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Halo 5 Cover Art Revealed

So... this Locke guy is supposed to be upset with Master Chief why? Couldn't they have just created a rivalry between two unknown spartans and let the old Chief rest after his work was done? It just seems so arbitrary and unnecessary to keep marching him out.
So... this Locke guy is supposed to be upset with Master Chief why? Couldn't they have just created a rivalry between two unknown spartans and let the old Chief rest after his work was done? It just seems so arbitrary and unnecessary to keep marching him out.

He takes orders from ONI
So... this Locke guy is supposed to be upset with Master Chief why? Couldn't they have just created a rivalry between two unknown spartans and let the old Chief rest after his work was done? It just seems so arbitrary and unnecessary to keep marching him out.

It's not a rivalry; Locke is hunting the Chief, who appears to have gone AWOL along with the rest of Blue Team.


that thing in the back is giving me ZoE vibes!


def sim

Honestly, I think you're being a little unfair. It was a huge problem with 4, no doubt, but it wouldn't be terribly difficult to give an explanation of who the various players are in H5. I don't know that I'd call it doubling down.

And my god, man. I've been waiting for Blue Team to show up in a Halo game since I was 9. If you're going to try and tell me them finally making it is a bad thing, I'll... think mean things about you, probably..

Well, okay sure, it's unfair to expect 343 to make the same mistakes again. I hope they give more than superficial cut scenes for all the characters who haven't been in a video game and their story isn't stored away in hidden terminals that I have to unlock.

I don't know what to tell you about blue team; I sincerely thought they were bringing in characters from RvB for a bit there. It's kind of a bummer the things to be excited about are more extended universe stuff, but hey, whatever.
Well, okay sure, it's unfair to expect 343 to make the same mistakes again. I hope they give more than superficial cut scenes for all the characters who haven't been in a video game and their story isn't stored away in hidden terminals that I have to unlock.

I don't know what to tell you about blue team; I sincerely thought they were bringing in characters from RvB for a bit there. It's kind of a bummer the things to be excited about are more extended universe stuff, but hey, whatever.

I kind of get where you're coming from with that last bit, don't get me wrong. We don't know that much about the campaign yet, so there's not much to be excited for that's purely in-game.* But for me, and the rest of the lore nerds around here, Blue Team is freaking HUGE. Just an absolute bombshell. I do hope you non-Extended-Universe-Reading guys get some juicy stuff soon.

*Well, except that the Arbiter's coming back, if that's your thing.
What in the world? The general concept of Halo, of a super soldier that fights alien monsters to save humanity is what... an original inspiring tale never seen before? Why complain now with Halo 5... Oh yeah its 343 and you, so why the fuck not? Plenty of games out where with unoriginal worlds/stories which still manage to have the best story (TLOU?).

"This box art is emblematic of how uninspired the 343i's game design philosophy is." Wow, un-aware or purposely ignorant?


(wow hero points at screen with gun


(wow hero looks into this distance in heroic pose)


(wow hero has another heroic pose)

But hey, lets SPECIFICALLY complain about 343, and not act like its not been a thing in the past???

Halo CE was great because it focused on gameplay and almost followed a Nintendo-esque game design philosophy. The narrative was subservient to the gameplay. Master chief was an empty vessel for the player. The little dialogue that he did have functioned in Duke Nukem-like fashion in that it was usually "badass" humorous little quips after significant gameplay moments.

The Halo 2 campaign represents the beginning of a downward trend in the campaign/narrative of the Halo franchise. It might be considered a classic now for nostalgia reasons (and the multiplayer), but many hardcore Halo fans (at the time) absolutely hated the covenant religious war nonsense, the decision to have elites speak english. Yes, the cinematic experience (whatever that means) was amped up. However, the dialogue and narrative was creative writing 101/fan fiction levels of bad... and it pissed off a lot of people. Halo 2 came out during the height of the Iraq War, and my personal opinion was that all of the religious war stuff was some writers poorly thought out commentary on the Sunni--Shia relations and the height of the Bush administration. It was perhaps an interesting idea, but seemed out of place (especially following Halo CE)... Mainly it was just poorly constructed.

Halo 3 represented a return to the basics, with the exception of Gravemind (only because his plot was introduced into Halo 2). However, largely... Halo 3 is simple story that mimics a lot of the same beats from Halo CE.

ODST, is the only good plot/mood heavy Halo game. It was smartly designed as a one off, and had more creative liberty to do whatever it wanted because it was from a perspective that had not been explored up to that point.

The narratives in all of the Halos that came after Halo ODST make absolutely no sense. The post ODST Halos merged the tone of ODST with the main master chief narrative. Instead of using the fun/goofy sci fi tropes that were present in Halo CE. The new Halo games feel like have some of the worst elements of Star Wars prequels (i.e. almost completely incomprehensible and uninteresting except for the people that have consumed content outside of the main game).

To whomever, criticized me for my comments regarding the new music. I referenced Hans Zimmer because he is essentially an institution. We can obviously quibble about how diverse his sound is, or how his music sounds nothing like Halo 4's soundtrack. The point remains that these big AAA studios/publishers keep trying to up the cinematic-ness in these big games, but they're doing it at the cost of the game's original soul. Marty O'Donnell's original music is iconic because it confounds the expectations of the typical FPS game. The new Halo games sound like a completely unmemorable boom of strings and brass, just like most Hollywood movies do these days. Yes, there are obviously outliers, but the point still remains that there are a lot of big movies and games that sound nearly indistinguishable from one another.

Regarding the cover arts. The original cover arts were fine. Master Chief is supposed to be an empty vessel. Their genericness makes a lot of sense. They're not going to win any awards sure, but they were functional. I want a functional Halo game. I want a campaign that doesn't restrict me to narrow corridors. Hell, I'd honestly prefer blowing up another ring and a final level where you have to drive a warthog through a collapsing environment to the melodrama about Cortana and the feelings of master chief and jumping into an overpowered mech (why the fuck are there mechs in the Halo universe again???) and killing endless waves of enemies in a dark and ugly environment.


Yeah, a huge problem in Halo 4 was that non-book readers had literally no idea what was going on except "bad man diadact" and "good man chef"

honestly it was incomprehensible, librarian please go away


Being dismissive of people's criticism via repeated postings of this image is more upsetting than anything you might disagree with.
Repeated postings? This is the first time ive ever used this image.

Not to mention I have him on ignore now. I've already tried having a discussion with him in previous threads. No use, his mind is made up on all things 343/Halo 5.

But hey! Thanks for the condescending tone and quick judgement of my dismissive nature without any context.


Repeated postings? This is the first time ive ever used this image.

Not to mention I have him on ignore now. I've already tried having a discussion with him in previous threads. No use, his mind is made up on all things 343/Halo 5.

But hey! Thanks for the condescending tone and quick judgement of my dismissive nature without any context.

I'm not saying you did it multiple times. I'm just saying you and lots of other people have done it to be dismissive of people, and I don't think it's good for discussion. It annoys me when people use that image instead of writing a response, and it would upset me if someone did it to me, regardless of how crazy I might sound.


I'm not saying you did it multiple times. I'm just saying you and lots of other people have done it to be dismissive of people, and I don't think it's good for discussion.
I'm not sure if you're aware, but the post history feature is useful for a reason. It's not a dismissive thing, it's not being unreasonable, or unfair or whatever else.

His post regarding the cover is just mind blowing, hyperbolic, and full of vitriol. It's just so over the top and unnecessary I dont know how you can expect people to have a discussion at all with that.

Apologies for the repeated image, first time I'm seeing it.

On topic: I didn't get a chance to weigh in. Personally, it's one of my favorite covers in a while SOLELY because it's not just a dude standing in the middle of the cover like every game ever.

Also Blue team hype.
I'm not sure if you're aware, but the post history feature is useful for a reason. It's not a dismissive thing, it's not being unreasonable, or unfair or whatever else.

His post regarding the cover is just mind blowing, hyperbolic, and full of vitriol. It's just so over the top and unnecessary I dont know how you can expect people to have a discussion at all with that.

Apologies for the repeated image, first time I'm seeing it.

On topic: I didn't get a chance to weigh in. Personally, it's one of my favorite covers in a while SOLELY because it's not just a dude standing in the middle of the cover like every game ever.

Also Blue team hype.

I'm not being hyperbolic at all. I'd argue that Halo fans have been trained to expect less and less from the franchise over the past decade. Now even the most seemingly obvious game design decisions like no loadouts are lauded as if the series has undergone a dramatic re-birth.

The Halo games (1-3) meant a lot to me. Now it's an uphill battle to get even the most marginal of changes that would return the series closer to what made the originals great. I won't apologize for expecting something more from a franchise that brought us three (what I consider to be classic) games. If we continue to praise mediocrity, than that's all we'll ever get.

And yes, my comments are related to the cover. If we make the assumption that the cover art is indicative of elements of Halo 5's plot, then there are clearly indicators that that narrative elements within the franchise have not undergone a significant overhaul since the monstrosity that was Halo 4.


Furthermore, my comments are much more insightful than the majority of what people post here. If I am critical, it's because I have something to say. Do people really want a chorus of one sentence posts with little or nothing new to add to any discussion? I am contributing to this forum and this thread because I have something meaningful to say about this cover art and the franchise.

being critical is one thing - and i don't disagree with many of the points you've brought up - but the content of some of your posts is unnecessarily antagonizing.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I'm sorry, i'm a little out of the Halo loop. Who the hell is that guy taking up Chief's space


I don't know. I don't understand how 343 cannot nail box art. I am not saying the box art is terrible, it is a lot better than the previous, but it doesn't "click" as box art like other titles do. It looks off to me, especially the mechanical adversary in the background does not look right for a cover.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
New character being introduced into the series.

Oh boy. Well, i wonder how it'll go.

I don't know anything about the novel backstories or anything like that, but i always preferred Arbiter as the partner.


Neo Member
Could be the word "Guardians" smaller? Its like "we tought to make a cooperative/multiplayer mix game like AC Unity but in the Halo universe but now, we dont"

Anyway, who is Locke? Why so much protagonism?

Sorry but this time, Im not hype


So... this Locke guy is supposed to be upset with Master Chief why? Couldn't they have just created a rivalry between two unknown spartans and let the old Chief rest after his work was done? It just seems so arbitrary and unnecessary to keep marching him out.

Chief isn't old, he is in his mid-30s at the most, he has been in cryo-sleep for a lot of his life.


I'm sorry, i'm a little out of the Halo loop. Who the hell is that guy taking up Chief's space

You're not the only one. There are MANY Halo fans who are out of the loop in Halo, who have lost interest because of #343bola.

I have not read this thread, but after reading a few of the last posts of FoolishFellow, and others, I am surprised by how people are "hyped' for Halo 5 and defending it with such vigor. And disappointed really, that people are becoming so accepting quite easily by any crack of shit, by something that IS NOT released, where we barely have impressions of.

Let's evaluate the body of work we do have to judge.

Do these people not remember Halo 4? Halo 4 is one of the worse multiplayer games to release on the Xbox 360, literally. I mean fuck, what about the recently released broken Master Chief Collection? How can people get hyped for Halo 5 when every Halo game 343 have developed so far has been mediocre and literally have MANY things that go against the principles of Halo, not to mention A LOT of problems.

343 should not be receiving any hype or praise until they prove themselves, which they HAVE NOT in TWO attempts so far, with substantial resources, and a highly divisive Halo 5 beta - that a lot of Halo fans are being ignored and the principles of Halo being compromised at the expense of 343's ignorance for a newb friendly direction.

It is difficult to get hyped with 343 developing the series. Time and time again, they have shown they do not understand the Halo universe, and have done MANY things that are not Halo canon - like what the hell is a mech doing in Halo 5? Why are they trying to humanize Master Chief, when his whole appeal is to be generic so we can relate to him? What the hell is weapon drop callouts and cool bro back assassination animations in Halo? A game that is supposed to be competitive.
You're not the only one. There are MANY Halo fans who are out of the loop in Halo, who have lost interest because of #343bola.

I have not read this thread, but after reading a few of the last posts of FoolishFellow, and others, I am surprised by how people are "hyped' for Halo 5 and defending it with such vigor. And disappointed really, that people are becoming so accepting quite easily by any crack of shit, by something that IS NOT released, where we barely have impressions of.

Let's evaluate the body of work we do have to judge.

Do these people not remember Halo 4? Halo 4 is one of the worse multiplayer games to release on the Xbox 360, literally. I mean fuck, what about the recently released broken Master Chief Collection? How can people get hyped for Halo 5 when every Halo game 343 have developed so far has been mediocre and literally have MANY things that go against the principles of Halo, not to mention A LOT of problems.

343 should not be receiving any hype or praise until they prove themselves, which they HAVE NOT in TWO attempts so far, with substantial resources, and a highly divisive Halo 5 beta - that a lot of Halo fans are being ignored and the principles of Halo being compromised at the expense of 343's ignorance for a newb friendly direction.

It is difficult to get hyped with 343 developing the series. Time and time again, they have shown they do not understand the Halo universe, and have done MANY things that are not Halo canon - like what the hell is a mech doing in Halo 5? Why are they trying to humanize Master Chief, when his whole appeal is to be generic so we can relate to him? What the hell is weapon drop callouts and cool bro back assassination animations in Halo? A game that is supposed to be competitive.

Now that you and foolishfellow are here I totally expect this thread to turn into a shit show like every other halo thread you guys pop up in.


Large text telling people to not forget H4

No one will or should forget H4 or MCC problems, however people who have played the H5 beta can tell you that your concerns are just that.. your concerns. The beta was the best Halo multiplayer I and countless other Halo fans have played since Halo 3. But go ahead and not trust them, I mean they ruined Halo. Bungie had nothing to do with the addition of assassinations animations and other competitive game flow breaking additions.


You're not the only one. There are MANY Halo fans who are out of the loop in Halo, who have lost interest because of #343bola.

I have not read this thread, but after reading a few of the last posts of FoolishFellow, and others, I am surprised by how people are "hyped' for Halo 5 and defending it with such vigor. And disappointed really, that people are becoming so accepting quite easily by any crack of shit, by something that IS NOT released, where we barely have impressions of.

Let's evaluate the body of work we do have to judge.

Do these people not remember Halo 4? Halo 4 is one of the worse multiplayer games to release on the Xbox 360, literally. I mean fuck, what about the recently released broken Master Chief Collection? How can people get hyped for Halo 5 when every Halo game 343 have developed so far has been mediocre and literally have MANY things that go against the principles of Halo, not to mention A LOT of problems.

343 should not be receiving any hype or praise until they prove themselves, which they HAVE NOT in TWO attempts so far, with substantial resources, and a highly divisive Halo 5 beta - that a lot of Halo fans are being ignored and the principles of Halo being compromised at the expense of 343's ignorance for a newb friendly direction.

It is difficult to get hyped with 343 developing the series. Time and time again, they have shown they do not understand the Halo universe, and have done MANY things that are not Halo canon - like what the hell is a mech doing in Halo 5? Why are they trying to humanize Master Chief, when his whole appeal is to be generic so we can relate to him? What the hell is weapon drop callouts and cool bro back assassination animations in Halo? A game that is supposed to be competitive.
The campaign for Halo 4 was much more well received than the multiplayer, despite the former's problems. People are hyped for the Campaign in this thread.

And please don't talk about not understanding the canon; 343i has been 100x more faithful to the extended universe than Bungie. Remember Reach? Hell the problems with Halo 3? The biggest problem with Halo 4 was that it was not developed enough/too short, as opposed to Reach which rewrote everything, and Halo 3 which was awful story wise aside from a few missions. The delegation of the Arbiter is a mistake Bungie should have never made.


I'm guessing the two teams are going to be player 2, 3 and 4 skins. Which means that we can be fairly sure that any deaths in those groups will happen at the end of the game if at all.


There are countless Halo fans who disagree.

Yeah and there were countless Halo fans who hated 2, and then 3.

I am sorry I am not stuck on liking a very particular style of Halo that you are. I love Halo for its gameplay but I realize and am acceptable of the fact that they must add things to bring in new fans. The Beta was fun while still being Halo to me. That is all that matters.

And I am a pretty competitive player when it comes to Halo.


But Halo 3 had the most consistent population post-release.

Which isn't necessarily an indication of the quality of the game, FYI. Halo was the juggernaut back then, even if 343i released the perfect Halo game right now, it would be unlikely to come close to the popularity in the Halo 3 era. Many more popular games have online multiplayer now, even GTA!


Which isn't necessarily an indication of the quality of the game, FYI. Halo was the juggernaut back then, even if 343i released the perfect Halo game right now, it would be unlikely to come close to the popularity in the Halo 3 era. Many more popular games have online multiplayer now, even GTA!

I don't subscribe to that argument. They are vastly different types of multiplayer games. A lot of Halo players don't play other shooters. In fact, I think it is astounding of the population Halo 3 was pulling online on such a young console for a very long time. It is far more logical to say the Halo games online got worse since Halo 3, and its population too.
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