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Fallout 4 Officially Revealed for PC, Xbox One, PS4 [Reddit Rumor = Ban]


How does a port to last gen systems a year after it releases on current gen make any sense at all? And why are you still putting any amount of faith in that rumor when it's been proven to be bullshit?

I don't put any major stock in the rumours, I'm just saying that it's a possibility if the port isn't coming from Bethesda Game Studio's themselves.

I wasn't talking about it specifically, but a port a year after release could work. The (likely) praise of Fallout 4 could be used to sell a new edition to people who couldn't get it before. But if there is a port I expect it to be more of a Shadow of Mordor situation (a delay of a couple of weeks).

Those rumors have been confirmed almost 100% false, though.

Doesn't mean he's not dodging that question, though.

I'm just wondering, how so?


Everything we saw in the trailer was in the leak which also mentioned cross-gen. The game doesn't look like it wouldn't run on last-gen with a few changes. E3 page still lists a 360/PS3 RPG from Bethesda. Website source code has references to last-gen.

I have no idea what else needs to happen for people to accept that there is probably a last-gen version coming down the line.
People need to accept that 360/PS3 versions are not announced and until they are they do not exist.
My take:

Setting / Atmosphere: Fallout 3 > Fallout NV

Items and Armor: Fallout 3 > Fallout NV

Writing / Quest cohesion: Fallout NV > Fallout 3

Moment to moment gameplay: Fallout NV > Fallout 3

Companions: Fallout NV > Fallout 3

I prefer to say it this way

Fallout 3 > Fallout NV

Fallout 3 > Fallout NV

Everything else (combat, items, balance, dialog, c&c, writing, characters, quests, backstory, etc)
Fallout NV > Fallout 3


You guys think this will be the first Bethesda game to have more than 5 NPCs on screen at once?

If the town evacuation sequence is anything to go by, lol.

Maybe they did exist and got scrapped?

They wouldn't scrap money, I'm sure.

They'd just keep it hush. Maybe release it slightly after the current-gen version. Then the (likely) praise for that version will spill over to sales of the game on last-gen to a more 'casual' audience (like Skyrim's mass market appeal).
Yeah, the cross gen rumors are coming from what I would call a reliable source. The blatantly false source talked about cross gen too though.

I said it because people are going "that rumor has been proven false blah blah blah!" when this has nothing to do with that post. The new one as you said is an actual legit source.
If this game is actually cross gen then my hype is gone. I can't wrap my head around the possibility of this game actually being cross gen. It makes no fucking sense. Last generation's open world Bethesda games were already hamstrung enough by those consoles. Adherence to 10 year old machines as baselines is damaging as fuck to the potential of this game.
I still think that this game is Crossgen.

Same announcement "issue" is happening with BlackOps 3. Activision clearly doesnt wanna say it. But insiders already told us.

Same is happening here. And like many here already said, he is still dancing around this question. If cant give a simply yes or no.

Where is smoke, there is fire.
If this game is actually cross gen then my hype is gone. I can't wrap my head around the possibility of this game actually being cross gen. It makes no fucking sense. Last generation's open world Bethesda games were already hamstrung enough by those consoles. Adherence to 10 year old machines as baselines is damaging as fuck to the potential of this game.

A userbase of over 100 million makes no sense to you? Lol.

Do you think bethesda gives any care to what you and maybe another 1% of gamers want? I know it sucks sometimes but games are a business and omitting last gen leaves a lot of money on the table.


If this game is actually cross gen then my hype is gone. I can't wrap my head around the possibility of this game actually being cross gen. It makes no fucking sense.

Wouldn't be too bad for me^^ Play it on my GTX770 now and replay the beefed up modded version in 4 years. Wouldn't have to wait until 2016/2017 to play it with a 16nm GPU.


Why would they not announce cross gen along with next gen, it makes no sense.

I think that could dampen the response amongst the more 'hardcore' audience, who is what the trailer and early marketing is for. Generating hype and fuelling pre-orders.

But Skyrim done very well, so I could see them having made the decision years ago (before the fast adoption rate of current-gen consoles was clear) to make it a cross-gen game.

So not talking about it is the best of both worlds. You get the excitement and pre-orders you want, and you have the last-gen version available at launch or a little bit after for the more casual audience who knows of Fallout and The Elder Scrolls in passing and will pick up the game because of the praise the game will probably get.

It's a smart plan.


They're nothing like three cause they are very different games. 3 and Vegas are ARPGs in the style of Elder Scrolls. THat doesn't mean you won't enjoy them (it's quite possible to like different games. That doesn't mean you don't have a preference for one type. I'm very preferential to RPGs of all types over any other type game myself but i have enjoyed other type games as well). And I'm not saying you can't prefer the atmosphere of 3 (I do too honestly). I'm just saying you're not really qualified to say what feels like a series when you've only played one and it wasn't even the original. Ideally honestly you should have played several to get the flavor of the series as a whole to determine how it "feels". Hell, you may even prefer the game that feels less like it.

I realize i used the wrong words to express myself, perhaps i should have said NV wasn't the Fallout i fell in love with, i think that sounds better.

I think i tried FO1 some time ago but the controls were too difficult to get used to. I think i kept getting attacked by rats while going from point to point, which i felt was really tedious. I didn't have the time and energy to invest in it sadly.


People would get mad. It's that simple. Cross-gen is rightfully truly hated in 2015/2016. It'll always hold back the current gen counterparts.
And people will magically stop being angry when they announce later? Plus the whole being deceived to add on to that.
A userbase of over 100 million makes no sense to you? Lol.

the exact response I would have given a year ago to any other game, but no, that 100 million isn't buying that many games anymore, especially not gimped versions of flagship games best played elsewhere, unless you've got some numbers I haven't seen.... And my incredulity is more directed to how limiting the PS3 and 360 hardware would be to next gen flagship Fallout's design. It's unbelievable, literally not believable, that the new Fallout would be designed around 256 megabytes of ram as a memory baseline when the new consoles have 5+ gb, for example. If this shit is cross gen then you can have all my hype because I wouldn't fuckin want it at that point.

Do you think bethesda gives any care to what you and maybe another 1% of gamers want? I know it sucks sometimes but games are a business and omitting last gen leaves a lot of money on the table.

And NOT omitting last gen means that the ambition and scope of your flagship open world next generation title is now limited by the constraints of 10 years ago. It's up to them whether they want to chase that audience or not, but I don't want that game. I don't want an open world game that's hamfistedly limited by what can be achieved on last gen consoles, ESPECIALLY not Fallout.


Why would they not announce cross gen along with next gen, it makes no sense.
Activision is playing coy on CoD too because they know there's a lot of people who have caught on to what cross gen means and don't like it. It upsets their early adopter core audience now so it's risky press to say you are cross gen in late 2015, but they can't outright deny it since they are still hoping to make cross gen happen quietly. GAF hates it, and we're a slice of the rabid core.
Yeah, because all 100 million of them are still buying games in droves if recent last gen software sales are anything to go by.

Fallout isnt just any old game. Its one of those big ones that come out every few years or so. Skyrim blew up in a huge huge way and im sure bethesda hasnt forgotten that.

I mean out of a userbase of 100 mil (and thats being conservative) if only 5 million people buy the game thats a huge amount of revenue. Bethesda is a publisher so if you assume a 30% take that about a 100 million dollars. With last gen sales alone Bethesda has already re-couped development cost of the game with enough to fully fund the cost of another Fallout. Next gen sales cold just be straight profit (after marketing is takn into accoubt)


I think that could dampen the response amongst the more 'hardcore' audience, who is what the trailer and early marketing is for. Generating hype and fuelling pre-orders.

But Skyrim done very well, so I could see them having made the decision years ago (before the fast adoption rate of current-gen consoles was clear) to make it a cross-gen game.

So not talking about it is the best of both worlds. You get the excitement and pre-orders you want, and you have the last-gen version available at launch or a little bit after for the more casual audience who knows of Fallout and The Elder Scrolls in passing and will pick up the game because of the praise the game will probably get.

It's a smart plan.
Pre-order are not set in stone. They can just as easily be cancelled.


And people will magically stop being angry when they announce later? Plus the whole being deceived to add on to that.

No but most of the core audience would have bought the game already and it would be either more irrelevant or too late to start some sort of backlash.


The game isn't cross-gen. That doesn't mean it won't come out on the PS3/Xbox, though.

This "legit" source that is claiming the game is cross-gen is doing so based off of this post on reddit:


And here is the part you should pay attention to:

Fallout 4 will be available for a wide range of platforms after launch. The first version that will be released is being developed for Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC. This version uses a brand new engine built from the ground up to take advantage of the power of next gen systems. Absolutely everything is new, and no assets or scrips are being used from Fallout 3/NV or Skyrim.
Fallout 4 will also be available on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. This version is also being developed by Bethesda Game Studios, but will release a year after the advanced version. This version runs on the Creation Engine, the same engine that powered Skyrim. This is being done so that PS3/360 users can play the game without problem. Everything will be the same in this version as the advanced version, except for the graphics, gameplay and some

So totally engine just for next-gen systems and then later the same game released on the old systems using the Skyrim engine. So, yes, it will be on both gens, but no it's not being cross-developed. That's why he's being vague about it.


Pre-order are not set in stone. They can just as easily be cancelled.

In theory but it's not quite like that.

If they announce the last-gen versions the month before release you're not going to lose all the pre-orders who wouldn't have jumped on-board if they had known from the beginning.

You see it a lot. "[Insert thing here] is some bullshit ... but I already pre-ordered".


And people will magically stop being angry when they announce later? Plus the whole being deceived to add on to that.
If we already pre-ordered it on PSN etc. because we thought it was only current gen brilliance, they would have made a sale and dodged skepticism from the core audience until it was too late for many of them to care about turning back. The most active buyers on day one are not happy with what cross gen causes, so the publishers just won't talk about it or market it heavily until after the current gen release is off the ground.
When someone asks "is it coming to ps3 or 360" and the response is "are those systems X1, PS4 or PC?", that is a definitive NO.

He's having fun with this and everyone is biting. It's painful to watch to be honest
Yeah, this is the #PS4NoDRM situation all over again, where people get hyper-focused on a company not using a very particular wording, convince themselves that something's not true because a company didn't use that very particular wording and set out to convince them to do something they were going to do regardless, but then in the end... surprise, surprise they did mean what they said from the very beginning and it was just people being anal about a very particular wording and all the over-analyzing of each and every word was needless and for naught.

And just like the conspiracy theories pre-release about the PS4 actually having DRM despite Sony's statements, how does this make any sense? If it was coming to 360/PS3, why wouldn't they have announced that ASAP, together with the other versions? The active userbase for the PS4 and Xbox One are growing, whereas each and every day the opposite is true for PS3 and 360. This is why we're finally beginning to see cross-gen support dropped for even stuff like Black Ops III and Assassin's Creed Syndicate, in addition to stuff like the Witcher III. The active userbase for PS3/360 is actively getting smaller and less worthwhile by the day, to the point that not even Activison and Ubisoft are interested in them anymore. Why in the world, with that it mind, would it make sense for Bethesda to not only be planning a last-gen version for Fallout 4, but keeping it secret and only announcing/releasing it later on, thus actively sabotaging it and making it even less worthwhile and worth the investment than it is now? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. If they were really going to have a last-gen version, it would have been announced alongside the others--it makes no sense to do otherwise and make the last-gen versions even less worthwhile and worth the effort than they already are.

This is just #PS4NoDRM all over again, and that was embarrassing enough the first time (though I suppose at least that had the Xbox One DRM stuff going for it to cause worry, but this doesn't even have that with in addition to how the announcement was handled and the statements that have been made, how other companies have actively begun dropping cross-gen already which would make Bethesda a really, really strange outlier if the game was cross-gen for some reason). Can't believe we're doing that whole song and dance all over again


This version uses a brand new engine built from the ground up to take advantage of the power of next gen systems.

If this game is actually cross gen then my hype is gone. I can't wrap my head around the possibility of this game actually being cross gen. It makes no fucking sense. Last generation's open world Bethesda games were already hamstrung enough by those consoles. Adherence to 10 year old machines as baselines is damaging as fuck to the potential of this game.

Hey it's Bethesda. Not making any sense is part of their buisness.

I honestly really want this game to be good because I absolutely love the Fallout IP but Fallout 3, every other Bethesda product and everything I've seen and heard about 4 so far has left my cynical at best.
I'm mostly following this stuff out of some kind of morbid curiosity at this point. It honestly feels like Bethesda is the worst possible company to handle this IP. They are completely out of their dept with this.
I remember thinking it was a joke when I first heard about Bethesda acquiring the Fallout franchise.


The game isn't cross-gen. That doesn't mean it won't come out on the PS3/Xbox, though.

This "legit" source that is claiming the game is cross-gen is doing so based off of this post on reddit:


And here is the part you should pay attention to:

So totally engine just for next-gen systems and then later the same game released on the old systems using the Skyrim engine. So, yes, it will be on both gens, but no it's not being cross-developed. That's why he's being vague about it.
We've been over this a million times, that whole post has been discredited.


In theory but it's not quite like that.

If they announce the last-gen versions the month before release you're not going to lose all the pre-orders who wouldn't have jumped on-board if they had known from the beginning.

Announcing it a month before would be a stupid marketing decision.


In theory but it's not quite like that.

If they announce the last-gen versions the month before release you're not going to lose all the pre-orders who wouldn't have jumped on-board if they had known from the beginning.
I'd they announced it a month before release no one would buy the last gen versions and none of this would have been worth it for anyone.


Pre-order are not set in stone. They can just as easily be cancelled.
The early adopter crowd on consoles is the biggest buyer group and the most rabid are jumping on digital, where you can't cancel. Not to mention stats showing that if you get someone to pre-order, they are more likely to get the game than people who decide to buy upon release. If they get you on board now without hearing about last gen, they've got you for good.
The game isn't cross-gen. That doesn't mean it won't come out on the PS3/Xbox, though.

This "legit" source that is claiming the game is cross-gen is doing so based off of this post on reddit:


And here is the part you should pay attention to:

So totally engine just for next-gen systems and then later the same game released on the old systems using the Skyrim engine. So, yes, it will be on both gens, but no it's not being cross-developed. That's why he's being vague about it.
You heard it here everyone. Unseen64 gets their info from year old reddit posts.


Announcing it a month before would be a stupid marketing decision.

I'd they announced it a month before release no one would buy the last gen versions and none of this would have been worth it for anyone.


People will find out from retailers eventually.

The pre-order audience are probably PC and PS4/XBONE gamers (I'd imagine a very high percentage of the people who would pre-order).

Then the game, on last-gen, would be there for people who see the 10/10 reviews and read the 'From the creators of Skyrim' quotes and pick it up. Skyrim was mass market in that way.

I think the short version is that the game has been in development for years, and Bethesda probably don't want anybody who wants to pick it up left out, particularly after the success of Skyrim and not knowing about how fast the current-gen adoption rate would be.
If we already pre-ordered it on PSN etc. because we thought it was only current gen brilliance, they would have made a sale and dodged skepticism from the core audience until it was too late for many of them to care about turning back. The most active buyers on day one are not happy with what cross gen causes, so the publishers just won't talk about it or market it heavily until after the current gen release is off the ground.

Preordering on PSN is pointless anyway...
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