did not enjoy it at all :\.

Perfect Dark Zero: Obvious reasons. I was super hyped since I loved PD on N64 and had faith that this too would be really good... turned out to be not even mediocre. Definitely a huge dissapointment


I felt bad when True Fantasy Life Online, The Getaway 3 and Silent Hills all got canceled. And I were majorly disappointed in Metal Gear Solid 4, which killed my unhealthy love towards the franchise.


Star Wars 1313 hit me really hard.

Watch Dogs downgrade and semi-boring story was a heartbreak.

After being one of the first people of the public to see gameplay at Quakecon, Prey 2 being cancelled had me almost fainting in my room.
Halo 2.

Funny thing is i love both those games, but they are let downs.

No multiplayer in splintercell hd trilogy.
no ghost recon hd with multiplayer.


Resident Evil 6.

It's not just 'Not survival horror'. Sure... puzzles, pacing, item management, aesthetics, atmosphere, etcetera all went out the window in some form by this point. Still, nobody seems to have recognised the exact extremity of the situation: RE6 is in fact the complete antithesis of Resident Evil.

The primary gameplay element of all Resident Evils was quite simply... ammunition. Even RE4 and RE5 still understood this. You still needed ammo, outside of the special few attempting knife runs.

RE6? Fuck it, punch everything. Everyone's doing a melee run.

No Capcom, fuck off. Nobody has ever - ever - not in all the changes and dilutions of all franchises... made a series entry the complete fucking antithesis of what it was.

By all means, decent game in of itself, great sense of depth. Should have been a new IP however because it's the worst example of changing what your paying fanbase expect from your series. It's about as good as doing the reverse and putting guns in Street Fighter.


The non-stop hype train I was on for months till Halo 3 came out. I popped it in right after midnight and by the time I was half way through the second level I knew I was really dissapointed.

It's still a great game but definitely my least favorite Halo.
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