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Ever met a celebrity and were dissapointed?

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Was in a donut shop the other day and I see Ariana Grande licking the donuts on the shelf.

Next thing I know shes telling me I look like her bf and she's trying to make out with me.

Was not amused.


Didn't really meet her, but I saw Lita Ford at a Guitar Center by my college once when she was doing an autograph signing. She was a complete bitch the entire time, whining about how shitty it was having to deal with autograph shit. A couple of us just kind of stood around watching these fanboys standing in line putting up with her constant bullshit just to get her signature on something.

They could probably book her for one of their kids' birthday party for $100 and a bottle of Jack these days.


Only in myself.. I secretly took a took a picture of a Neil deGrasse Tyson while he was working out in the gym. I felt like a dirty stalker

It is still in my online cloud photo album somewhere
Friend and I met Sgt Slaughter at this little local con, and pretty much all he cared about was getting money, he was so concerned about getting his money for everything, he wasn't friendly at all. GF was in the distance and snapped a shot of us meeting him and he nearly flipped and was pointing at her going "what is she doing?!"
Jon Stewart came into where I work (because he has a house in the area) twice. I just said hello, how are you? And he smiled and said how's it going? I didn't want to bother him because he was with his young daughter.


You really feel strongly about this...give me a break dude. The celebs are millionaires and their lives are set, the least they could do is not be an asshole.
Some people get caught on bad days but there are multiple stories of celebrities out there that show its their true personality.

Someone not smiling or looking at you does not constitute them being assholes. I walk by tons of people who don't smile at me and think nothing of it, but because this person's a celebrity you feel entitled for them to recognize you so you can get a little validation?


Celebrities are people. I really can't hate on them for not being "on" 24/7. We worship celebrities way too much.


Am I happy that Atkinson is consistently a self entitled jerk every time I have to deal with him at work (I work part time as a concierge in a cinema in Hampstead, London, an area that's packed with artists and celebrities)? No. But neither does it have any influence on what I think of the man.

You know, I work retail. I don't care if you are a celebrity or not, if you consistantly act like an ass everytime I see you, I'm going to think you are an ass and not like you. And yes it's going to taint anything you do in my eyes. I don't like you. It's one thing to say don't judge from one interaction, but if they are consistantly like that, then that's fair game to assume that they are an ass.

If you are a jerk to everyone around you and consistantly are so, then why do you deserve a pass for your attitude towards others?
I went to school with Jason Marsalis. He was a fun and creative kid but the pressure of being in that family seemed horrible. He'd do bad on a test or something and I'd catch him crying in the hallways saying "I'm a bad Marsalis" and shit. I don't envy someone being one of the forgotten siblings in a famous family. Not exactly a disappointment story, but it made me realize fame wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

I also used to work with Bobby Jindal's uncle, so I met Jindal in person once. He looked right through me like I wasn't even there, and comes across even more like an awkward plastic robot going through the motions in person than on TV. It's hard to be disappointed in someone you think of as roughly equivalent to wet toast, but he nailed it.
Iunno. Most of the celebs I've met have turned out to be really nice.

Shakira, Jimmy Fallon, and Lady GaGa probably being the nicest.

Afrojack (DJ) and John Mayer being the worst.


I always thought David Tennant seemed like a nice, down-to-earth guy, until the night I had a few drinks with him. He was arrogant, obnoxious, and extremely rude. Never had my opinion of someone changed so drastically so fast.
Whoa, story time.

Bubble: Burst.

75% of posts in this thread are about meeting a celebrity. It's supposed to be about meeting one and being disappointed...

I met Tommy Tallarico and Jack Wall at a Video Games Live concert; wanted to tell them how cool they were but they were busy as fuck trying to run a live show so I can't knock them.

Met Tim Heidecker from Tim and Eric after their tour in 2009 at an after party. He was a complete asshole. Just sat at the bar drinking ignoring everyone. He told people to fuck off when they asked for his picture.

Eric on the other hand was amazing. He chilled with the crowd, bought people shots and took pictures. It almost felt like it was a skit from the show...
I had the exact same experience at the same tour. Eric was cool as shit and Tim was not interested in the fans.


Whoa, story time.
Bubble: Burst.
He did/does a lot of work for the Royal Shakespeare Company. The Royal Shakespeare Theatre is just down the road from a hotel/bar I used to work at. He came in one night as I was finishing off my shift and we got talking. He invites me to join him and his colleagues after I finish so, naturally, I accept. I really wasn't expecting him to be so up himself. His sense of superiority over his cast mates was shamefully high. Maybe it was just the drink talking but, yeah, my opinion of him changed that night.


I have never met a celebrity (or one I can recall now, except for some important-for-the-field scienticians here and there). While I can't speak from personal experience, I would imagine most of the "disappointment" in meeting celebrities plays out very similar to this meeting with Alvy Singer:



My wife's friend's sister dates Samm Levine (From Freaks and Geeks fame) so I've had 2 pretty decent social interactions with him around Christmas time. Really nice dude, told cool stories about Inglorious Bastards (Joshua Jackson is a cool guy) and some of his other movie filming experiences.

Only famous person I've 'hung out' with, and while he's not super famous or anything obviously it's just weird to be sitting around a kitchen table with someone you know from TV and Movies and have him shooting the shit.
My friend and his sister are those people who find out where celebrities are and get selfies with them. Apparently, they guy who plays Jimmy King in Ready to Rumble (I forget his name and don't know what else he's in) wouldn't take a picture with them and, thus, a piece of shit.
If they only knew Oliver Platt - one of the better actors around - as Jimmy Fucking King from Ready to Rumble, well, I don't exactly blame him. ;)
I met Blake from Workaholics at a bar once. He was a cool dude and just hung around chatting with people.

I ran into Verne Troyer the next day but didn't really get to talk to him or anything. He looks very sickly.

I used to work in a store frequented by children's author Robert Munsch. He was a really nice guy, but very reserved and kept his head down. I actually worked in the print shop at the time and printed a bunch of his family photos. Had no idea it was him until I saw the name on the ticket.

I've also met a ton of "celebrities" from the gaming industry, and I don't have a single bad story about any of them. They were all really nice people.
Rick Flair. Went to an autograph signing before some WWE event and was pretty disappointed. Compared to other wrestlers I'd met, Flair was probably the least interested in the event, any of the fans, etc.

Also not that he's a celebrity, but lame musician Howie Day is a huge mega-douche, and this is widely known.

Iunno. Most of the celebs I've met have turned out to be really nice.

Shakira, Jimmy Fallon, and Lady GaGa probably being the nicest.

Afrojack (DJ) and John Mayer being the worst.

Heard the opposite about Jimmy Fallon, but this was from a friend who ran into him several times when he was still early in his career on SNL, so he has probably changed since then.


I went to Panama City Beach for spring break and The Situation poured vodka into my mouth.

Went better than expected.


Met LMFAO in Miami back in 2010 for Ultra Music Festival. Both dudes were drunk and it wasn't even night yet. Not impressed at all.


These weren't in a fan context, but work related. Matt Smith and Idris Elba are both not very nice for different reasons (complete mess and issues with women, respectively). I wasn't there, but colleagues informed me Henry Cavill treated our interns and MUA's very poorly. No faster way to judge someone than how they treat people below them imo.

To balance that out, some recent positive encounters. Gisele is just an incredible woman - very intelligent, friendly to everyone, and defines the word professional. Charlie Hunnam is also very nice.
Nothing to complain about with Robert Picardo. He was relaxed and kind.

75% of posts in this thread are about meeting a celebrity. It's supposed to be about meeting one and being disappointed...

Well, I went to see Stan Lee once and left a little disappointed. Nothing to do with the man himself, though because I didnt get to meet him.

It was a line to get signings but the line was so long that they were rushing the fuck out of everyone there. Saying hi was not even allowed. An employee took the picture from my hands, handed it to him about three feet away, he signed it, and the employee handed it back to me. He was signing things at lightspeed. Didnt even get to make eye contact.

But hey, it was cool to see him up close and now I've got his signature up on my wall.

Only by Height. These fuckers are short.

Sean Penn
Robert Deniro
Sly Stallone
Chuck Norris

For a couple minutes I stood about 2 feet away from Christian Bale. He isn't short but it was still fun to stand there thinking "I am taller than Batman."
Any celebrities I've met have been nice enough. But those are not really interesting stories.

But I never expect much from them anyway, you never know what's going in their head. Yes they tend to be well off and have lots of fans, but whatever they are famous for is their job. They can have plenty of days of disappointment from it. Maybe they just found out they lost a gig somewhere they really wanted or the job they are working on is going really terrible. Or maybe their personal life is not going so well. I'm going to judge them on the short time I spend with them.
Met Christopher Eccleston on a plane, was completely unresponsive to everyone and anything. And it wasn't like everyone was pestering him for autographs, the most anybody did was smile or say hello. Twat.

Also got to get through customers in a 'special lane' while the rest of us plebs had to wait around forever.

Well here's the thing. If I was famous I would hate meeting fans on an airplane. There is no avenue for escape. You are stuck there. One person talks to you it will be noticed and filter through the plane. Constant interruptions.


My grandfather went to high school with Joseph Heller who wrote Catch 22. He said he was a complete asshole and that he cutup my grandpas leather jacket.

He also said he saw the three stooges walking down the street when he was a little kid

my mom saw the ramones play a few times before they got popular

i haven't met anyone really


Gold Member
The only celebrity I ever met that wasn't completely cool was astronaut Jim Lovell. He was a dick to me when I met him as a kid.
In my line of work I get to work with a lot of musicians and occasionally actors and athletes so I have some experience with this. Biggest mistake people make is not realizing they are people just like anyone else. They have good days and bad days, and if you just treat them with respect you'll have a positive experience. There are exceptions of course.
I won a meet and greet for a Steve Vai concert back in 2008. At the time I always thought he was kind of "out there" and he is, but hes really humble and personable when you meet him. Shook my hand, signed the CD I brought and took this picture with me. I told him "it was great meeting you and awesome show!" and he told me "Thank you! Its good to be home!" That last comment is because he was born and raised on Long Island. Fuck, I was quite large at the time, probably 50 pounds heavier than I am now :p


I was so nervous meeting him since he's one of my music/guitar idols next to James Hetfield, John Petrucci, and Joe Satriani.


These weren't in a fan context, but work related. Matt Smith and Idris Elba are both not very nice for different reasons (complete mess and issues with women, respectively). I wasn't there, but colleagues informed me Henry Cavill treated our interns and MUA's very poorly. No faster way to judge someone than how they treat people below them imo.

To balance that out, some recent positive encounters. Gisele is just an incredible woman - very intelligent, friendly to everyone, and defines the word professional. Charlie Hunnam is also very nice.

Damn again :(

Any details on this complete mess thing though? What do you mean by that?


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I got an autograph from Sean Astin (Sam from LOTR} at a convention, but he seemed overall uninterested in talking to me whatsoever.

This was particularly weird since he chatted up a storm with the guy before me, and it's not like he was tired at that point because he just got there and I was the 3rd guy in line.
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