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Fallout 4 Officially Revealed for PC, Xbox One, PS4 [Reddit Rumor = Ban]


again on "why surprised bethesda games always look terrible"

same gen - 5 year gap




F3 -> F4 - different gen, 7 year gap

hope we see some close up character models soon


The game doesn't seem to be a looker but I'm oddly ok with this. It's propably because I know it will look gorgeous with the eventual mods.


Morrowind looked like shit.

Oblivion looked like shit.

Fallout 3 looked like shit.

Skyrim looked like shit.

Fallout 4 looks like shit.

I don't know why some of you are acting so shocked given Bethesda's track record of shittastic visuals. Buy it during a Steam sale and mod it to hell and back if you're that indignant about it. It's just par for the course with Bethesda.

Which honestly begs the question of how their tech/engine/graphic departments still have a job. You'd think selling 10's of million of copies would mean they could afford "top men" to come in and fix the universal criticism of their games.
I hope they'll get Troy Baker to voice the MC. I'm definetly not sick off hearing him in every single game for the past 3 years. Not at all.




Compare and contrast with the GAF thread from the first gameplay footage of Skyrim:

I see a lot of people impressed there.

This whole "Skyrim always looked like crap" idea is definitely news to me.

Yup I remember loving that trailer, it was a huge jump from Oblivion.

Man I really wanted another Elder Scrolls, especially after the massive disappointment that was ESO.
No one in their right mind expected for us to receive an in-engine trailer. And then the discussion immediately turns to the graphics, specifically whether or not they are good. Were we better off receiving CG until the gameplay demonstration?
Play 1 and 2, pretend like the rest doesn't exist.

New Vegas is great too.

No one in their right mind expected for us to receive an in-engine trailer. And then the discussion immediately turns to the graphics, specifically whether or not they are good. Were we better off receiving CG until the gameplay demonstration?

This is what they showed, so people are going to talk about what was shown. The amount of people complaining about other people complaining is laughable.


Morrowind looked like shit.

Oblivion looked like shit.

Fallout 3 looked like shit.

Skyrim looked like shit.

Fallout 4 looks like shit.

I don't know why some of you are acting so shocked given Bethesda's track record of shittastic visuals. Buy it during a Steam sale and mod it to hell and back if you're that indignant about it. It's just par for the course with Bethesda.
Thats bullshit.

Morrowind and Oblivion had top tier graphics for their times. People bought top of the line PC hardware for them.
Water in Morrowind was key marketing tool for Nvidia and Geforce 3.
HDR rendering was novum in Oblivion and foliage + scale of the game was like nothing done before in RPGs.
Skyrim looked great at launch too, it wasnt though top of the line like previous Elder Scrolls Games.


Morrowind looked like shit.

Oblivion looked like shit.

Fallout 3 looked like shit.

Skyrim looked like shit.

Fallout 4 looks like shit.

I don't know why some of you are acting so shocked given Bethesda's track record of shittastic visuals. Buy it during a Steam sale and mod it to hell and back if you're that indignant about it. It's just par for the course with Bethesda.

This is selective memory, they all looked pretty good for their time. One of the main selling points of Oblivion was the improved "next gen" graphics and there were a lot of threads comparing the massive improvements of Skyrim compared to Oblivion, not only in graphics but also in animations.


Water is not wet!
Morrowind looked like shit.

Oblivion looked like shit.

Fallout 3 looked like shit.

Skyrim looked like shit.

Fallout 4 looks like shit.

I don't know why some of you are acting so shocked given Bethesda's track record of shittastic visuals. Buy it during a Steam sale and mod it to hell and back if you're that indignant about it. It's just par for the course with Bethesda.
i think they all look good but this is just incorrect. Maybe if you revisited these games years after release i could see how one could come to that opinion. Every single one of those games there were praised for its graphics at the time.

Guess which game this IGN graphics review is from:

Answer is
.......... Morrowind. "Animations are excellent"

At the time of release the game have looked great. Oblivion had that famous magazine cover that was very impessive or have we even forgotten that? This is the first (modern) Bethesda rpg game to get some static over the graphics. The graphics look fine to me.
No one in their right mind expected for us to receive an in-engine trailer. And then the discussion immediately turns to the graphics, specifically whether or not they are good. Were we better off receiving CG until the gameplay demonstration?
People are discussing graphics because the video doesn't appear to showcase new gameplay systems. Not obviously so anyway.

Whats the intended takeaway from that trailer?


No one in their right mind expected for us to receive an in-engine trailer. And then the discussion immediately turns to the graphics, specifically whether or not they are good. Were we better off receiving CG until the gameplay demonstration?

No because people on here would inevitably bitch about the graphics during E3. Better to get out of the way now and have people accept that's what the game looks like.

Like it or lump it, simple as that. Don't buy it if you don't want it. No one is forcing you to do anything.


I have a feeling a lot of peoples opinions are going to change after we see the game in action at E3

Graphics and art style look better than the last two games and that works for me. I just hope that the soundtrack isnt by Inon Zur again, and they at least look to Fallout 1 and 2 for inspiration. Or hell find a way to let Mark Morgan compose.
Imagine a Fallout 4 built with the Rage engine:


I assumed that was why they bought Id tbh...

I wish they could mod that to make it like Gamebryo. I really thought they were going to try that with FO4 but that just goes to show how close the design philosophy is to elder scrolls IMO


idiotic superfluous reasons essentially.

It's hardly the most deep game. Bethesda RPGs tend to be fairly shallow (of recent), relying on the breadth of their world rather than depth or gameplay. Combats usually passable at best, so it would have been nice to have a good looking expansive world. I mean its been five years since NV, a new generation of consoles significantly more powerful than their predecessors as well as the PC which has far surpassed them, and we've got not much to show for it really. If they pissed the power away on pure draw distance, that will be a shame indeed in my view.

I would perhaps not dismiss peoples views as idiotic so quickly - graphics are a key part of the immersive experience that probably many don't understand having not played some of these games on high end PCs; for instance FC4 on PC was amazing at least partially because of the fidelity. The better the vegetation etc looks, the stronger the suspension of belief. It all feeds in.


Morrowind looked like shit.

Oblivion looked like shit.

Fallout 3 looked like shit.

Skyrim looked like shit.

Fallout 4 looks like shit.

I don't know why some of you are acting so shocked given Bethesda's track record of shittastic visuals. Buy it during a Steam sale and mod it to hell and back if you're that indignant about it. It's just par for the course with Bethesda.

This is flat out not true. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, or you played the games well after their release.
I suppose there is no way of really knowing, but is gamebryo like the only engine that works with Bethesda games? You know massive open world / pretty much every item has physics / modable?

A lot of people seem to be implying they are lazy not switching to something new like idTech just wondering if that is even possible with Fallout 4 being the massive game, that I assume it is.

Funky Papa

Skyrim looked good, but it was kind of the outlier. Fallout 3 and NV were always very rough games in the visual department. You could say that Morrowind was technically interesting, but at the same time, art wise it was a total. fucking. mess.

On the plus side, for all the maledicent hyperbole in this thread, at least it's far removed from the vitriol over No Mutants Allowed. Because goddamn.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I just watched the trailer and it looks pretty bad graphically, I guess they'll be aiming for 60fps on consoles.


Jesus everyone here must be like too young to remember New Vegas.

I mean Fallout New Vegas released like 5 years ago, and the graphics were pretty bad compared to other games
Of course New Vegas graphics were bad compared to other games of its time, but some of that is because it was graphically straight up Fallout 3. It was a spin-off, by another developer.

Fallout 3 to Grand Theft Auto 4 is a much fairer comparison


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Morrowind looked like shit.

Oblivion looked like shit.

Fallout 3 looked like shit.

Skyrim looked like shit.

Fallout 4 looks like shit.

I don't know why some of you are acting so shocked given Bethesda's track record of shittastic visuals. Buy it during a Steam sale and mod it to hell and back if you're that indignant about it. It's just par for the course with Bethesda.


Morrowind looked amazing at the time, and had some of the best water in existence.

Oblivion was the first big "Next Gen" game of the 360/PS3 era, and was jaw dropping at the time. (Even post lighting downgrade)

Fallout 3 was a middle ground title, and was more of a sidegrade from Oblivion.

Skyrim was also a jaw dropping title at release, people were amazed that the leap from Oblivion was on the same hardware.

Bethesda has always delivered competitive graphics, and mods make their games graphical masterpieces.

Show me a Western open world RPG that looks better than Skyrim last gen. There is not one.


Wonder what they'll announce at the MS press con... The box in the front suggests to me that Xbone will have some sort of exclusive content.
Morrowind looked like shit.

Oblivion looked like shit.

Fallout 3 looked like shit.

Skyrim looked like shit.

Fallout 4 looks like shit.

I don't know why some of you are acting so shocked given Bethesda's track record of shittastic visuals. Buy it during a Steam sale and mod it to hell and back if you're that indignant about it. It's just par for the course with Bethesda.
Thats not true.
The reception was more like this:

Morrowind was on of the first games with pixelshaders. It was pretty great for 2001.

Oblivion was one of the first nextgen games and looked quite stunning at release.

Fallout 3 was oblivion with guns.

And Skyrim impressed by how much it improved over Oblivion.
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